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初一英语音标入门 英语中有26个英语字母,26个字母组成了千千万万个英语单词。要想会拼读单词,必须学会48个国际音标。‎ 一.元音字母 Aa, Ee, Ii, Oo, Uu 在单词中的发音 ‎1. Aa的发音 开音节:[ei]name game age cake grade same face take 闭音节: [æ] and map bag thank am hand apple ‎ ‎2.Ee的发音 开音节:[i:] he me she three meet bee see 闭音节: [e] egg pen desk pencil yes ten telephone ‎3.Ii的发音 开音节:[ai]hi five nine bike fine nice like ‎ 闭音节:[ i ] it is in six sit this Miss big pink ‎ ‎4.Oo的发音 开音节:[u:] do to two who ‎ ‎[əu] no go home those phone hello zero 闭音节:[כ] not box clock dog on cock ‎ ‎5.Uu的发音 开音节 [ u: ] ruler blue Lucy ‎ ‎[ ju:] use excuse student computer huge 闭音节 [Λ] bus cup mum but us number much 讨论:通过观察,同学们归纳一下什么是开音节?什么是闭音节?不求掌握,只理解即可。‎ 上面通过5个元音字母我们学习了以下11音标:‎ ‎[ei][i:][ai][u][ ju:] [u:] [æ] [ e ] [ i ][כ][Λ] ‎ 元音 单元音 长元音:/ i:/ /ə:/ /u:/ /ɔ:/ /a:/‎ 短元音:/i/ /ə/ /u/ /ɔ/ /æ/ /e/ /ʌ/‎ 双元音 ‎/ei/ /ai/ /ɔɪ/ /iə/ /ɛə/ /uə/ /əu/ /au/‎ 清辅音 ‎/p/ /t/ /k/ /f/ /θ/ /s/ /ʃ/ /tʃ/ /ts/ /tr/ /h/‎ 浊辅音 ‎/b/ /d/ /g/ /v/ /ð/ /z/ /ʒ/ / dz / /dr/‎ ‎/r/ /l/ /m/ /n/ / ŋ/ /w/ /j/‎ 二.掐头法学读音:Ff、 Ll 、Mm 、Nn 、Ss 、Xx。‎ 读以上辅音字母名称音,将其第一个音去掉,余下的音即为该字母在单词中的发音 Ff[ef]  →[e][f] 去[e] →余[f] 例词:five knife friend ‎ Ll[el]  →[e][l] 去[e] →余[l] 例词: apple spell double ‎ Mm[em]→ [e][m] 去[e]→余[m] 例词: name am me my Nn[en] → [e][n] 去[e] →余[n] 例词: nine pen ten Ss[es]   →[e][s] 去[e] →余[s] 例词: bus this class Xx[eks] →[e][ks] 去[e] →余[ks] 例词: six fox next box 三.去尾法学读音:Bb、Cc、Dd、Jj、Kk、Pp、Tt、Vv、Zz ‎ 读以上辅音字母名称音,将其后面的音去掉,余下的音即为该字母在单词中的读音。   Bb[bi:]  → [b][i:] 去[i:] →余[b] 例: book bag big   ‎ Cc[si:]   →[s][i:] 去[i:] →余[s] 例: nice face pencil ‎ ‎  Dd[di:] →[d][i:] 去[i:] →余[d] 例: good desk dog  Jj[dʒei]  → [dʒ][ei] 去[ei] →余[ dʒ ] 例: jeep just   Kk[kei]  → [k][ei] 去[ei] →余[k] 例:book look cook   Pp[pi:]   →[p][i:] 去[i:] →余[p] 例:pen map pink   Tt[ti:]   →[t][i:] 去[i:] →余[t] 例: it ten but twelve   Vv[vi:]   →[v][i:] 去[i:] →余[v] 例:five very seven eleven   Zz[zi:]  → [z][i:] 去[i:] →余[z] 例:zero zoo 只要会字母名称音,用掐头法、去尾法轻而易举地掌握12个辅音字母的读音:‎ ‎[f] [l] [m] [n] [s] [k] [b] [dʒ] [p] [t] [v] [z]‎ 四.对比法学读音:与汉语拼音区别对照学习g, h, y, w, r 5个辅音 ‎ ‎ 汉语拼音 g h y w r  英语读音 g [ g ] h[ h ] y [ j ] w[w ] r[ r ]‎ g good get bag dog h he hi hat hen y yes young yellow w we where woman r red zero right friend ‎ 五.字母组合记忆法:ch sh ck qu ch [t∫ ] China Chinese much teacher chicken ‎ sh [ ∫ ] she English fish ship short shop ck [ k ] black clock lock blackboard sock qu [kw ] quarter quiz quick quite 六.th的发音。‎ th[Ɵ] three[Ɵri:] 三 mouth[mauƟ] 嘴 thirteen think th[ð] this[ðis] 这 that[ðæt] 那 they father mother ['mʌðə]‎ 七.中元音:[ʌ] [З:] [ǝ]‎ ‎[ʌ] u bus but number must mum much o some love come son mother worry ou double young touch cousin ‎[З:] ir girl thirteen shirt bird first sir skirt ‎ er her term ‎ ur purple nurse purse hurt Thursday turn return ‎ or work word worker world ‎ ‎[ǝ] er later teacher father mother computer sister ‎ or doctor visitor forget ‎ ‎ a about banana woman ‎ o welcome o’clock ‎ 八.鼻(辅)音:[m] [n] [ŋ]‎ ‎[m] m my name me same game mom welcome ‎[n] n nine pen ten then and on in only need ‎[ŋ] n morning thank [Ɵæŋk] long[lɒŋ] pink think ‎ 九.