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秘密★启用前 英语试卷 注意事项: 1.答题前,考生务必用黑色碳素笔将自己的姓名、准考证号、考场号、座位号在答题卡上填写清楚。 2.每小题选出答案后,用 2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再 选涂 其他答案标号。在试题卷上作答无效。 3.考试结束后,请将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。满分 150分,考试用时 120分钟。 第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 30分) 注意,听力部分答题时请先将答案标在试卷上,听力部分结束前你将有两分钟的时间将答案转涂到答题卡上。第 一节(共 5小题;每题 1.5分,满分 7.5分) 听下面 5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试 卷的 相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有 10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. Who will help the woman with a program? A. Alex. B. Zoe. C. Sarah. 2. What is often wrong with the man's essay? A. The handwriting. B. The comments. C. The organization. 3. When will the woman probably join the man? A. At 4: 30. B. At 4: 50. C. At 4: 10. 4. What will the speakers probably do next? A. Look for the kids. B. Turn off the lights. C. Water the plants. 5. Why did the man arrive home so late? A. He didn't take a taxi. B. He worked too late. C. He got food on the way. 第二节(共 15小题;每小题 1.5分,满分 22. 5分) 听下面 5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有 2至 4个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C三个选项中选出最 佳选 项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有 5秒钟的时间阅读各个小题;听完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听下面一段对话,回答第 6和第 7题。 6. What was the man unsatisfied with about the party? A. The food. B. The band. C. The drink. 7. What did the woman think of the band at the party? A. It was unsuitable. B. It was noisy. C. It was wonderful. 听下面一段对话,回答第 8和第 9题。 8. What does the woman want the man to do? A. Offer her a part-time job. B. Drive her to the exhibition. C. Draw some oil paintings. 9. What is the relationship between the speakers? A. Brother and sister. B. Husband and wife. C. Taxi driver and passenger. 听下面一段对话,回答第 10至第 12题。 10. What is not included in the package? A. The meals. B. The banana-boat ride. C. The airfare. 11. Where does the man want to eat? A. In his room. B. On the beach. C. In the canteen. 12. What does the man expect to do most? A. Travel around the island. B. Enjoy the entertainments at sea. C. Swim in the sea. 听下面一段对话,回答第 13至第 16题。 13. What was the woman before applying for the job? A. A volunteer. B. A nurse. C. An English teacher. 14. Why is providing good service so important? A. To charge more for the tickets. B. To make passengers feel at home. C. To meet the requirements. 15. When can the woman start to work if she is accepted? A. A week later. B. After quitting her job. C. At once. 16. What is the result of the interview? A. The woman will be informed later. B. The man isn't satisfied with the woman. C. They will sign a contract at once. 听下面一段独白,回答第 17至第 20题。 17. How many suggestions are given in the text? A. 6. B. 7. C. 5. 18. What should a secure password be like? A. As long as possible. B. Unique and complicated. C. Easy to remember. 19. What are needed for online purchases according to the text? A. Your password for the site. B. Your bank account information. C. Your real image. 20. Which of the following can provide security protection? A. Taking back what you have posted online. B. Using apps that need your credit card information. C. Keeping your operating system updated. 第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分 40分) 第一节(共 15小题;每小题 2分,满分 30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C和 D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 A From the biggest companies with long histories to the smaller production houses, we think you'll agree here are three of the best animation studios, based on all their accomplishments. Pixar Animation Studios For three decades, every effort has been spared to create an image of acceptance and quality for the audience. We all know the resulting filmography— the Toy Story, The Incredibles, Ratatouille— the list goes on and on. It began in 1986 with an investment from Apple co — founder Steve Jobs. Since then, the desk lamp logo for the company has become one of the most memorable symbols in cinematic history. With leases for Cars 3, Coco, Toy Story 4 and The Incredibles 2, the expectation only grows for what's next. Walt Disney Animation Studios Founded in 1923, the Walt Disney Animation Studios began producing silent short cartoons in the small studio in Los Angeles. The introduction of