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高考英语写作词汇(高分必备)‎ 写作文就是讲话,幼儿园学生说话只会在幼儿园受到赞美,小学生作文再好,也不可能在初中得高分,当然初中的好文章,用高中的标准衡量,简直就是下等,这根本的区别就是用词。用词一变,文章的档次级别截然不同。‎ 下面这些词汇是高分作文必备好词。认真熟记,全面提高。‎ 第一部分 词汇基础 重要介词短语 at the cost of 以。。。为代价 at the invitation of 应。。。的邀请 at the thought of 一想到。。。 at will 任意 In line with 与。。。一致 in relation to 涉及 In return for 作为对。。。的报答 in the course of 在。。。的过程中 No less than 不亚于 nothing but 只不过 No more than 至多 By all means 尽一切办法 By means of 依靠 for fear of 以免 For lack of 因缺乏 for the benefit of 为。。。的利益 For the convenience of 为。。的方便 for the purpose of 为了。。。的目的 In accordance with 与。。。一致 in addition to 除。。。以外 In answer to 回答 in combination with 与。。相结合 In comparison with 和。。。相比 in compensation for 作为对。。。的赔偿 In conflict with 和。。。冲突 in contact twith 和。。。接触 In contradiction with 同。。。矛盾 in contrast with 和。。。相对照 In exchange for 交换 in favor of 有利于 In harmony with 和。。相和谐 in honor of 向。。。表示敬意 In memory of 为了纪念 in need of 需要 In place of 代替 in terms of 从。。。的角度 In the case of 就。。。来说 in the eye of 从。。。观点来看 In the interest of 为了。。。的利益 in the grasp of 在。。。掌握之中 In touch with 和。。。不断接触 in behalf of 代表 In advance of 在。。。之前 on account of 为了。。。的缘故 Under the direction of 在。。指导之下 under the control of 再。。。的支配之下 With the intention of 抱着。。。的目的 on the ground of 根据 With the permission of 经。。。许可 at choice 可随意选择 At ease 自在 at first glance 一眼就 Beyond bearing 忍无可忍 beyong effort 力所不及 Beyond expression 无法形容 beyond question 无可争辩 Beyond comparison by degrees 逐渐的 By nature 天生的 for nothing 白白的 For experience 凭经验 in alarm 惊惶地 In circulation 在传播中 in demand 需求 In dilemma 进退两难 in large 大规模地 In site 在现场 on credit 赊账 On purpose 有意 with concern 关切地 Without chioce 不分好歹 at a loss 不知所措 In a temper 发脾气 by the book 按常规 At night fall 在傍晚 at one’s own charge 自费 By all appearance 显然 in any case 无论如何 In either case 无论发生那种情况 in no case 绝不 in good taste 风格高尚的 with sincere pleasure 由衷地喜悦 重要动词与介词的搭配 ‎ Identify……as….确认。。。是。。。 stand by 信守 Qualify….for….. 使。。。有资格。。。 inherit….from….从。。。继承。。。‎ Profit from 利用 be involved in 投入/卷入 Mislead…..into….误导。。。以至。。。 count on 指望 Apply…..to….. 把。。。应用于。。。 adapt….to….使。。。适应于。。。‎ Expose….to….使。。。暴露于。。。 owe…..to….把。。。归因于。。。‎ Reduce…to…..将。。。减/降至。。。。 relate…..to…..把。与。联系在一起 Compromise with 与。。。妥协 confuse…..with…. 将。。。与。混淆 Restrict….to…..限制。。。为。。。。 combine….with….将。。。与。。结合 Enrich….with….. 用。。。。丰富。。。。 face…….with…. 使。。。面对。。。。‎ Impress….with….使。。。。对。。。印象深刻 equip….with….用。。。。装备。。。。‎ Reason with 与。。。讲理 threaten…wih…. 以。。。威胁 Serve as 起到。。。作用 define….as…..把。。。定义为。。。。‎ ‎ ‎ 表示情感的词组一 ‎1.我们真诚的希望 it is sincerely hoped that ‎2.不惜一切代价 at all cost ‎3.不知所措 be at a loss ‎4.绝望地 in despair ‎5.渴望 be eager to do be desperate to do ‎ Have a strong desire for doing sth ‎6.对。。。很感兴趣 be enthusiastic about ‎ Be crazy about ‎ Be fascinated by ‎7.处在最好的状态 be at one’s best ‎8.情绪高涨 be in high spirits ‎9.没有做。。。的心情 be in no mood to do ‎10.用心做 be engaged in doing sth ‎11.经理痛苦磨难 go through pains ‎12.反思 reflect on ‎13.使。。。生气 make sb annoyed ‎14处于。。。状态 in a state of ‎15.渴望 long for ‎16.直截了当的说 come straight to the point that ‎17.很容易地 with ease ‎18.对。。。感到吃惊 be amazed at ‎19.对。。。表示同情 feel sympathy for ‎20.对。。。产生重大影响 have a tremendous impact on ‎ Have a great influence on ‎ Have a strong effect on ‎21.