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Unit 1‎ ‎1 What’s in the classroom ?教室里有什么?‎ ‎2 We have 6 new lights .我们有六盏新灯。‎ ‎3 This is Zhang Peng .这是张鹏。‎ ‎4 It’s so big !好大呀!‎ ‎5 Where’s my seat ?It’s near the door .我的座位在哪里?在们的旁边。‎ ‎6 Let’s clean the classroom.让我们打扫教室吧。‎ ‎7 Let me clean the window .让我擦窗户吧。‎ ‎8 All right !好的!‎ ‎9 Look at the picture .看这幅图。‎ ‎10 Good idea !好主意!‎ ‎11 Good job !干得好!‎ ‎12 There is a bee in our classroom .我们教室里有一只蜜蜂。‎ ‎13 Where is it ?它在哪里?‎ ‎14 It’s on the fan.它在风扇上。‎ ‎15 We have a new classroom.我们有一个新教室。‎ ‎16 Where’s my sharpener ? It’s near the fish bowl .我的卷笔刀在哪?它在鱼缸的旁边。‎ ‎17 Help !救命!‎ ‎18 Open the door .开门。‎ ‎19 Turn on the light .开灯!‎ ‎20 Sweep the floor .扫地。‎ ‎21 Clean the window .擦窗户。‎ ‎22 Put up the picture .挂图片。‎ ‎23 Clean the board .擦黑板(blackboard ,green board , white board)‎ ‎24 Really ?Let’s go and have a look .真的吗?让我们去看一看。‎ ‎25 every day:每天 ‎26 have fun:有趣 ‎27 Look !This is my classroom.The wall is white .The floor is green…看!这是我的教室。墙是白的。门是绿的。‎ ‎28 It’s nice and clean.又漂亮又整洁。‎ ‎29 I like my classroom.我喜欢我的教室。‎ ‎30 Excuse me.打扰了。‎ ‎31 After you.你先请。‎ Unit 2‎ ‎1 What colour is it?他是什么颜色的?‎ ‎ It’s black and white .它是黑白相间的。‎ ‎2 Put your notebook under your bag .把你的笔记本放在你书包的下面。‎ ‎3 Put your pencil in your desk .把你的铅笔放在你的书桌里。‎ ‎4 Put your pencil-case on your chair .把你的铅笔盒放在你的椅子上 ‎5 Put your eraser near your pencil-case .把你的橡皮放在铅笔盒附近。‎ ‎6 Put your English book on your head .把你的英语书放在你的头上。‎ 3‎ ‎7 May I have a look ?我可以看一下吗?‎ ‎8 How nice!真漂亮!‎ ‎9 My schoolbag is heavy .我的书包很重。‎ ‎10 What’s in it ?它里面有什么?‎ Many story-books and 8 rulers.许多本故事书和8个格尺。‎ ‎11 How many English books do you have ?你有多少本英语书?‎ ‎12 Thank you soooooo much .太感谢你们了。‎ ‎13 Put away your books . 把你的书放好。‎ ‎14 Is everything in your schoolbag ?每件东西都在你的书包里吗?‎ ‎15 Have a good dream.做个好梦。‎ ‎16 I’m full .我吃饱了。‎ ‎17 Take out your book ,please .请把你的书拿出来。‎ ‎18 Catch! 抓住 ‎19 Here you are .给你 ‎20 Guess .猜一猜 ‎21 Too many to count .太多了书数都数不清 ‎22 I have 6 books .我有六本书。‎ ‎23 A‎ fat panda .一只胖熊猫。‎ ‎24 Can you spell these words ?你能拼写出这些单词吗?‎ ‎25 How many English books can you see ?你能看见多少本英语书?