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‎2019届一轮复习外研版选修八Module 4Which English?单元学案 一单元基础词汇句式全练 一、写其形 ‎1.instantly adv.. 立即,马上 ‎2.recognisable adj. 能辨认的,能认出的 ‎ ‎3.matter v. 重要,要紧;有关系 ‎4.count v. 很重要;很有价值 ‎ ‎5.debate n. 讨论;辩论 ‎ ‎6.complain v. 抱怨;不满 ‎ ‎7.convinced adj. 确信的,信服的 ‎ ‎8.significance n. 意义;含义 ‎9.reject v. 拒绝接受 ‎10.overcome v.. 征服;战胜 ‎ ‎11.oppose v. 反对 ‎12.resist v. 反抗;抵抗 ‎ ‎13.approval n. 赞许;赞成 ‎14.curiosity n. 好奇心 ‎ 二、知其意 ‎1.dialect n. 方言,地方话 ‎2.cockney n. 伦敦东区土话 ‎3.trace n. 痕迹,踪迹 ‎4.unique adj. 独一无二的;独特的 ‎5.intonation n. 语调 ‎6.author n. 作家,作者 ‎7.ancestor n. 祖先,前辈 ‎8.apostrophe n. 表示所有格的撇号 ‎9.link n. 联系 ‎10.rhythm n. 节奏;韵律 ‎11.bilingual adj. 双语的,会讲两种语言的 ‎12.telegraph n. 电报 ‎13.media n. 新闻媒体,传媒 ‎14.revolution n. 革命 ‎15.investigate v. 调查 ‎16.flavour n. 特点,特色;情调 ‎17.acquire v. 得到,获得 ‎18.telecommunication n. (常复)电信 ‎19.furthermore adv. 此外,而且 ‎20.splendid adj. 极好的;优秀的 ‎21.straightforward adj. 简单的,易懂的 ‎22.association n. 联系 ‎23.ambiguous adj. 歧义的;含糊的 ‎24.dilemma n. 进退两难的境地;困难的抉择 ‎25.explicit adj. 清楚明白的;易于理解的 ‎26.figurative adj. 比喻的;借喻的 ‎27.relevant adj. 有关的;切题的 ‎28.absurd adj. 荒谬的,荒唐的 ‎29.convey v. 传达,传递 ‎30.concept n. 概念;观念 ‎31.thus adv.. 因此;因而 ‎32.clarify v. 弄明白;澄清 ‎33.tendency n. 趋向;倾向 ‎34.disorganised adj. 杂乱无章的 ‎35.vague adj. 不明确的;含糊的 ‎36.clumsy adj. 笨拙的 ‎37.select v. 挑选,选择 ‎38.metaphorical adj. 隐喻的;暗喻的 ‎39.withdraw v. 收回;撤销(说过的话)‎ ‎40.potential adj. 潜在的;可能的 ‎41.abuse v. 辱骂;恶语 ‎42.offence n. 得罪;使伤感情 ‎43.statesman n. 政治家 ‎44.betray v. 对……不忠 ‎45.prayer n. 祈祷文;悼词 ‎46.prejudice n. 偏见;歧视 ‎47.conflict n. 抵触;冲突 ‎48.moral n. 寓意;教育意义 ‎49.superior adj. 更好的;更强的 ‎50.status n. 地位 ‎51.classify v.. 将……分类 ‎52.sex n. 性别 ‎53.fascination n. 着迷,迷恋;吸引力 ‎54.tone n. 语气;音调 ‎55.initially adv.. 起初 ‎56.candidate n. 投考者,应考人 ‎57.spin-off n. 附带的结果;副产品 ‎1.tell...apart 区分开 ‎2.as long as 只要 ‎3.lie in 在于 ‎4.in conclusion 总之 ‎5.a huge number of 大量的 ‎6.get down to sth 开始做某事 ‎7.let sb down 使某人失望 ‎8.or rather 更确切地说 ‎1.In this sense everybody’s use of language—whether ‎ English,Chinese,or any other—is different.‎ 从这个意义上来说,每个人对语言的使用——不管是英语、汉语或者任何其他语言——都是不一样的。‎ ‎2.You could say that there are as many varieties of English, or any other language for that matter,as there are speakers of it.‎ 可以这样说,对英语或者任何别的语言而言,有多少使用者,该语言就有多少种变体。‎ ‎3.It is estimated that 1.3 billion people will use English as either a first or a second language by 2050.‎ 据估计,到2050年,将有1 300 000 000人把英语作为第一或第二语言。‎ ‎4.English has a huge number of colorful and splendid expressions which may be difficult to understand.‎ 英语有大量的绚烂而华丽但很难懂的表达。‎ 二 单元综合知识运用检测 Ⅰ.阅读理解 A ‎(2018·湖北八校高三联考)Here is a list of some of the best museums for children in America.‎ Please Touch Children's Museum This museum lies in Philadelphia. It offers Alice in ‎ Wonderland exhibits where young children can play with giant flowers and have tea parties. Kids can also play on musical instruments and babies can crawl on lily pads, which make musical sounds.‎ The Children's Museum of Indianapolis This museum lies in Indiana. It holds a fair share of dinosaur fossils (化石).There are many fossils like the T.Rex, Bucky and many others in an 8,000squarefoot area. Around 10,000 manmade objects, including a 55ton steam engine and a 33foot tall water clock, are there in the 365,000squarefoot area. It also offers activities like dinosaur building, camps and classes featuring space themes and other educational programs.