加深感情 deepen one’s affection ‎22.使。。。流泪 bring tears to one’s eyes ‎23.突然有了一个好主意 A good idea flashes across one’s mind ‎24.努力没有白费 one’s efforts pay off ‎25.面对 be exposed to ‎26付出代价 pay a high price for ‎27.耐心地 with great patience ‎28.心满意足地 to one’s heart’s content ‎29.昧着良心做事 do sth against one’s conscience ‎30坚持不懈地追求目标 persist in pursuing one’s goal ‎31怀有对。。。的激情 have great passion towards ‎32认真接受某人忠告 take one’s words to heart ‎33深受鼓舞 be much motivated by ‎ Be much inspired by ‎34泪水涌上。。。的眼睛 tears well up in one’s eyes ‎35为。。。的行为承担责任 pay for one’s action ‎36.强调提高环保意识 highlight the conciousness of environment protection ‎37激发灵感 spark one’s inspiration for ‎38 对。。。产生负面影响 have a negtive influence on ‎39 培养创造力和创新精神 train one’s creativity and innovation ‎40 被社会潮流所淘汰 be thrown out of the tide of the society ‎41 激励个性发展 encourage one’s individuality ‎42 把理论和实践结合起来 combine theory with practice ‎43 做某事是对的/错的 be right/wrong in doing sth ‎44.展现个人的特质和风采 display personal talent and charm ‎45丰富社会经验 enrich one’s social experience ‎46确保生活幸福 ensure sb a happy life ‎47坚守原则 stick to the principle ‎48集中精力 be concentrated on ‎49参加运动 take exercise ‎50养精蓄锐 accumulate energy to do sth ‎51发表观点 present one’s ideas ‎52增强意识 heighten one’s sense of ‎ ‎53值得提倡 be well worth promoting ‎54号召。。。做 appeal to sb to do sth ‎55减轻负担 lighten/lessen/ease one’s burden of ‎56带来便利 bring sb more convenience ‎57形成持久良好的关系 form a lasting constructive bond ‎58谢天谢地 it is considered a celebration if…‎ ‎59竭尽全力去做 go all out to do ‎60无法达到预期目标 fall short ‎61完善自己 complete sb perfectly ‎62赋予。。。积极的人生观 give sb a positive outlook on life ‎63做的不好 mess up ‎64为实现梦想努力过 work hard to accomplish sth ‎65在价值观和文化背景上有极大的不同 vary vastly on values and cultures ‎66给。。。施加压力 put great pressure on ‎67提供优质服务 offer excellent services ‎68聚焦于 cast focus on ‎69享有。。。的权力 have an access to ‎70对。。。惊讶和敬畏 be amazed and awed by ‎71在。。。方面做错 be wrong in doing sth ‎72以失败而告终 end up in failure 表示情感的词组二 ‎1. 辛苦得到了回报 One’s efforts have paid off.‎ ‎2. 骄傲地 with great pride ‎3. 追求目标 pursuit one’s goal ‎4. 逊色于 fade next to …‎ ‎5. 优于 gain advantage over …‎ ‎6. 被授权做… be awarded the authority to do sth ‎7. 值得提倡 be well worth promoting / encouaging ‎8. 吸引某人 appeal to sb / attract sb ‎9. 开诚布公地与某人谈关于 talk openly with sb about sth ‎10. 实现理想 live out / realize one’s dreams / get there ‎11. … 很有价值 count for much … 没有价值 count for nothing ‎12. 为快乐而为 do it just for fun ‎13. 哑口无言 become speechless ‎14. 净化心灵 purify one’s mind ‎15. 有力量/能力去做 gain the power of doing sth ‎16. 认为…理所当然 take … as something natural ‎17. 相信 … be convinced that …‎ ‎18. 减轻内疚感 relieve one’s guilt ‎19. 毫不留情 without mercy ‎20. 对做…有独特的方式 have a unique way of doing sth ‎21. 无话可说 be at a loss for words ‎22. 彼此互补 complement each other ‎23. 使…惊讶的是 to the amazement of sb ‎24. 增长知识 expand one’s knowledge ‎25. 爱好 develop a hobby of doing … / have a great love for …‎ ‎26. 对 … 越来越感兴趣 One’s interest in … grows.‎ ‎27. 因激动而两眼发亮 One’s eyes brighten with excitement.‎ ‎28. 行为为人们所不耻 Such behavior is severely frowned upon.‎ ‎29. 在做…或…上左右为难 be torn between doing … and doing …‎ ‎30. 引起… 的关注 capture the attention of sb ‎31. 兼顾工作和学习 balance work and learning ‎32. 言简意明 be straightforward and to-the-point ‎33. 享有…的权利 have access to …‎ ‎34. 