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山东省东营市2018年中考英语真题试题 第Ⅰ卷 选择题 一、听力选择 ‎(一)录音中有五个句子,每个句子听两遍,然后从每小题A、B、C中选出能对每个句子做出适当反应的答语。‎ ‎1. A. Best wishes. B. No problem. C. OK. Hope to see you again.‎ ‎2. A. It’s a pleasure. B. It’s very kind of you. C. I’m happy you like it.‎ ‎3. A. No way. B. Why not? C. Sorry, I won’t do it again.‎ ‎4. A. Thank you, I will. B. Don’t say so. C. I agree.‎ ‎5. A. Good idea. B. All right. C. Yes, I’d love to.‎ ‎(二)录音中有五组对话,听对话两遍后,从每小题A、B、C中选出能回答所给问题的正确答案。‎ ‎6.When can people go to the bookshop?‎ A. At any time. ‎ B. After 8:30 in the morning. ‎ C. Before 9:00 in the evening.‎ ‎7. Why did Jane cry?‎ A. Because her dad woke her up. ‎ B. Because a wolf ran after her.‎ C. Because she had a terrible dream.‎ ‎8. What’s the relationship between the two speakers?‎ A. Husband and wife. B.Teacher and student. C. Brother and sister. ‎ ‎9. What wasn’t the man satisfied(满意的)with Dongying?‎ A. The people. ‎ B. The environment. ‎ C. The public transportation service. ‎ ‎10. What size shoes will the man take?‎ A. Small size. B. Large size. C. Size 10.‎ ‎(三)录音中有一段对话,听对话两遍后,从每小题A、B、C中选出能回答所给问题的正确答案。(录音播放前你有30秒钟的读题时间)‎ Notes: barbershop [ˈbɑ:bəˌʃɑp] n. 理发店 haircut [ˈhεəˌkʌt] n. 理发 ‎11. What are they talking about?‎ A. The homeless men. B. Mr. Jones’ barbershop. C. Mr. Jones’ good deeds (事迹).‎ ‎12. When did he begin to help the homeless men?‎ A. In January, 2017. B. In the autumn of 2017. C. In November, 2017.‎ ‎13. What did Mr. Jones do for the homeless people?‎ A. He offered free haircuts and told them stories. ‎ B. He talked about them and listened to their stories.‎ C. He offered free haircuts and gave some useful advice to them.‎ ‎14. Did all the homeless people accept his offer at last?‎ A. Yes, they did.‎ B. No, but most of them accepted it.‎ C. No, only a few of them accepted it.‎ ‎15. Where did Mr. Jones cut the hair for the homeless men?‎ A. On the street.‎ B. In his barbershop.‎ C. First on the street, then in the barbershop ‎(注意:请同学们翻到第Ⅱ卷第四大题,继续做听力填表题。)‎ 二、单项选择 ‎ 从每小题A、B、C、D中选出一个能填入句中空白处的最佳答案。‎ ‎1. According to _______ rule made in 2017, some kinds of dogs mustn’t be kept since May 1st, 2018 in Dongying.‎ A. a B. an C. the D. /‎ ‎【答案】C ‎【解析】‎ 句意:根据2017制定的那项规则,自2018年5月1日以来,在东营一些种类的狗禁止饲养。此处用定冠词the特指2017年制定的那项规章制度,故答案为C。‎ ‎2. -- do you like the Double Eleven Shopping Festival?‎ ‎-- I don’t like it because my mother often buys a lot of things we don’t need.‎ A. How B. Why C. When D. Where ‎【答案】A ‎【解析】‎ 句意:——你觉得双十一购物节怎么样?——我不喜欢它,因为我妈妈经常买很多我们不需要的东西。A. How怎么样;B. Why为什么;C. When 什么时候;D. Where哪儿。How do you like…?你认为……怎么样?对某人、某物或某事发表自己的看法,根据答语可知,答案为A。‎ ‎3. There six countries in SCO(上合组织) at first, but now the number has increased to eight.‎ A. is B. are C. were D. will be ‎【答案】C ‎【解析】‎ ‎【详解】句意:上合组织最初有六个国家,但现在已经增加到八个。at first最初,此处是指过去的时间,故时态为一般过去时,答案为C。‎ 点睛:There be 句型是英语中常用句型,意思是“有”,表示“人或事物的存在”。There be 后面的名词是句子的主语,属倒装结构。因此要表达“某个地方或某个时间存在什么事物或人”的时候常用“There be + 名词+ 地点(时间)这一句型。There be 句型的时态要通过be体现出来,如:There is an apple on the table. (一般现在时)桌子上有一个苹果。There were many people in the park last Sunday.(一般过去时) 上个星期天公园里有许多人。There will be an important football match tonight.(一般将来时) 今晚将有一场重要的足球比赛。‎ ‎4. -- Let’s see what food you’ve got for dinner.‎ ‎-- Look, we have mutton, fish, eggs, tomatoes and .‎ A. milk B. bread C. coffee D. juice ‎【答案】B ‎【解析】‎ ‎【详解】句意:——让我们看看晚餐你们都有些什么。——看,我们有羊肉、鱼、鸡蛋、西红柿和面包。A. milk牛奶;B. bread面包;C. coffee咖啡;D. juice果汁。milk,coffee,juice都是喝的东西,只有bread属于吃的食物,故答案为B。‎ ‎5. The Chinese Skyeye and High-speed Train interest people a lot because of them are leading the world in science and technology.‎ A. both B. each C. either D. neither ‎【答案】A ‎【解析】‎ ‎【详解】句意:中国的天眼和高速列车使人们非常感兴趣,因为它们都在科技领域领先世界。A. both两者都;B. each每一个;C. either(两者之中)任何一个;D. neither两者都不。both, either, neither都是表示两者的代词。只有先进的科学技术才能令人感兴趣,首先排除D答案,再根据助动词are判断,只有both符合题意,故答案为A 点睛: both, either, neither, all, any, none的用法与区别:‎ 这些词都可用作代词或形容词。其位置都在be 动词之后,行为动词之前或第一助动词之后。both (两者都),either(两者中任何一个),neither (两者都不)。以上几个词的使用范围为两个人或物。both与复数连用,either与单数连用。all (所有的,全部的人或物),any (任何一个), none (都不)。 以上几个词的使用范围为三者以上。故both的反义词为neither;all的反义词为none。‎ ‎6. The 119 passengers are Liu Chuanjian. Without him, they would probably have lost their lives.‎ A. hard on B. thankful to C. friendly to D. responsible for ‎【答案】B ‎【解析】‎ 句意:119位乘客对刘传建表示感谢。如果没有他,他们可能会失去生命。be hard on严格对待[批评]某人;be thankful to对……表示感谢;be friendly to对……表示友好;be responsible for为……负责。结合句意,刘传建拯救了119位乘客的生命,因此乘客对他表示感谢,答案为B。‎ ‎7. -- I’ve tried hard at my schoolwork but still .‎ ‎ --Don’t be upset. Sometimes losing is only a sign that you really tried.‎ A. failed B. worried C. improved D. succeeded ‎【答案】A ‎【解析】‎ 句意:——我努力学习功课,但还是不及格。——不要难过,有时失去只是你真正努力的标志。A. failed失败;B. worried担心;C. improved改善,提高;D. succeeded成功。根据转折连词but判断,应该是功课没有通过,才有了下一句对方表示安慰的话,故答案为A。‎ ‎8. -- What’s the English word for the Chinese food jiaozi?