‎ Boston Children's Museum This museum lies in Massachusetts. The exhibits here are of health, art, science, culture and environment. In this museum, children also learn about Japanese culture. Activities like Play Lab, New Balance Climb and The Recycle Shop bring out the creativity in children.‎ National Museum of Play This museum, which lies in Rochester area of New York, has a wide collection of dolls, games, toys and other home crafts dating back to the 19th century. Here, educational tours include stories of machines and other toys. Kids can walk in Sesame Street exhibit and cook food at play or TV studios.‎ Children's Museum of Houston This museum lies in Texas. Termed as the best playground for mind, this museum offers scores of activities for kids of every age. It even offers free family adventure events where families with their kids are encouraged to work on math activities and games. Children also learn about broadcasting activities and preserving ecosystems.‎ 语篇解读:本文是一篇广告类应用文,介绍了美国五家最适合孩子们参观的博物馆,包括这些博物馆的地址、特色、活动安排等。‎ ‎1.One who has interest in environmental protection can choose to visit ________.‎ A.National Museum of Play or Children's Museum of Houston B.Boston Children's Museum or Children's Museum of Houston C.Please Touch Children's Museum or Boston Children's Museum D.The Children's Museum of Indianapolis or National Museum of Play 解析:选B 细节理解题。根据Boston Children's Museum部分第二句“The exhibits here are of health, art, science, culture and environment.”和Children's Museum of Houston部分最后一句“Children also learn about broadcasting activities and preserving ecosystems.”可知,Boston Children's Museum和Children's Museum of Houston 所安排的展览与活动都跟环保有关。故B项正确。‎ ‎2.While visiting National Museum of Play, you can take part ‎ in ________.‎ A.dinosaur building B.New Balance Climb C.playing with giant flowers D.cooking food at play or TV studios 解析:选D 细节理解题。根据National Museum of Play部分最后一句“Kids can walk in Sesame Street exhibit and cook food at play or TV studios.”可知,在参观National Museum of Play时,可以走进芝麻街节目展,在戏剧或电视摄影棚中做饭。故D项正确。‎ ‎3.If a couple with kids of different ages want to do activities together, they should go to ________.‎ A.Texas        B.Indiana C.New York D.Massachusetts 解析:选A 细节理解题。根据Children's Museum of Houston部分第一句和第三句并结合该部分第二句中的“activities for kids of every age”可知,他们应当去位于德克萨斯州的Children's Museum of Houston。故A项正确。‎ ‎4.Who might be most interested in this passage?‎ A.Parents. B.Students.‎ C.Teachers. D.Researchers.‎ 解析:选A 推理判断题。通读全文可知,第一段点明了本文的主题。本文主要介绍了五家最适合孩子们参观的博物馆,旨在吸引家长带孩子们去参观,故父母们应该对本文最感兴趣。故A项正确。‎ B ‎(2018·福建莆田高三二模)Gwendolyn Brooks was the first African American to win a Pulitzer Prize for Literature. Gwendolyn Brooks wrote hundreds of poems during her lifetime. She had more than 20 books published. She was known around the world for using poetry to increase understanding about black culture in America.