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‎2018-2019学年吉林省吉林市高一下学期期末联考试题——英语 二、英汉互译(每题1分,共20分)‎ ‎21.move off __________ 22..refer to__________ ‎ ‎23.would rather __________ 24. be satisfied with__________. 25.come to life __________ 26.be likely to __________‎ ‎27.in general__________ 28. no wonder__________‎ ‎29..in advance__________ 30. get close to__________‎ ‎31.人类__________ 32 .过着...的生活 __________‎ ‎33 .蔑视__________ 34. 碰巧__________ ‎ ‎35. 偶遇 __________ 36. 导致__________‎ ‎37. 集中注意力于__________ 38. 直到现在__________ ‎ ‎39. 挑出__________ 40 .丢脸__________‎ 三、阅读理解(每题2分,共30分)‎ A Are you the type of person who always says “yes”?I’ve come to learn that it is very important to learn to say “no”.It’s okay.People are still going to like you.They may even respect you more because they know you are honest.‎ I’m not saying to say “no” to someone who really needs your help.I’m talking about turning down that meeting that you really do not want to attend or that birthday party that you don’t want to be a guest at.‎ Think for a moment how you feel when you say “yes” to something that you really don’t want to do.If you’re like I once was,you can’t sleep at night and you think about it too much.It weighs on your mind.You try to find ways out.Whatever you’re saying to yourself,if you really wanted to go,you wouldn’t have all of these thoughts.‎ So,why not just say “no” from the beginning?Maybe you feel like if you don’t show up at the meeting (by the way,it is not one you must attend),your boss isn’t going to like you or your coworkers won’t respect you.Maybe you feel as if your mom,dad or sisters won’t love you as much if you don’t do everything for them what they ask every occasion.‎ If these people are your true friends,family members,or a good boss,they will like or love you the same no matter what.People treat you the way you teach them to,and if you’re someone who always says “yes”,then that’s what they’re expecting.‎ You need to do what is right for you.Of course we do have real obligations in life to fulfill,‎ but we do not have to do everything others want us to do.‎ ‎41.Which of the following statements would the writer agree with?‎ A.We should try to do what our friends ask us to do.‎ B.We should help others in need.‎ C.Always saying “yes” means you are dishonest.‎ D.Always saying “no” means you are brave.‎ ‎42.What does the underlined word,’ It" in Paragraph 3 refer to?‎ ‎  A. Saying "yes". B. A friend's birthday party.‎ ‎  C. Something you’re unwilling to do. D. Something you think difficult to do.‎ ‎43.The writer believes that if you say “no” to your family members,you’ll________.‎ A.have the same relationship with them as before B.have a loose relationship with them C.disappoint them D.upset them ‎44.What would be the best title for the text?‎ A.Learn to Make a Right Choice B.To Be Yourself C.Do What You Want to Do D.Learn to Say “No”‎ B Once there was a young woman who didn’t like her job.Everyday when she came home from work,she told her husband how terrible her day had been,how tiring the work and how unreasonable her boss.“Leave that job,” her husband told her.‎ ‎“Oh,I will,” she said.“But not yet.I have too many friends there for me to leave.”And so she remained unhappy at work until the years became decades and her children had children.“Leave that job,” her grandchildren told her.“Oh,I will,”she said.“But not yet.There are only seven more years until I reach thirty years of service and can retire.So I can’t just yet.”‎ I know this woman.And her story reminds me of an old dog half asleep on a porch of a general store,moaning and groaning in the sun.“Why is your dog acting that way?” a customer asked the store owner.“Oh,” answered the man,“He’s lying on a nail.” “Well,why doesn’t he move?”“Because it’s not hurting him bad enough.”‎ That’s true for people,too.We convince ourselves the pain is not bad enough to leave the workplace we know.But we’re wrong.Prolonged work pain is continuing.Some work pain ‎ damages our selfesteem,kills our passion or destroys our dreams.‎ Wilbur Wright once commented,“We could hardly wait to get up in the morning.I know that exhilarating feeling of being so passionate about something I was working on that I couldn’t wait to get back to work.And people who are winning at working know that kind of passion,too.”‎ They get excited about work.They offer their unique gifts and talents eagerly.And when things don’t change as they sometimes will,they refuse to let environment hijack their selfesteem,passion or dreams.‎ ‎45.The woman complained to her husband every day because ________.‎ A.she didn’t have enough money to support her family B.her boss criticized her for what she had done C.she was not satisfied with her job at all D.her work was difficult and her boss was cruel ‎46.From the second paragraph we can know that the woman ________.‎ A.liked making friends with others B.loved all of her children very much C.left her tiring job at last D.did exactly the same job all along ‎47.The author mentioned the old dog in order to tell us that ________.