后元音:[ɑ:] [ɔ:] [ɒ] [u:] [ʊ]‎ ‎[ɑ:] ar are car arm star farm farmer guitar park ‎ a class ask father banana glass past after aunt ‎[ɔ:] or morning short forty order sort for al tall small hall ball call wall ‎ our your four pour ‎ au daughter because ar warm quarter war warn ‎ ‎[ɒ] o not box dog shop bottle mom wrong long ‎ a what want watch ‎[u:] oo too school cool zoo room afternoon food ‎ o do to who whose ‎ u blue ruler Lucy ‎ ‎[ʊ] oo book look good cook foot u put full 十.破擦音:[tr] [dr] [ʧ] [ʤ] [ʦ] [ʣ]‎ ‎[tr] tr tree try train [dr] dr dress driver drink ‎[ʧ] ch China teacher much [ʤ] jg orange jeep ‎ ‎[ʦ] ts cats it’s what’s [ʣ] ds beds friends 十一. 摩擦音[h] [r] [j] [Ʒ] [w]及舌侧音 [l]‎ ‎[h] he hello his [r] red right [j] yes young yellow ‎[w] we what one[wΛn]一(特殊发音) [l] apple little let 十二. 20个英语元音音素归类:‎ 前元音:[i:] [І] [e] [æ] ‎ ‎[i:] e me he she we ‎ ee see meet three tree thirteen green free need ea teacher please seat teach speak eat ‎ ‎[І ] i big is this six pink will him with kid fish ‎ ‎[e] e egg desk pen ten seven telephone eleven friend ‎ ‎ ea head bread breakfast heavy sweater ‎ a many any ‎[æ] a and thank apple can map cap cat ‎ ‎ 中元音:[ʌ] [З:] [ǝ]‎ ‎[ʌ] u bus but number us much up ‎ o some love come son worry does ou double young touch cousin country ‎[З:] ir girl thirteen shirt skirt sir first bird third ‎ ur purple purse turn return Thursday ‎ er her term ‎ or work worker word ‎[ǝ] er teacher later number ‎ 后元音:[ɑ:] [ɔ:] [ɒ] [u:] [ʊ]‎ ‎[ɑ:] ar are car arm a class ask father ‎[ɔ:] or morning short forty ‎ al tall small hall ‎ our your four ‎[ɒ] o not box dog a what want watch ‎ ‎[u:] oo too cool school zoo o do to who woman(变成复数后o的发音要变化) ‎ u blue ruler ‎ ‎[ʊ] oo book look good u put full 双元音:[eI] [aI] [ɔI ] [əʊ ] [aʊ] [Iə] [eə] [ʊə ]‎ ‎[eI] a□e name same grade cake face take(除have外) ‎ ‎ ay say day play way pay today ‎ ai wait afraid paid train again ‎ ei eight weight ‎ ‎[aI] i□e fine nine nice five knife wide time like kite ‎ (give和live除外)‎ ‎ i hi high right light y my bye shy fly try ‎[ɔI] oy boy toy joy oi boil oil ‎[əʊ] o□e nose those home ‎ ‎ oa coat boat road ‎ o no go zero ‎ ‎ ow yellow window know ‎[aʊ] ow how now brown ‎ ou mouth about round ‎[Iə] ear year ear dear hear ‎ ere here ‎ ea idea really theater ‎[eə] ear wear pear bear ‎ ere where there ‎ air hair chair pair ‎ eir their ‎[ʊə] oor poor ure pure sure[ʃʊə]‎ 六.28个英语辅音音素归纳 ‎[ p ] p map keep pig [ b ] b boy bag book ‎[ t ] t it that tall [ d ] d good desk bed ‎[ k ] k book look kill [ g ] g good go egg ‎ c cat cap picnic ‎ ‎ ck black clock back ‎ ‎[ f ] f fine knife five [v] v love eleven seven ph phone telephone photo ‎ ‎[ s ] s see bus class [ z ] z zoo zero zone ‎ c nice face city s his nose those ‎[ ϑ ] th thank three mouth [ ð ] th this that these ‎[ ∫ ] sh fish English ship [ʒ ] s usually pleasure ‎[ t∫ ] ch China teacher much [dʒ] ge orange age page ‎ j jeep joy job ‎[ tr ] tr tree try train [ dr ] dr driver drink dress ‎[ ts ] ts cats hats gets [ dz ] ds beds kinds friends ‎[ h ] h he head hello [ r ] r red right rain ‎[ m ] m me name my [ n ] n no name nine ‎[ ŋ ] ngn sing long thank [ l ] l let lot like ‎ tall full well ‎[ j ] y yes year yellow [ w ] w what we work