‎ Her poems described conditions among the poor, racial inequality and drug use in the black community. She also wrote poems about the struggles of black women. But her skill was more than her ability to write about struggling black people. She was an expert at the language of poetry. She combined traditional European poetry styles with the African American experience.‎ In her early poetry, Gwendolyn Brooks wrote about the South Side of Chicago. The South Side of Chicago is where many black people live. In her poems, the South Side is called Bronzeville. It was “A Street in Bronzeville” that gained the attention of literary experts in 1945. Critics praised her poetic skill and her powerful descriptions about the black experience during the time. The Bronzeville poems were her first published collection.‎ In 1950, Gwendolyn Brooks became the first African American to win the Pulitzer Prize for Literature. She won the prize for her second book of poems called “Annie Allen”. “Annie Allen” is a collection of poetry about the life of a ‎ Bronzeville girl as a daughter, a wife and mother. She experiences loneliness, loss, death and being poor. Ms. Brooks said that winning the prize changed her life.‎ Her next work was a novel written in 1953 called “Maud Martha”. “Maud Martha” received little notice when it was first published. But now it is considered an important work by some critics. Its main ideas about the difficult life of many women are popular among female writers today.‎ In some of her poems, Gwendolyn Brooks described how what people see in life is affected by who they are. One example is this poem, “Corners on the Curving Sky”.‎ By the end of the 1960s, Gwendolyn Brooks's poetry expanded from the everyday experiences of people in Bronzeville. She wrote about a wider world and dealt with important political issues. ‎ 语篇解读:本文主要介绍了非裔美国女诗人Gwendolyn Brooks在诗歌文学上的成就和贡献。‎ ‎5.What does the text mainly talk about?‎ A.The life of Gwendolyn Brooks's.‎ B.The poems of Gwendolyn Brooks's.‎ C.The understanding about black culture.‎ D.The struggle of black women.‎ 解析:选B 主旨大意题。根据第一段和其余各段的段首可知,本文主要讲了非裔美国女诗人Gwendolyn Brooks在诗歌文学上的成就和贡献。‎ ‎6.What can we learn about Gwendolyn Brooks's from the second paragraph?‎ A.She mainly wrote about struggles of black women.‎ B.She was good at using the language of poetry.‎ C.Her writing skills were a little worse than her ability.‎ D.Her poems were mainly about the African experience.‎ 解析:选B 细节理解题。根据第二段中的“She was an expert at the language of poetry.”可知,Gwendolyn Brooks是诗歌语言的专家。‎ ‎7.The author develops the passage mainly by ________.‎ A.providing examples B.using statistics C.comparing opinions D.describing her experiences 解析:选A 写作手法题。文中第三至第六段分别列举了Gwendolyn Brooks的一些作品,如诗歌“Annie Allen”“Corners on the Curving Sky”和小说“Maud Martha”。故作者主要是用举例法来行文的。‎ ‎8.In the next part, the author would most probably talk about ________.‎ A.The difficulties Gwendolyn Brooks's would meet B.the poems related to political issues C.the award Gwendolyn Brooks had gained D.the racial inequality the black had to face 解析:选B 推理判断题。根据最后一段最后一句可知Gwendolyn ‎ Brooks的诗歌中涉及政治问题,故接下来最有可能讲的是与政治问题有关的诗歌,B项正确。‎ C Everyone seems to be living for someone else.