‎ ‎-- You can say “jiaozi”. It has been added to the Oxford English Dictionary.‎ A. just B. even C. still D. hardly ‎【答案】A ‎【解析】‎ 句意:——中国食品“饺子”的英文单词是什么?——你可以说“饺子”。它已被添加到牛津英语词典。A. just正好,仅仅,只是;B. even甚至;C. still仍然;D. hardly几乎不。结合句意,只要说“jiaozi”就可以了,因为它已经被添加到牛津英语词典中。故答案为A。‎ ‎9. -- Hi, Li Mei. How is your new school?‎ ‎-- Fantastic. We can choose the courses according to our . I love operas, so I took the Beijing Opera class.‎ A. grades B. talents C. interests D. experiences ‎【答案】C ‎【解析】‎ 句意:——嗨,李梅。你的新学校怎么样?——太棒了。我们可以根据自己的兴趣选择课程。我喜欢歌剧,所以我参加了京剧班。A. grades成绩,分数; B. talents才艺;C. interests兴趣;D. experiences经验。根据“I love operas, so I took the Beijing Opera class.”可知,每个人可以根据自己的兴趣爱好来选择自己所喜欢的课程,故答案为C。‎ ‎10. --What a mess! The sharing bikes are thrown everywhere.‎ ‎--Let’s collect and put them in the right place they can be used conveniently.‎ A. unless B. so that C. because D. so long as ‎【答案】B ‎【解析】‎ 句意:——真是一团糟!共享自行车到处都是。——让我们把它们收集起来放在合适的地方,这样它们就可以方便地使用了。A. unless除非;B. so that以便;C. because因为;D. so long as只要。结合句意可知,此处是so that引导的目的状语从句,答案为B。‎ ‎11. -- The government is trying to protect the environment now.‎ ‎-- Yeah. It is reported that some factories will be soon.‎ A. set up B. shut off C. given up D. turned off ‎【答案】B ‎【解析】‎ 句意:——政府正在努力保护环境。——是的,据报道有些工厂很快就会关闭。A. set up建立;B. shut off 关闭;C. given up放弃;D. turned off关掉(电源,水源)的开关等。保护环境的措施之一就是关闭一些有污染的工厂,根据四个选项,只有B符合题意。‎ ‎12. Because it might encourage teenagers to try smoking, Sina Weibo the “smoking” emoji ( ).‎ A. cut up B. took down C. gave away D. found out ‎【答案】B ‎【解析】‎ 句意:因为它可能会鼓励青少年尝试吸烟,新浪微博就删除了“吸烟”的表情符号。A. cut up切碎;B. took down取下,删除;C. gave away赠送;D. found out发现。结合句意可知,答案为B。‎ ‎13. We asked 1,000 students from Hope Middle School about what kind of books they love. Here are the results. According to the pie chart above, of the students love science books.‎ A. ten percent B. fifteen per cent C. a quarter D. half ‎【答案】D ‎【解析】‎ 句意:我们向希望中学的1000名学生询问他们喜欢什么样的书。这是调查结果。根据上面的圆形分格统计图表,_________学生们喜欢科学书籍。A. ten percent百分之十;B. fifteen per cent百分之十五;C. a quarter 四分之一;D. half一半。通过观察图表可知,science books占到500人,正好是1000人的一半,故答案为D。‎ ‎14. -- Jack, the Maldives(马尔代夫) may because of the rising sea levels.‎ ‎-- God! Let’s do something to stop that happening.‎ A. rise B. move C. grow D. disappear ‎【答案】D ‎【解析】‎ 句意:——杰克,马尔代夫,可能因为海平面上升而消失。——上帝!让我们采取措施阻止这种情况发生。A. rise上升;B. move移动;C. grow生长,种植;D. disappear消失。马尔代夫是印度洋上的一个岛国,因此担心会因为海平面上升而消失。故答案为D。‎ ‎15. Patient: 500 yuan for pulling a tooth? It’s only a couple of minutes’ work.‎ Doctor: Well, I can do it if you like.‎ A. quietly B. more slowly C. less carefully D. as quickly as I can ‎【答案】B ‎【解析】‎ 句意:病人:拔牙500元?只需几分钟的功夫。医生:嗯,如果你愿意,我可以慢一些。A. quietly安静地;‎ B. more slowly更慢地;C. less carefully不够认真地;D. as quickly as I can尽可能快地。上句病人说拔牙只需几分钟的功夫就需要500元吗,因此牙医回答只要你愿意,可以慢一些拔牙,故答案选B。‎ ‎16. –It is said that children in South Korea have to hike and walk through mountains at night their military(军事的) training.‎ ‎--Really? So their training is much harder than ours.‎ A. after B. since C. during D. before ‎【答案】C ‎【解析】‎ 句意:——据说,韩国的孩子们在夜间进行军事训练时,必须在山上徒步旅行。——真的吗?所以他们的训练比我们的要艰苦得多。A. after在……之后;B. since自从;C. during 在……期间;D. before在……之前。结合句意可知,韩国的孩子们在夜间军事训练期间,必须在山上徒步旅行。故答案选C。‎ ‎17. --An American boy made a wheelchair for his wounded goldfish. ‎ ‎--Well done! Animals deserve (应该得到) love and good as humans.‎ A. life B. chance C. luck D. environment ‎【答案】A ‎【解析】‎ 句意:------一个美国男孩为他受伤的金鱼做了轮椅。-----做得好!动物应该得到人类的爱和美好的生活。A. life生活;B. chance机会;C. luck运气;D. environment环境。结合句意可知,答案为A。‎ ‎18. – Good news! You’ve passed the PE test.‎ ‎--Hooray! , I am worrying about it.‎ A. All in all B. To be honest C. Without doubt D. In my opinion ‎【答案】B ‎【解析】‎ 句意:——好消息!你通过了体育考试。——万岁!说实话,我很担心。A. All in all总之;B. To be honest说实话;C. Without doubt毫无疑问;D. In my opinion依我看来。Hooray! 表示通过体育考试激动的心情,结合语境理解可知,答案为B。‎ ‎19. -- Do you love the poems by Li Qingzhao?‎ ‎-- Yes, a little. But I prefer those by Du Fu because can cheer me up.‎ A. it B. he C. she D. they ‎【答案】D ‎【解析】‎ 句意:——你喜欢李清照的诗吗?——是的,有点喜欢。但我更喜欢杜甫的诗,因为它们可以让我振作起来。A. it它;B. he他;C. she她;D. they它们。those指代上文中的poems,此处用they代替杜甫所写的诗句,故答案为D。‎ ‎20. -- Look, how wonderful this paper-cutting is!‎ ‎-- So it is. Paper cutting is a/an Chinese art with a long history.‎ A. common B. modern C. important D. traditional ‎【答案】D ‎【解析】‎ 句意:——看,这个剪纸多么精美啊!——的确如此。剪纸是一种具有悠久历史的中国传统艺术。A. common普通的;B. modern现在的;C. important重要的;D. traditional传统的。剪纸艺术是最古老的中国民间艺术之一。故答案选D。‎ 三、阅读理解 ‎ 阅读下列短文,然后从每小题A、B、C、D四个选项中选出能回答所提问题或完成所给句子的最佳答案。‎ A A long vacation is coming after the exam. What’s your plan? Studying? Relaxing? Or doing volunteer work? Here are two ads. Maybe they are useful for you. ‎ ‎21. Lucy has $3100. After paying for the study tour, which two optional activities can she choose?