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Ⅰ.高考单词→识记·思考·运用 ‎1.核心词汇 ‎①________ adj.出生地的,本土的 ‎②________ adv.流利地 ‎③________ vt.战胜,击败 ‎④________ vi.&n.交易;便宜货;讨价还价 ‎⑤________ vt.代替,取代 ‎⑥________ n.平衡 ‎⑦motivate vt.使有动机;促使;激发________ n.动力;诱因 ‎⑧achieve vt.完成;实现________ n.完成;成就 ‎⑨exist vi.存在,生存________ n.存在,生存 ‎⑩appeal vi.吸引,引起兴趣;呼吁,恳求________ adj.有吸引力的 ‎⑪practise v.实践________ n.实践________ adj.实用的;实践的 ‎⑫vary v.相异,不同________ n.多样化,多样性________ adj.各种各样的 ‎⑬determine vt.确定;决定________ n.决心,决定________ adj.有决心的;坚决的 ‎⑭concern vt.使忧虑;与……相关________ adj.担心的;涉及的________ prep.关于 ‎⑮aware adj.知道的,意识到的________ n.意识 ‎⑯puzzle vt.使困惑 n.谜语________ adj.困惑的________ adj.令人困惑的 ‎⑰product n.产品;出品________ v.生产________ n.生产;成果;作品 ‎⑱enthusiasm n.热情________ adj.很感兴趣的;热情的 ‎⑲shame v.使感到羞愧________ adj.羞耻的,惭愧的________ adj.可耻的,丢脸的 ‎⑳amuse vt.以……自娱,逗……乐________ adj.觉得好笑的________‎ adj.有趣的,好笑的________ n.乐趣,娱乐活动 behave vi.举止,表现________ n.举止,表现 annoy vt.打搅;使烦恼________ adj.烦恼的________ adj.使烦恼的________ n.烦恼 contain vt.包含,含有________ n.容器 答案 ①native ②fluently ③defeat ④bargain ⑤replace ⑥balance ⑦motivation ⑧achievement ⑨existence ⑩appealing ⑪practice;practical ⑫variety;various ⑬determination;determined ⑭concerned;concerning ⑮awareness ⑯puzzled;puzzling ⑰produce;production ⑱enthusiastic ⑲ashamed;shameful ⑳amused;amusing;amusement behavior annoyed;annoying;annoyance container ‎2.常考词汇 ‎①dormitory n.________‎ ‎②aggressive adj.________‎ ‎③groceries n.________‎ ‎④comment vi.&vt.________‎ ‎⑤approximately adv.________‎ ‎⑥photography n.________‎ ‎⑦automatic adj.________‎ ‎⑧flash n.________‎ ‎⑨refrigerator n.________‎ ‎⑩incredibly adv.________‎ 答案 ①寝室,宿舍 ②好斗的;有进取心的 ③食品杂货 ④评论 ⑤近似地,大约地 ⑥摄影术,摄影 ⑦自动的 ⑧闪光灯;闪光,闪烁 ⑨(电)冰箱 ‎ ‎⑩难以置信地 用所给单词的适当形式填空 ‎1.As far as I am ________(concern),in the information,on-line voting plays an important part in our daily life.(2016·江苏,满分作文)‎ ‎2.Visiting an apple event is a good chance to see,and often taste,a wide ________ (various)of apples.(2016·全国Ⅲ,阅读C)‎ ‎3.When everyone else in the class was ________ (focus)on tasks,I could not.(2015·重庆,阅读A)‎ ‎4.The failure was a big blow to him,but he wasn’t discouraged and soon got as ________(enthusiasm)as ever.(2015·福建,24)‎ ‎5.According to some philosophers,everything in ________(exist) is reasonable.‎ ‎6.Flying across the Atlantic for the first time was a great ________(achieve).‎ ‎7.She couldn’t control her ________(annoy) at the attitude of the applicant.‎ ‎8.The atlas(地图册) ________(container) forty maps,including three of Great Britain.‎ ‎9.The waiters in the hotel ________ (behavior) very badly towards us last time.‎ ‎10.We must expose this ________(shame)activity to the newspapers.‎ ‎11.________(practice)experience is often very important for us.‎ ‎12.Health ________(aware)has increased over the past decade.‎ ‎13.The puzzle has ________ so many students in the university,which is really ________.(puzzle)‎ ‎14.He is a ________ person and once he ________ to do something,he will never change.(determine)‎ ‎15.Mr.Black is an ________ person.So staying with him is really a kind of ________.(amuse)‎ ‎16.You have first got to ________ (motivation) the children and then to teach them.‎ ‎17.While it is not native to Britain, it can now be found growing in the gardens of ________(south) England.‎ ‎18.Now seven years later I speak eight languages ________ (fluent)and can get by quite well in several others.‎ 答案 1.concerned 2.variety 3.focusing 4.enthusiastic 5.existence 6.achievement 7.annoyance 8.contains 9.behaved 10.shameful 11.Practical 12.awareness 13.puzzled;puzzling 14.determined;determines 15.amusing;amusement 16.motivate 17.southern 18.fluently ‎【联想·积累】‎ ‎❶“代替,取代”词汇清单 ‎①replace...with/by ‎②instead of ‎③substitute with/for ‎④in place of/in one’s place ‎⑤take the place of/take one’s place ‎❷以a-开头的表语形容词大全 ‎①alive adj.活的;有活力的 ‎②asleep adj.