‎ I had once helped a friend of mine run a watermelon stall. I noticed something interesting when people came to buy watermelons, but nobody paid any attention to it because it seemed to be a common practice: almost every buyer would lift the melon up to their ear, smartly rap it, apparently trying to listen to something. I wondered what they expected to hear. Finally I could no longer hold back my curiosity and made bold to ask a customer — an elderly gentleman — about this. Hearing my question, he roared with laughter. Then he replied in a selfmocking tone,“Young lady, I have been doing this for more than fifty years. But all I know is that everybody would stare at you like you were a fool if you just pick up a melon and leave.”‎ Not long after that, my watermelon stall friend sent me an invitation to her wedding, which really surprised me. I asked her, “How come you're seized by a sudden whim to get married? I even didn't know you had got a boyfriend.” She answered while counting money, “Everyone has to get married anyway. So, it is better to get married sooner than later.”‎ Have they forgotten their own heart? It may be safer and save a lot more worries to swim_with_the_tide. The use of WE or US will give one a steady and sure sense of pride. But why do people usually feel uneasy when using “I”?‎ I find these somewhat funny.We have got used to following others' example. We feel at ease and justified simply because this is a way of US, a way having been practiced by so many people. But this massive practice is still wrong though we all follow suit. And in turn, we also take it for granted that we should judge the right and wrong of others by our own standard.‎ 语篇解读:作者通过身边人的事例,发现人们在生活中往往“随大流”,盲从别人,没有跟随自己的内心。‎ ‎9.Why did the elderly gentleman rap the watermelon before buying it?‎ A.Because he expected to hear something.‎ B.Because he knew nothing about it.‎ C.Because he just followed suit.‎ D.Because he was a fool.‎ 解析:选C 细节理解题。根据第二段最后一句“But all I know is that everybody would stare at you like you were a fool if you just pick up a melon and leave.”可知,老人不知道敲西瓜的确切原因,只是看到别人都在敲,如果自己不敲一下,会被人认为是一个傻子。故选C项。‎ ‎10.Which of the following can best replace the phrase“swim with the tide” in the fourth paragraph?‎ A.Follow the crowd.‎ B.Swim against the tide.‎ C.Wear other people's clothes.‎ D.Follow your heart.‎ 解析:选A 词义猜测题。根据第四段第三句“The use of WE or US will give one a steady and sure sense of pride.”可推断出本句中的tide(潮水)指的应该是“WE or US”,而swim with the tide意为“跟随人群;随大流;从众”。故选A项。‎ ‎11.What will be most likely written about by the author in the next paragraph?‎ A.Nothing.‎ B.A story about following your heart.‎ C.A funny story about how to follow your heart.‎ D.An example about judging others by your own standard.‎ 解析:选D 推理判断题。根据最后一段末句“... we also take it for granted that we should judge the right and wrong of others by our own standard”可推断出下文可能会与“用自己的标准评价别人”有关,故选D项。‎ ‎12.Which is right according to the passage?‎ A.The author's attitude to “follow others' example” is positive.‎ B.The author understood why people rapped a watermelon at last.‎ C.The author felt unexpected when her watermelon stall friend wanted to get married.‎ D.The practice of following suit makes people feel at ease and justified only because it is a way of America.