none other thanMickey Mouse accelerated the company's career. But it was the 1937 film Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs that brought attention to everyone. Since then, the company has released upwards of sixty different full-length features, each one a testament to the remarkable strength in quality Disney holds for itself. With classics like The Lion King and The Beauty and the Beast, along with more recent examples like Tangled and Frozen, we're not in the minority in saying that Walt Disney leads by example. DreamWorks Animation We're all familiar with the logo of a young boy fishing from his seat on a moon. Ever since that logo first appeared more than two decades ago, audiences have received that kind of creativity. DreamWorks began as a business venture between Spielberg, former Disney executive Jefferey Katzenberg and music executive David Geffen. After recruiting some heavy-hitting animators to join them, the team went to work, releasing their first feature Antz in 1998. Since then, the studio has consistently turned out one of the best track records for cartoon features and television, including films such as the Shrek, the Madagascar, the Kung Fu Panda and so on. 21. Who has given money to Pixar Animation Studios? A. Spielberg. B. Jefferey Katzenberg. C. Walt Disney. D. Steve Jobs. 22. What can we learn about Walt Disney Animation Studios? A. It attaches great importance to quality. B. Mickey Mouse is the first film of Disney. C. It produced films with sound from the beginning. D. The desk lamp is the logo for it. 23. When did DreamWorks first arrest the audiences' attention? A. In 1937. B, In 1998. C. In 1986. D. In 1923. B In the last century, a series of missions have been carried out to explore the moon. Among them, NASA's Apollo 11 mission was especially remarkable as it succeeded in landing the first humans on the moon on July 201969. Several decades later, NASA announced its Artemis program which will send humans to the moon by the year 2024. And this time, the moon will welcome its first female astronaut. Up until now, only 12 people, all male, have ever walked on the moon. "The last person walked on the moon in 1972," Bettina Inclan, NASA communications director said in a statement, "No woman has ever walked on the lunar surface," But the Artemis program will change this. Women, of course, have been involved in space projects and made valuable contributions. In 1963, astronaut Valentina Tereshkova from the Soviet Union became the first woman to blast off into space. However, the progress toward women's access to space flight programs has been slow. Women have been held back by various requirements and security concerns. For example, astronauts had to be test pilots with a certain amount of experience. This was a problem as the field was dominated by males at the time. Indeed, the gender discrimination seemed to exist in the early spa.ee programs. In 1962, NASA wrote to a little girl who wanted to be an astronaut. The letter said, "We have no present plans to employ women on spaceflights because of the degree of scientific and flight training, and the Physical characteristics, which are required." Women have indeed made progress in this particular area, and arguably have advantages over their male colleagues. Women tend to be smaller, which means they use less oxygen and take up less space in small spacecrafts. Also, women usually have greater emotional awareness and communication skills that make them better-suited to long spaceflights. Despite challenges, women have shown that they are more than capable of joining that outstanding group of men who have gone to the moon. And this will truly be a remarkable moment in history. 24. What is Apollo 11 mission famous as? A. The first mission to send the humans to the moon. B. The first mission to send 12 people to the moon. C. The first success to make a female walk on the moon. D. The first success to explore the moon. 25. What does the underlined phrase “blast off" in Paragraph 2 probably mean? A. Turn down. B. Fall behind. C. Take off. 'D. Break away. 26. What might prevent women from landing on the moon? A. The inadequate experience and training. B. The limited communicating skills. C. The awareness of expressing emotions. D. The physical and mental qualities. 