‎ ‎26 How much? 50 yuan.多少钱?50元。‎ ‎27 made of :制造 ‎28 inventor:发明家 Unit 3 ‎ ‎1 My friend is strong .我的朋友很强壮。‎ ‎2 He has short hair .他有短头发。‎ ‎3 He has big eyes .他有大眼睛。‎ ‎4 She has a small nose and a big mouth .她有一个小鼻子和一个大嘴。‎ ‎5 She’s cute .她很可爱。‎ ‎6 Who is he ?他是谁?‎ ‎7 Who’s your best friend ?谁是你最好的朋友?‎ ‎8 Listen to music .听音乐。‎ ‎9 Do sports .做运动。‎ ‎10 Make friends .交朋友。‎ ‎11 Play computer games .玩电脑游戏。‎ ‎12 Paint .画图画。‎ ‎13 My friend likes music .我的朋友喜欢音乐。‎ ‎14 What’s his/her name ?他的/她的名字叫什么?‎ ‎ His /Her name is …他的/她的名字是…‎ ‎15 Boy or girl?男孩还是女孩?‎ ‎16 You’re right .你是正确(对)的。‎ ‎17 What a big turnip!好大的一个甘。蓝啊!‎ ‎18 It’s so big .它太大了 3‎ ‎19 Come on ,my friends .来吧,我的朋友们。‎ ‎20 Please help me .请帮帮我。‎ ‎21 I can’t pull it up .我拔不动它。‎ ‎22 Me too .我也是 ‎23 This is his photo.这是他的照片 ‎24 Friends are like you and me .朋友就像你和我。‎ ‎25 I have five finger friends .Do you like them ? Please have a try .‎ ‎ 我有五个手指朋友。你喜欢他们吗 ?请试一试。‎ ‎26 I hope you’ll like it .我希望你会喜欢它 。‎ Oh ,it’s nice .I like it very much .Thank you .‎ 哦,它很漂亮。我非常喜欢它。谢谢。‎ Unit 4‎ 单词 3‎ ‎1 study : 书房 ‎ ‎2 bathroom :卫生间 ‎3 bedroom : 卧室 ‎4 living room : 起居室 ‎5 kitchen :厨房 ‎6 it’s =it is ‎7 fish:鱼 ‎8 isn’t =is not ‎9 here:这里 ‎10 home:家 ‎11 room:房间 ‎12 school:学校 ‎13 classroom:教室 ‎14 phone:电话 ‎15 bed :床 ‎16 sofa:沙发 ‎17 shelf :书架 ‎18 fridge:冰箱 ‎19 table:桌子 ‎20 they:他们 ‎21aren’t =are not ‎22 they’re =they are ‎23 key:钥匙 ‎24 open:打开 ‎25 look:看 ‎26 please:请 ‎27 on:在…上面 ‎28 no:不;不是 ‎29 window:窗户 ‎30 desk:课桌,书桌 ‎31 door:门 ‎32 chair:椅子 ‎33 bed:床 3‎ ‎34 看电视;Watch TV.‎ ‎35 读书:Read a book.‎ ‎36 吃零食;Have a snack.‎ ‎37 洗澡,冲凉:Take a shower .‎ ‎38 睡觉:Have a sleep .‎ ‎39摆饭桌:Set the table .‎ ‎40 坐在沙发上:Sit on the sofa .‎ ‎41 铺床:Make the bed.‎ ‎42 接电话:Answer the phone .‎ ‎43 开冰箱:Open the fridge.‎ ‎45去起居室、书房、厨房、浴室、卧室:Go to the living room /study /kitchen /bathroom /bedroom ‎46 出租:For rent ‎47 眼镜:glasses ‎48 累了:tired ‎49 头晕目眩的:dizzy ‎50 改变,换一换:change ‎51 车房,车库:garage ‎52 花园:garden ‎53 地下室:basement ‎54 (屋顶的)顶楼,阁楼:attic ‎55 门厅 ,门廊:porch ‎56 楼梯:stairs ‎57 台阶 ,梯阶:steps ‎58 我的家:My home 3‎ 重点句型 ‎1 Are they in the study?他们在书房吗?‎ Yes ,they are. /No ,they aren’t.是,他们是。