增强 … 的认识 increase awareness of …‎ ‎35. 造成 … 的短缺 cause a critical shortage of …‎ ‎36. 受到…的喜爱 gain one’s ground among sb / be popular among sb ‎37. 想干什么就干什么 get one’s way / do as one likes ‎38. 渴望做… be desperate to do sth / be dying to do sth / have a strong desire for doing sth ‎39. 号召…做… appeal to sb to do sth ‎40. 目前 presently / at present / nowadays ‎41. 根据…的要求 upon one’s request ‎42. 合适于 be right for …‎ ‎43. 太想做… stress so much about doing sth ‎44. 给某人一个改过的机会 cut sb a break ‎45. 抓住机遇 seize / catch the opportunities ‎46. 以我为核心 become self-centered ‎47. 扩宽眼界 broaden one’s horizon ‎48. 内疚涌上心头 Guilt begins to sink in. ‎ ‎49. 有节制地做… put a limit to doing sth ‎50. 心情沉重 One’s heart is heavy.‎ ‎51. 逼着某人做… pressure sb into doing sth ‎52. 反思… reflect on sth ‎53. 有一个重要的共同点 hold something important in common ‎54. 给某人一个惊喜 give sb a great surprise ‎55. 徒劳 be in vain ‎56. 以开放的心态 be open to …‎ ‎57. 出乎某人意料 out of one’s expectation,‎ ‎58. 经历了许多起起落落 go through many ups and downs ‎ ‎59. 因…而著名 have a good reputation for …‎ ‎60. 意见一致 be on the same page / be of the same opinion ‎61. 情况恶化 Things have got tough./Things have got worse and worse.‎ ‎62. 出于好奇 out of curiosity ‎63. 沉醉于… be involved in … / be addicted to …. / be occupied by …‎ ‎64. 反复无常 be as changeable as the moon ‎65. 脸上露出微笑 One’s face breaks into a smile like the sun through the clouds.‎ ‎66. 求同存异 find the common ground and put aside the differences ‎67. 需要进一步的完善 need further improvement ‎68. 求新求异 pursue unique and new things ‎69. 看得更高更远 set one’s sights high ‎70. 把…想成理所应当 take … as something natural ‎71. 使…不同于… set … apart from …‎ ‎72. 瞧不起 look down upon … / think nothing of …‎ ‎73. 纠正错误行为 right the wrongs ‎74. 有责任做… have an obligation to do …‎ ‎75. 精通… have a good command / knowledge of …‎ ‎76. 提高解决问题的能力 improve problem-solving skills ‎77. 喜爱 have a taste / appetite for …‎ ‎78. 对…小题大做 make a fuss about …‎ ‎79. …是赏心悦目的 be a feast for the eye ‎80. 成为现实 become a reality ‎81. 克服困难 overcome setbacks / difficulties ‎82. 忍受痛苦 bear great pains ‎83. 引起… 的关注 capture / catch / draw / attract one’s attention ‎ ‎84. 兼顾工作和学习 balance work and learning ‎85. 经历许多成功和失败 go through many ups and downs ‎86. 履行诺言 perform one’s promise ‎87. 遵章守法 observe regulations and laws ‎88. 是不可或缺的部分 be an integral part of …‎ ‎89. 与某人合作 work cooperatively with sb ‎90. 感同身受 feel the same way ‎91. 坚持到底 keep going / hold on ‎92. 扩大视野 expand one’s view of …‎ ‎93. 探索新的方式来做某事 explore new ways to do …‎ ‎94. 促进互相的理解 promote the understanding of each other ‎95. 为…创造良好的条件 create favorable conditions for …‎ ‎96. 致力于… be devoted to sth / doing sth ‎97. 提高对…的认识 raise one’s awareness of …‎ ‎98. 消除隔阂 smooth rough edges ‎99. 满足需求 satisfy one’s demands ‎100. 有利于做… contribute to doing … / be beneficial to doing …‎ ‎101. 关注 focus one’s attention on …‎ ‎102. 用良好的心态迎接每一天 approach every day in a good mood ‎103. 优缺点并存 Advantages and disadvantages go side by side.‎ ‎104. 细节决定成败 Details decide whether we will succeed or not.‎ ‎105. 感到压力 feel stressed out 解决(少)压力 handle (reduce) one’s stress ‎106. 塑造个人形象 shape one’s image 常用词组 a student-centered activity 以学生为中心的活动 a self-centered person 以自我为中心的人 rebel against sb 逆反 strike a chord with sb 和某人产生共鸣 needy families 贫困家庭 deliver a speech on sth 就某事发表演说 discard the useless books 摒弃无用的书 be an integral part of … 是。。。