2021版高考英语一轮复习Unit1Art课后达标检测 人教版选修6

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2021版高考英语一轮复习Unit1Art课后达标检测 人教版选修6

Unit 1 Art ‎ (建议用时:40分钟)‎ Ⅰ.阅读理解 A ‎(2020·长沙一模)Shakespeare’s Globe Exhibition & Theatre Tour is a unique international resource to explore Shakespeare’s works. Open all year round, it gives you an opportunity to learn more about the most famous playwright(剧作家), Shakespeare, and helps you seek to further the experience and international understanding of him.‎ ‎ Group Visits to the Exhibition & Theatre Tour ‎ ‎· Opening Hours Exhibition:‎ Monday-Sunday:    9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.‎ Theatre Tours:‎ November-February: 9:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.‎ March-October:‎ Monday: 9:30 a.m.-5:00 p.m.‎ Tuesday-Saturday: 9:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.‎ Sunday: 9:30 a.m.-11:30 a.m.‎ Groups of 15 people or more are required to prebook their visit, and each group will have its own guide for free. To make a reservation, please fill in a group request form and return it to us via email.‎ ‎· Exhibition and Theatre Tour Prices Adult: £15.00‎ Senior(60+): £13.50‎ Student(with valid ID): £11.50‎ Child(5-15): £8.00‎ Complimentary: Every 16th person is free ‎· Getting here Shakespeare’s Globe, 21 New Globe Walk, London SE1 9DT, UK We have currently improved security, with all bags being checked. Please arrive in good time, and do not bring any large bags and check the calendar before your ‎ 10‎ visit or call +44(0)20 7902 1500 to find out about our latest opening times.‎ Visitors are advised to arrive by public transport or by taxi. There is a car park on Thames Exchange on the north side of Southwark Bridge(open 24 hours, seven days a week). Cabs may be found all year round on Southwark Bridge. It may also be possible to pick one up from outside the entrance hall on New Globe Walk.‎ ‎· Where to eat Swan at Shakespeare’s Globe serves modern British seasonal food for dinner, afternoon tea or drinks, which is a beautiful bar and restaurant set over two floors, available for preand posttheatre dining.‎ Swan Restaurant Monday-Friday:12 noon-2:30 p.m. & 6:00 p.m.-10:30 p.m.‎ Saturday:     12 noon-3:30 p.m. & 6:00 p.m.‎ Sunday:     12 noon-9:00 p.m.‎ ‎【解题导语】 本文主要是以莎士比亚作品全球展览和戏剧之旅为主题,重点介绍了展览和戏剧之旅开放的时间、门票价格、注意事项等方面的内容。‎ ‎1.When can you pay a visit to the exhibition?‎ A.Friday at 2:00 p.m.‎ B.Monday at 8:00 a.m.‎ C.Saturday at 5:30 p.m.‎ D.Sunday at 7:00 p.m.‎ A 解析:细节理解题。根据题干可定位到Opening Hours部分,根据该部分中列举的展览开放时间可知,展览开放的时间是周一至周日早上9点到下午5点,故选A。‎ ‎2.Which of the following applies to visitors?‎ A.They’re able to get a taxi near Southwark Bridge.‎ B.They can park on the south side of Southwark Bridge.‎ C.They are required to deposit their bags before entering.‎ D.It’s more convenient to drive there than taking public transport.‎ A 解析:细节理解题。根据Getting here部分第三段中的“Cabs may be found all year round on Southwark Bridge.”可知,在Southwark桥上,全年你都能找到出租车,故选A。‎ ‎3.What can we know about Swan Restaurant?‎ A.Afternoon tea is not served on Sunday.‎ B.It serves traditional seasonal food for dinner.‎ C.It is closed from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. on workdays.‎ 10‎ D.It serves three meals, drinks and afternoon tea.‎ C 解析:细节理解题。根据Where to eat部分中的Swan Restaurant下面的内容可知,在工作日期间,下午3点到5点之间该餐厅是关闭的,故选C。