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Module 7 2020 秋外研版四年级英语上册优质课件 Unit1~ Unit2 Unit1 目 录 使用说明:点击对应课时,就会跳转到相应章节内容,方便使用。 Unit 2 Module 7 Unit 1 There is a horse in this photo. 外研版 · 英语 · 四 年级上册 第一课时 第二 课时 第 一 课时 Watch and sing with it. What is he/she doing? He/she is… Ask and answer. Watch and find the animals in the video. duck h orse cow pig hen sheep dog cat Look and answer. What can you see? A girl and a horse. Who is the girl? She is Amy. What is she doing? She is riding a horse. Listen and chant. Watch the video. Listen and chant with it. Look at the photo. There is a horse. And there is a girl. She is riding the horse. Ask and answer. A: There is… B: What is he/she/it doing? A: He/she/it… Let’s chant together. Do you want to see some photos? Let’s have a look . Listen, point and find “There is…” What can you see in this photo? A horse. There is a horse in this photo. What is it doing? It’s running fast. What can you see in this photo? A sheep. There is a sheep in this photo. What is it doing? It’s eating vegetable s . What can you see in this photo? A cat. There is a cat in this photo. What is it doing? It’s climbing a tree. Who can you see in this photo? A girl. There is girl under the tree. What is she doing? She’s watching the cat. Can you see her face ? No, we can’t. Now we can see her face. She is Lingling. She is riding a horse. Game. 猜动物 每名学生画一个小动物,画朝下放在桌子上。学生模仿自己画的小动物的特征及动作等。其他学生用 There is… in your photo. 来猜,猜对者,可以获得该图片,看看最后谁手里的图片最多! Watch and listen. Listen and judge. 1. The sheep is eating vegetables. ( ) 2. There is a dog in the photo. ( ) 3. There is a cat in this photo. ( ) 4. There are two girls in the photo. ( ) √ √ × × Read and answer. 1. How many photos are there in the dialogue? Four. 2. What is the girl doing? She is watching the cat and she is riding a horse. 3. What is the cat doing? It’s climbing a tree. Listen and read after it. There are some nice photos here. Let’s have a look. There is a horse in this photo. It’s running fast. There is a sheep in this photo. It’s eating vegetables. There is a cat. It’s climbing a tree. Yes. T here is a girl under the tree. She’s watching the cat. Oh! That’s my cat! Who’s the girl? I can’t see her face. You can see her face now. Oh, it’s Lingling! She’s riding a horse. Ha ha … Read in roles according to the following information. S a m: Amy: S a m: Amy: Sam : Amy: Daming: Amy: Sam : Amy&Daming: There are some nice photos here. Let’s have a look . There is a horse in this photo. It’s running fast. There is a sheep in this photo. It’s eating vegetables . There is a cat. It’s climbing a tree. Yes. There is a girl under the tree. She’s watching the cat. Oh! That’s my cat! Who’s the girl? I can’t see her face. You can see her face now. Oh, it’s Lingling! She’s riding a horse. Ha ha … Let’s act out. There is a horse in this photo. 此句型用来表示“某地有某物”。如果后接 可数名词单数或不可数名词 , be 动词用 is ;如果后接 名词复数 , be 动词要用 are 。 There is a book on the desk . 例 There is some water in the glass . 例 句型结构: There + be + 名词 + 地点 / 时间状语 . There are some books on the desk . 例 P ractise . 四名同学一组。其中一名同学负责抽取图片,另外三名学生根据图片用所学词汇、句型编对话! 示例: Daming 抽取图片, Amy, John, Maomao 根据图片编对话。 Daming: Amy, look at this photo. What’s in the photo? Amy: There is a horse in the photo. It’s eating grass. Daming : Yes, you are right. What’s in this photo, Maomao? Maomao: There is a boy under the tree. He is reading. Daming: Good. What’s in this photo, John? John: There are some vegetables in the basket. Daming: Great! 一、选一选。 ( ) 1. They ______ basketball now. A. plays B. playing C. are playing ( ) 2. There _____ a sheep in the photo. A . is B. are C. has ( ) 3. There ____ an orange on the desk. A. is B . are C . has C A A Try to do. 二 、 英汉互译 。 1. Look at the photo. 看这张 ________ 。 2. There is a horse in this photo. 这张照片里有 _______ 。 3. 树下有一个女孩。 There ____ a girl ______ the tree. 4. 他正在骑马。 He is _____________. 5. I can’t see her face. 我 _____________ 。 照片 一匹马 is under riding a horse 看不到她的脸 1. 词汇 及短语 : there is/are, have a look, sheep , horse, climb , vegetables, face. 2. 句型: There are some nice photos here. There is a girl under the tree. Sum up. 1. 