27. What can be learned about Valentina Tereshkova from the text? A. She contributed a lot to the Artemis program. B. She played a significant role in the space exploration history. C. She once applied for an adventure on the moon. D. She once worked as a staff of NASA. C Assignments and tests will keep many of you up late at night, and you may plan to make up for your lost deep during the weekends, but is it useful? A study published in the journal Current Biology shows that the habit of sleeping in on weekends doesn't fix the damage done by a lack of sleep during the week. Even worse, it will probably be counterproductive(起反作 用的). In the study, which was conducted over 10 days, 36 healthy young men and women with different sleep requirements were divided into three groups. The first and second groups were asked to sleep nine hours and five hours a night respectively. The members of the third group slept for five hours on weekdays but rested as long as they wanted on the weekend. The researchers found that people who lacked sleep ate more snacks and gained weight quickly. However, this wasn't the case for the first group. That could be partially due to the shifting of the biological clock and changes of certain body hormones, especially hunger hormones. In order to catch up on their sleep during weekends, people in the third group would habitually eat later. So their biological clock shifted, which also changed the release of hunger hormones, "The hormone leptin(瘦素)decreases appetite, while the hormone ghrelin(饥饿素)increases appetite," explained US researcher Vsevolod Polotsky. " Lack of sleep causes leptin to drop and ghrelin to rise, so you are hungry and eat more." And even if they tried to sleep for as long as they wanted during weekends,it was still insufficient to meet standard sleep time because they found it difficult to fall asleep. Therefore, people lacking sleep were more likely to show increased sensitivity to insulin(胰岛素)in both their muscles and their livers. “That help us understand why it is that when we don't get enough sleep we have an increased risk for things like diabetes ," Polotsky told CNN, “ because insufficient sleep schedules will lead to an inability to change blood sugar and increase the risk of metabolic(新陈代谢) disease in the long term.” 28. What is the result of the study? A. Being unable to change blood sugar will lead to diabetes. B. Making up for sleep on weekends may account for ruining health. C. The leptin helps lose appetite while the ghrelin is the opposite. D. Catching up on sleep on weekdays can fix the damage. 29. How did the researchers carry out the study according to the text? A. By analysing data. B. By employing questionnaires. C. By tracing the subjects for years. D. By comparing the groups. 30. What is mainly talked about in the last paragraph? A. Lack of sleep may change your blood sugar. B. Catching up on sleep does harm to mental health. C. Sleeping too much on weekends changes the biological clock. D. Sleep shortage may result in metabolic disorder. 31. Which part of a newspaper is the text probably from? A. Sports. B. Business. C. Science. D. Lifestyle. D According to The Strait Times, many wild animals have recently skipped onto empty streets in many cities as human beings retreat into their homes as novel coronavirus pandemic expands across the world. In Spain, a wild boar climbed down the hills and wandered around Barcelona. Sika deer nosed their way around the deserted metro stations of Nara in Japan. A stag scampered in the capital of the northern state of arthur rock land in India. “It is certainly great news for species," Marcelo Giagnoni, the head of Chile's agricultural and livestock service, told AFP. "This is the habitat they once had and that we have taken away from them.” Hundreds of years ago, people lived in harmony with wildlife. They shared natural resources from sunlight to water and from forest to land. But as human beings evolved and formed their own civilizations, they jostled with animals for more space and resources. Gradually, human beings came to lose connection with nature. More skyscrapers have been built to meet the needs of flocks of people in the cities, which has driven away many wild animals from their habitats. However, the recent lockdown of cities amid the pandemic gives a chance of freeing a space for all the animals" and of reflecting on our relationship with nature, according to AFP. Just as AFP noted, "Right now, the most important phenomenon perhaps is that our relationship with nature is changing —with people locked up in their homes realizing how much they miss nature.” Though the lockdown may be temporary, it's time for us to reflect upon our relationship with the environment. By missing nature, humans may come to respect and live harmoniously with nature once again. 