‎ B ‎(2020·大同高三学情调研)‎ Growing Pains The term “adulting” started as a sort of joke—whenever a millennial(千禧一代) would do something ageappropriate, this was an act of “adulting”. Now, though, millennials obviously require training in being an adult.‎ Rachel Flehinger has cofounded an Adulting School, which includes online courses on simple sewing, conflict resolution and cooking. The cause for such classes is that many millennials haven’t left childhood homes—in America 34 percent of adults aged 18 to 34 still lived with their parents as of 2015, up from 26 percent a decade before.‎ There’s a good deal of truth to this. If you’re living at home, with Mom and Dad doing their best to spoil(溺爱) you, you’re less likely to know how to do laundry, cook or balance a checkbook. Dependency__breeds__enervation.‎ But living at home doesn’t necessarily lead to dependency. As of 1940, more than 30 percent of 25 to 29yearolds lived at home with parents or grandparents. They were adulting, even while living at home. Parents expected their kids to do chores, to prepare for life. Instead of blaming living at home, then, we have to blame our style of parenting. The truth is that we’ve simply become lazier as parents.‎ So what’s the real problem?‎ We’re more likely to let our kids crash on our couches(长沙发) than tell them to get a job and pay rent. We don’t push our kids to build families of their own, as life expectancy has increased, so has adolescence. Americans aren’t expected to start building a life, particularly middleand upperclass Americans, until they’re nearing their 30s. Then the question is how we can encourage young people to “adult” in noncircumstancedriven fashion.‎ ‎【解题导语】 千禧一代的孩子接受着父母的宠爱,他们很多人不知道如何洗衣、做饭、管理生活收支,不能独立;所以有必要在他们成人之前培训他们缝纫、解决冲突、烹饪等简单的生活技能。事实上,是父母的养育方式导致孩子不能独立,‎ 10‎ 父母应当让孩子去承担他们的责任。‎ ‎4.What does the last sentence “Dependency breeds enervation.” in the third paragraph mean?‎ A.Parents would like to do housework by themselves.‎ B.Present kids are too lazy to do housework.‎ C.Dependency makes kids unable to do things.‎ D.Kids depend on their parents.‎ C 解析:句意理解题。根据第三段第二句可知,如果你住在家里,爸爸妈妈竭尽全力溺爱你,你就不太可能知道如何洗衣服、做饭或平衡收支。画线句为进一步的总结,据此可推知,画线句意在表达:过度依赖父母会使孩子丧失做事情的能力。故C项正确。‎ ‎5.Which of the following statements is TRUE?‎ A.Millennials would like to be trained in being an adult.‎ B.Parents are too lazy to do chores.‎ C.Millennials don’t adult because they still live in their childhood homes.‎ D.In the 1940s kids were adulting even when they were living at home.‎ D 解析:细节理解题。根据第四段第二、三句可知,自20世纪40年代起,有超过30%的25至29岁的人与父母或祖父母一起住在家里;但即使和家人同住,他们也很成熟。故D项正确。‎ ‎6.Which of the following statements is the main idea of the passage?‎ A.“Adulting” is hard, but only because parents are too lazy to teach their kids.‎ B.Millennials should leave home early to adult.‎ C.Americans aren’t expected to start building a life until they’re nearing their 30s.‎ D.Adulting schools with online courses are popular.‎ A 解析:主旨大意题。根据第四段尾句“The truth is that we’ve simply become lazier as parents.”并结合全文其他内容可知,本文主要论述了由于父母的过分宠爱和懒得教孩子们生活技能,现在许多千禧一代的孩子不能独立,不知道如何洗衣、做饭、管理生活收支等。故A项正确。‎ ‎7.According to the passage, what will be written about next?‎ A.The government should put off the age of adulthood.‎ B.Parents should leave kids in charge of society.‎ C.Parents should put responsibility on young people.‎ D.Pushing kids to adult is painful for parents.‎ 10‎ C 解析:推理判断题。根据本文最后一句可知,接下来的问题是,我们如何鼓励年轻人以非环境驱动的方式“成年”。