背 过本课所学单词、短语。 2. 将活动一的 chant 唱 给自己的家人听。 3 . 听、跟读 活动 二,并与同伴模仿表演。 Homework 第二课时 Listen and chant. Ask and answer . What’s/Who’s in the photo? What is she/he/it doing? Can you see her/his/its face? What’s the song about? Zoo. Lingling also goes to the zoo, and takes many interesting photos. Let’s have a look! Listen and say. -What’s in the photo? -There is… in the photo. -What is it doing? -It’s… ______ a girl ____ this photo. She’s riding a ____. I _____ see her _____. Listen and fill. There is in horse can’t face Listen and read after it. There is a girl in this photo. She’s riding a horse. I can’t see her face. What do you usually do on weekends? Who’s in the photo? There is a boy. What is he doing? He is flying a kite. Free talk. Practise. Take out your pictures and describe them with your partners. There is a boy. He’s flying a kite. Group work. 制作 英语手抄报 1. 确定英语手抄报主题。分组选择合适的图片。 2. 组长汇报所选主题,组内成员分别介绍所选图片内容: There is… There are… She/He/It is… They are… 一 、判断图片与下列句子是否相符。 ( ) 1. She is riding a horse. ( ) 2. The horse is running fast. ( ) 3. I like eating vegetables. ( ) 4. The girl is flying a kite. ( ) 5. There is a sheep in this photo. F T T F T Try to do. 二 、 连词成 句 。 1. have , let, a, look, us (.) ____________________ 2. what, you, doing, now, are (?) ____________________ 3. there, a, desk, present, on, is, the (.) _____________________________ 4. see, can, you, her, face (?) ____________________ Let us have a look. What are you doing now? There is a present on the desk. Can you see her face? 1. 词汇短语: ride, fly, swim, see, play, ride a horse, fly a kite, play football. 2. 句型: There is/are… 主语 + be + 现在分词 + 其他。 Sum up. 1 . 向家人展示自己跟读模仿课文录音的情况。 2. 按照确定的班级英语手抄报主题准备更多图片,带到下一节英语课上,运用所学句型,向全班介绍。 Homework Module 7 Unit 2 There are twelve boys on the bike. 外研版 · 英语 · 四 年级上册 第一课时 第二 课时 第 一 课时 Listen and chant. Free talk. Who’s in the picture? What is she/he doing? What are they doing? What’s in the picture? What is it doing? What are they doing? Look and answer. What are the pictures about? Listen, point and say. Free talk. Who are they? Lingling, Sam and Amy! What are they doing? Let’s have a look. Watch the video. They are looking at a show. Oh! There ____ twelve boys on the bike! There ____ a boy on the bike. Listen and fill. is are There __ three boys on the bike. are Read and answer. 1. What are they doing? They are riding a bike. 2. How many boys are there in the first picture? One. 3. How many boys are there in the second picture? Three . 4. How many boys are there in the third picture? Twelve. Listen again and read after it. There is a boy on the bike. There are three boys on the bike. Oh! There are twelve boys on the bike! Role play and act out Is the show interesting? Lingling, Amy and Sam are watching the interesting performance. But where is Daming? Do you see him? Let’s look for Daming together. Listen and say. Look, Daming is here. What is he doing? He is introducing animals. Let’s have a look. What can you see in the photo? There is a panda in the photo. What is the panda eating? It’s eating fruit . Let’s chant: Fruit, fruit, panda likes fruit. What can you see in the photo? There is a bear in the photo. What is the bear eating? It’s eating sweets. Let’s chant: Bear, bear, bear, eating sweets, eating sweets. How many chickens are there in the photo? There are three chickens in the photo. What are they doing? They are eating rice. Let’s chant: Rice, rice, rice, chickens like rice. How many pigs are there in the photo? There is a pig in the photo. How many pigs are there in the photo? There are two pig s in the photo . How many pigs are there in the photo? There are twelve pig s in the photo . Guess: what are the pigs eating? The pigs are eating fruit and vegetables. Let’s chant: Pigs, pigs, pigs, eating fruit and vegetables. Watch the video. Listen and judge. 1. The panda is eating sweets. ( ) 2. There are three chickens in the photo. ( ) 3. There are eleven pigs in this photo. ( ) √ × × Read and answer. 1. How many photos are there in the dialogue? Four. 2. What is the panda doing? It is eating fruit. 