32. Why is it possible for animals to come to the cities recently? A. They hope to share the cities with humans. B. They take advantage of people's staying at home. C. They want to return to their previous habitats. D. They have to hunt for food in cities. 33. What can be used to describe the former human-animal relationship? A. Humans needed more space in cities. B. They always fought with each other for space. C. Animals possessed a higher status than humans. D. Humans lived in peace with animals. 34. What attitude will the public hold to nature in the future? A. Suspicious. B. Indifferent. C. Respectful D. Uncertain. 35. What is the best title for the text? A. Wildlife's Move in B. Living in Harmony C. Human's Withdrawal D. Fighting for Habitat 第二节(共 5小题;每小题 2分,满分 10分) 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 Imagine owning a device that can " turn off” your pain like a light switch. You can use this switch whenever you want. 36 Because it doesn't use chemicals, medicines or drugs, nor does it change anything about your mind or body. In fact, it doesn't even go past your skin. It's not permanent either. 37 Sounds like something from a sci-fi movie, right? And if you suffer from chronic pain, it just sounds like a dream. But 2020 is here. And thanks to a discovery at a research lab, so is this “pain switch”, which actually comes in the form of a nanotech patch(纳米贴片)called Kailo. 38 They work together to naturally relieve pain in seconds. How does it work? It's difficult to put this simply, but I will give it a shot:When you experience pain, it is typically the result of electrical signals being sent from the location of the pain to your brain. 39 Kailo's nanocapacitors communicate directly with the brain's electrical system, telling it to “turn down” the volume of the pain signals. This allows your brain to send help to reduce the pain immediately. I suffered from back pain due to an old injury and I had tried pretty much everything under the sun. 40 But now I have Kailo which I'm so grateful for. Of course, I know what you are thinking. It still sounds like science fiction or even nonsense. That's a reaction I get from most people until I let them try mine. You really have to experience it to believe it. A. It can solve whatever kind of pains you have B. It is a patch with billions of tiny nanocapacitors C. It's completely safe D. The nanotech patch is flexible E. You can take it off whenever you want F. However, nothing gave me lasting relief G・ The worse the pain, the stronger the signals 第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分 45分) 第一节(共 20小题;每小题 1.5分,满分 30分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C和 D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 Emma Yang had become increasingly frustrated at trying to communicate with her grandmother suffering from Alzheimer's disease. The teen had a 41 enough time keeping in touch because of the distance between her home in New York and her 42 in Hong Kong, China. After the old woman 43 Emma's and her dad's birthdays, the cogs(齿轮)in her young brain started to 44 ---- what if there was an app that could help Alzheimer's patients 45 events, faces, dates and information? That's when Emma 46 Timeless : the first app designed 47 for Alzheimer's patients. The innovative teen had talked to dozens of 48 victims about the suffering. Finally, she created 49 to problems that had already troubled every 50 The app has lots of 51 features. One of them is a 52 recognition algorithm(算法)that can match names and 53 with pictures of loved ones. A Today section is available, which has the time, date, weather forecast, and 54 listed in a comprehensive 55 On the other hand, there is also a system that will let patients 56 if they are trying to call someone that have already 57 in the last five minutes. “The 58 behind my idea is that we can allow technology to solve problems that we cannot solve ourselves," Emma said. " The potential for technology to be able to help my grandmother, and others 59 Alzheimet's along the way, is what inspired me to create Timeless because Alzheimer's patients too should be able to cherish the timeless moments in life,60 the difficulties of the illness. 