‎ A. To visit Disneyland and go to Akon’s concert B. To visit Universal Studios Hollywood and go to Akon’s concert C. To visit Disneyland and watch American High School Basketball Tournament D. To visit Universal Studios Hollywood and watch American High School Basketball Tournament ‎22. Which of the following volunteer work lasts(持续) the longest ?‎ A. Helpers to raise books B. Transportation assistants C. Cleaners at the park D. Library assistants ‎23. Andy is 8 and his sister Mary is 15, and they want to do the same volunteer work at the same time. Which one can they choose?‎ A. Cleaners at the park. B. Environmental guards.‎ C. Helpers at the old people’s home. D. Guides at the hospital.‎ ‎24. Tom wants to practice his English and he is free from July 15th to August 7th. Which two activities can he choose?‎ A. American Study tour, to be a judge for the English speech B. To be a library assistant, to be an interpreter for Agricultural Products Exhibition C. American Study tour, to be an interpreter for Agricultural Products Exhibition D. To be a judge for the English speech , to be a guide at the hospital.‎ ‎25. Which is NOT TRUE about the American Study Tour?‎ A. You can study with American children B. Your host family may take you to some places around the city C. If you like, you can watch American High School Basketball Tournament.‎ D. You have a chance to visit Akon ‎【答案】21. D 22. A 23. B 24. C 25. D ‎【解析】‎ 这是两篇广告信息。一篇是有关旅游方面的,介绍了美国的学习之旅中各种活动安排时间以及相关的费用。另一篇是有关招募志愿者的,对工作属性,工作时间以及对志愿者的年龄都做了详细的说明。‎ ‎【21题详解】‎ 数字计算题。根据表格中提供的信息:Total fees: $3,000 Optional(自愿选择的):2. Visit Universal Studios Hollywood $98 ※Watch American High School Basketball Tournament Free 可知,为期15天的美国学习之旅的总费用为3000美元,露西有3100美元,自愿选择的活动费用加起来不能超过100‎ 美元,参观好莱坞环球影城98美元,免费观看美国高中篮球锦标赛。故答案为D。‎ ‎【22题详解】‎ 数字计算题。根据第二个表格的信息:A. Helpers to raise books July 6th –Aug 30th 共计55天;B. Transportation assistants July 8th –Aug 8th 共计32天;C. Cleaners at the park July 9th –Aug 28th 共计51天;D. Library assistants July 8th –Aug 15th 共计39天。通过比较可知,帮助筹集书籍持续的时间最长,答案为A。‎ ‎【23题详解】‎ 细节理解题。根据第二个表格的信息可知,Environmental guards.既适合8-11年龄段的学生又适合12-18年龄段的学生,活动时间都是在8月6号—8月26号,正好适合8岁的安迪和15岁的玛丽参加,故答案为B。‎ ‎【24题详解】‎ 细节理解题。汤姆所选择参加的活动必须要满足两个条件:可以练习他的英语,活动时间在7月15日到8月7日之间。American Study tour美国学习之旅可以与美国学生一起上课,活动时间在7月16日到7月30日;to be an interpreter for Agricultural Products Exhibition做国际农产品展览的解说员,活动时间在8月2日到8月6日,时间正好在7月15日到8月7日之间。并且可以锻炼提到他的英语技能,故答案为C。‎ ‎【25题详解】‎ 判断正误题。根据第一个表格提供的信息可知,美国学习之旅必须参加的活动有:与美国学生一起上课或加入他们的俱乐部。参与城市寄宿家庭活动。可选择的活动有免费观看美国高中篮球锦标,还可以去听阿肯音乐会。前三个答案都正确。D答案描述的是有机会拜访阿肯是错误的,故答案选D。‎ B ‎“You have saved my horse,” Queen Olivia told the young boy standing before her. “Now you shall get a gift for what you did.” Peter nervously ran his fingers through his brown hair. That day when he was working in the field, the shocked horse ran past him. Without thinking, he rushed out and controlled it. He didn’t know it was the Queen’s horse and never expected to get a gift. But he still felt happy for getting one. ‎ Two of the queen’s men appeared. One carried a mirror. Red jewels(珠宝) shone on top of the mirror’s silver frame(框架). The other carried a wooden cage with a chicken inside it.‎ ‎ “Only one gift can be yours,” the queen said. “Choose wisely.” “That’s easy,” Peter said. “I’ll take the chicken.” Some of the queen’s men laughed. It was clear that they thought he had made a foolish choice. ‎ ‎ “And why did you choose the chicken?” the queen asked. “Well, I don’t know much about jewels,” Peter answered. “But I do know about chickens. The chicken will provide eggs for my family for a long while.”‎ Queen Olivia smiled. “Then you did make a wise choice,” she said. “That mirror may look beautiful. But the jewels you see are only colored glass, and the frame is painted silver. The chicken is much more valuable.” Peter took the chicken and bowed. “Thank you, your majesty.”‎ ‎ “You are a smart child,” the queen added. “I could use a smart boy to help take care of my horses. Would you like to take the job?” Peter smiled. “Thank you very much!” he said excitedly. A job at the castle paid well. Now his family wouldn’t worry about their food any more--all because he was kind to help others and smart enough to make the right choice!‎ ‎26. The Queen gave Peter a gift because .‎ A. he saved her horse B. he was smart C. she liked him D. he was poor ‎27. Peter decided to choose the .‎ A. jewels B. mirror C. chicken D. silver frame ‎28. From Para.3-5, we can know that .‎ A. it was difficult for Peter to make the choice B. all the men thought Peter’s decision was right C. Peter thought the chicken would be useful to his family D. Peter knew the jewels weren’t real before he made the choice ‎29. The right order of Peter’s story is .‎ a. Peter got a well-paid job.‎ b. Peter chose the gift wisely.‎ c. Peter could get a gift for what he did.‎ d. Peter would help his family have a better life.‎ A. d c b a B. c b a d C. c b d a D. c a d b ‎30. After reading the passage, we can infer(推断) that .