不可或缺的一部分 show genuine surprise at … 对。。。大吃一惊 pass with flying colors 高分通过 rank as the world’s most popular songs 位居世界最受欢迎歌曲 unrealistic ideas/opinions/plans/policies 不现实的观念/看法/计划/政策 work cooperatively with sb 合作 ‎ be associated with … = be related to …与。。。有联系 ‎ feel a compulsion to do sth 冲动之下要做某事 be around = exist 存在 stay put = remain where sb is 在原处 on a beautiful campus 在一个美丽的校园 drop out 辍学 ‎ write one’s thoughts on a blog 写博客 feel the same way 感同身受 be no exception 无一例外 express hearty gratitude 衷心感谢 do some revision for … 修订/复习 keep disturbing sb 不断打扰别人 shout at sb for doing … 因某事呵斥某人 ‎ forgive one’s shortcomings 原谅别人的缺点 take turns to do … 轮流做 be rewarded and honored for doing …因做某事得到奖励和荣誉 one’s outstanding performance in research, field work and education ‎ be full of anxiety and worry 十分焦虑和不安 ‎ feel grateful to sb for doing … 为某事感谢某人 ‎ feel guilty about … 对。。。感到内疚 have the opportunity to do sth 有机会做某事 ‎ gain the respect of sb 赢得别人的尊重 take sth seriously 认真对待。。。‎ ‎ enjoy a slower pace of life 生活节奏很悠闲 精彩句型 ‎(1)There is nothing sb wants to do but do … 什么都不想做,只想着 …‎ ‎(2) attach importance to sth = regard sth as important 认为有某种重要性 ‎(3) feel rewarded and content in … 在…方面有成就感和满足感 ‎(4) turn sth as a way to escape 转向…来逃避 ‎(5) control one’s use of … 控制使用…‎ ‎ There is no point of doing sth … …是无济于事的。‎ ‎(6) … make it possible for sb to do … 使某人做…成为可能 ‎(7) provide access to sb 给某人提供机会 ‎(8) draw / attract / catch / capture one’s attention 受到… 的关注 ‎(9) be worth the effort / the time / the price 值得做努力;值得花时间;值这个价 ‎(10) have a negative impact on … 对…有负面影响 ‎ ‎ ‎(11) balance work and entertainment 劳逸结合 ‎ ‎(12) become widespread 呈蔓延趋势 ‎(13) gain the power of doing sth 有能力做某事 ‎(14) Such behavior is severely frowned upon. 这种行为为人们所不耻。‎ ‎(15) live out one’s dream / realize one’s dream / achieve one’s goals 实现梦想 ‎(16) do sth for fun 为快乐而为 ‎.(17) become / grow quite used to doing sth 非常习惯于…‎ be quite accustomed to doing sth ‎(18) What is most impressive is that … 给人留下深刻印象的是 …‎ ‎(19) relieve / lighten / reduce the students’ burdens of their lessons 减轻学生的课业负担 ‎(20) be a double-edged sword 双刃剑 ‎(21) be beneficial to sb / benefit sb / make for sth 有利于… ‎ benefit from sth 从…受益 ‎ ‎ ‎(22) put sth in place (use) = put sth into practice 实施 ‎(23) risk one’s life to do sth 冒着生命危险做某事 ‎ speak highly/well/much of sb 高度评价 ‎ become widely known 被广大群众认识 ‎(24) work to the best of one’s abilities 把工作做到最好(超水平发挥)‎ ‎ ‎ ‎(25) There is so much enthusiasm for …. that … 对…有如此大的热情,以致于…‎ ‎(26) adapt oneself to … = adjust oneself to … 适应于…‎ ‎(27) make a big difference 有很大差别;很重要 ‎ ‎(28) It is quite common for people to believe/think that … 人们普遍相信/认为… ‎ ‎(29) It doesn’t matter if …. 如果…,别在意 ‎(30) I had not been out for several minutes when it began to rain hard.‎ ‎(31) When necessary, … 在必要时,… ‎ If possible, … 如果有可能, …‎ ‎(32) enlarge one’s knowledge ; broaden one’s horizon; enrich one’s life; accumulate one’s experience ‎ 丰富某人的知识;扩宽某人的眼界;丰富某人的生活;积累某人的经验 ‎(33). 克服困难 ‎ ‎ overcome / smooth away difficulties; smooth away / overcome obstacles ‎(34). 使劲 ‎ ‎ gather all one’s strength to do sth ‎(35). 