41. A. smooth B. comfortable C. fortunate D. tough 42. A. grandma's B. father's C. patient's D. companion's 43. A. celebrated B. recorded C. confirmed D. forgot 44. A. fly B. exist C. turn D. respond 45. A. make the best of B. keep track of C. approve of D. get rid of 46、A. created B. applied C. released D. improved 47. A. regularly B. specifically C. logically D. briefly 48. A. friendly B. lively C. elderly D. likely 49. A. barriers B. solutions C. clues D. assignments 50. A. teenager B. volunteer C. parent D. patient 51. A. independent B. unique C. flexible D. complex 52. A. facial B. formal C. emotional D. verbal 53. A. dates B. numbers C. relationships D. addresses 54. A. postcodes B. descriptions C. organizations D. events 55. A. schedule B. agreement C. assessment D. contract 56. A. wonder B. know C. doubt D. understand 57. A. turned to B. handled C. contacted D. heard from 58. A. progress B. adjustment C. revolution D. concept 59. A. suffering from B. researching on C. thinking of D. talking about 60. A. on behalf of B. in terms of C. in spite of D. on account of 第二节(共 10小题;每小题 1.5分,满分 15分) 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 Since Jay Chou's single Mojito was released on Tencent Music on June 12, the cocktail with the same name became a popular subject as well, with many 61 (turn) to the Internet for its recipe. The mojito perfectly balances the flavor of lime, rum and fresh mint. It's not only one of the perfect summer drinks, 62 one that will get you to dream of the sea and surf in the deep, dark winter nights, too. Unlike some cocktails that may have been created accidentally by 63 ( adventure) bartenders(调酒师),the process of developing the mojito took more than a century. The mojito took root in Cuba at a time 64 most rum was hardly drinkable — fierce and heavy. Rum may have helped ease the stress of the day, but the taste of rum was not satisfying. In order to improve the flavor, people began having such ingredients as a 65 ( hand) of mint, a squeeze of lime and some sugarcane juice 66 (mix). Then it would go down just fine. Thus the mojito was born. Because the recipe could easily 67(adapt) , it quickly spread to other countries. People around the world began to create 68(they) own unique version. They put sweet tea, fruit, vegetables and different herbs into the classical mojito. In 2002, the drink rose 69 popularity after its appearance in the James Bond film Die Another Day, Over the past decade mojito 70 (become) the most searched cocktail in 60 different countries and every year on July 11, World Mojito Day is celebrated. 第四部分 写作(共两节,满分 35分) 第一节 短文改错(共 1。小题;每小题 1分,满分 1。分) 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有 1。处语言错误, 每 句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。 增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧),并在其下面写出该加的词。 删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。 修改:在错的词下画一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。 注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词; 2.只允许修改 10处,多者(从第 11处起)不计分。 The combination of pets and restaurants has become incredible popular in China. While many cafes start offering the companies of cats and dogs, and others are expanding their range. The visitors have commented that one of their main reasons for their visit is interact closely with animals only seen from afar. Also these pet cafes serve for a nice place for those who found it comfortable to be around animals. Animal lovers also wish that the cafes do to change people attitude to pets. Animals like pigs and sheep have been considered as food, but the pet cafes help shift the attitude from seeing it as food to family members stayed with them. 第二节书面表达(满分 25分) 假设你是李华,之前和你校留学生朋友 Eric约好上周日一起去看文物展览,但是你临时有事没有赴约。请你用 英语给 Eric写一封邮件,内容包括: 1.表示歉意; 2.解释原因; 3.弥补方式。 注意:1.