‎ A.it was deeply hurt by its owner B.the woman is like the dog on the nail C.it is tied firmly to a nail by its owner D.it should be injured badly enough ‎48.The underlined word “Prolonged” (in Paragraph 4) means ________.‎ A.lasting B.slight C.serious D.hard ‎49.People who are getting along well with their work ________.‎ A.have to get up early every day B.are not willing to go to work C.need more unique gifts and talents D.are likely to change with the situation C Nearly two million drivers in the UK have had accidents due to “Baby on Board” signs and children’s toys that affect their view,according to alarming new research.One in 20 motorists says stickers and playtime paraphernalia (装备) are to blame for a collision—equivalent to 1.85 million of Britain’s 37 million drivers.The discovery triggered a warning by a road safety charity—Brake ‎ to cut down on clutter (杂乱的东西) in the car.‎ Deputy chief executive Julie Townsend said “Baby on Board” signs are very useful in alerting the emergency services that a child may be involved in case of a crash.“This help can become negative if drivers display signs when their child isn’t in the car,” she said.“Worse still is the danger that can be caused by drivers influencing their view by cluttering up (塞满) windows with lots of signs.Drivers’ priority should always be getting there safely without putting themselves,young passengers or other road users at risk.”‎ A survey arranged by price comparison website Confused.com found that 37 percent of parents have displayed signs and four out of five of them believe they improve safety.But 46 percent admit doing so at all times—regardless of whether or not their child is in the car—and 15 percent admit they only have them for their novelty (新奇) value.The poll of 2,000 drivers also found that 46 percent of drivers regard them as a risk and 33 percent say they are lacking in taste.‎ ‎“There are benefits and dangers to ‘Baby on Board’ signs.They can offer useful information for medical aid in case of a crash but having too many novelty items displayed could be a safety issue,” said a Confused.com spokesman.‎ ‎50.What do we learn about the signs on the car from Paragraph 1?‎ A.They can be dangerous.‎ B.They are useful to avoid accidents.‎ C.They are welcomed by passengers.‎ D.They are forbidden to be used.‎ ‎51.What is Julie Townsend’s attitude towards the signs?‎ A.Positive. B.Negative.‎ ‎ C.Uninteresting. D.Objective.‎ ‎52.According to the survey,most of the drivers who use the signs think that the signs_____.‎ A.can improve safety B.are unnecessary C.can make drivers clear D.can kill time D Two years ago,the Funk family of suburban Chicago adopted a Chinese baby girl who had been abandoned on a sidewalk near a textile factory in Yangzhou.‎ Last year,the Ramirez family of suburban Miami adopted a girl who had been abandoned a week later on the same spot.‎ Both families named their daughters Mia.It turns out,a first name and Chinese heritage aren’t the only things the threeyearolds have in common.The girls’ mothers—Holly Funk and Diana Ramirez—met on a website for parents who had gone through international adoptions.After a lot of emails comparing photographs and biographical details,DNA testing proved the families’‎ ‎ suspicions: The girls are probably fraternal twins.‎ ‎“I was in shock,” said Ramirez,who lives with her husband Carlos in Pembroke Pines,Florida.“Well,now this is for real.”‎ The Internet and Web groups revolving around international orphanages are increasingly being used to link adopted children with biological kin(亲属).The site that Funks and Ramirezes used has a membership of 137 people,with 15 sets of twins and 7 sets of siblings whose relationships have been confirmed.‎ At a reunion at Chicago’s O’Hare International Airport,Mia Diamond Funk and Mia Hanying Ramirez shyly surveyed each other,and then reached for each other’s hand.‎ DNA tests establish an 85 percent probability that the girls are at least halfsisters.Scientists do not have a biological parent to test and reach a greater certainty,but given their ages and physical similarities,experts say it is likely they are fraternal twins.‎ Douglas and Holly Funk hope to bring their Mia to Miami in October. Both sets of parents say they are committed to staying in touch and often let the two sisters talk to each other on the phone. ‎ ‎53.Both the adopted girls shared a first name ________.‎ A.because they both came from ‎China B.because of their physical similarities C.because their US parents suspected they were twins D.for no good reason ‎54.Why did the girls’ mothers meet on the Internet?‎ A.To compare photographs of the two girls.‎ B.To find the girls’ biological kin.‎ C.To test their suspicions.‎ D.To know how to adopt children.‎ ‎55.Experts are still not 100 percent sure that the two girls are fraternal twins because ________.