‎ A. Peter only thought of himself B. Peter couldn’t take good care of the Queen’s horses C. chickens became the popular gifts in their country D. it was wise of Peter to choose something that he knew well ‎【答案】26. A 27. C 28. C 29. B 30. D ‎【解析】‎ 短文大意:年轻的彼得无意间救了奥利维亚女王的马,女王让他在珠宝和小鸡之间选择一种作为礼物,彼得选择了他所熟悉的鸡,因为他知道鸡能给他的家庭提供鸡蛋。女王认为彼得确实做出了明智的选择,认为彼得是个聪明的孩子,决定让他照顾自己的马。有了这份工作,彼得获得了很好的报酬,帮助他的家人过上了更好的生活。‎ ‎【26题详解】‎ 细节理解题。根据短文开头的句子“You have saved my horse,”Queen Olivia told the young boy standing before her.“Now you shall get a gift for what you did.”可知,女王送给彼得一件礼物,因为他救了她的马。故答案为A。‎ ‎【27题详解】‎ 细节理解题。根据第三段中的句子Peter said.“I’ll take the chicken.”可知,彼得决定选择鸡,答案为C。‎ ‎【28题详解】‎ 细节理解题。根据“That’s easy,”Peter said.“I’ll take the chicken.”可知,彼得很容易做出选择;根据“Some of the queen’s men laughed. It was clear that they thought he had made a foolish choice.”可知,他们认为彼得的决定是愚蠢的;根据“But I do know about chickens. The chicken will provide eggs for my family for a long while.”可知,彼得认为母鸡能为他的家庭提供鸡蛋,对他的家人是有用的;根据“Well, I don’t know much about jewels,”Peter answered.可知,彼得对珠宝不是很了解。故正确答案为C。‎ ‎【29题详解】‎ 句子排序题。通读短文我们可以知道彼得救了女王的马,将得到女王送给他的礼物,彼得明智地做出了选择,选择了他所熟悉的东西,女王认为彼得确实做出了明智的选择,认为彼得是个聪明的孩子,决定让他照顾自己的马,有了这份工作,彼得获得了很好的报酬,帮助他的家人过上了更好的生活。因此能够反映故事情节句子的顺序为c b a d,答案选B。‎ ‎【30题详解】‎ 推理判断题。根据文中句子Queen Olivia smiled. “Then you did make a wise choice,” she said. “That mirror may look beautiful. But the jewels you see are only colored glass, and the frame is painted silver. The chicken is much more valuable.” 女王认为彼得确实做出了明智的选择,彼得所看到的珠宝只是彩色玻璃,框架被涂成银色,鸡更值钱一些。再结合前面彼得所说的话“我对珠宝不是很了解,鸡将为我的家人提供鸡蛋很长一段时间。”因此我们可以推断彼得选择他熟悉的东西是明智的。故答案为D。‎ C When you feel a sneeze(喷嚏)or cough coming on, covering your mouth prevents the spread of germs(细菌). You probably knew that.‎ But how to cover your mouth is very important. You might use tissues(纸巾), and put your used tissues into the bin. “If you don’t have tissues, you should sneeze into your elbow, not your hand, even if you are used to doing that.” The doctors advised.‎ ‎“If somebody sneezes into his hands, those germs will be passed on to other people, or other objects that people touch.” said Dr. Hill.‎ Germs are most commonly spread by sneezing and coughing. When they land on your hands, they are passed from hands to things like bills, door knobs(扶手), elevator buttons(电梯按钮) and other surfaces. At the same time, the people around you can touch them. ‎ This isn’t nagging(唠叨). The Centers for Disease Control also suggest that sneezing and coughing into your elbow is necessary. Even the New York City subway officers ask the passengers to “cough or sneeze into elbow or use a tissue.” ‎ ‎“The suggestion was taken seriously about 10 years ago. However, most people didn’t pay much attention to it. That means the adults may have missed the advice. But children are often taught in school the right way to cough or sneeze.” Dr. Benjamin said.‎ To be clear, people can’t keep away from all the risks in this way, but it’s the best choice. At the same time, we’d better wear masks(口罩) and often wash our hands. “Hand washing is one of the most important things people can do to keep healthy.” Dr. Hill said.‎ ‎31. According to this passage, when sneezing or coughing, you’d better NOT .‎ A. sneeze into your elbow B. cover your mouth with tissues C. use your hand to cover mouth D. put the used tissues in the bin ‎32. If you sneeze or cough into hands, germs can spread through the following activities EXEPT .‎ ‎ ‎ A. B. C. D. ‎ ‎33. Which is NOT true according to the passage?‎ A. The New York City subway officers ask passengers to use a tissue.‎ B. The adult may be used to sneezing into their elbow.‎ C. The children are often taught in school the right way to cough or sneeze.‎ D. Wearing masks is a good way to keep away from germs.‎ ‎34. What’s the main purpose of this article? .‎ A. To tell us the correct way to cover mouth when sneezing or coughing.‎ B. To tell us how to prevent the spread of germs.‎ C. To tell us it’s necessary to sneeze or cough into elbow.‎ D. To tell us how to keep away from all risks.‎ ‎35. In which layout(版面) of the newspaper can we find this kind of passage? .‎ A. Health B. Sports C. Business D. Education ‎【答案】31. C 32. D 33. B 34. B 35. A ‎【解析】‎ 这是一篇有关健康方面的文章。告诉我们打喷嚏或咳嗽时最好不要用手捂住嘴,因为细菌会落到手上,它们会从手中传递到纸币、门把手、电梯按钮等其他物体的表面而传播给他人。只有及时洗手才能洗掉细菌,防止细菌传播。戴口罩也是有效防止细菌传播的好方法。‎ ‎【31题详解】‎ 细节理解题。根据文中句子“If you don’t have tissues, you should sneeze into your elbow, not your hand. If somebody sneezes into his hands, those germs will be passed on to other people, or other objects that people touch.”可知,打喷嚏或咳嗽时,最好不要用手捂住嘴,如果打喷嚏到手上,这些病菌就会传染给其他人或其他人接触的物体。故答案选C。‎ ‎【32题详解】‎ 细节理解题。根据第四段中的句子“Germs are most commonly spread by sneezing and coughing. When they land on your hands, they are passed from hands to things like bills, door knobs(扶手), elevator buttons(电梯按钮) and other surfaces.”可知,打喷嚏和咳嗽时用手捂嘴,细菌会落到手上,它们会从手中传递到纸币、门把手、电梯按钮和其他的表面。