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考点六 情态动词 - 2 - - 3 - 第 1 步   技法探究 一、 can , could - 4 - 例 :Although he is only four,he can play the piano. 例 :—Could I borrow your bicycle? — Yes,you can./ No,you can ’ t. 例 :That can ’ t be Mary,for she is in hospital. 注意 : can 有时也用于肯定句 , 表示理论上的可能性或一时的情况。常译为 “ 有时会 ” 。 Mother can be very forgetful sometimes. In general Tom is a good man,but he can be very hard sometimes. 辨析 : - 5 - can 与 be able to (1) 表示能力时 ,can 与 be able to 意义相同 , 但是 can 仅用于一般现在时及一般过去时 ,be able to 可用于更多时态。 (2) 过去形式的 could 与 was/were able to 相比 ,could 仅说明具备某种能力 , 而 was/were able to 则侧重通过某种努力已经达到某种结果 , 常译为 “ 成功做到了 ” 。 As a boy of ten,he can operate the computer skillfully. He was able to get out of the room when the fire broke out. - 6 - 二、 may , might - 7 - 例 :Might I make a suggestion? 例 :This coat may be Peter ’ s. He might be doing his homework now. 例 :May you succeed! 注意 : may 表示请求许可时 , 其否定回答一般用 mustn ’ t 。 may not 意为 “ 可能不 ”, 而 can ’ t 意为 “ 不可能 ” 。 —May I use your computer? — Yes,you may.( No,you mustn ’ t.) - 8 - 三、 will , would 例 :Will you help me with the luggage? Would you pay me in cash,please ? They asked if we would do that again. 例 :Oil will float on water. - 9 - 辨析 : would 与 used to would 表示过去的习惯时仅指动作 , 而且不与现在作对比 ;used to 表示过去的习惯动作或状态 , 而且与现在作对比 , 说明现在这种动作或状态已经不存在。 In those days he would sit silently at the door for hours. He used to swim in the little river when he was a boy. - 10 - 四、 shall , should - 11 - 例 :Shall he come in or wait outside? 例 :You shall remain in your seats until all the papers have been collected. 例 :You should be careful when doing your job. 例 :We should arrive home before dark. 例 :How should I know it? - 12 - 五、 must , have to 1.must 表示非常有把握的推测 , 仅用于肯定句。 例 :You must be tired after the long journey. 2. 表示 “ 必须 ; 一定 ”,must 侧重主观 ,have to 侧重客观。 例 :The children must be back by 4 o ’ clock. 3. 表示说话者的感情色彩 , 暗含不耐烦或与自己的愿望相反 , 意为 “ 偏要 ; 非要 ” 。 例 :If you must leave,please do it quietly.The baby is sleeping. 注意 : 在回答 must 的问句时 , 否定回答通常用 needn ’ t 或 don ’ t have to 。 - 13 - 六、 need , dare need 意为 “ 需要 ”,dare 意为 “ 敢 ”, 二者都既可作情态动词也可作实义动词 , 一般在疑问句和否定句中作情态动词用 , 在肯定句中作实义动词用。 例 :—Need he go yesterday? — No,he needn ’ t. 例 :She dare not go out alone at night. - 14 - 第 2 步   真题试做 1 .(2019· 广东 )He began to think that he would save eggs until they were in short supply. Then he      earn a small amount of money by selling them at a very good price.  2 .(2018· 广东 )Not only      they do simple jobs for us, such as putting things into boxes, but also they can look after babies.  3 .(2017· 广东 )Now I know that after-class activities are important because we      learn about responsibility and teamwork.  could 解析 : 由前一句可知此处应用 could 表示过去的能力。 can 解析 : not only...but also... 连接两个并列句 , 由第二个分句的谓语动词 can 可知第一个分句中的谓语动词也用 can, 表现在的能力。 can - 15 - 4 .(2017· 北京高考 )Samuel, the tallest boy in our class,      easily reach the books on the top shelf.  5 .(2017· 天津高考 )My room is a mess, but I      (need) clean it before I go out tonight. I can do it in the morning.  can 解析 : 句意 : 班里最高的男孩塞缪尔可以很容易地够到书架顶部的书。根据句意 , 应填 can“ 能够 ; 可以 ” 。 needn’t 解析 : 由后面的 “I can do it in the morning.” 可知 , 此处表示 “ 没必要今晚打扫 ”, 故填 needn’t“ 不必 ” 。 - 16 - 第 3 步   模拟通关 1 .(2019· 广东佛山五校联考 )So you       pay attention to sleeplessness.  2 .(2019· 广东肇庆八校联考 )Since you have such good preparations,there      not be any problem about passing the coming job interview.  must/should 解析 : 根据语意可知 , 此处为给别人提出建议 , 所以填 must/should, 表示 “ 务必 / 应当 …… ” 。 should 解析 : 根据 since 提供的原因 “ 准备充分 ” 可以判断出 , 此处表示 “ 按理说应该发生 ” 的 , 故本空填情态动词 should 。 - 17 - 3 .(2019· 广东中山五校联考 )It has been accepted that all the students      put on masks before going to school in case they are infected with flu virus.  shall 解析 : 在第三人称作主语的陈述句中 , 表示规定、规则 , 用 shall 。 4 .(2019· 广东深圳二诊 )There was a little mouse staying at home all day.I      go out,even at night.  daren’t 解析 : 根据 even at night 表示的递进意义判断 , 此处表示 “ 不敢 ” 意义 , 故填情态动词 daren’t 。 5 .(2019· 广东揭阳调研 )I think something      have happened to Jill.  must 解析 : 根据 I think ... 判断 , 所填词表示一种非常有把握的肯定推测 , 故用情态动词 must 。