词数 100左右; 2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 Dear Eric, . . . . . . . . . . Yours, Li Hua 英语参考答案 第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 30分) 1~5 BABAC 6~10 CCBAB 11~15 CAABC 16~20 ACBBC 第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分 40分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 21~25 DABAC 26~30 ABBDD 31~35 CBDCA 第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分 10分) 36~40 CEBGF 第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分 45分) 第一节(共20小题;每小题1.5 分,满分30分) 41~45 DADCB 46~50 ABCBD 51~55 BACDA 56~60 BCDAC 第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5 分,满分15分) 61.turning 62.but 63.adventurous 64.when 65.handful 66.mixed 67.be adapted 68.their 69.in 70.has become 第四部分 写作(共两节,满分 35分) 第一节 短文改错(共 10小题;每小题 1分,满分10分) The combination of pets and restaurants has become incredible popular in China.While many ①incredibly cafes start offering the companies of cats and dogs,and others are expanding their range.The visitors ②company ③ have commented that one of their main reasons for their visit is∧interact closely with animals only ④to seen from afar. Also these pet cafes serve for a nice place for those who found it comfortable to be around ⑤as ⑥find animals.Animal lovers also wish that the cafes do to change people attitude to pets.Animals like ⑦what ⑧people’s pigs and sheep have been considered as food,but the pet cafes help shift the attitude from seeing it ⑨them as food to family members stayed with them. ⑩staying 第二节 书面表达(满分 25分) 【参考范文】 Dear Eric, I’m writing the email to make an apology for my absence from our appointment last Sunday. I had intended to attend the exhibition of cultural relics which you are quite interested in and I knew you really expected my introduction.Unfortunately,I was about to go out when my mum called from her office,asking me to send an urgent document to her.At that time,there was no one to ask for a hand.After delivering what my mum wanted,I found it was too late for me to rush to the exhibition.I feel really sorry for breaking my promise.I want to invite you for dinner tomorrow to extend my sincere apology.I hope you can accept the invitation. Looking forward to your early reply. Yours, Li Hua 【解析】 第二部分 阅读理解 第一节 A 【语篇导读】本文是应用文。介绍了三家世界上最有名的动画电影公司。 21.D 细节理解题。根据第二段第三句“It began in 1986 with an investment from Apple co-founder Steve Jobs.”可知,它在1986年收到过 Steve Jobs 的投资,故选D。 22.A 细节理解题。根据第三段第四句“Since then,the company has released upwards of sixty different full-length features,each one a testament to the remarkable strength in quality Disney holds for itself.”可知,迪士尼公司的60部电影都是它注重质量的证据,故选A。 23.B 细节理解题。根据第四段第四句“After recruiting some heavy-hitting animators to join them, the team went to work,releasing their first feature Antz in 1998.”可知,梦工厂一开始受 到大家的关注是在1998年,故选B。 B 【语篇导读】本文是记叙文。叙述了美国航天航空局将在2024年把第一位女性航天员送到月球 的计划。 24.A 细节理解题。根据第一段第二句“Among them,NASA’s Apollo 11 mission was especially remarkable as it succeeded in landing the first humans on the moon on July 20,1969.”可 知,阿波罗11号任务是以第一次把人类送上月球而著名。故选A。 25.C 词义猜测题。turn down“拒绝”;fall behind“落后”;take off “起飞发射”;break away “挣脱”。画线词在句中的意思是离开地面到太空,故选C。 26.A 推理判断题。根据第二段最后三句和第三段第二句“The letter said,‘We have no present plans to employ women on spaceflights because of the degree of scientific and flight training,and the physical characteristics,which are required.’”可知,女性不能进行太空 飞行的原因是缺乏飞行训练以及相关经验,故选A。 27.B 推理判断题。根据第二段第五、六句“Woman,of course,have… In 1963,astronaut Valentina Tereshkova from the Soviet Union became the first woman to blast off into space.”可知, 瓦莲京娜捷列什科娃是史上第一位女航天员,因此她在航天史上扮演过重要角色,故选B。 C 【语篇导读】本文是说明文。介绍了一项调查研究的结果:周末补觉有损健康。 28.B 细节理解题。根据第一段第二句和第三句“A study published in the journalCurrent Biology shows that the habit of sleeping in on weekends doesn’t fix the damage done by a lack of sleep during the week.Even worse, it will probably be counterproductive(起反作用的).”可知,一项研究表明周末补觉不但不能修复 缺觉的伤害,反而会损害健康,故选B。 29.D 推理判断题。根据第二段第一句“In the study,which was conducted over 10 days,36 healthy young men and women with different sleep requirements were divided into three groups.”可知,研究者是通过比较 不同组别来进行研究的,故选D。 30.D 段落主旨大意题。根据最后一段的内容可知,睡眠不足会导致血糖和新陈代谢方面的问题, 故选D。 31.C 文章出处题。本文介绍了一项关于睡眠不足的调查研究结果,所以文章应该是出自报纸的科 学版块,故选C。 D 【语篇导读】本文是议论文。新冠疫情期间,人们隔离在家,而野生动物现身城市,这促使人们 开始反思自己与大自然的关系。 32.B 细节理解题。根据文章第一段可知,新冠疫情期间,人们隔离在家,野生动物出现在了许多 城市市区,所以动物的出现是因为利用了人们被隔离的这一大优势,故选B。 33.D 细节理解题。根据第四段第一句“Hundreds of years ago,people lived in harmony with wildlife.”可 知,人类曾经和野生动物和谐相处,故选D。 34.C 观点态度题。根据文章最后一段最后一句“By missing nature,humans may come to respect and live harmoniously with nature once again.”可知,人类未来将对大自然怀有敬畏之心,故选C。 35.A 标题选择题。本文是对新冠疫情期间野生动物出现在城市市区的问题进行了讨论,因此文章 的标题应该选择野生动物的进入,故选A。 第二节 【语篇导读】本文是说明文。介绍了纳米祛痛贴。 36.C 考查句间因果关系。36 题后面的“Because it doesn’t use chemicals,medicines or drugs,nor does it change anything about your mind or body.”