六年级英语课件-Module 3 Unit 8 Reading signs Period 3 沪教牛津版

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六年级英语课件-Module 3 Unit 8 Reading signs Period 3 沪教牛津版

Unit 8 Reading signs Period 3 Look, write and say >>Review No smoking. Do not smoke. You mustn’t smoke. >>Review Look out for children. We should look out for children. We must look out for children. Look, write and say Look, write and say >>Review answer >>Presentation 1 Where did Jack and Jane go ? 2 Were they happy in the forest? 3 Did they find the way back home? How? Let’s watch >>Presentation answer >>Review 1 Where did Jack and Jane go ? 2 Were they happy in the forest? They went into the forest. Yes, they were. 3 Did they find the way back home? How? Yes, they did. Jack dropped some stones on the ground and they followed the stones back home. Let’s learn >>Review path Let’s learn >>Review worry [v] worried [adj] Don’t worry. Be happy. I have some worries about the future. The man looks worried. 1 Why did Jack and Jane go into the forest? 2 What did they see? How did they feel? Think and say >>Practice Read and complete >>Practice Jack and Jane lived by the _____ . Their father often said to them, “______ go into the forest. You may ______ .” One day, Jack and Jane went into the forest . forest Never get lost Read and complete >>Practice After some time, they felt ______ and ____. Jane could not __________. She said , “We are ____!” Jack said, “__________. Look at the stones on the ground. We can follow them _________.” hungry tired find her way lost Don’t worry back home Try to retell >>Practice Role-play >>Practice Level1: 分角色朗读对话,注意模仿语音语调。 Level2: 三人一组,试着表演出来吧。 Who said these? Think and write >>Presentation a c a b >>Summary 故事阅读: The path of stones Thank You