睡着的 ‎③awake adj.醒着的 ‎④alike adj.同样的,相似的 ‎⑤afraid adj.害怕的 ‎⑥alone adj.单独的 ‎⑦ashamed adj.羞愧的 ‎⑧aware adj.清楚的,明白的 ‎❸-ing结尾介词小结 ‎①concerning关于 ‎②regarding关于 ‎③considering就……而言 ‎④following在……之后 ‎⑤including包括 ‎⑥during在……期间 ‎❹归纳“完成,实现”词汇 ‎①achieve完成;实现 ‎②realize实现 ‎③fulfil完成,履行 ‎④accomplish完成,实现 ‎⑤come true实现 ‎⑥bring about实现;导致 ‎❺“吸引人的”形容词集释 ‎①appealing有吸引力的 ‎②attractive吸引人的 ‎③charming迷人的 ‎④absorbing吸引人的 ‎⑤fascinating吸引人的 ‎⑥eye-catching引人注目的 ‎❻-ing结尾介词小结 ‎①concerning关于 ‎②regarding关于 ‎③considering就……而言 ‎④following在……之后 ‎⑤including包括 ‎⑥during在……期间 开心词场→核心单词串记 There is no doubt that money is of great importance in daily life and it is usually a focus of attention at present.To earn more money,some are hardworking and aggressive,who finally become successful businessmen.Some are greedy and rude and they never feel ashamed of their bad behaviour.What appeals to them is just money.Such people are not really aware that money can not replace everything so they should think twice about money.‎ Ⅱ.重点短语→识记·思考·运用 ‎1.动词+介词/副词 ‎①put ________推迟 ‎②give ________赠送;泄露(秘密)‎ ‎③drop ________退出;退学 ‎④dream ________凭空想出,虚构出 ‎⑤appeal ________...吸引……;呼吁 答案 ①off ②away ③out ④up ⑤to ‎2.be+过去分词+介词 ‎①be associated ________将……与……联系起来 ‎②be concerned ________对……关心,挂念 ‎③be tired ________...厌倦了……‎ 答案 ①with ②about ③of ‎3.介词+名词 ‎①________ present目前,现在 ‎②________ of work失业 答案 ①at ②out ‎4.其他形式 ‎①make/earn a ________谋生 ‎②take ________ 轮流 ‎③turn one’s back ________不理睬;拒绝 ‎④be ________ to do sth决心做某事 ‎⑤a ________ of各种各样的 ‎⑥what’s ________而且,此外 答案 ①living ②turns ③on ④determined ⑤variety ⑥more 用左栏所给短语的适当形式填空 ‎1.In the old days many girls in the countryside had to ____________ of school.‎ ‎2.Because of the rain the football match has been ____________.‎ ‎3.We ____________ hearing about his trip to India.‎ ‎4.The police ____________ the crowd to keep calm and the problem was being solved.‎ ‎5.The millionaire ____________ most of his money to the poor and now he isn’t a millionaire.‎ ‎6.You have been ____________ a romance for me! ‎ ‎7.He ____________ his family when he became famous.‎ ‎8.I ____________ that old man.He looked completely exhausted.‎ 答案 1.drop out 2.put off 3.were tired of 4.appealed to 5.has given away 6.dreaming up 7.turned his back on 8.was concerned about ‎【联想·积累】‎ ‎❶“out of+名词”短语集汇 ‎①out of breath 上气不接下气 ‎②out of balance 失去平衡 ‎③out of stock脱销 ‎④out of date 过时 ‎⑤out of patience 不耐烦 ‎⑥out of control 失去控制 ‎⑦out of style 过时,不时髦 ‎⑧out of work 失业 ‎❷识记“to be+adj.”构成的短语 ‎①to be exact 确切地说 ‎②to be honest/frank 说实在的 ‎③to be brief 简单地说,一句话 ‎❸表示“与……有关/联系”的短语清单 ‎①be related to/with ‎②be relative to ‎③be relevant to ‎④be associated with ‎⑤be connected with ‎⑥be/get involved in Ⅲ.经典句式→识记·思考·运用 原句背诵感悟 ‎1.If so,it is time for you to think again.‎ 如果这样的话,你需要再考虑一下了。‎ ‎2.It is no bigger than a credit card!‎ 它和一张信用卡一样,都不大。‎ ‎3.There are certainly no signs that Charles was a rich man!‎ 没有确切的迹象表明查尔斯曾经是一个富人!,句型公式仿写 ‎1.if的省略结构 You should study hard;________(如果这样的话),you can pass the exam.‎ ‎2.no+比较级+than...“与……一样不……”‎ They are twins and look alike,but he is ________________ (一样不聪明)his younger brother.‎ ‎3.that引导的同位语从句 ‎________________(消息传来) Zhu Jun will come to our school.‎ 答案 1.if so 2.no cleverer than 3.Word/The news came that ‎【联想·积累】‎ 同位语从句 连接词 that 引导同位语从句时,常跟在某些抽象名词如: fact,hope,desire,thought,suggestion,idea,news,problem,possibility,chance,plan,question等词之后,对前面的名词起补充说明的作用。‎ ‎[单 词 点 睛]‎ 高考必备词汇——精讲精练 ‎1.variety n.多样性,多样化 ‎[高考佳句]If you come to visit China,you will experience a culture of amazing depth and variety.(2015·安徽,22)‎ 如果你来参观中国,你将会体验到一种具有惊人深度并且多样性的文化。‎ ‎(1)a variety of=varieties of种种,各种各样的,各种不同的 the variety of……的品种 ‎(2)various adj.各种不同的;各种各样的 ‎(3)vary vt.&vi.改变;变更;变化;不同 vary with...随着……而变化 vary from...to.../between...and...‎ 在……和……之间变化 单句语法填空/单句改错 ‎①With the help of this technique,providing ________ (vary) suggestions on appropriate ways of exercise for examinees becomes much easier.