送人到门口 see sb to the door ‎ ‎ 描写各类表格和图形的词汇和句型 词汇部分:‎ ‎1. chart 表格 ‎ ‎2. diagram 图表 ‎3. difference 区别 ‎ ‎4. accordingly 因此 ‎5. average 平均 ‎ ‎6. cause 引起 ‎7. decrease 减少 ‎ ‎8. increase 增加 ‎9. percent 百分比 ‎ ‎10. indeed 的确 ‎11.percentage 百分率 ‎12. profit 利润 ‎ ‎13. produce 生产 ‎14. output 产量 ‎15. represent 代表 ‎16. conclude 得出结论 ‎ ‎17. obvious 显然 ‎18. otherwise 否则 ‎ ‎19. similarly 相似地 ‎20. despite 尽管 ‎ ‎21. drop 下降 ‎22. increase 上升 ‎23. consumer 消费者 ‎ ‎24. rank 名列 ‎25. amount 数量(不可数)‎ ‎26. number 数量 (可数)‎ 词组部分:‎ ‎1. go up 上升 ‎2. come down 下降 ‎3. on the contrary 相反 ‎4. in general 通常 ‎5. sudden / slow fall 明显下跌/缓慢下跌 ‎6. as a result 结果是 ‎7. in a word / in short 总之/简言之 ‎8. for the purpose of 为了 ‎9. for this reason 由于这个原因 ‎10. on the other hand 另一方面 ‎11. compared with … 与…相比 ‎12. rank first in the chart 在表中列第一 ‎ 句型部分:‎ ‎1. As is shown in the graph, …‎ ‎2. Seeing from the diagram, we can know …‎ ‎3. It doubles the number / percent of …‎ ‎4. Chart 1 shows that …‎ ‎5. It is 40% lower / higher than …‎ ‎6. The graph shows the difference between …‎ ‎7. Take these two charts as an example.‎ ‎8. … be five times as much as …‎ ‎9. … be increased by 10% … ‎ ‎10. ... be increased from … to …‎ ‎11. It can be easily proved that …‎ ‎12. I am of the opinion that …‎ ‎13. take … as an example …‎ ‎14. No one can deny that …‎ ‎15. The change in … largely results from the fact that …‎ ‎16. As everyone knows,…‎ ‎17. It can be expressed as follows:‎ ‎18. The chief reason is that …‎ ‎19. The number/amount has reached close to 32%. ‎ ‎20. … have an average amount of … ‎ 表示活动的常用词组一 ‎1. 开运动会/班会 hold a sports meeting/class meeting ‎2. 采访某人 / 接受采访 interview sb / receive a interview ‎ ‎3. 听报告 attend a lecture/report ‎4. 主修… major in ….‎ ‎5. 获奖学金 get a scholarship ‎6. 遵守纪律 obey the school disciplines ‎7. 网上聊天 chat on line ‎8. 从事体育运动 do/ go in for sports ‎9. 欣赏风景 enjoy the scenery ‎10. 取消会议 call off the meeting ‎11. 学…课程 take up the course of …‎ ‎12. 做…工作 take up a job as a volunteer / a guide / a attendant ‎13. 观看一场势均力敌的比赛 watch a close match/game ‎14. 研究某事 make a study of sth ‎15. 参加社会实践 take part in social practice ‎16. 获一等奖 get the first place / win the first prize / come out first ‎17. 在…大量训练 have a great deal of practice in …‎ ‎18. 参加考试 take an examination ‎19. 报名参加竞赛 enter for a competition ‎ ‎20. 申请职位 apply for a post ‎21. 得到1000元奖励 get 1,000 dollars as a reward ‎22. 出席/缺席会议 be present at a meeting / be absent from a meeting ‎23. 自带午餐 bring along prepared lunch ‎24. 参观;访问… be on a visit to … = pay a visit to …‎ ‎25. 办墙报 write a wall newspaper ‎26. 补课 /上课外班 make up for the missing lessons / take up extra courses ‎27. 开展竞赛 have a competition (between …)‎ ‎28. 组织/参加课外活动 organize / take part in the out-of-class activities ‎29. 去吃饭/开会/晚会/观光/聚会 go for a dinner/meeting/party/visit/get-together ‎30. 举行开/闭幕式 hold the opening / closing ceremony ‎31. 做早操 do morning exercises ‎32. 交换学生的计划 (carry out) a project of exchanging students ‎ ‎33. 做实验 do/make/perform the experiment ‎34. 开展探究性的学习 carry out exploring studies in all the subjects ‎35. 带某人参观… show sb around …‎ ‎36. 爬山/划船/远足/春游/观光/野go climbing/boating/hiking/spring outing; make a tour; have a picnic ‎37. 听音乐会 enjoy the concert ‎38. 有出色的表现 perform well / do a good job in …‎ ‎39. 表演短剧 put on a short play ‎40. 