三年级上册英语课件-Module 4 Unit 12 The four seasons Period 2

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三年级上册英语课件-Module 4 Unit 12 The four seasons Period 2

第二课时 Unit 12 The four seasons Which missing Game Review Reading game Review In spring, it is warm. In summer, it is hot. In autumn, it is cool. In winter, it is cold. Presentation answer What season is it? Is it cold? How many boys and girls? It’s winter. Yes, it is. Two boys and one girl. Presentation Look and learn snowman make a snowman Presentation Draw and say Funny! It’s funny! Read in roles. ( 分角色读 ) Read in groups. ( 分组读) Read together. ( 齐读 ) 1 2 3 Practice Let’s read Practice Role-play A: Hi, Ben and Kitty. B&C: Hello, Peter. A: It is cold. B: Yes, it is. My face is cold. My nose is cold. My ears are cold. My hands are cold. Cold! Cold! Cold! Cold! Let’s make a snowman together! A&B: OK. B: Look at the snowman. Its face is long. Its eyes are big. Its … A&C: Yeah! Think, complete and read There are four seasons in a year. They are spring, _______, autumn and _____. In ______, it is warm. In summer, it is ____. In ______, it is cool. In winter, it is ____. summer winter spring hot autumn cold Practice Presentation Read and trace Summary 本节课 学了哪四个季节 ? spring summer autumn winter Summary 如何描述四季温度特点 ? In spring, it is _____. In summer, it is _____. In autumn, it is _____. In winter, it is _____. warm hot cool cold Homework 1. 课文动画,按照正确的语音、语调朗读课文对话。 2. 表演对话 。 3. 预习 “ L earn the letters ” 。 Thank you.