‎ A.DNA tests are still not accurate enough B.the two girls were born in two different families C.the DNA of a biological parent is still missing D.one girl was born a week later than the other 四、 完形填空(每题1.5分,共30分)‎ Sudha Chandran, a classical dancer from ‎India ‎, had to have her right leg cut after a car accident. She was also  __56___  on her career road. Though the accident brought her bright career to a __57___, she didn’t give up. In the  ___58___ months that followed, Sudha met a doctor who developed an artificial _59____made from rubber filled with sponge 海绵). So __60___she wanted to go back to__61____ after she had been fitted with an artificial leg. Sudha knew that she believed in __62__and could realize her dream, and ____63____she began her courageous journey back to the world of dancing — _64____to balance, bend, stretch, walk, turn, twist and twirl. After every public recital (个人表演), she__65___ask her dad about her performance. “You__66__ have a long way to go” was the answer she used to get__67___  . In January 1984, Sudha made a historic_68__ by giving a public recital in Bombay. She performed in such a great manner that it __69___everyone to tears and this _70___ pushed her to the number one position again. That evening when she asked her dad the _71___ question, he didn’t say anything. He just touched her feet as a praise. Sudha’s comeback was_72___ moving an event that a film producer__73__ to make the story into a hit film. When someone asked Sudha how she had _74___to dance again, she said quite simply, “YOU DON’T NEED FEET TO DANCE.” _75___  is impossible in this world. If you have the will to win, you can achieve anything.‎ 21. ‎ A. left alone             B. cut off              C. kept out            D. put out 22. A. top                          B. height              C. point       D. stop 23. A. unforgettable          B. painful              C. busy         D. free 24. A. flower                     B. leg                      C. gift            D. box‎ 25‎. A. strangely                 B. gradually             C. heavily        D. strongly 26. A. home                    B. school                C. dancing            D. walking 27. A. the doctor              B. the stage            C. herself           D. her dad 28. A. however                 B. even        C. since               D. therefore 29. A. starting                B. remembering            C. wanting  ‎ ‎  D. learning 30. A. could                  B. would                     C. should              D. might 31. A. yet                          B. ever              C. also                D. still 32. A. in return                B. in turn            C. in surprise       D. in anger 33. A. change               B. movement         C. comeback          D. promise 34. A. made                  B. moved                 C. let                     D. forced 35. A. story                  B. performance           C. decision         D. accident 36. A. same                 B. new                     C. normal           D. interesting 37. A. such                   B. this                         C. very                   D. so 38. A. allowed               B. pretended               C. refused          D. decided 39. A. tried                    B. managed                C. thought           D.gone ‎40.A Nothing B.Anything C.Something D Everyting 五、根据句意填入适当的词(每题1.5分,共15分)‎ ‎76、One of the main _____________(attract) of Beijing is the Summer Palace.‎ ‎77、Tom went the library and searched for_____________ he could find about Mark Twain.‎ ‎78、 _____________ (not know) what to do next , he had to go to his parents for help.‎ ‎79、_____________(fortunate),he missed the first train.‎ ‎80、He is quite content _____________his present life.‎ ‎81、John regretted not _____________(go) to the meeting last week.‎ ‎82、Thanks _____________ his help,I could finish the work on time.‎ ‎83、Have you ever grown any plants? If _____________ ,what did you do to grow them ?‎ ‎84、What he says _____________(be) true .‎ ‎85、Jilin is famous _____________ the rime (雾凇).‎ 六、作文(25分)‎ 白山宾馆刚刚开业,为吸引外国游客,该宾馆希望在互联网上做一些宣传,请你用英语为其写一篇文字介绍。主要内容包括:‎ 1. 地点:距白山入口处‎500米。‎ 2. 房间及价格:单人间(共20间),100元/天;双人间(共15间),150元/天;都有热水淋浴。‎ 3. 餐饮:餐厅(中、西餐),咖啡厅(茶,咖啡等)。‎ 4. 游泳池:全天免费开放。‎ 5. 欢迎预定。‎ 注意:1. 词数100左右,开头已给出,不计入总词数;‎ 2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ Welcome to White Mountain Hotel White Mountain Hotel is now open for business.‎ ‎___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎ ‎ 期末试卷答案 阅读:A篇BCAD B篇CDBAD C篇ADAB D篇DBC 完型:BDBBD CCDDB DACBB AADBA 作文:Welcome to White Mountain Hotel White Mountain Hotel is now open for business.‎ Our hotel stands 500 meters away from the entrance to White Mountain. It has 20 single rooms and 15 double rooms, in which you can take a hot shower. A single room is 100 yuan for one night and a double room 150 yuan.‎ The hotel serves three meals a day and there are Chinese food and Western food for you to choose from. You can also enjoy yourself at the cafe drinking tea or coffee. We have a swimming pool, which is open all day and free of charge.‎ All are welcome!‎ ‎ ‎