因此电梯按钮、握手和门把手都是细菌的传播途径,只有及时洗手才能洗掉细菌,防止细菌传播,答案为D。‎ ‎【33题详解】‎ 判断正误题。根据Even the New York City subway officers ask the passengers to “cough or sneeze into elbow or use a tissue.”就连纽约地铁官员也要求乘客“咳嗽或打喷嚏到肘部或使用纸巾。A正确;根据If you don’t have tissues, you should sneeze into your elbow, not your hand, even if you are used to doing that.可知,以前人们打喷嚏或咳嗽时,习惯用手捂住嘴,B答案错误;根据But children are often taught in school the right way to cough or sneeze.可知,孩子们经常在学校里被教授一些咳嗽或打喷嚏的正确方法。C答案正确;根据At the same time, we’d better wear masks(口罩)and often wash our hands.可知,戴口罩也是远离细菌的好方法。D答案也是正确的。不正确的只有B。‎ ‎【34题详解】‎ 主旨大意题。根据短文开头的句子When you feel a sneeze(喷嚏)or cough coming on, covering your mouth prevents the spread of germs(细菌).可知,本文主要通过打喷嚏和咳嗽时应该如何做来告诉我们如何防止细菌的传播这一目的。故答案选B。‎ ‎【35题详解】‎ 推理判断题。根据短文最后的句子“Hand washing is one of the most important things people can do to keep healthy.”可知,短文主要介绍了如何有效防止细菌的传播,最大限度地保持身体健康。是有关健康方面的文章,故答案选A。‎ D You may have heard of people who are allergic(过敏)to seafood, smoke or pets. But did you know that some people were allergic to Wi-Fi signals(信号)?‎ Rose White, a 44-year-old woman from Britain, first found herself being allergic to Wi-Fi signals in 2015.She had a cough, heart trouble and great pains in her head when she stayed at the places covered with Wi-Fi signals. ‎ Rose has tried many ways to keep away from Wi-Fi signals. In the past six months, she either slept in her car or in tent which she had put up in the woodland and in the fields. She even tried sleeping in a shed(棚子). Being completely tired, Rose had no choice but to quit her job and moved 370 kilometers away from her home to avoid Wi-Fi signals, but failed. Because of the hard life, she got a stomach problem. ‎ She is now living in a small house in the rural(乡下的) area in England. There are far fewer Wi-Fi signals. However, the house, which belongs to her friend, will be sold to others, so she has to move again soon.‎ Rose is planning to move to a more rural area. She is also planning to buy a camper van(野营车) so that she can drive away from Wi-Fi signals whenever she is feeling uncomfortable. As she can not work to make money, she has to raise money online. She is hoping to raise 15,000 pounds. So far, she has raised over 1,600 pounds. She ‎ still has a long way to go.‎ ‎36. Which is not Rose’s allergic symptom(症状)?‎ A. Cough B. Heart trouble C. Headache D. Stomachache.‎ ‎37. What did Rose do to keep away from Wi-Fi signals?‎ A. She slept in tent in the woodland.‎ B. She bought a small house in the countryside.‎ C. She moved to a more rural area.‎ D. She bought a camper van.‎ ‎38. What does the underlined word “quit” in paragraph 3 mean?‎ A. leave B. begin C. change D. continue ‎39. Why does she have to move again soon?‎ A. Because the place she lives in is near the Wi-Fi signals.‎ B. Because her friend decided to sell the house.‎ C. Because she wants to move to a new place.‎ D. Because she tries to find a job in the more rural area.‎ ‎40. What does the sentence “She still has a long way to go.” in the last paragraph refer to(指的是)?‎ A. She will live long.‎ B. It’s not easy for her to raise enough money.‎ C. There will be a lot of difficulties for her to deal with.‎ D. It’s difficult for her to find a place without Wi-Fi signals.‎ ‎【答案】36. D 37. A 38. A 39. B 40. C ‎【解析】‎ 短文大意:来自英国的44岁女性Rose White对Wi-Fi信号过敏。当她呆在覆盖Wi-Fi信号的地方时,会产生许多不良反应。为了远离Wi-Fi信号,尝试了许多不同的方法,但效果甚微。罗斯计划搬到一个更偏远的地区,她还计划买一辆露营车。因为不能工作挣钱,所以她不得不在网上筹款。生活中罗斯还将面临许多困难。‎ ‎【36题详解】‎ 细节理解题。根据第二段最后的句子“She had a cough, heart trouble and great pains in her head when she stayed at the places covered with Wi-Fi signals.”可知,当罗斯呆在覆盖Wi-Fi 信号的地方时,咳嗽、心脏病和头痛。没有提到胃疼,故答案为D。‎ ‎【37题详解】‎ 细节理解题。根据第三段中的句子“Rose has tried many ways to keep away from Wi-Fi signals. In the past six months, she either slept in her car or in tent which she had put up in the woodland and in the fields. She even tried sleeping in a shed(棚子).”可知,罗斯尝试了很多方法来远离Wi-Fi信号。在过去的六个月里,她要么睡在车里,要么睡在树林里和田野里的帐篷里。她甚至试着睡在小屋里。故答案为A。‎ ‎【38题详解】‎ 词义猜测题。A. leave 离职;B. begin开始;C. change改变;D. continue继续。根据后面的句子“and moved 370 kilometers away from her home to avoid Wi-Fi signals, but failed.”为了避免Wi-Fi信号, 搬到离家370公里的地方,可以猜测quit her job的意思是“离职,辞职”,故答案选A。‎ ‎【39题详解】‎ 细节理解题。根据第四段中的句子“However, the house, which belongs to her friend, will be sold to others, so she has to move again soon.”可知,罗斯住在朋友的房子里,而朋友将要出售自己的房子,因此罗斯必须再次搬家,答案为B。‎ ‎【40题详解】‎ 句意理解题。根据最后一段的句子“As she cannot work to make money, she has to raise money online. She is hoping to raise 15,000 pounds. So far, she has raised over 1,600 pounds. She still has a long way to go.” 因为她不能工作挣钱,所以她不得不在网上筹款。她希望筹集15000英镑。到目前为止,她已经筹集了超过1600英镑。她还有很长的路要走,可知生活中罗斯还将面临许多困难。故答案选C。‎ 点睛:词义猜测题是阅读理解中常见的一种题型,所猜测词汇可以是生词,也可以是熟词新义,还可以是人称代词的指代内容。词义猜测题主要考查考生根据上下文推测词义和语义的能力,突出考查对语境的分析和把握能力。常见的猜词法有:(1)利用上下文语境。猜测任何词义都离不开上下文,所以要借助上下文对需要猜测的词或短语进行合乎逻辑的推测。 (2)利用定义或解释性的线索。阅读文章中的有些生词往往在其后会有对该词进行解释说明的短语或句子,利用它们猜词义较容易 (3)利用文章的逻辑关系答题。