(2015·广东,满分作文)‎ ‎②That sort of thing varies ________ person ________ person in African countries.‎ ‎【名师指津】 ‎ ‎(1)a variety of/varieties of后接可数名词复数作主语时,谓语动词用复数形式;‎ ‎(2)the variety of后接可数名词复数作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式。‎ ‎③The variety of foods at the restaurant are limited,but the amount of each dish is fairly large.‎ 答案 ①various ②from;to ③are→is ‎2.concern vt.使忧虑;与……相关 n.担心;关心;关系 ‎ [教材原句]Some millionaires continue to be concerned about money when they become millionaires.‎ 有些人成为百万富翁后还继续为钱烦恼。‎ ‎(1)show/express concern about/for对……表示关心 ‎(2)be concerned about/over/for关心;挂念……‎ be concerned with/in牵扯进/参与……‎ as/so far as...be concerned就……而言 ‎(3)concerning prep.关于;有关 单句语法填空/写作运用 ‎①All the people ________(concern) with the case will be questioned by the police.‎ ‎②I am writing to see if it is possible for you to provide me with information ________(concern) the interview.‎ ‎③They follow the rules,help out,and are concerned about the people they work with.‎ ‎→They follow the rules,help out,and ____________ the people they work with.‎ 他们遵守规则,帮助别人克服困难,关心他们的同事。‎ ‎④As far as ____________,it’s wise not to spend much time playing with smart ‎ phones.(2014·重庆,写作)‎ 就我个人而言,不花太多的时间玩智能手机是明智的。‎ 答案 ①concerned ②concerning ③show/express concern for/about ④I’m concerned ‎3.aware adj.知道的,意识到的 ‎[高考佳句]New students are now aware that they are likely to leave university up to £15,000 in debt.(2015·全国Ⅱ,阅读C)‎ 新来的学生现在都意识到,他们很可能要带着15 000英镑的债务离开大学了。‎ 知道/明白/意识到……‎ make sb aware of sth让某人明白某事 as far as I’m aware...据我所知……‎ ‎(2)awareness n.意识,觉悟 单句语法填空/单句改错/写作运用 ‎①There has been an increasing ________ (aware)that many people are affected by crime.‎ ‎②In conclusion,people around the world should aware of the real situation of water shortage.‎ ‎③__________________,it is necessary to ________________ the importance of living a low-carbon life.‎ 据我所知,让人们意识到过低碳生活的重要性是必要的。‎ 答案 ①awareness ②should后加be ③As far as I’m aware;make people aware of ‎4.bargain vi.&n.交易;便宜货;讨价还价 ‎[高考佳句]Although you can find bargains in London,it’s not generally a cheap place to shop.(2014·大纲全国,30)‎ 虽然你可能在伦敦找到便宜货,但那通常不是一个购物便宜的地方。‎ ‎(1)bargain with sb about/over/for sth就某物与某人讨价还价 ‎(2)make a bargain (with sb)(与某人)成交/达成协议 It’s a (real) bargain.真便宜。‎ 单句语法填空 ‎①He and his partner have made ________ bargain to help each other.‎ ‎②He bargained ________ the shopkeeper about/over/for the price to save money.‎ 答案 ①a ②with ‎[一言串记]My wife often picks up some bargains from the market.Though cheap,they’re of good quality.Last weekend,she bargained with a salesgirl over/about/for a dress.At last she bought it for only 15 pounds and it was a real bargain.‎ 我妻子常常从市场买到一些便宜货。虽然便宜,但品质优良。上周末她与一个女销售员就一条连衣裙讨价还价,最后她以15英镑买了它。真便宜!‎ ‎5.ashamed adj.羞耻的,惭愧的 ‎[教材原句]She is not ashamed to say she has not got much money.‎ 说她没有多少钱,她并不感到不好意思。‎ ‎(1)be/feel ashamed ‎(2)shame n.羞愧;遗憾 ‎(3)shameful adj.可耻的;丢脸的 单句语法填空/写作运用 ‎①I was blind,but I was ashamed ________ it if it was known.‎ ‎【辨析比较】 ashamed/shameful ashamed ‎“感到羞耻,觉得惭愧,不好意思”表示主语主观认为是可耻的 shameful 表示事物本身的客观性质是“可耻的”‎ ‎②The boy was caught cheating in the exam and he was ________ of his ________ conduct.‎ 那个男孩考试时作弊被逮住了,他为他可耻的行为感到惭愧。‎ 答案 ①of ②ashamed;shameful ‎6.appeal vi.吸引,引起兴趣;呼吁,恳求 n.呼吁,要求 ‎[高考佳句]As the Earth Day was drawing near,our school has put up many posters to appeal to us to join in the action for a greener earth.(2016·北京, 满分作文)‎ 随着世界地球日即将来临,我们学校张贴了许多海报呼吁我们参加一个绿色的地球的行动。‎ ‎(1)make an appeal to sb (for doing sth)向某人发出(做某事的)呼吁,引起某人(对做某事)的兴趣 ‎(2)appeal to sb 使某人喜欢;吸引某人 appeal to sb for sth向某人呼吁/请求某事 ‎[一言串记]Martin Luther King appealed to the blacks to appeal to the highest court against racial discrimination,which greatly appealed to the whole world.‎ 马丁·路德·金呼吁黑人向最高法庭上诉反对种族歧视,这引起了全世界极大的关注。‎ ‎7.replace vt.