演讲 make a speech about …‎ ‎41. 和着音乐唱歌/跳舞 sing songs/dance to the music ‎42. 分组讨论 have a discussion in groups ‎ ‎43. 认真听讲 attend classes attentively ‎44. 进行热烈的讨论 have a heated discussion about ..‎ ‎45. 做出决定 make a decision on …‎ ‎46. 做出选择 make a choice of … or …‎ ‎47. 聚会 get together ‎48. 开辩论会 hold/have a debate ‎49. 上课 attend class (学生) / hold a class / give a lesson (老师)‎ ‎50. 扔垃圾 / 捡垃圾 litter rubbish about/ pick up litters ‎51. 做卫生 do a thorough cleaning ‎52. 发表个人意见 present one’s personal ideas ‎53. 意见不同 One’s opinions vary on the point/problem/fact.‎ ‎54. 展现班级的面貌 display the image of a class ‎55. 注意自己的一言一行 mind one’s manners / behaviors ‎56. 安排某人做… arrange for sb to do sth ‎57. 非常喜欢… be fascinated by … / be crazy about …‎ ‎58. 才艺展示 display one’s unique ability / organize a talent show ‎59. 争创先进班集体 compete for an advance class ‎60. 为… 加油 cheer for sb ‎ ‎61. 鼓掌欢迎… clap one’s hands enthusiastically to give sb a warm welcome ‎62. 参加某人之中做游戏 join sb in playing games ‎63. 参加社会实践活动 take part in a social activity ‎64. 参加才艺表演 join in a talent show ‎65. 举行篮球赛 hold a basketball match ‎66. 参加公益劳动 take part in a volunteer labor ‎67. 参加军训 take part in the military drills ‎68. 举行辩论会 hold a debate ‎ ‎69. 游览 make a tour in … / take a trip to …‎ ‎70. 举行竞赛 hold / organize a competition 精彩搭配一 把---归因于--- owe---to--- 呼吁节约 call for economy 把---强加给--- impose---to--- 把---作为生活目标 set---as one’s goal in life 号召---做--- call on---to do--- 合理安排生活 have a banlanced life ‎---势力壮大 ---grow in power 毋庸质疑--- it goes without saying that---‎ 被淘汰 be outdated 兼有---和---的好处 combine the advantage of---and---‎ 采取---的政策 adopt policies that--- 处于不正常状态 be in an improper situation 坚决相信-- be a firm believer in--- 加强---的宣传力度 give more publicity to---‎ 解决矛盾 tackle the contradiction 与---处于类似的地位have a similar position with 反对---的做法 be against the practice of 得出---的结论 reach the conclusion that---‎ 权衡利弊 weigh the pros and cons 对---体现出体恤之情show consideration for 受到双重压力 take double burden 对现状很满足 be content with the present situation 对---有负面影响have negative effect on 对---大有好处 bring great advantages to 生活有规律 have a routine life 面临---的竞争 be faced with competition from 反映了---观点 reflect the view that-- 迎接挑战 meet the challenge 赶时髦 follow the fashion 积少成多 many a little makes a mickle 跟不上时代 can’t keep pace with the time 看重 put high value on 改变心态 change one’s mentality 使---终身受益 benefit---through one’s life 关注--- be concerned about 将---的重点从---转到---shift the focus of---from---to---‎ 以---为己任regard---as one’s own responsibility以---为戒 take---as a warning 把---放在第一位put---in the first place 以---为荣 take pride in 以---为特色 make a feature of 以---装备--- equip---with---‎ 以---为目的 with the purpose of --- 把责任归咎于--- put the blame on---‎ 以---为乐 take pleasure in 把---公之于众 make---known to the public 以---告终 end up with 以---来丰富--- enrich---by---‎ 对---表示同情 have mercy on--- 以身作则 set an example for others 对---持乐观态度hold an optimistic attitude on以身试法challenge the law 以---的名义 in the name of 对---满意 be satisfied with 为---争光 win honor for 对---有吸引力have an attraction for 为---奠定基础lay the foundation for 对---评价很高 think highly of 为---付出代价 pay a price for 对---缺乏信任 lack faith in 为---留余地 make room for 对---热心 be warm to 为---利益打算for the benefit of 对---施加压力 bring