‎ 解析:选C 推理判断题。根据第三段第一句“...my watermelon stall friend sent me an invitation to her wedding, which really ‎ surprised me”可知,朋友的婚礼出乎作者的意料,故选C项。‎ D Toddler World Nursery was delighted to employ a trainee — twentytwoyearold Jonathan Brown — as their first male nursery schoolteacher. He was also the only man who applied for the job, but, insists Margery Bowman, head teacher of Toddler World, by far the best applicant.“Both boys and girls will benefit from the experience of having a male role model in the nursery,” says mother of two, Margery.‎ Jonathan has always been interested in childcare. His own mother is a childminder and his father is a teacher.“I've always helped Mum with looking after all the children,” he says.“I'm used to changing nappies, feeding babies, reading stories and playing with Lego.”‎ But Jonathan is a rare male in a female world. Only 2% of nursery teachers are men and this hasn't changed for ten years. Roger Olsen of the National Nursery Trust said, “Men are often viewed with anxiety and suspicion (怀疑) in a children's environment. Or they are expected to do things the way women would do them. But men bring different things into childcare and this has to be recognized.”Jonathan agrees. He is a qualified under7s football coach, and plans to introduce football lessons to the nursery for boys and girls.‎ What do Jonathan's friends think of his choice of career?‎ ‎“Actually, most of them are pretty cool about it now,”‎ ‎ he says,“though they do make jokes about nappies. And I've found that girls are actually quite impressed — so that's good!”‎ 语篇解读:本文是一篇记叙文。22岁的Jonathan Brown被一家幼儿园聘用为教师。作为这家幼儿园的第一位男教师,他的加入为清一色女教师的儿童看护工作带来了有益的影响。‎ ‎13.Why was Jonathan employed by Toddler World Nursery?‎ A.He was the best among all the applicants.‎ B.He was the only man who applied for the job.‎ C.He would be able to teach kids to play football.‎ D.He could do things the way women would do them.‎ 解析:选A 细节理解题。根据第一段第二句“He was also the only man who applied for the job, but, insists Margery Bowman, head teacher of Toddler World, by far the best applicant.”可知,Jonathan被雇用是因为他是所有求职者中最优秀的。故选A。‎ ‎14.Which of the following can replace the underlined word “childminder”(Para.2)?‎ A.Instructor. B.Superior.‎ C.Babysitter. D.Coach.‎ 解析:选C 词义猜测题。根据第二段第三句“I've always helped Mum with looking after all the children ...”可知,Jonathan的母亲应是一名照看孩子的保姆。故选C。‎ ‎15.What did Roger Olsen say about the job of childcare?‎ A.It has been womenspecific.‎ B.It requires people's understanding.‎ C.It takes time to make some changes.‎ D.It needs men teachers to bring something different.‎ 解析:选D 推理判断题。根据第三段第五句“But men bring different things into childcare and this has to be recognized.”可推知,他认为儿童看护工作需要男老师为其带来一些不一样的东西。故选D。‎ Ⅱ.阅读七选五 Some people just know how to start a conversation with anyone, in any place. If you're not one of these lucky types, don't worry.__1__‎ Remark on the surroundings or occasions. If you're at a party, for example, you could comment on the food or the music in a positive way like this: “I love this song.” or “The food is great.”