代替,取代,放回原处 ‎[高考佳句]We had to keep track of our belongings,and if something was lost,it was not replaced.(2016·浙江,阅读D)‎ 我们必须跟踪我们的财物,如果丢失了,就无法代替。‎ ‎(1)replace sth with/by sth用某物替换某物 ‎(2)代替……‎ 单句语法填空/单句引错/写作运用 ‎①They’re replacing the old windows ________ double glazing.‎ ‎②He is not fit for the job.We’ve hired a new man to do the job in the place of him.‎ ‎③Most scientists agree that computers cannot completely ____________ human.‎ 大多数科学家认为计算机并不能完全代替人。‎ 答案 ①by ②去掉第二个the ③take the place of 常考必会词汇——理解辨认 ‎1.determine vt.确定,决定;使下定决心 ‎[高考佳句]He was determined that none of his children would be denied an education.(2015·福建,阅读B)‎ 他肯定他的孩子们将不会拒绝教育。‎ 单句语法填空 ‎①I have determined ________ working as a volunteer teacher in the countryside after graduation.‎ ‎②Though Tom was stubborn,they determined ________(persuade) him to travel together.‎ ‎③________(determine) to do this on my own,I spent several weeks going door-to-door for a job,but found little response.‎ 答案 ①on/upon ②to persuade ③Determined ‎ 【名师指津】 高考中常把determined to do sth作状语的用法作为考查点,有类似用法的还有lost in,caught in,absorbed in等。‎ ‎2.contain vt.包含,含有 ‎[教材原句]The soil contains materials to keep the natural balance of the area.‎ 泥土中有一些物质可以保持这个地区的自然平衡。‎ 单句语法填空 The container contains many kinds of fruits,________ apple/apples ________.(include)‎ 答案 including;included ‎3.behave vi.举止,表现 ‎[教材原句]At that time,women were expected to stay at home,take care of their husbands and children,and behave like ladies.‎ 那个时候,妇女应待在家里照顾丈夫和孩子,表现得跟淑女一样。‎ 单句语法填空/写作运用 ‎①Parents have the greatest effect on their children’s ________ (behave).‎ ‎②You had better ____________,otherwise you’ll be made fun of.‎ 你最好规矩一点, 否则人家会取笑你的。‎ 答案 ①behavior ②behave yourself ‎[短 语 点 拨]‎ ‎1.give away赠送,捐赠;泄露(秘密);颁发 ‎[教材原句]Therefore he gave away all his money to charities.因此他把所有的钱都捐赠给了慈善机构。‎ 写出下列句中黑体部分的含义 ‎①She gave away state secrets to the enemy.‎ ‎②The mayor gave away the prizes at the school sports day.‎ ‎③Before the world-famous scientist was dying,he decided to give away all his prizes to the charity.‎ 答案 ①泄露 ②颁发 ③捐赠 ‎【巧学助记】‎ ‎2.drop out退出,退学 ‎[教材原句]Charles Gray decided to drop out and has discovered that having only a little money makes you free.查尔斯·格雷决定退出,他发现仅有少量的钱财可以使人自由。‎ drop by/over顺便拜访 drop in (on sb/at a place)顺便拜访(某人/某地)‎ drop off落下;不知不觉入睡;送下车,送到;减少 单句语法填空 ‎①The Smiths dropped in ________ some old friends on their vacation trip to New ‎ York.‎ ‎②Not content with the judge,the three runners dropped ________.‎ ‎③It is reported that traffic accidents have dropped ________ evidently since the new rules came into being.‎ 答案 ①on ②out ③off ‎[句 式 透 析]‎ ‎※[教材原句]If so,it is time for you to think again.‎ 如果这样的话,你需要再考虑一下了。‎ ‎(1)在表示时间、地点、条件或让步的从句中,如果谓语含有be动词,主语又和主句的主语一致或者从句主语是it (有时是there be),常可把从句中的主语和be动词省略。‎ 写作运用 ‎①I might be away next week.____________,I won’t be able to see you.‎ 下星期我可能外出。要是那样,我就见不到你了。‎ ‎②Work hard ____________,or you’ll regret.‎ 年轻时要努力工作,否则你会后悔的。‎ ‎(2)某些省略结构经过长期发展而约定俗成,成为固定搭配。‎ if ever如果曾经有的话 if possible如果可能的话 if any如果有的话 when/where necessary必要的时候/地方 What if...?要是/倘使……会怎样?‎ So what?那又怎样?‎ How come?怎么会?‎ What for?为什么?‎ Why not...?为什么不……呢?‎ ‎③____________ she forgets to bring it?‎ 要是她忘记带来,会怎么样呢?‎ 答案 ①If so ②when (you are) young ③What if 课堂作业 Ⅰ.单句语法填空 ‎1.________(concern) about his wife’s safety,he rang her up.‎ ‎2.I have no idea ________ the new library will be built.‎ ‎3.They made ________ bargain with us,but they are trying to break it off.‎ ‎4.We will adopt his suggestion ________ the leading body be recoganized as soon as possible.‎ ‎5.I hurried to the airport,only ________(tell) that the plane had taken off.‎ ‎6.If ________(ask) to look after luggage for someone else,inform the police at once.‎ ‎7.________(determine) to give up smoking,he threw away his remaining cigarettes.‎ ‎8.The booking office sells tickets 3 days ________ advance.Now we can go and buy one.