如并列、对比、因果、转折关系等。这些逻辑关系往往通过一些相应的词或短语表达出来,如but, or, however, so, because等。(4)利用构词法知识答题。熟记一些前缀、后缀所表达的意思,不仅可以扩大词汇量,而且帮助我们猜测词义。第3小题的词义猜测题就是利用第1种解题方法。‎ 第Ⅱ卷 非选择题 四、听力填表 录音中有一段短文,听录音两遍后,根据所听到的短文内容完成下面的表格(每空不多于三个词)。(录音播放前你有30秒钟的读题时间)‎ ‎ Welcome to the Film Review Program! ‎ The Tiger Family It’s an unusual documentary about a family of tigers in (56) .‎ Show Dogs This comedy tells us how Max saves the baby panda and other valuable (57) . ‎ Something about the competition ‎1.(58) and finish answering 10 questions by 2:00 pm, June 28th .‎ ‎2. The program will offer (59) as a prize.‎ ‎3. You can know if you’re the winner on (60) .‎ 五、动词填空 阅读下面短文,用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空 (必要时可加情态动词或助动词)。‎ The Bird’s Christmas Tree It’s a sun shining winter afternoon. In a small yard in Luss, Scotland, Kate and Effie (61)____41____ (tie) the baskets to the branches(树枝)of the Christmas tree and filling them with corns. The children (62)______42______ (work) busily but happily for many hours, making the little baskets for the birds. ‎ Many birds come in. Some are eating, and others are dancing. ‎ Even the pretty blue jay(蓝松鸦) (63) ____43____(forget) to be pretty. When he has eaten his fill, he is flying away, crying “Thanks, thanks!”‎ ‎ What a happy life the tree brings to the birds and the children! But two weeks ago, the tree (64) ______ nearly ____44____(cut) into firewood. ‎ Two weeks ago,the Christmas tree was once in the living room. Kate and Effie, and Sue and Tom, had a happy Christmas Day, for the tree was hung with gifts for them all.‎ One day, when the children(65)____45____(play) games around the tree, John came and told them that he was going to carry it into the woodshed. ‎ ‎“What (66) you ____46____(do) with it, John?” the children asked.‎ ‎“I want to cut it into firewood,” answered John.‎ ‎“Oh, don’t!” cried the children. “Our beautiful tree! Let us (67) ____47____(have) it a little longer!” ‎ ‎“What will you do with it?” asked John.‎ ‎“We (68)____48____(put) it in the yard and make a Christmas tree for the birds,” replied the children.‎ So John carried the fir tree into the yard. There it (69)____49____(stand) in the white snow, spreading out its beautiful green branches. ‎ ‎“Now” cried Effie, “let us make some baskets (70)___50___ (fill) corns. Then we will tie them to the tree for the birds. ”‎ What happened next? As you can see at the beginning of the story, the birds are living happily. With the birds and the tree, the children are also very happy. It is hard to tell which are happier, the birds or the children. I believe the tree is the happiest of all.‎ ‎【答案】41. are tying ‎ ‎42. have worked/ have been working ‎ ‎43. forgets ‎ ‎44. was; cut ‎ ‎45. were playing ‎ ‎46. will; do / are;going to do ‎ ‎47. have 48. can /will put ‎ ‎49. stood 50. to fill ‎【解析】‎ 短文介绍了在苏格兰的一个小院里,孩子们把过完圣诞节后的一颗圣诞树当成了鸟儿们的圣诞树,鸟儿们生活得很幸福。而这棵树两周前差点被砍成木柴,多亏了孩子们的极力挽留,这棵树才被保留了下来,有了欢乐的鸟儿和这颗树,孩子们生活地也很开心。‎ ‎【41题详解】‎ 句意:凯特和埃菲正在把篮子绑在圣诞树的树枝上,并把它们装满谷物。and后的filing是现在分词,因此and前面的句子的时态为现在进行时态,其构成为am/is/are + doing,主语是两个人,故答案为are tying。‎ ‎【42题详解】‎ 句意:孩子们忙碌地工作了好几个小时,根据for many hours可知,孩子们已经忙绿了几个小时,动词可能已经结束,也可能会持续下去,因此句子的时态为现在完成时态或现在完成进行时态,答案为have worked/ have been working 。 ‎ ‎【43题详解】‎ 句意:就连漂亮的蓝松鸦也忘了漂亮。根据前后句的时态判断,所要表达的是现在的情况,句子的时态为一般现在时,注意动词用第三人称单数形式,答案为forgets。‎ ‎【44题详解】‎ 句意:但两周前,这棵树几乎被砍成了木柴。主语the tree与动词cut之间是被动的关系,根据时间状语But two weeks ago判断,句子的时态为一般过去时,因此用一般过去时态的被动语态来表达,故答案为was cut。‎ ‎【45题详解】‎ 句意:一天,正当孩子们在树的周围玩游戏时。结合语境可知,正当孩子们在树的周围玩游戏时,约翰过来告诉他们他要把这棵树带进木屋。when引导的时间状语从句的时态为过去进行时,答案为were playing。‎ ‎【46题详解】‎ 句意:你打算把它怎么样呢,约翰?根据“I want to cut it into firewood,”answered John.可知,孩子们问约翰打算把这棵树怎么处理,由于是直接引用当时说过的原话,因此句子的时态为一般将来时,答案为will; do / are; going to do。 ‎ ‎【47题详解】‎ 句意:让我们拥有这棵树更长一段时间吧。Let us do sth.让我们做某事吧,let后跟动词原形是固定用法,故答案为have。‎ ‎【48题详解】‎ 句意:我们将把它放在院子里,给鸟儿做成一棵圣诞树。根据上面的问句“What will you do with it?”你会怎么处理这棵树呢?问句的时态是一般将来时,答语也要用一般将来时态来回答,表示动作还没有发生,当然也可以使用情态动词can。答案为can /will put。 ‎ ‎【49题详解】‎ 句意:它矗立在白雪中,展开它那美丽的绿色树枝。前面的句子“So John carried the fir tree into the yard.”使用的是一般过去时态,因此本句也要用一般过去时态来表达,答案为stood。‎ ‎【50题详解】‎ 句意:让我们做一些篮子来装满谷物。动词不定式用作目的状语,故答案为to fill。‎ 点睛:动词是英语中最活跃、最重要的一类词,是英语语法的核心。动词填空是历年中考中必考的题型之一。解题关键在于准确判断句子的时态、语态和其非谓语形式。前者由句子的时间状语或上下文语境显示;后者由动词的基本句型搭配来限定。‎ 一、确定动词的时态。‎ ‎1. 与各种时态连用的时间状语:一般现在时:usually,often,always,sometimes,every day,on Sunday等;现在进行时:now,at the moment,有时句前有Look!或Listen!等词提示;一般将来时:this Sunday,next week ,tomorrow,tomorrow morning,on Friday,in+一段时间等;一般过去时:yesterday,just now,last year,an hour ago,in 1985等;现在完成时:for+一段时间,since+时间点,in the past+一段时间,these days,recently;just,never,ever,already,yet,before等。‎ ‎2. 根据主从句的关系来确定时态。在主从复合句中,主句谓语动词与从句谓语动词的时态是相互照应的。①在含有宾语从句的主从复合句中,如果主句是一般过去时,从句要用过去的相应时态; ②在宾语从句中,主句是一般现在时,从句可用任意需要的时态;③在时间、条件状语从句中,若主句是一般将来时、祈使句或含有情态动词(can, may, must等),从句要用一般现在时表示将来的动作。‎ 二、确定动词的语态。‎ 如所填动词是谓语动词,应先根据主语和谓语动词之间的主、被动关系,确定动词的语态,一般说,句子主语是谓语动作的执行者,则用主动语态。