是在解释这个纳米贴片是对人无害的,故选C。 37.E 考查句间承接关系。前文提到这个开关不会穿过你的皮肤,也不是永久的,你可以随时取下 它,故选E。 38.B 考查句间承接关系。此句中出现的“billions of tiny nanocapacitors”与下一句的“they”形成呼应, 故选 B。 39.G 考查句间递进关系。前文说到人们为什么会感受到疼痛,这里表达的意思是疼痛程度越强, 发送到大脑的信号也越强,故选G。 40.F 考查句间转折关系。前文叙述了我一直承受疼痛的困扰,这里表示我却没有找到祛痛的方法, 故选F。 第三部分 语言知识运用 第一节 【语篇导读】本文是记叙文。爱玛为了帮助身患阿尔茨海默症的祖母而专门设计了一款名为 Timeless 的应用程序。 41.D 考查形容词。smooth“流畅的”;comfortable“舒服的”;fortunate“幸运的”; tough “困难的”。下文提到,她的家在纽约,而奶奶的家在香港,所以联系的时候是非常困难的, 故选D。 42.A 考查名词所有格。grandma’s“奶奶的”;father’s“父亲的”;patient’s“病人的”; companion’s“伙伴的”。前文提到她的奶奶得了阿尔茨海默症,这里应该是她和奶奶家的 距离,故选A。 43.D 考查动词。celebrate“庆祝”;record“记录”;confirm“确认”;forget“忘记”。前文提到 奶奶有阿尔茨海默症,所以这里应该是奶奶忘了父亲和爱玛的生日,故选D。 44.C 考查动词。fly“飞”;exist“出现”;turn“转;旋转”;respond“回应”。该句要表达的意 思是:在奶奶忘记了爱玛和爸爸的生日以后,爱玛脑子里的齿轮开始旋转,想要找出办法来 帮助奶奶,故选C。 45.B 考查动词短语。make the best of“充分利用”;keep track of“记录”;approve of“赞同”; get rid of“摆脱,去除”。该句的意思是:要是有一个应用程序可以帮助阿尔茨海默症的病 人记录下事件、面孔、日期和信息,那该多好啊,故选B。 46.A 考查动词。create“创造”;apply“应用,运用”;release“发布”;improve“改进,提升” 。该句的意思是:那就是爱玛创造Timeless 的时候,这是第一个专门为阿尔茨海默 症病人设计的应用程序,故选A。 47.B 考查副词。regularly“有规律地”;specifically“专门地”;logically“逻辑上”;briefly“简要地”。该句 的意思是:这是第一个专门为阿尔茨海默症病人设计的应用程序,故选B。 48.C 考查形容词。friendly“友好的”;lively“活泼的”;elderly“年纪较大的”;likely“可能的”。该句的 意思是:这个有创新想法的少年与年纪较大的患者谈过很多次,故选 C。 49.B 考查名词。barrier“障碍”;solution“解决方法”;clue“线索”;assignment“任务”。该句的意思 是:她最终想出了解决困扰病人们的问题的方法,故选 B。 50.D 考查名词。teenager“青少年”;volunteer“志愿者”;parent“家长”;patient“病人”。该 句的意思是:她最终创造出了困扰病人们的问题的解决方法,故选D。 51.B 考查形容词。independent“独立的”;unique“特别的”;flexible“可变的,灵活的”;complex “复杂的”。该句的意思是:这个应用程序有许多特别的功能,故选B。 52.A 考查形容词。facial“面部的”;formal“正式的”;emotional“情感的”;verbal“言语的”。 该句的意思是:其中之一就是面部识别算法,它可以将名字和亲人的照片匹配,故选A。 53.C 考查名词。date“日期”;number“数字”;relationship“关系”;address“地址”。该句的 意思是:其中之一就是面部识别算法,它可以将名字、关系和亲人的照片匹配,故选C。 54.D 考查名词。postcode“邮编”;description“描述”;organization“组织”;event“事件”。 该句的意思是:在Today 这个部分里,时间、日期、天气和重要事情都列成了详尽的日程, 故选D。 55.A 考查名词。schedule“日程”;agreement“协议”;assessment“评估”;contract“合约”。 该句的意思是:在Today 这个部分里,时间、日期、天气和重要事情都列成了详尽的日程, 故选A。 56.B 考查动词。wonder“想知道”;know“知道”;doubt“怀疑”; understand“理解”。该句 的意思是:另一方面,还有一个系统会让病人知道他们是否要打电话给五分钟内才联系过的 人,故选B。 57.C 考查动词和动词短语。turn to“求助于”;handle“处理”;contact“联系”;hear from“收 到某人的来信”。该句的意思是:另一方面,还有一个系统会让病人知道他们是否要打电话 给五分钟内才联系过的人,故选C。 58.D 考查名词。progress“进步”;adjustment“调整”;revolution“改革”;concept“概念”。 该句的意思是:我的想法背后的理念是我们可以让技术去解决我们解决不了的问题,故选D。 59.A 考查动词短语。suffer from“遭受”;research on“研究”;think of“想出”;talk about“谈 论”。该句的意思是:技术的潜力可以帮助我的祖母和其他遭受阿尔茨海默症的人,这就是 激发我发明Timeless 的灵感,故选A。 60.C 考查介词短语。on behalf of“代表”;in terms of“在……方面”;in spite of“尽管”;on account of“由于”。该句的意思是:技术的潜力可以帮助我的祖母和其他遭受阿尔茨海默症的人, 这就是激发我发明Timeless 的灵感,因为尽管有生病的困难,病人们还是应该珍视生命中 永恒的时刻,故选C。 第二节 【语篇导读】本文是说明文。介绍了莫吉托鸡尾酒的来历。 61.turning 考查现在分词的用法。该句是 with的复合结构,介词宾语 many和宾语补足语 turn是主谓关系,故填 turning。 62.but 考查连词的用法。该句是 not only…but(also)…的句型,also可省略,故填 but。 63.adventurous 考查形容词的用法。修饰后面的名词 bartenders用形容词,故填 adventurous。 64.when 考查定语从句关系副词的用法。先行词为 time,从句中缺时间状语,用关系副词,故填 when。 65.handful 考查名词的用法。a handful of表示“一把……”,故填 handful。 66.mixed 考查过去分词的用法。该句是 have sth. done结构,mix与前面的几组名词结构形成动宾关系,故填 mixed。 67.be adapted 考查被动语态的用法。食谱 recipe是被改写,用被动语态,空前有情态动词 could,故填 be adapted。 68.their 考查代词的用法。用于限定 own unique version,用形容词性物主代词,主语是 people,故填 their。 69.in 考查介词的用法。该句的意思是:这种饮品人气上升,rise in popularity正是此意,故填 in。 70.has become 考查动词时态。该句的时间状语为 over the past decade,句子的时态应该用现在完成时,主语莫吉 托鸡尾酒是单数,故填 has become。 听力原文 Text 1 W:Mike,can you teach Alex how to use the new printer? Sarah is busy and Zoe is going to help me with a program. M:My pleasure.But I have to clean my hands first. Text 2 M:Mr. Lee always says my handwriting is not good enough,so this time I really wrote slowly and carefully.But look at the score! W:Well,look at the positive comments on your handwriting.Your problem is about the organization of your essay this time. Text 3 M:Hey,Belinda! I’m going swimming from 4:00 to 6:00 this afternoon.Do you want to come? W:I have a violin lesson at 3:30 for forty minutes.Then I will help my uncle with his garden for half an hour.Later I can join you. Text 4 M:So you fed the dog,I turned off all the lights and the kids watered the flowers.Is there anything we’re forgetting? W:I don’t think so.But where are the kids? Text 5 W:Why did you reach home so late after work last night? Didn’t you take a taxi? M:I did,but I stopped for a burger on the way. Text 6 W:How did you like the party last night? There were so many kinds of food to eat. M:Exactly.I really