‎ ‎9.Moreover,sport has become an important form of entertainment,________(appeal)‎ ‎ to both men and women.‎ ‎10.The exhibition is more interesting than ________(expect).‎ ‎11.The clothes that my mother bought yesterday are easy ________(wash).‎ ‎12.At the graduation ceremony,our headmaster required us to raise our competitive ________(aware) in modern society.‎ 答案 1.Concerned 2.where/when 3.a 4.that 5.to be told 6.asked ‎ ‎7.Determined 8.in 9.appealing 10.expected 11.to wash 12.awareness Ⅱ.单句改错 ‎1.The box included many kinds of books.‎ ‎2.I’m shameful that I have troubled you so many times.‎ ‎3.Be sure to drop in at me when you can spare a moment.‎ ‎4.He made a determining effort to give up smoking.‎ ‎5.More and more people are concerned themselves with environmental problems.‎ ‎6.As far as I aware,nobody can persuade him to quit smoking.‎ ‎7.He is not fit for the job.We’ve hired a new one in the place of him.‎ ‎8.—Would you like tea or coffee?‎ ‎—Either,thank you.I’ve just had some water.‎ ‎9.When the boss was out,Tom took place of him to manage the company.‎ ‎10.The mother told the boy to behave well on the old man.‎ 答案 1.included→contained 2.shameful→ashamed 3.at→on 4.determining→‎ determined 5.concerned→concerning 6.I后加am 7.去掉第二个the ‎ ‎8.Either→Neither 9.place前加the 10.on→towards/to Ⅲ.课文缩写语法填空 A lot of people,who spend half their time 1.________ (think) about the ways to become rich,are determined 2.________(become) a millionaire.In fact,even if some of them get rich,they are not content 3.________ their life at all.4.________,Charles Gray isn’t such a person.Charles,who used to be a college professor with a huge six-bedroom house,lives in a small dormitory room 5.________ there is only old furniture.He felt happy to give 6.________ the lifestyle of a rich man,getting clothes or other things from charity shops.A few years ago,Charles became aware 7.________ there were a lot of people who were lacking in food,so he donated all his money 8.________ charities.9.________ Charles’s opinion,most people never make much money;10.________ (have) only a little money makes one free and happier.‎ 答案 1.thinking 2.to become 3.with 4.However 5.where 6.up 7.that 8.to 9.In 10.having Ⅳ.单元考点作文串记 一、根据提示翻译句子 ‎1.许多人一心想挣钱。一旦他们阔绰起来,他们会考虑他们要用这些钱做什么。(be determined to do)‎ ‎________________________________________________________________‎ ‎2.一些人愿意把这些钱捐给那些失业的人。(give away,out of work)‎ ‎________________________________________________________________‎ ‎3.一些人把自己的资产置于一边,寻求不同的人生幸福。(turn one’s back on)‎ ‎________________________________________________________________‎ ‎4.我们应通过辛勤的劳动致富,对财富不要过分贪婪。(greedy)‎ ‎________________________________________________________________‎ 答案 1.A large number of people are determined to earn money.Once they become wealthy,they are considering how they will use the money.‎ ‎2.Some like to give away the money to those who are out of work.‎ ‎3.Others will turn their backs on their fortune and find different ways to be happy in their lives.‎ ‎4.We are supposed to earn money by working hard and we shouldn’t be too greedy for wealth.‎ 二、加入适当过渡词,连句成篇 ‎                                    ‎ ‎                                    ‎ ‎                                    ‎ ‎【参考范文】‎ A large number of people are determined to earn money.Once they become wealthy,they are considering how to use the money.Some like to give away the money to those who are out of work.But others will turn their backs on their fortune and find different ways to be happy in their lives.As far as I’m aware,we are supposed to earn money by working hard and we shouldn’t be too greedy for wealth.‎ 课下作业 A卷 阅读提速练(限时20′)‎ Ⅰ.阅读理解 A Your local grocery store is a psychological minefield (布雷区), where even the ‎ bananas are ripe with mystery.