若句子主语是动作承受者,则用被动语态。不及物动词没有被动语态。‎ 三、非谓语动词形式。‎ 如果所填的动词在句子中不作谓语,那么就应考虑用动词的非谓语形式。动词的非谓语形式主要有:动词不定式、动词的-ing形式(现在分词或动名词)、过去分词等。到底采用哪一种形式,要根据习惯搭配、各种非谓语形式的用途和特点、修辞及句子结构的要求等方面来决定。‎ 六、综合填空 阅读短文,根据短文内容及首字母提示,在空白处填入一个适当的单词。‎ Donna Reid had just finished her training as a children’s doctor. A famous research hospital in New York had offered her a job with (71) g___51___ pay. And her boyfriend, Tony, had a clinic(小诊所) in their hometown and hoped she could work with him. At the same time, a small hospital, Backwoods Hospital, in a very poor area had also offered Donna a job. Now it was time for her to decide (72) w___52___ to work. ‎ Dad: Donna, that research hospital in New York has a good reputation(声誉) for children’s medicine. Some of the best children’s doctors in the country work there and you can (73) l___53___ a lot from them. ‎ Mom: Yes, I agree it’s a good hospital and the pay is good, too. But, that’s not the point(要点). ‎ Dad: (74) T___54___ what’s the point?‎ Mom: It’s in New York, too far away! Let me tell you, dear Donna. Tony’s clinic is just several miles away. You don’t need to travel (75) f___55___ if you work there. Tony is a nice young man and I guess you’ll get ‎ married soon. ‎ Dad: Ha! It’s hard enough to live with a husband or wife. Working with them, (76) t___56___? That’s a choice for trouble. Well, Donna, what do you think?‎ Donna: I’m thinking about (77) a___57___ the offer from Backwoods Hospital. ‎ Dad: But Donna, look at their offer! You’ll be on call(随时待命) six days a week. That’s really a (78) h___58___ job.‎ Mom: Oh, Donna, the pay is another problem.‎ Donna: Mom and Dad, I didn’t become a doctor for enjoying a comfortable life (79) o___59___.‎ Dad: No? Then (80) w___60___ did you become a doctor?‎ Donna: I want to help people. You know that. And Backwoods serves the poor. Backwoods, here I come!‎ ‎【答案】51. good ‎ ‎52. where 53. learn ‎ ‎54. Then 55. far ‎ ‎56. too 57. accepting ‎ ‎58. hard 59. only ‎ ‎60. why ‎【解析】‎ 短文大意:Donna Reid完成了儿童医生的培训后,即将面临着工作的选择。她的爸爸妈妈对三家医院提出了自己的看法,而Donna Reid本人也做出了自己的决定,她不想成为一名只享受舒适生活的医生,愿意到贫困地区的Backwoods 医院,去帮助那些贫穷的孩子。‎ ‎【51题详解】‎ 句意:纽约一家著名的研究医院给她提供了一份待遇优厚的工作。形容词修饰名词,结合句意以及首字母提示可知,答案为good。‎ ‎【52题详解】‎ 句意:现在是她决定去哪里工作的时候了。此处考查“疑问词+动词不定式”,用作动词decide的宾语,根据首字母提示可知,答案为where。‎ ‎【53题详解】‎ 句意:一些国家最好的儿童医生在那里工作,你可以从他们身上学到很多东西。情态动词can后跟动词原形,learn from向……学习,结合句意可知,答案为learn。‎ ‎【54题详解】‎ 句意:那么重要的是什么呢?此处缺少连词,用来缓和语气,根据首字母提示可知,答案为Then。‎ ‎【55题详解】‎ 句意:如果你在那里工作,你不需要走很远。根据前面的句子“Tony’s clinic is just several miles away.” 托尼的诊所离这里只有几英里远。因此去那里工作不需要走很远,答案为far。‎ ‎【56题详解】‎ 句意:也和他们一起工作吗?这是麻烦的选择。所提供的空格前有逗号,结合首字母提示可知,答案为too。‎ ‎【57题详解】‎ 句意:我在考虑接受来自Backwoods医院的报价。think about doing sth.考虑做某事,结合句意以及首字母提示可知,答案为accepting。‎ ‎【58题详解】‎ 句意:那真是一项艰苦的工作。形容词修饰名词,根据“You’ll be on call(随时待命) six days a week.”判断,这份工作很辛苦,故答案为hard。‎ ‎【59题详解】‎ 句意:我并不想成为一名只享受舒适生活的医生。通过上下语境可知,Donna Reid愿意到贫困的地区去帮助那些穷人,因此判断她不想做一名只享受安逸生活的医生,故答案为only。‎ ‎【60题详解】‎ 句意:那你为什么要当一名医生呢?根据答语“I want to help people.”可知,问句是询问原因,故答案为why。‎ 点睛:本题考查单词拼写,是把单词放到语篇中去检测,考查的是学生的综合理解能力以及对知识的灵活运用能力。学生不仅要理解短文大意,还要具体把握每个单句的意思,根据首字母提示去判断所要填入的单词,以及是否要发生变化。如第3小题,情态动词后面需要跟动词原形,而第7小题介词about后面需要跟动名词形式,同学们做这类题的时候一定要小心谨慎。‎ 七、阅读表达 ‎ 阅读短文,根据要求完成下面各小题。‎ Last month some parents visited a pizza restaurant in Florida with their children. On the door, they saw a sign “NO CHILDREN.” “Why can't we bring our children?” “What on earth does the owner want to do?” The parents were surprised and complained angrily.‎ So why did the restaurant put up the sign on its door?‎ Troy Taylor, the owner of the pizza restaurant, found that many parents couldn't control their children and many children couldn't have meals quietly, so they disturbed other customers. Some people said that this was unfair. Mr. Taylor explained his decision . He said that the restaurant was near a busy road, so there might be some danger if the parents didn’t take good care of their children. So he made up his mind to ban(禁止)children from his restaurant.‎ Others supported his decision, they said they were bored of noisy children in restaurants and ‎ now they could finally have a place for adults only.‎ ‎83 In fact,many other restaurants have also met the same problem. Some have done nothing and others have tried to ban children during certain times of the day. There’s one restaurant in Italy. It has been creative in dealing with the problem. They rewarded(奖励) well-behaved children to encourage parents to control their children.‎ ‎84These methods may be useful for a while, but it is difficult to solve this problem completely. ‎ A. 根据短文内容简要回答问题。‎ ‎61. Why does Mr. Taylor ban the children from his restaurant?‎ ‎ __________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎62. There are four methods to solve the problem in this passage. Which do you think is the best one? Why?‎ ‎__________________________________________________________________________‎ B. 