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Unit 4 Our World Topic 3 The Internet makes the world smaller. Section B What can we do on the Internet ? We can do some shopping . Because it’s a little cheaper . online -What else can we do online ? -We can… find information send emails listen to music watch movies chat with friends face to face 查询资料 ____________________________ 发送邮件 _______________________________ 听音乐 _______________________________ 看电影 _______________________________ 和朋友面对面聊天 _______________________________ The Internet can help us find the way. We can study on the Internet. We can read books we like. We can learn to cook. The Internet is great! Because it makes the world smaller. How does it work? A special language makes computers talk with each other. When did it come into being? Scientists started to study it in the 1960s and made it into use in the 1990s. I’m sure it will become more and more important to us. 1a-P97 主语 + 谓语 + 宾语 + 宾语补足语 1. 名词作 宾补: call, make, keep.. We call him Xiao Li. 2. 形容词作 宾补: keep, make, find.. We should keep our classroom clean . 3. 动词不定式作 宾补 : want,ask,tell,wish… I want you to come here. 4. 动词 ing:see, hear,keep I saw you sleeping just now. Listen to the passage and number the pictures. 3a 录音 3a-P98 find new friends buy a bike read a book study English buy a gift learn to cook 1 2 3 4 5 6 Listen again and fill in the blanks. 3a The Internet has become a _____________ to find information. _____________, you can buy a bike or a car online. You can also _______ how to study English or cook by __________ online. Many people read books or buy gifts _________ the Internet. Some people even find new friends online. As you look toward ____________ , you can imagine many more uses of the Internet. popular way For example learn looking through the future 录音 3a-P98 ____________________ . ____________________ . We can use Internet to __________________. ____________________. ____________________. It is ___________. It can make our life _______________________________ . But we _________ spend too much time on the Internet . send e-mails chat with friends find information … … wonderful nicer, easier and more interesting shouldn’t Jane and her friends are talking about the things they did on the Internet last night. What did each of them do last night ? Listen to 1a and complete the table. Name What they saw or heard online Jane saw a new ______ of ______ Michael studied pictures of ______ Kangkang heard that _________ could put little computers right into our______ Maria watched a _______ photo Mars birds scientists heads movie 1b 录音 1a-P99 Rewrite the conversation into passage based on 1b . Last night, Jane ____________________________ ________ and Michael also ____________________ for his science lesson. Kangkang visited his favorite website and heard a reporter said that __________ ________________________________________. He was not sure if that was a good idea. Maria _______ _________ online and she was sure no scientist was going to put a computer into her head. saw a new photo of Mars on the Internet looked at photos online scientists could put little computers right into our heads watched a movie 1c 视频 1a-P99 Write another passage from Jane’s point of view. You can begin like this : Last night, Maria, Michael and I … Read and act out the conversation in pairs. Practice Key points I’m sure you can find lots of information on the Internet now. be sure ( that ) + 句子 确信 …… ; 肯定 …… I’m not sure if that is a good idea. be not sure if/whether + 句子 不确定 …… 是否 …… Eg : 我确信他会来参加我的生日晚会。 I _______________ he will come to my birthday party. 他不确定他是否去我的生日晚会。 He ____________________ he will go to my birthday party. am sure ( that ) is not sure if/whether be sure/ be not sure 后的宾语从句 1. 陈述句 直接用 that 连接 I’m sure that we will have a good time tonight. 2. 一般疑问句 将它改为陈述句 , 并用 if/whether…(or not) 连用 I’m not sure if/whether I’ll come tonight. 2 Practice Will everyone in the world use the Internet in the future ? Are there any good movie websites online ? Can we find interesting books on the Internet ? Will people have computers in their bodies some day ? 将来 将来某天 Discuss in groups about what you saw or heard on the Internet. Then make a report and present it to the class. A: I saw/looked at/watched… B: I’m sure … C: I visited the website and a reporter said … D: I’m not sure if/whether … … 3 Practice Read the pairs of words and pay attention to the difference between / w /and / v /. / w / - / v / : w et- v et w est- v est w ine- v ine 4a 录音 4a-P100 Listen to the sentences, paying attention to the liaison, weak form, stress and intonation. Then read after the tape and imitate. 1.’Good ’morning . ’Good ’evening. 2.Will ’everyone in the ’world ’use the ’Internet in the ’future ? 3.Well. ’Some people ’watch ’TV ’online. 4.Do you know ’how to ’protect ’ourselves fr o m the ’earthquake? 4b 录音 4b-P100 5.’Really? ’Which w a s the ’most ’serious ? 6. A ’reporter said ’scientists could ’put ’little ’computers ’right into our ’heads. 7. The ’Internet ’makes our life ’easier a nd ’more interesting The rising tone is often used in general questions, greetings and requests. Do the exercises Choose the best answer. Computers are very useful to us, but students shouldn’t ____ too much time ___ them. A. spend; in B. cost; / C. spend; on D. take; to 2. We can shop ___ the Internet ____ going to the shops. A. on; without B. in; without C. in; for D. on; with 3. – We can use QQ to chat online. --Really ? Could you please show me ______ it ? A. what to do B. how to do C. when to do D. why to do 4. I’m _____ sure _____ computers can work in our heads well . A. /; whether B. not; that C. not; if D. quite; whether Summary We master the drills : be sure that + 句子 be not sure if/whether + 句子 Homework 1. 收集更多网络在我们日 常生活当中的用途。 2. 背诵 1a 。 Thank you !