‎ ‎1.Southpaws (左撇子) have an invisible (看不见的) advantage You’ve probably seen that stores keep go-to items—produce, meats, dairy—on the outer edge.But did you notice that most of them are set up to make you run counterclockwise (逆时针)? Ninety percent of us are right-handed, so we buy more when it’s counterclockwise.You’ll also often find the dairy section in the back left corner:Because dairy is likely on your list, stores make sure you take the longest route to get there.In fairness, it’s also a more convenient place to put a fridge.‎ ‎2.Everything is in its place It’s safe to say that nothing you see on a shelf is there by chance.The cookies on sale at the end of a passage are likely the result of smart product placement.More expensive items are usually placed at an adult’s eye level, while colorful treats and other products for kids are positioned lower—to catch the attention of children.‎ ‎3.Time goes by so slowly Stores rarely have windows or clocks.With no reference to the outside world, customers can easily lose track of how long they’ve been there so that they can buy more.Grocery stores may use another trick to control your sense of time: small floor tiles (瓷砖).‎ ‎4.Goods are an art form Grocers know exactly what shade of banana you’re most likely to buy.To ensure the bananas on display are the closest to this shade, stores use a ripeness scale that ranges from one (all green) to seven (yellow with brown spots).Some stores even use special lighting to make bananas look more appealing.As for the water sprayed on the other produce? It makes veggies look fresh, but keeping them wet actually makes them rot faster.It also makes produce heavier—and therefore pricier.‎ ‎【语篇解读】 本文是说明文。文章介绍了商店不为人知的营销策略。‎ ‎1.Why do stores usually put dairy in the back left corner?‎ A.Because it is a quiet place.‎ B.To make people buy more.‎ C.To attract people’s attention.‎ D.Because most people are right-handed.‎ 答案 B [细节理解题。由第二段中的Because dairy is likely on your list, stores make sure you take the longest route to get there可知,商场之所以把乳制品放到后面的左拐角处主要是因为人们常买乳制品,把乳制品放到远的地方可以使顾客走很长的路并可能在沿途买其它的东西。]‎ ‎2.You are more likely to find toys________.‎ A.in corners B.on lower shelves C.at an adult’s eye level D.at the end of a passage 答案 B [推理判断题。由第三段末的colorful treats and other products for kids are positioned lower—to catch the attention of children可推断,玩具最可能放到较低的地方以吸引孩子们的目光。]‎ ‎3.Why are there usually no windows or clocks in stores?‎ A.They are useless.‎ B.There is no space for them.‎ C.To make customers stay longer.‎ D.To allow customers to enjoy themselves.‎ 答案 C [细节理解题。由倒数第二段中的With no reference...they can buy more可知,商店之所以通常没有窗户或钟表主要是为了让顾客忘记时间,从而逛得更久。]‎ ‎4.Which can be the best title for the text?‎ A.Secrets of stores B.Advantages of stores C.How to shop in stores D.How to operate a store 答案 A [标题归纳题。由文章开头的Your local grocery store is a psychological minefield及下文可知,本文主要讲商店的秘密营销策略,即如何运用心理学知识摆放商品从而促使消费者购买更多商品。]‎ B Here’s a good deed you can do without parting with a single thing.Synthetic (合成的) voices for people who have lost the ability to speak only come in generic (一般的) types—think of Stephen Hawking’s voice—but one amazing project wants to build custom voices for each person.To do that they need your help: specifically, a recording of your voice.‎ VocalID is the brainchild of two speech scientists, who are turning their research into a much larger project.Voice is very personal and, like a prosthetic (假体的) leg or arm, it makes sense it should be customized to each person.‎ Here’s how it works—and don’t worry, this does not mean someone will be walking around with the same voice as you out there:‎ After recording a couple of hours of audio in, say, a quiet room with an iPhone, you send it to VocalID, where a program called ModelTalker cuts it up into the basic units of speech that can be recombined as new words and sentences.In that same step, characteristics of the patient’s voice—based on what limited sounds they can make—are mixed with the donor’s to create a whole new one.