据此可推知,下文将介绍家长如何鼓励孩子们承担生活的责任。故C项正确。‎ ‎【难句分析】 If you’re living at home, with Mom and Dad doing their best to spoil(溺爱) you, you’re less likely to know how to do laundry, cook or balance a checkbook.‎ 分析:本句是一个主从复合句。句中“If you’re living at home”为if引导的条件状语从句,“how to do laundry, cook or balance a checkbook”为“疑问副词+不定式”结构,作know的宾语;“with Mom and Dad doing their best to spoil(溺爱) you”为with复合结构,作状语。‎ 译文:如果你住在家里,父母尽最大努力溺爱你,那你不太可能知道如何洗衣、做饭和管理生活收支。‎ Ⅱ.完形填空 ‎(2020·石家庄重点高中摸底)When our restaurant business failed, we headed north in a camping truck to Texas, hoping to have a “fresh start”.‎ At the __1__ of Palo Duro Canyon(峡谷) State Park, I __2__ a job advertisement hiring park hosts. The position offered a __3__, permanent campsite in the park and __4__, the hosts served as a link between the park’s guests and the rangers(护林人). It was the perfect solution: a rentfree place to reorganize our lives. We entered the park and I made an __5__ for the following day.‎ The park was __6__, so it took us some time to find an available site. That evening, as we finished our dinner, my wife saw two large skunks(臭鼬) walking toward our table. We __7__ climbed onto the table and, for the next four hours, waited for them to __8__ our camp.‎ Having survived that night, we were __9__ that everything else would be all right. The next day we met with the people who ran the park. They explained our __10__ and gave us a beautiful campsite.‎ That evening, __11__, we learned about the canyon __12__. They were strong and cold, rocking our little camping truck violently, and we lay __13__ in the dark until the winds died away.‎ ‎__14__ the weeks that followed, we learned to survive in our truck. And we managed to __15__ the little money my wife __16__ by substitute teaching. Building a successful business and then losing it had left very little time for building a successful __17__. For a time after our business __18__ I thought I might lose my 10‎ ‎ family as well.‎ Living in the tiny __19__ with no television, we sat close together reading and talking. One evening, standing under a jeweled sky, I found myself __20__ for all the hardships. We had walked the trails and climbed the canyon walls. We had become a family!‎ ‎【解题导语】 餐馆生意失败后作者和妻子一起去了得克萨斯州。作者在帕罗杜洛峡谷州立公园的入口处,看到了招聘公园管理人员的广告。作者因为这个岗位能提供免费的野营地而去参加应聘。然后他与妻子一起在野营卡车里过了几周的艰苦生活,这样的生活使作者能够和妻子紧靠在一起阅读和谈话。最终,作者不仅对所经历的磨难充满感激,而且回归了家庭,并最终爱上峡谷公园的一切。‎ ‎1.A.back B.edge C.centre D.entrance D 解析:招聘广告一般都贴在入口处。entrance“入口”。‎ ‎2.A.sponsored B.published C.noticed D.answered C 解析:作者注意到一则招聘公园管理人员的广告。sponsor“赞助”;publish“出版”;notice“注意”;answer“回答”。‎ ‎3.A.safe B.free C.convenient D.beautiful B 解析:根据下文中的“a rentfree place”可知,这个岗位提供一个免费的、永久性的营地。‎ ‎4.A.in return B.in time C.in short D.in turn A 解析:根据空前表述这个岗位提供永久性的营地和空后的这个岗位的职责并结合选项可知,此处应是作为回报,这些被招聘来的管理人员在公园游客和护林人员之间起联系作用。in return“作为回报”;in time“及时”;in short“总而言之”;in turn“轮流,转而”。‎ ‎5.A.attempt B.agreement C.appeal D.appointment D 解析:根据下文的“The next day we met with the people who ran the park.”可知,此处是作者与招聘人员约好第二天见面。attempt“尝试,试图”;agreement“同意,协议”;appeal“呼吁,吸引力”;appointment“预约,约会,约定”。‎ ‎6.A.crowded B.dangerous C.ideal D.quiet 10‎ A 解析:根据空后的“so it took us some time to find an available site”可知,作者花了一些时间才找到可用的位置,故可反推出:公园是十分拥挤的。crowded“拥挤的”。‎ ‎7.A.repeatedly B.immediately C.eventually D.calmly B 解析:根据语境可知,看到两只臭鼬爬过来,作者和妻子立即爬到桌子上。immediately“立即”。