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Module10 The weather Unit 3 Language in use 一、词汇运用。 A) 根据句意及汉语提示写单词。 1 . The radio says there will be a _________( 暴风雨 ) tomorrow. 2 . Mr Smith lives in a _____________( 朝东南的 ) house alone. 3. ______________( 尽管 ) Tom was very tired , he didn't stop working. 4 . The ____________( 温度 ) today is between_________ ( 零下的 ) five and three degrees. 5 . I like autumn because it's nice and __________( 刮风的 ). storm southeast Although temperature minus windy B) 根据句意,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。 6 . —Is it fine today? —No , it's __________(cloud). 7 . We won't go for a picnic if it is ________(rain) tomorrow. 8 . The best time ___________(plant) trees is in spring. 9 . The farmland is much ________(dry) this year than that of last year in this area. 10 . Are you _________(joke) ? How can we play basketball now ? It's so hot outside! cloudy rainy to_plant drier joking 二、单项选择。 11 . —Do you have any plans for this weekend? —I'm not sure.I _______go climbing Mount Yuntai. A . must      B . need      C . may      D . can 12 . —Which boy is John? —The one who is standing ________Gina and Jim. A . at B . during C . between D . in C C 13 . —Can I skate on the lake now? —No , you _______ . It's dangerous. A . may not B . mustn't C . needn't D . won't 14 . —Why are most children under too much pressure ( 压力 )? —Because their parents always compare them _______others. A . with B . by C . in D . at B A 15 . —When is the best time to visit your home town? —_______ . A . OK B . Yes , it is C . Every time D . Any time you like 16 . It's important ______learn about the weather before we go travelling. A . of us to B . for us to C . of us D . for us D B 17 . In spring , the weather _______warmer and warmer. A . turn B . changes C . gets D . begins 18 . He runs faster than ______in his class.He runs fastest. A . any other boys B . other boy C . another boy D . any other boy C D 19 . Is it ______to become sunny after a while? A . able B . possible C . possibly D . probably 20 . There will sometimes be ______in winter in England. A . snow B . snowy C . snows D . snowed B A 三、根据汉语意思完成下列句子。 21 .他太矮了以至于够不到桌子上的面包。 He is ___short ______he can't get the bread on the table. 22 .你出去游玩时经常照相吗? Do you often ____________when you go out to visit somewhere? 23 .布朗老师有时给我们讲故事。 Miss Brown tells stories to us _____________________ . so that take photos from time to time 24 .与其他的城市相比较,昆明在冬天非常暖和。 Kunming is very warm in winter _______________other cities. 25 .快点!只有十分钟了。 ______________ ! There are only ten minutes left. compared to Come on 四、阅读下面的天气预报,根据汉语或图片提示完成短文,每空一词。 Let's take a look at the 26.________ ( 天气 ) in Jiangsu Province ( 省 ) for the next 24 hours.Nanjing will be 27._______ at the time with the temperature from one to six.A strong 28.______ will reach Huai'an. It will bring much 29._____ The temperature will be two to six. Changzhou will be 30._________ with the 31._________ ( 最高的 ) temperature of 7℃. But there will be frost( 霜 ) in the morning. Xuzhou will be foggy ( 有雾的 ) and its temperature will be two to seven. People will have a 32._______ and cold day in Yancheng. Its 33._______ ( 最低的 ) temperature will stay below zero. weather cloudy wind rain sunny highest snowy lowest 五、阅读理解。 ( )34.What day is it today? A . Monday.         B . Wednesday. C . Friday. D . Sunday. ( )35.What will the weather be like on Oct. 11? A . Rainy.   B . Cloudy.   C . Sunny.   D . Windy. ( )36.The highest temperature will be ℃ in Seoul in next five days. A . 20 B . 23 C . 25 D . 30 B D C ( )37.What day can be the best day for you to climb a mountain? A . Oct. 7. B . Oct. 8. C . Oct. 10. D . Oct. 12. ( )38.Which of the following is NOT true? A . It is raining outside today. B . It will be fine on Thursday. C . The coldest day will be Monday. D . This is probably a news report. B D 六、任务型阅读。 TV news programmes report the weather. Radio stations tell us the weather too. Newspapers show us weather forecasts on maps. Why do people want to know about the weather? People want to make plans. Some people want to have a good time with friends. Other people want safety while doing their jobs. Airport managers need to know about the weather.In bad weather , their planes cannot fly. Farmers need to know about the weather. In bad weather, they must protect their crops. Fishermen need to know about the weather. In bad weather, they cannot go out to fish. Computers help us know about the weather. They get new weather information quickly. They can use this to predict ( 预测 ) how the weather might change. Unfortunately, we can still only guess the weather.We all hope that weather will be easier to predict in the future. 根据短文内容,回答下列问题。 39 . Where can you get information about the weather? TV_news_programmes , radio_stations , newspapers_and_computers. 40 . Why do people need weather forecasts? People_want_to_make_plans. 41 . Why do farmers need to know about the weather? In_bad_weather , they_must_protect_their_crops. 42 . Do fishermen need weather forecasts ? Why or why not? Yes , they_do.In_bad_weather , they_can't_go_out_to_fish. 43 . What is the passage mainly about? The_importance_of_the_weather_report.