将短文中划线的句子译成汉语。‎ ‎63. _________________________________________________________‎ ‎64. _________________________________________________________‎ C. 请给短文拟一个适当的英文标题。‎ ‎65. _______________________________________________________‎ ‎【答案】61. ① Because those noisy children disturbed other customers. And the restaurant was near a busy road, there might be some danger. ②Because many parents couldn’t control their children. And the restaurant was near a busy road, there might be some danger. ③Because many parents couldn't control their children and many children couldn't have meals quietly, so they disturbed other customers. And the restaurant was near a busy road, there might be some danger. ‎ ‎62. ①This way can avoid noisy children disturbing other customers./ This way can help the adults have meals quietly. ‎ ‎ ②Do nothing. The restaurant is a public place, everybody should be allowed to go in.‎ ‎③Ban children during certain times of the day. I think people can choose the right time to go to the restaurant according to their needs.‎ ‎④Reward well-behaved children. This way can encourage parents to control their children.‎ ‎/ This method can encourage children to behave well. ‎ ‎63. 事实上,其他一些餐厅也遇到了同样的问题。 ‎ ‎64. 这些方法在一段时间内可能有用,但很难彻底解决这些问题。 ‎ ‎65. ①Ban or Allow ‎②Methods to Deal with Noisy Children in the Restaurant ‎ ‎③NO CHILDREN ‎ ‎④Ways to solve the problem ‎【解析】‎ 本文主要介绍了一家餐馆禁止孩子进入的事情。老板这样做的目的是因为有些大人管不住自己的孩子,餐馆靠近繁忙的马路,可能会有危险,得到了一些人的支持。事实上,其他一些餐厅也遇到了同样的问题。就孩子能否进入公共餐厅这一问题,短文列举了不同的餐厅也有着各自不同的做法。‎ ‎【61题详解】‎ 问题:为什么泰勒先生禁止孩子进入他的餐馆?根据文中句子“Troy Taylor, the owner of the pizza restaurant, found that many parents couldn't control their children and many children couldn't have meals quietly, so they disturbed other customers. Some people said that this was unfair. Mr. Taylor explained his decision . He said that the restaurant was near a busy road, so there might be some danger if the parents didn’t take good care of their children. So he made up his mind to ban(禁止)children from his restaurant.”可知,因为那些吵吵闹闹的孩子打扰了其他顾客。餐馆靠近繁忙的马路,可能会有危险。因此泰勒先生才有了这样的决定,答案为① Because those noisy children disturbed other customers. And the restaurant was near a busy road, there might be some danger. ②Because many parents couldn’t control their children. And the restaurant was near a busy road, there might be some danger. ③Because many parents couldn't control their children and many children couldn't have meals quietly, so they disturbed other customers. And the restaurant was near a busy road, there might be some danger. ‎ ‎【62题详解】‎ 问题:在这段文章中解决这一问题的方法有四种。你认为哪一个最好?为什么?对于这一问题,短文共提供了4‎ 种方法:禁止带孩子进入餐厅;什么也不做,放任自由;在一天中的特定时间禁止孩子入内;可以进入,但奖励行为良好的儿童。答案不唯一,只要合理即可。答案为①This way can avoid noisy children disturbing other customers./ This way can help the adults have meals quietly. ‎ ‎②Do nothing. The restaurant is a public place, everybody should be allowed to go in.‎ ‎③Ban children during certain times of the day. I think people can choose the right time to go to the restaurant according to their needs.‎ ‎④Reward well-behaved children. This way can encourage parents to control their children.‎ ‎/ This method can encourage children to behave well. ‎ ‎【63题详解】‎ In fact实际上,事实上。met the same problem遇到同样的问题,met是meet的过去分词。故答案为:事实上,其他一些餐厅也遇到了同样的问题。‎ ‎【64题详解】‎ a while一段时间内,短时间内。but it is difficult to solve this problem completely.中it只是形式上的主语,后面的不定式是真正的主语,to solve this problem completely. 彻底解决这个问题。翻译时要放在主语的位置,故答案为:这些方法在一段时间内可能有用,但很难彻底解决这些问题。 ‎ ‎【65题详解】‎ 就孩子能否进入公共餐厅这一问题,短文列举了不同的餐厅也有不同的做法,这些方法在一段时间内可能有用,但很难彻底解决这类问题。短文的标题只要不脱离这一主题即可,答案不唯一,参考答案为: ①Ban or Allow ②Methods to Deal with Noisy Children in the Restaurant ③NO CHILDREN ④Ways to solve the problem。‎ 点睛:前两个小题考查的是根据短文内容回答问题,即根据文章的表层意思进行深层次的推理判断,组织语言回答问题。首先要粗读文章了解大意,其次通过细读,理解全文。在粗读的基础上,仔细阅读题后所给的题目,根据题目要求,再有重点地返回来仔细阅读。在阅读时要注意辨认和记忆具体事实,重要情节,事物的起因、过程、结果及发生的地点、时间等,这对题目的判断至关重要,需要考生综合所有的细节来理解把握。‎ 八、书面表达 ‎66. 在你的成长历程中,一定收到过礼物。有件礼物不一定贵重,但是在你看来却非常珍贵。‎ 某英语杂志以“A Precious Present(一件珍贵的礼物)”为题举办征文活动,请写一篇短文,跟大家分享。内容包括:‎ ‎1.这件礼物是什么?‎ ‎2.你为什么觉得它珍贵?‎ ‎3.它背后有什么故事? ‎ 要求: 1.100词左右; 2.文中不得出现真实姓名及校名。‎ ‎【答案】A precious present The title “A Precious Present” reminds me of quite a few gifts I’ve got. Yet, the first come to my mind is the book, the Adventures of Tom Sawyer. ‎ On my tenth birthday, my father gave it to me as a gift. Because I didn’t like reading, I put it on the bookshelf. One boring day, I picked it up and looked through it. Unexpectedly, the story interested me greatly. I found pleasure in reading books. From then on, I became fascinated in reading. ‎ Though the book is not valuable, it’s precious. I’ll regard it as a treasure forever.‎ ‎【解析】‎ 这是一篇命题作文,以“A Precious Present”为题与大家分享一件自己所拥有的珍礼物。人称为第一人称,时态以一般过去时为主。写作时要注意作文的整体框架。首先介绍这件礼物的名字是什么,附带着说明它的来历,接着讲述这件礼物背后的故事,最后可以总结说明为什么这件礼物对你来说非常珍贵。另外,写作时还需注意语句间的衔接,语言的表述应该符合语法的结构,适当使用连词,做到上下文联系紧密,符合逻辑关系。‎