/不,他们不是。‎ ‎2 Welcome to my home !欢迎来到我的家1‎ 6‎ ‎3 Is this your bedroom?这是你的书房吗? ‎ ‎ Yes ,it is . /No ,it isn’t . 是的,它是。 /不是,它不是。‎ ‎4 Is she in the living room?她在起居室吗? No ,she isn’t . 不,她不在。‎ ‎5 Where are the keys?钥匙在哪?‎ ‎ They are on the table。他们在桌子上。‎ ‎6 What can you see in my room?在我的房间你能看见什么?‎ ‎7 It’s a nice room .它是一个漂亮的房间。‎ ‎8 I like it .我喜欢它。‎ ‎9 Are the keys in the door?要是在门上吗?‎ ‎10 These are not my glasses .那不是我的眼镜。‎ ‎11 Me too.我也是。‎ Unit 5‎ 单词 6‎ 6‎ ‎1 rice:米饭 ‎2 fish :鱼 ‎3 noodles:面条 ‎4 beef :牛肉 ‎5 vegetables :蔬菜 ‎6 soup :汤 ‎7 have :吃 ‎8 dinner :晚餐,正餐 ‎9 wait :等 ‎10 I’d like=I would like ‎ ‎11 bread :面包 ‎12 milk :牛奶 ‎13 egg:鸡蛋 ‎14 water :水 ‎15 hungry :饥饿的 ‎16 for :为,给 ‎17 thank you :谢谢你 ‎18 knife :刀(复数knives)‎ ‎19 chopsticks :筷子 ‎20 spoon :勺子 ‎21 plate :盘子 ‎22 fork :叉子 ‎23 help :帮助,帮忙 ‎24 pass :传递 ‎25 ready :准备好了 ‎26 try :尝试,试一下 ‎27 help yourself:随便吃 ‎28 show:展示 ‎29 yummy :好吃的 ‎30 food :食物 ‎31 use :使用 ‎32 chicken :鸡肉 ‎33 juice :果汁 ‎34 hot dog :热狗 ‎35 hamburger :汉堡包 ‎36 breakfast :早餐 ‎37 lunch:午餐 ‎38 bill :账单 ‎39dessert :甜点心,餐后甜点 ‎40 pudding :布丁 ‎41 dumpling :饺子 ‎42 pie:馅饼 ‎43cheers!:干杯!‎ 6‎ 句子 ‎43 Can I have some noodles?我可以要一些面条吗?‎ Sure .Here you are当然可以。给你。‎ ‎44 What’s for dinner ? 晚餐是什么?‎ ‎45 What would you like (for …)?你想要些什么呢?I’d like … 我想要…‎ ‎46 Everything is ready. 一切都准备好了。‎ 6‎ ‎47 Give me a spoon .给我一支勺子。‎ ‎48 Pass me a fork .给我一把叉子。‎ ‎49 Wash the plates .洗盘子 ‎50 Use the chopsticks .用筷子。‎ ‎51 Cut with the knife .用刀切。‎ 6‎ ‎52 Can I help (you)?我能帮你忙吗?‎ ‎53 See you tomorrow .明天见。‎ ‎54 You can’t eat so much.你不能吃这么多。‎ 6‎ ‎55 Anything else ?还有其他的吗?‎ ‎56 Here’s your bill .这是你的账单。‎ ‎57 How much?多少钱?Five yuan.五元。‎ ‎58 Let me show you.让我展示给你看。‎ ‎59 Let me try .让我试一试。‎ ‎60 Look! I can use chopsticks noe .看!我现在能用筷子了。‎ 6‎ ‎61 Here’s a fish.这是一只鱼。‎ ‎62I’m hungry . 我饿了。‎ ‎63 a‎ glass of water .一杯水 ‎64 We had a good time.我们玩得很高兴。‎ ‎65 Sounds good .听起来很好。‎ ‎66 What a big breakfast !多么丰盛的早餐啊!