‎ ‎__2__ For example, “How is the wine?” or “Who do you know here?”Most people enjoy talking about themselves so asking a question is a good way to get a conversation started.‎ ‎__3__ For example, “I really like your purse. Can I ask where you got it?” or “You're really doing well in this. Can you show me how to do it?”‎ Remark on anything you have in common. People would like your saying “My daughter went to that school, too. How does your son like it?”‎ ‎__4__ Don't say something that obviously causes offence and avoid heavy subjects such as politics or religion. Stick to ‎ light subjects like the weather, surroundings, and anything you have in common such as movies or sports teams.‎ Listen effectively. __5__ You can't concentrate on what someone's saying if you're thinking about what you're going to say next. The key to effective communication is to focus fully on the speaker and show interest in what's being said. Nod occasionally, smile at the person, and encourage the speaker to continue with “yes” or “uh huh”.‎ A.Choose subjects you're interested in.‎ B.Use a praise to create a good atmosphere.‎ C.Keep the conversation going with small talk.‎ D.It is not the same as waiting for your turn to talk.‎ E.Ask specific questions that are related to the drinks.‎ F.Ask a question that requires more than just a yes or no answer.‎ G.Here are some ways to have a conversation with someone new.‎ 语篇解读:本文就如何与别人有效交流提出了几点建议。‎ ‎1.选G 本句起到承上启下的作用,空前一句表示“如果你不是这类幸运的人,也不用担心”,紧接着下一句应该表述“这里有一些如何与陌生人交流的几点建议”,故选G项。‎ ‎2.选F 根据设空处后的“How is the wine?”和“Who do you know here?”可知,这里应是教我们怎么提出问题,与别人有效地交流,故选F项。‎ ‎3.选B 根据设空处后的“I really like your purse. Can I ask where you got it?”和“You're really doing well in this. Can you show me how to do it?”可看出这些都是赞美的话,故选B项。‎ ‎4.选C 根据设空处后的“Stick to light subjects like the weather, surroundings ...”可知,C项中的small talk与此处的light subjects相呼应,故选C项。‎ ‎5.选D 本段内容强调倾听的重要性,根据本空后一句表达“当你在思考接下来要说什么的时候,你就不会专心听别人讲话”,言外之意,我们不要等着机会去说话,而要专心去听,故选D项。‎ 完形填空 Cameron Lyle has never expected to save the life of a person he didn't know. He was a shotput star at the highest point of his athletic career when he had to make a great __1__.‎ A man with blood cancer was __2__ for healthy bone marrow (骨髓) and Cameron was the only __3__among all the possible donors. The only __4__: if Cameron decided to donate, it meant he would miss some very important sports meetings.‎ ‎__5__ with cutting his career short, Cameron focused only on the __6__ to save the man's life.‎ ‎“I was surprised that I was pretty __7__. I said ‘yes’ right away,” said Cameron, 21.“If I had said __8__, he ‎ wouldn't have had a match.”‎ Actually, Cameron had completely __9__ the “Be The Match Registry” that came to his university two years ago. But two months ago, he got a call. Cameron was __10__ he was a possible match for a young man with blood cancer, which would get worse quickly if not __11__.‎ Cameron received blood tests, which __12__he was a definite match.__13__he agreed to donate, more tests were followed to __14__he didn't have any problem.__15__, everything went well, and last week Cameron headed to Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston to __16__ his bone marrow with a stranger.