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Lesson 13 精通·三年级下册 New words 爸爸,父亲 father (dad) 妈妈,母亲 mother (mum) New words Just talk Good morning, Miss Wang. This is my father. This is my mother. This is Miss Wang. Pleased to meet you. Pleased to meet you, too. Language points 1. This is my father.这是我的爸爸。 这是一个用来介绍家庭成员的句子。句子中this意为 “这”,“This is...”用来解释某人,意为“这是...”,指 要介绍的人就在说话人的身边。其句型结构为:This is + my+家庭成员. 例句:This is my sister. 这是我的妹妹。 拓展:介绍他人的顺序 (1)先幼后长。要先把资历浅、年纪轻的一 方介绍给资历深、年纪长的一方认识。 (2)先男后女。要先把男士介绍给女士认识。 (3)先下后上。介绍上下级认识时,先介绍 下级,后介绍上级。 (4)先亲后疏。介绍同事、朋友与家人认识时, 要先介绍家人,后介绍同事、朋友。 (5)先主后宾。介绍宾客和主人认识时,要先 介绍主人,后介绍宾客。 Play roles This is my father. And this is my mother. Pleased to meet you. Pleased to meet you, too. Just learn 爸爸,父亲 father (dad) 妈妈,母亲 mother (mum) Let’s sing Oh! Father. Oh! Father. Oh! Father. I love my father. Oh ho ! Oh! Mother. Oh! Mother. I love my mother. Oh, oh! They love me. They love me. They love me. Father and my mother. Father and mother