pressure to 为---找借口 find an excuse for 对---视而不见 turn a blind eye to 为---提供指导provide guidance for 对---是个打击 be a blow to 为---做准备 make preparations for 对---反感 be disgusted with 为了---的利益in the interests of 对---表示关心 show concern for 与---共命运 share fate with 对---宽容 be easy on 与---协调一致 in harmony with 对---行得通 work with 与---相反 go against 与不良现象作斗争fight against evil phenomenon 减负 reduce study load 开阔视野 widen one’s horizon 提高心理素质 improve pcychological quality讲课 give a lecture 培养多方面才能 develop all-round talents 会独立思考have independent mind 偏科favor one course and neglect others 确立目标 set a goal 考第一名 come out first 强化社会责任感strengthen the sense of duty to the society 吸取经验教训 learn from experience 补习 take lessons after school 重视平时成绩 attach importance to daily work 体贴父母 be attentive to one’s parents 对---期望过高 expect too much of 向钱看 put money above all 占便宜 profit at others’ expense 助人为乐 find pleasure in helping others 以自我为中心 be self-centered 物质回报 material rewards 陶冶情操 cultivate one’s taste 缓解烦恼 ease one’strouble 精神财富 spiritual wealth 社会公德 social morality 奉献精神 spirit of devotion 拼搏精神spirit of fighting with all one’s might 不义之财 ill-gotten money 爱护公共财物take care of public property 讲诚信 honor credibility 攀比 compete with others to see who is superior 自卑感 sense of inferiority 保持积极开朗 keep active and open-minded 误导消费者 mislead consumers 改善社会治安 improve the social security 既有教益又有娱乐性 be both instructive and entertaining扰乱治安disturb public order 宣传法律知识 give publicity to the law 减轻巨大压力 lessen serious stress 遵纪守法 abide by the law and social discipline 在---中起作用 play a role in 带头 take the lead 把---委托给--- leave---to---‎ 回首过去 look back on the past 展望未来 look into the future 心灵的沟通 the bridging of souls 集体精神 the community spirit 履行义务 live up to one’s duty 抵制---的诱惑 resist the tempatation of 理想教育 education in high ideals 继承优秀传统carry forward the fine tradition 世界观 world outlook 人生观,价值观 outlook on life and values 学习成绩 school record 差生 a below average sdudent 德才兼备 combine ability with character 大有作为 have a big role to play 充分体现 give full expression to 无私奉献 make selfless contributions to 公共设施 public facilities 从---汲取营养 draw nutrition from 诚实守信 be honest and trustworthy 充分调动积极性give full play to one’s initiative 忙碌不安的时代 a restless hurry-up age 和谐相处 live in harmony with 抓住机会 grasp the opportunity 激烈的竞争 a fierce competition 对---造成损害 cause damage to 看不起 think little of 认真对待 take seriously 采取措施 take measures 认为---理所当然 take---for granted 实施 put---into action 把---归功于--- owe---to--- 以---为代价 at the cost of 为纪念、表敬意--- in honor of 涉及 in relation to 作为对---的报答 in return for 在---的过程中 in the course of 不亚于 no less than 至多 no more than 根据---判断 judge---by--- 误导---以至--- mislead---into---‎ 把---告诉--- inform---of--- 把---集中在--- focus---on---‎ 把---与---联系在一起 relate---to--- 与---妥协 compromise with 将---与---混淆 Confuse---with--- 使---面对--- face---with---‎ 与---讲理 Reason---with--- 以---威胁--- threaten---with---‎ 把---定义为 Define---as--- 把---从---中解放出来 free---from--- ‎ 从---中吸取--- draw---from--- 为---羡慕--- envy---for---‎ 与---冲突 in conflict with 有利于 in favor of 精彩搭配二 欢送仪式 farewell ceremony 恋恋不舍 feel reluctant to leave 以。。。