‎ Most people can return to their full activities within days after the donation.__17__ Cameron was told not to lift over 20 pounds for about a month. So this meant he __18__ to miss some athletic events where he wanted to __19__ after eight years of shotput training.‎ ‎“But it's OK,” he said.“It was worth it I would __20__ it again.”‎ 语篇解读:一个处于事业巅峰期的铅球运动员,意外地与一个血癌病人的骨髓匹配成功。他毫不犹豫地为血癌病人捐献了自己的骨髓。虽然因此错过了一些重大赛事,但他觉得值得捐!‎ ‎1.A.schedule         B.conclusion C.decision D.effort 解析:选C 下文中提到莱尔与一个血癌病人的骨髓匹配成功。由此可知,处于事业巅峰期的他不得不做一个重大决定。make a ‎ conclusion意为“得出结论”;make an effort意为“作出努力”。‎ ‎2.A.suitable B.desperate C.ready D.grateful 解析:选B 一个人患了血癌,他非常需要得到健康的骨髓。be desperate for意为“非常需要,极其需要”。‎ ‎3.A.match B.partner C.suit D.fit 解析:选A 莱尔是所有可能的捐赠者中唯一的匹配者。第8个空后的“he wouldn't have had a match”有提示。‎ ‎4.A.solution B.situation C.assumption D.problem 解析:选D 根据下文中的“it meant he would miss some very important sports meetings”可知,莱尔面临的唯一问题是捐献骨髓会使他错过一些非常重要的赛事。‎ ‎5.A.Faced B.Concerned C.Delighted D.Disappointed 解析:选A 下文中提到莱尔决定捐献骨髓,这意味着他将面临事业上的短暂停顿。be faced with意为“面对”;be concerned with 意为“与……有关”。‎ ‎6.A.ability B.motivation C.way D.chance 解析:选D 根据上文“cutting his career short”可知,莱尔暂停了事业,把精力都集中在有可能挽救血癌病人的生命上。‎ ‎7.A.happy B.moved C.upset D.lucky 解析:选A 根据空后的“I said ‘yes’ right away”可推知,莱尔为能够帮助别人感到非常高兴。‎ ‎8.A.yes B.hello C.no D.bye 解析:选C 如果莱尔说不,这个血癌病人很可能找不到成功的骨髓配型。‎ ‎9.A.organised B.forgotten C.avoided D.refused 解析:选B 联系下文中的“But two months ago, he got a call.”可知,事实上莱尔已经完全忘了匹配登记这件事。‎ ‎10.A.told B.warned C.reminded D.proved 解析:选A 结合上文中的“he got a call”可知,他被告知他可能与一个血癌病人配型成功。‎ ‎11.A.improved B.prevented C.recovered D.treated 解析:选D 根据上文中的“which would get worse quickly”可知,如果不治疗,病情就会快速恶化。‎ ‎12.A.doubted B.expected C.confirmed D.predicted 解析:选C 莱尔接受了血液检验,确认了他与病人配型成功。‎ ‎13.A.While B.Once C.Before D.Unless 解析:选B 分析句子的逻辑关系可知,一旦他同意捐献骨髓,之后就会有更多的检查。‎ ‎14.A.ensure B.ignore C.protect D.fear 解析:选A 莱尔需要做更多检查以确保他的身体没有任何问题。‎ ‎15.A.Quickly B.Gradually C.Suddenly D.Finally 解析:选D 根据空后的“everything went well”可知,最终,一切进展顺利,莱尔去医院捐献了骨髓。‎ ‎16.A.exchange B.share C.associate D.combine 解析:选B 根据语境可知,莱尔给血癌病人捐献骨髓,他与一个陌生人分享了骨髓。‎ ‎17.A.So B.Then C.But D.And 解析:选C 分析句子的逻辑关系可知,大多数人在捐献骨髓后的几天就可以完全恢复正常,但莱尔却被告知大约一个月内不能举20磅以上的东西。此处前后句之间表示转折关系。‎ ‎18.A.used B.agreed C.hesitated D.had 解析:选D 根据上文中的“Cameron was told not to lift over 20 pounds for about a month”可推断,他不得不错过很多赛事。‎ ‎19.A.grow B.shine C.cheer D.struggle 解析:选B 在经过八年的铅球训练后,莱尔一定想参加比赛,使自己表现出众。‎ ‎20.A.make B.admit C.accept D.do 解析:选D 莱尔认为自己所做的事很值得,因此他还会再做(同样的事情)。‎ Ⅱ.语法填空 A company in the USA is paying its workers to sleep more. Staff at the insurance company Aetna will get $300 a year __1__ (add) to their salary if they get at least seven hours of sleep a night. They will get just over a dollar for each night they sleep over seven hours. The idea behind this plan is employee __2__ (perform). Human resources __3__ (official) say workers will work more effectively if they have slept well. A workforce that is more rested means the company will perform __4__ (well). Staff can either record their sleep automatically, __5__ (use) a wrist monitor, or record by hand how long they have slept every night.