‎ VocalID is still in its beginning stages, and they’re looking for help from everyone including voice donors, financial support, and programmers.A priority (优先的事物) is making voice donation even easier, cutting down recording time,especially for kids.But as it stands already, your voice is just about the easiest thing to ‎ donate.‎ ‎【语篇解读】 本文是说明文。文章介绍了如何给不会说话的人捐献声音。‎ ‎5.Stephen Hawking’s voice________.‎ A.has no personal characteristics B.was donated by a volunteer C.was created by VocalID D.sounded amazing 答案 A [推理判断题。由第一段中的Synthetic voices for people...custom voices for each person可知,史蒂芬·霍金那样的合成语音是一般的类型,而一个新的项目想要为不能讲话的人制作个性化的声音。据此可推断,史蒂芬·霍金的合成语音没有个性特征。]‎ ‎6.We can infer that VocalID aims to________.‎ A.do research on voices ‎ B.teach some people to speak C.produce prosthetic legs or arms ‎ D.help some people have their “own” voice 答案 D [细节理解题。由第一段中的one amazing project wants to build custom voices for each person及第二段中的Voice is very personal and...it makes sense it should be customized to each person可知,VocalID旨在帮助人们拥有有个性特征的声音。]‎ ‎7.To create a new voice, which of the following is/are needed?‎ A.Sounds made by the patient. B.A few days of audio recording.‎ C.The voice of at least two donors. D.ModelTalker that can combine words.‎ 答案 A [细节理解题。由第四段中的characteristics of the patient’s voice—based on what limited sounds they can make—are ‎ mixed可知,要在捐献的声音的基础上制作一个新的声音,需要患者自己发出的声音。]‎ ‎8.What is the main purpose of the text?‎ A.To introduce some jobs in VocalID.‎ B.To encourage readers to donate their voice.‎ C.To advertise a program called ModelTalker.‎ D.To collect money for people who cannot speak.‎ 答案 B [写作目的题。由文章开头的Here’s a good deed you can do及文章末的your voice is just about the easiest thing to donate可推断,文章主要是鼓励读者为不能讲话的人捐献自己的声音。]‎ Ⅱ.阅读七选五 A young lady was standing on the corner with a map in her hand.She looked puzzled.__1__I wondered why.Maybe it was because of the way she was dressed.She wore a dirty dress and looked pale.‎ As I crossed the street and came closer to her I asked if she wanted help.__2__As it turned out she was looking for the hospital.I felt wonderful just reaching out, and taking that extra moment to help.‎ Many times in these situations I end up walking a person to where he or she is going when giving directions would be too complicated.__3__Many years ago, we travelled in Japan and needed directions.A kind Japanese who saw our problem came to us and helped us out.This man just took my heavy bags and guided us to where we needed to be.We could not speak any Japanese while the man could not speak any English.__4__‎ Sometimes when I do a special favor for a stranger, the person will say, “I hope I can do something for you one day to return the favor.”__5__But I hope that when they come across a situation where someone needs their help, they will be willing to ‎ reach out as well.‎ A.Although we could not communicate through words, we communicated through the heart.‎ B.They already have done something for me by giving me the opportunity to help them.‎ C.I like helping people this way due to my own experience.‎ D.Several people passed by, looked at her but did not stop.‎ E.It is never too late to do others a favor.‎ F.These words made me feel quite warm.‎ G.She thanked me and smiled in relief.‎ ‎【语篇解读】 本文是记叙文。作者乐于助人是因为自己一次受人帮助的经历,他希望大家都能在别人需要时伸出援助之手。‎ ‎1.D [根据下文作者帮助这位女士可知,当时“很多人都从她身边经过并看着她,但没人停下脚步”。]‎ ‎2.G [有人来帮助自己,这位女士应该是“表示感谢并如释重负地笑了笑”。]‎ ‎3.C [根据本空后作者在日本旅游时的经历可知,C项符合此处语境。]‎ ‎4.A [根据本空前一句可知,作者不会说日语,而那位男士不会说英语。“尽管我们不能用语言沟通,但是我们通过心灵沟通”。]‎ ‎5.B [根据本空前后句内容可知,受作者帮助的人希望能回馈作者的恩惠,作者认为“他们已经给我机会让我去帮助他们”,不过我希望他们能在别人需要时也伸出援助之手。]‎ B卷 Ⅱ卷规范练(限时45′)‎ Ⅲ.