‎ ‎8.A.attack B.leave C.pass D.search B 解析:根据该句中的“waited for them”和语境可知,此处表示作者和妻子等着臭鼬离开。‎ ‎9.A.satisfied B.determined C.confident D.aware C 解析:根据空处前后的内容可知,那一夜他们有惊无险地度过了,所以此处作者很自信(confident) 其他一切都会好起来的。satisfied“满意的”;determined“有决心的”;aware“知道的,意识到的”。‎ ‎10.A.responsibilities B.requirements C.circumstances D.conditions A 解析:根据空前一句可知,作者与招聘人员见了面,招聘人员肯定要向作者说明他们的工作职责(responsibilities)。requirement“要求”;circumstance“情况,情形”;condition“条件;状况”。‎ ‎11.A.moreover B.therefore C.meanwhile D.however D 解析:根据下文的“winds”可知,此处表达的是,然而(however),那天夜里他们遭遇到了峡谷狂风(winds)。‎ ‎12.A.winds B.snows C.woods D.trails A 解析:参见上题解析。‎ ‎13.A.shaking B.quarrelling C.mourning D.aching A 解析:根据空前一句“They were strong and cold, rocking our little camping truck violently”可知,寒冷的狂风摇动着野营车,作者和妻子也随之抖动直到狂风渐息。shake“摇动,抖动”;quarrel“争吵”;mourn“哀悼,忧伤”;ache“疼痛”。‎ ‎14.A.After B.Between C.During D.Beyond 10‎ C 解析:根据语境可知,在接下来的几周时间里(During),作者和妻子学会了在卡车中生存(live on)并设法依靠妻子临时代课挣(earned)来的少量的钱生活。‎ ‎15.A.give away B.hand out C.live on D.put aside C ‎16.A.borrowed B.earned C.posted D.raised B ‎17.A.business B.career C.family D.image C 解析:根据下文中的“I might lose my family as well”可知,此处表达的是开了一个成功的店,然后又失去了它,(这一过程)使得作者很少有时间建立一个成功的家庭,故选C。‎ ‎18.A.started B.failed C.expanded D.declined B 解析:根据第一段第一句中的“When our restaurant business failed”可知,此处是生意失败后的一段时间内,作者认为自己连家也可能失去。start“开始”;fail“失败”;expand“扩大”;decline“下降,拒绝”。‎ ‎19.A.truck B.park C.house D.camp A 解析:根据上文中的“survive in our truck”可知,此处表示作者夫妻俩生活在无电视的狭小的野营卡车内。‎ ‎20.A.desperate B.ready C.suitable D.thankful D 解析:根据本段最后一句“We had become a family!”和空前的“a jeweled sky”可知,此处应是作者对过去的磨难充满了感激。desperate“绝望的”;ready“准备好”;suitable“适合的”;thankful“感激的”。‎ Ⅲ.短文改错 ‎(2020·惠州高三调研)To support the activity name “Green Travel, Start with Me”, I talk to my parents about my ideas. They were very supportive, say they would not drive work from then on. In the following weeks, as they promised, I went to school by bike every day, while my parents went to work by bus. Though we were tired, but we all felt happily. Last Friday, the class meeting was held. Some parents were invited, including my father and mother. We shared our thought during the meeting.‎ 10‎ ‎ All of us held the same view which environmental protection is so important for our life.‎ 答案:‎ To support the activity “Green Travel, Start with Me”, I to my parents about my ideas. They were very supportive, they would not drive work from then on. In the following weeks,as promised, I went to school by bike every day, while my parents went to work by bus. Though we were tired, we all felt . Last Friday, class meeting was held. Some parents were invited, including my father and mother. We shared our during the meeting. All of us held the same view environmental protection is so important for our life.‎ ‎①name改为named。考查非谓语动词。分析句子结构可知,动词name与the activity之间为逻辑上的动宾关系,故用其过去分词形式。‎ ‎②talk改为talked。考查动词的时态。根据文章内容可知,全文讲述的是发生在过去的事情,使用的时态都为一般过去时,所以此处也应该用一般过去时。‎ ‎③say改为saying。考查非谓语动词。分析句子结构可知,say和其逻辑主语They之间为主谓关系,故用其现在分词形式saying。‎ ‎④drive后加to。考查介词。此处表示“开车去上班”,故用介词to“向,朝”。‎ ‎⑤they改为we。考查代词。根据语境可知,此处表示“正如我们许诺的一样”,而非他们。‎ ‎⑥删除but。考查连词。Though和but不能连用,故删除but。‎ ‎⑦happily改为happy。考查形容词。此处感官动词felt作系动词,后应接形容词作表语。‎ ‎⑧the改为a。考查冠词。此处在文中第一次提到,表泛指,表示“举行了一次班会”,又因class的发音以辅音音素开头,故用a。‎ ‎⑨thought改为thoughts。考查名词的单复数。此处thought意为“看法”,为可数名词,此处表示“我们的看法”,为复数概念,应该用复数形式。‎ ‎⑩which改为that。考查同位语从句。根据句意并分析句子结构可知,此处引导的从句解释说明the same view,作其同位语,且此处引导词不作句子成分,仅起连接作用,故用that。‎ 10‎ 10‎