‎ ‎__6__ number of studies warn that not sleeping enough can affect our ability to do our job. The American Academy of Sleep Medicine said that the average worker in the USA loses 11.3 working days of productivity a year from a lack __7__ sleep. This __8__ (cost) companies about $2,280 for one worker. It estimates (估计) that the US economy loses $63.2 billion a year mainly __9__ workers do not sleep more than seven hours a night. A 2015 study by the Rand Corporation showed that staff members sleeping less than seven hours per night __10__(find) far less productive than workers having eight or more hours of sleep.‎ 语篇解读:本文是一篇说明文。一家美国公司给每晚睡眠时间超过7小时的员工增发薪酬。研究发现,员工睡眠时间越充足,他们的表现就越好,公司的业绩就更佳。‎ ‎1.added $300和动词add之间是被动关系,该处使用了get sth.done结构,意为“使……被做”。故填added。‎ ‎2.performance 句意:这一计划背后的目的是员工的表现。employee修饰空格处,意为“员工表现”,空格处应用名词。故填performance。‎ ‎3.officials 根据空格后的谓语动词say可知,此处主语应用复数形式。故填officials。‎ ‎4.better 根据该句中的比较级more rested可知,公司员工休息得越好,则公司运转得就越好。故用well的比较级better。‎ ‎5.using 分析该句结构可知,动词use和句子的主语Staff之间是逻辑上的主动关系,故用现在分词形式作伴随状语。故填using。‎ ‎6.A 由谓语动词warn可知,应填A。a number of 为固定搭配,意为“许多”。注意字母位于句首时需大写。‎ ‎7.of a lack of为固定搭配,意为“缺乏……”。故填of。‎ ‎8.costs 根据下句中“It estimates (估计) that ...”并结合语境可知,此处用一般现在时;再由该句主语This可知,cost应用第三人称单数形式。故填costs。‎ ‎9.because 空格前句意为:它估计美国经济每年损失632亿美元;空格后句意为:员工每晚睡眠时间不超过7小时。根据句意可知,空格前后为因果关系,故用because引导原因状语从句。‎ ‎10.were found 宾语从句的主语staff ‎ members与动词find之间是被动关系,应用被动语态;由“A 2015 study”可知,该句陈述的是过去发生的事情,故用一般过去时。故填were found。‎ Ⅱ.短文改错 Getting rid of the bad habit of procrastination (拖延症) is now my goal in life. My first step was to set small targets what can be reached realistically. For example, I plan to set a timetable for my study. So after school, I will put finishing homework in the last place. Additionally, I will make a list of my important task including their due dates but follow my schedule strictly. I will avoid find excuses for putting them off. At same time, I will ask for my friends and parents to help me. By achieving this small targets, I have confident that I will overcome procrastination.‎ 答案:第二句:was→is; what→that/which 第四句:last→first 第五句:task→tasks; but→and 第六句:find→finding 第七句:At后加the; 去掉for 第八句:this→these; confident→confidence Ⅲ.书面表达 ‎(2018·成都五校高三联考)假设你是星光中学高三学生李华。在国外留学的你的好朋友Peter最近写信向你倾诉自己的烦恼。得知他最近因为学习压力大经常失眠,学习效率严重降低后,你决定给他一些建议鼓励他。请你根据以下要点提示给他写一封英文回信。‎ 要点:1.寻找同学倾诉自己的烦恼,请同学帮忙解决遇到的难题;‎ ‎2.积极主动学习,保持乐观态度;‎ ‎3.积极参加体育锻炼,增强体质;‎ ‎4.烦恼时多听音乐,缓解学习压力。‎ 注意:1.词数100左右;‎ ‎2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ 参考范文:‎ Dear Peter,‎ I was very sad to hear that you were suffering in your studies.I would like to share some advice with you on how to study efficiently.‎ Firstly, you can talk with some close friends about your problems and ask for their help.This is an important way to deal with your problems directly. Secondly, try to study in a positive way and keep an optimistic attitude. This will decrease your study pressure, making studying an easy job. Thirdly, spend time doing exercise. Not only does doing exercise build up our body, but also it provides time for us to refresh our mind. Last, you can listen to some smoothing music, which will be a good way to improve your current depressed mood.‎ I hope all this information can benefit you.‎ Yours,‎ Li Hua