liked the cheese cake and the fries,but for drinks,there should have been more variety so that we could have more choices. W:I couldn’t agree more! But don’t you think the live band is fantastic? Where did they find it? M: I have no idea.I guess they might be some college students.They certainly livened things up. But the gym was not proper for such a party.Maybe a bar was a better place. W:You’re right there,but generally speaking,the party was a success. Text 7 M:Didn’t you want to go to the art museum? I thought you were interested in oil paintings. W:Not really! I wanted to go there just because it’s free and close to home.But now I’m interested in the jewelry exhibition. M:Oh,that’s a long way from here! It will take two hours to drive there and it might be very crowded. W:But I really want to go.I earned $50 from my part-time job and I want to treat myself. M:I’m not sure I can drive you there,as I lack sleep these days. W:I know.But we can go on the weekend.Come on! It will be a nice drive! M:OK.That’s what brothers are for. Text 8 W:Good morning,sir.How can I help you? M:I’d like to have a holiday on an island with my family. W:Great! We have a package tour including round-trip flights to Koh Samui.You will stay there for three days. M:That’s good.What about the hotel? W:You will enjoy your private time in a luxurious hotel along the Chaweng Beach.We offer three meals a day for free.You can choose to eat in the canteen that overlooks the beautiful coast.We can also arrange your meals to be served in your room. M:I prefer the canteen.Are there any outdoor activities? W:Of course! The guide will take you around the island and join in some entertaining activities for a day.What’s more,you will enjoy some exciting activities at sea by yourself,such as towing umbrellas,banana boats,etc. M:Wow.Sounds interesting! The trip around the island attracts me a lot while my son will be crazy about the towing umbrellas. Text 9 M:Can you tell me the reason why you want to be a stewardess? W:To tell you the truth,I always imagine flying in the blue sky.Besides,I like travelling and associating with different people. M:Why do you think you are suitable for the occupation? W:I’m good at communicating and can speak fluent English.I used to be a volunteer in a hospital and have a good knowledge of nursing patients.I think the ability to take care of others is quite important. M:What other qualities do you think are necessary? W:I guess being calm when meeting emergencies is necessary and so is the ability to comfort people. M:Quite good.Do you know anything about the responsibilities for a stewardess? W:The main responsibility is to provide good service because making the passengers relaxed and happy during the flight is the most important thing. M:Right.If hired,when can you start to work? W:I’m out of work now,so any time is available. M:OK.We will contact you later to tell you our final decision. W:Thank you for your time. Text 10 Here are some Internet safety tips to help you avoid getting into trouble online and offline. First of all,be careful what you download.Some programs or apps are designed to steal your personal information,so don’t download apps that look suspicious or come from a site you don’t trust.Second,choose strong passwords.Passwords are one of the biggest weak spots in the whole Internet security structure.However,people always choose easy ones to remember,which are also easy for others to guess.Select a strong password that is unique and complex so that it is harder for criminals to work out.What’s more,make online purchases from secure sites.Any time you make a purchase online,you need to provide credit card or bank account information.You should only supply this information to sites that provide secure connections.Additionally,be careful what you post.Any comment or image you post online may stay online forever because removing the original does not remove any copies that other people made.There is no way for you to“take back”a remark you wish you hadn’t made.Don’t put anything online that you wouldn’t want someone to see.Finally,keep your antivirus program up-to-date.Be sure to keep your operating system and applications updated.They can provide an important security protection. Keep these basic safety tips in mind and you’ll avoid many of the unpleasant surprises that hide online because of carelessness.