‎ 6‎ Unit 6‎ 单词 6‎ ‎1 family : 家庭 ‎2 parents :父母 ‎3 uncle :叔叔;舅舅 ‎4 aunt :姑姑;婶;姨 ‎5 baby :婴儿 ‎6 people :人 ‎7 member :成员 ‎8 only :只有;仅仅 ‎9 puppy :小狗 ‎10 come :来 ‎11 who :谁 ‎12 sister :姐妹 ‎13 brother :兄弟 ‎14 father :父亲;爸爸(dad ,daddy ,papa)‎ ‎15 mother :母亲;妈妈(mom ,mommy ,mama)‎ ‎16 baseball player :棒球运动员 ‎17 driver :司机 ‎18 doctor :医生 ‎19 farmer :农民 ‎20 nurse :护士 ‎21 look :看上去;看;瞧 ‎22 young :年轻的 ‎23 baby brother:小弟弟 ‎24 grandmother:(grandma)奶奶,姥姥 ‎25 grandfather:(grandpa)爷爷,老爷 dancer:舞蹈家,跳舞的人 flower :花朵 love :爱 6‎ 句子 ‎26 Come and meet my family!来认识一下我的家庭!‎ ‎27 This is my dad .He’s strong and tall.这是我的爸爸。他既强壮又高。‎ ‎28 How many people are there in your family ?在你的家庭里有多少人?‎ ‎29 My family has seven members.我的家庭里有七个成员。‎ ‎30 Who are they ?他们是谁?‎ ‎31 But that’s only six .但那只有六个。And my little puppy .和我的小狗。‎ ‎32 What’s your father ?你的父亲是干什么的?My father is a doctor.He likes sports .我的爸爸是一名医生。他喜欢运动。‎ ‎33 He looks strong.他看起来很强壮。‎ ‎34 Is this your aunt ?这是你的婶婶吗?‎ ‎35 Are they farmers ?他们是农民吗?‎ ‎36 Look at these photos .看看这些照片。‎ ‎37 Who’s that ?那是谁?‎ ‎38 It’s me .是我。‎ ‎39 The next family is …下一个家庭是…‎ ‎40 Is she a dancer ? Yes ,she is .她是舞蹈家吗?是的,她是 。‎ 6‎ ‎41 How many apples are there on the tree/under the tree ?树上有多少个苹果?树下有多少个苹果/‎ ‎42 We play together !我们一起玩吧!‎ ‎43 They’re my grandpa and grandma .他们是我的爷爷和奶奶。‎ ‎44 He’s good at sports .他擅长运动。‎ ‎45 How many words can you find ?你能找到多少个单词?‎ ‎46 family tree :家谱 ‎47 I’m going to be a techer .我将来想成为一名医生。‎ Recycle 1‎ ‎1 curly:卷曲的,卷毛的 ‎2 They ‘re my friend’s story-books !它们是我朋友的故事书。‎ ‎3 I know .我知道了。‎ ‎4 She speaks English well .她英语说得很好。‎ ‎5 How many people are there in your family ? Four.你的家里有多少人?四人。‎ ‎6 jet:喷气式飞机 ‎7 light :管灯 lamp:台灯 ‎8 X’mas =Christmas :圣诞节 ‎9 sugar:糖 ‎10 plus :加上,加 ‎11 What’s 10 plus 10 ? 10+10=?‎ ‎12 How many prizes do you have ?你得到多少奖品?‎ ‎13 Who’s the winner ?谁是获胜者?‎ ‎14 Do you like sports ?你喜欢运动吗?‎ ‎15 prize :奖品 ‎16 winner :获胜者 Recycle 2 ‎ ‎1 Merry Christmas !圣诞节快乐!‎ ‎2 How beautiful!多漂亮啊 !‎ ‎3 So many gifts !这么多礼物!‎ ‎4 How many gifts are there ?有多少个礼物?‎ ‎5 Where are they ?他们在哪里?‎ ‎6 turkey :火鸡 ‎7 Father Christmas .圣诞老人 ‎8 sink:水槽,水池 ‎9 singer:歌手 ‎10 Draw and cut :画并且剪 ‎11 Make holes and put thread in .挖一个洞,并用线穿进去 ‎12 Decorate it and put a present in .装饰它并放进去一个礼物 ‎13 Give it to friend .把它送给你的朋友 ‎14 Happy New Year !新年快乐!‎ 6‎