语法填空 One evening last week, my wife and I were sitting __1__(quiet) at home.All of a sudden, we heard a loud bang.I supposed that the old lady in the flat __2__ours was moving the furniture about.My wife was afraid __3__the noise would wake the baby.She turned down the television and a moment __4__we heard someone calling for help.‎ I ran upstairs.The old lady’s door was shut, but I could see smoke under the door, and could smell __5__burning.‎ ‎“The flat is on fire,” I shouted and banged on the door, but the old lady __6__(take) a long time to answer.I was turning over in my mind the idea of breaking the door down__7__she finally appeared.‎ ‎“I was having a bath,” she said, “when the water heater in the kitchen blew up.”‎ ‎“__8__didn’t you open the door?” I asked her.‎ ‎“I was getting dressed when you knocked,” she said, looking __9__(embarrass).‎ I took her downstairs to our flat.Then I ran back to the old lady’s flat and turned the gas off __10__(prevent) another explosion.Just then I heard a fire engine arriving outside.‎ 答案 1.quietly [考查副词。设空处修饰谓语,故填quietly。]‎ ‎2.above/over [考查介词。由下文I ran upstairs可知the old lady住在作者的楼上。]‎ ‎3.that [考查连接词。设空处引导宾语从句且从句成分和意义均完整,故填that。]‎ ‎4.later [考查副词。a moment later意为“过了一会”。]‎ ‎5.something [考查代词。此处意为“闻到一些东西在燃烧”,故填something。]‎ ‎6.took [考查一般过去时。由but前分句的时态可知,take所表示的动作发生在过去,故填took。]‎ ‎7.when [考查连词。此处用到了句型be doing...when...。]‎ ‎8.Why [考查疑问副词。根据答语可知应用疑问词Why。]‎ ‎9.embarrassed [考查形容词作表语的用法。设空处意为“尴尬的”,故填embarrassed。]‎ ‎10.to prevent [考查不定式作状语的用法。I与prevent之间是逻辑上的主谓关系,且设空处作目的状语,故填to prevent。]‎ Ⅳ.短文改错 Yesterday I was sitting in the grass with my friends at the local park. I saw an elderly man pushed a shopping cart and struggling each and every step he took. I overheard him telling people that he was lost and my heart sank as if I saw these people ignore that he said. I walked over to him, hope to offer help. He said he had been losing for hours. I gave him anything to drink. Then I asked him to join us so that he could sit down and had a rest. As he started to walk without the support of a shopping cart, he was very unsteady on his foot. Luckily, my friends came to help. After a while we sent him home.‎ 答案 ‎ Yesterday I was sitting in the grass with my friends at the local park. I saw an elderly man a shopping cart and struggling each and every step he took. I overheard him telling people that he was lost and my heart sank as I saw these people ignore he said. I walked over to him, to offer help. He said he had been for hours. I gave him to drink. Then I asked him to join us so that he could sit down and a rest. As he started to walk ‎ without the support of shopping cart, he was very unsteady on his . Luckily, my friends came to help. After a while we sent him home.‎ Ⅴ.书面表达 假设你是新华中学学生会主席李华,你校将在下周五下午两点到五点在学校礼堂举行主题为“学会感恩”的英语演讲比赛。请你写信给附近某大学的外教怀特教授,邀请他前来担任评委并请他在赛后进行总结发言。‎ 注意:1.词数100左右;‎ ‎2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;‎ ‎3.信的格式和开头已给出,但不计入总词数。‎ Dear Professor White,‎ I’m Li Hua, chairman of the Students’ Union of Xinhua Middle School,                                    ‎ ‎                                    ‎ ‎                                    ‎ Yours sincerely,‎ Li Hua ‎【参考范文】‎ Dear__Professor__White,‎ I’m__Li__Hua,__chairman__of__the__Students’__Union__of__Xinhua__Middle__School,__which is close to your university.I am writing to invite you to serve as the judge of our English speech contest.It starts at 2 pm.next Friday in the school hall and lasts three hours.And the topic of the contest is “Learning to be grateful”.‎ Other judges are all the English teachers in our school.I’d appreciate it if you could set aside some time and attend our contest.As a respected expert, you are ‎ expected to deliver a summary speech after the contest.Please contact me if you have any questions.‎ We are looking forward to seeing you at the contest.‎ Yours__sincerely,‎ Li__Hua