3. What are the pigs doing? They are eating fruit and vegetables. Listen and read after it. There is a panda in the photo. It’s eating fruit. There are three chickens in the photo. They’re eating rice. There are eleven pigs in the photo. They’re eating fruit and vegetables. There is a bear in the photo. It’s eating sweets. No! There are twelve. Retell according to the following information. Daming: Visitors: There is a panda in the photo. It’s eating fruit . There are three chickens in the photo. They’re eating rice. There is a bear in the photo. It’s eating sweets. There are eleven pigs in the photo. They’re eating fruit and vegetables. No! There are twelve. Let’s act out. P ractise . 四名同学一组。其中一名同学负责抽取图片,另外三名学生根据图片用所学词汇、句型编对话! 示例: Daming 抽取图片, Amy, John, Maomao 根据图片编对话。 Daming: Amy, w hat’s in the photo? Amy: There are two rabbits. They’re eating carrots. Daming : Yes, you are right. Look at this photo, Maomao? Maomao: Oh, There are five pandas. They’re eating bamboos. Daming: Good. Look at this photo, John? John: Let me see. There is a chicken. It’s eating worms. Daming: Great! 一、选一选。 ( ) 1. There is a boy on the bike. ( ) 2. There are three chickens. ( ) 3. There is a girl. She is flying a kite. ( ) 4. The girl is riding a horse. A B C D B A D C Try to do. 二 、 单项选择 。 ( ) 1. There _____ ten bears in the photo. A. is B. are C. have ( ) 2. There are two sheep in the photo. _____ eating vegetables. A . They’re B . It’s C. There is B A 1. 词汇短语: fruit, bear, pig, chicken, panda, eleven, twelve, on the bike, in the photo. 2. 句型: There is/are. It’s/They’re doing… Sum up. 1. 听录音,背诵活动二的对话。 2. 结合本课内容 创编 一个新对话,并与同伴表演出来 。 Homework 第二课时 Listen and chant. Look at the photo. There is a horse. And there is a girl. She is riding the horse. Enjoy the song. Listen and say. Then sing. Watch and answer. At first, how many green parrots are there in the tree? At first, there are three green parrots. At last, how many green parrots are there in the tree? At last, there is no green parrot. Let’s chant together. T here  are three green parrots  standing  in the tree . There are three green parrots  standing  in the tree . Now one green  parrot accidentally falls. There are two green parrots  standing in  the tree . There are two green parrots standing  in  the tree . Now  one green parrot  accidentally falls . There is one green parrot standing  in the  tree . There is one green parrot standing  in the  tree . Now the green parrot accidentally falls  There is no green parrot standing  in the  tree . THE GREEN PARROTS There are two cats. They’re climbing a tree. Point and say. There are two girls. They’re rowing a boat. No, they’re playing chess. Look, remember and say. There is a lion in the photo. It’s running fast.. Do and say. there be, has/have There be 句型表示在某地有某物或某人,强调存在。 I have a new bag. 例 T here is a book, two pens and three rulers in the bag. 例 has/have 表示某人“拥有”什么东西,强调所属关系。 T here is an apple on the desk. 例 there be 句型的就近原则。 一 、 交际 小 高手 。 ( ) 1. 有十二个男孩在自行车上,你应该怎么描述 : A. There are twelve boys on the bike. B. There are twelve boys on the bus. ( ) 2. 你 想 告诉 Amy 照片里有一只熊,它正在吃糖果,可以说: A. There is a bear in the photo. It’s eating sweets. B. The bear wants sweets. B A Try to do. ( ) 3. 你想告诉别人 你正在吃水果, 你会说: A. I eat fruit. B. I’m eating fruit. ( ) 4. 你想说在这张照片里有两只猫,它们正在爬树,你会说: A. There are two cats in the photo. They climb a tree. B. There are two cats in the photo. They are climbing a tree . B B 二 、根据图片提示描述照片中的情景,补全句子。 1. There is a girl in the photo. She is ____________. 2. There _____ some _________ here. 3. There is a boy _____ the _____. riding a horse are vegetables on bike 三 、 连词成 句 。 1. the, is, who, girl (?) ____________________ 2. there, twelve, on, bike, are, the, boys (.) _______________________________ 3. Lingling, horse, riding, is, a (.) _____________________________ 4. a , girl, there, is, the, in, photo (.) _____________________________ Who is the girl? There are twelve boys on the bike Lingling is riding a horse. There is a girl in the photo. 1. 词汇短语: there is, there are, chess, lion, row, boat. 2. 句型: There is… It’s… There are… They’re… Sum up. 1 . 将 活动 四的 歌曲 唱给自己的爸爸妈妈听 。 2. 结合本课所学创编一个新对话,并与同伴表演出来。 Homework