的名义 in the name of 奠定良好基础 lay a solid foundation 回首过去 look back on the past 展望未来 look into the future 紧跟时代 step up with the times 心灵的沟通 the bridging of souls 集体精神 the community spirit 履行义务 live up to one’s duty 把意志强加于人 impose one’s own will on others 旅游景点 tourist attractions 名胜古迹 scenic spots and historic sites 美不胜收 two many beautiful things to be appreciated at once 抵制…的诱惑 resist the temptation of 差生 below average students 失学青少年 school dropout 德才兼备 combine ability with character 德智体美劳 all-round development of moral,intellectual,physical,aesthetics and labor education 理想教育 education in high ideals 学习成绩 school record 继承民族文化优秀传统 carry forward the fine tradition of our national culture 世界观,人生观,价值观 outlook on the world,life and values 培养独立分析解决问题的能力 develop the ability to analyze and solve problems independently 做出成绩 make accomplishments 农村地区 rural areas 大有作为 have a big role to play 充分体现 give full expression to 无私奉献 make selfish contribution to 恪尽职守 with one’s whole-hearted devotion 公共服务 public services 公共设施 public facilities 减少压力 reduce stress 身处压力 be under stress 娱乐活动 recreational activity 载歌载舞 combine both dancing and singing 从…汲取营养 draw nutrition from 适合某人的个性 suit one’s personality 诚实守信 be honest and trustworthy 打假 crack down on fakes 充分调动积极性 give full play to one’s initiative ‎ 放眼世界 have the global view 扶贫帮困 help the needy 复合型人才 talents of well-rounded abilities 和睦相处 live in harmony with 忙碌不安的时代 a restless hurry-up age 逃避责任 avoid responsibility 积极态度 positive attitude 激烈的竞争 a fierce competition 没能做 fail to do 请假 ask for leave 强身健体 build one’s body 精神焕发 in high spirits 改掉…的习惯 get rid of the habit of 贴近大自然 get close to nature 自然灾害 natural disasters 对…造成损害 cause damage to 以…为荣 take pride in 采取措施 take measures 看不起 think little of 认为…理所当然 take…for granted 给某人树立榜样 set an example to 实施 put…into operation 起作用 take effect 愚弄 make a fool of 情景作文之描述动作细节的词组 ‎1. 给某人让座 offer one’s seat to sb ‎ ‎2. 踱步 wander about ‎ ‎3. 下了一整天雨 it rained all day long ‎ ‎4. 洗淋浴 take a shower ‎ ‎5. 把…带到安全地带 take sb to a safe place ‎ ‎6. 带某人旅行 take sb on a trip ‎ ‎7. 给某人一个惊奇 give sb a surprise ‎ ‎8. 挣扎着站起来 struggle to one’s feet ‎ ‎9. 加入球队/俱乐部/小组/委员会/公司 join a team/club/group/committee/company ‎10. 向某人解释… explain to sb about ‎ ‎11. 治愈某人的病 cure sb of the disease ‎ ‎12. 匆忙赶往医院 hurry to the hospital ‎13. 收/付100元钱 charge/pay 100 ‎ ‎14. 打车 take a taxi ‎ ‎15. 浑身湿透了 get wet through ‎ ‎16. 外出钓鱼/爬山/郊游/游泳/划船/野营go fishing/climbing/hiking/swimming/boating/camping ‎17. 转身离开 turn to leave ‎ ‎18. 陷入沉思 be lost in thought ‎ ‎19. 返回取某物 return to fetch sth ‎ ‎20. 使劲移开那块大石头 exert all one’s strength to remove the big stone ‎ ‎21. 背着一个沉重的包 carry a big bag on the back ‎ ‎22. 约某人 make an appointment with sb ‎ ‎23. 顺道拜访某人 drop in on sb ‎ ‎24. 看家 look after the house ‎25. 跑过去搀扶盲人/老人 rush over to support the blind/old man ‎ ‎26. 下车 get off ‎ ‎27. 站在门口 stand by the door ‎ ‎28. 坐在窗前 sit in front of the window ‎ ‎29. 靠在墙上/树上 lean against the wall/tree ‎30. 逆风而行 struggle along the road against the wind ‎ ‎31. 下大雨/刮大风 meet across a downpour/ a heavy snow ‎ ‎32. 刮大风 meet across a windstorm ‎ ‎33. 熟睡 be fast asleep ‎ ‎34. 举手 put up one’s hand ‎ ‎35. 步行回家/骑车回家/乘车回家/开车回家go home on foot/by bike/by bus//drive home ‎ ‎36. 突然停止 come to a stop suddenly ‎37. 把某人救到河岸上 rescue sb onto the river bank ‎ ‎38. 结束 /使…结束 come to an end/put…..to an end ‎ ‎39. 为某人喝彩 cheer for sb ‎40. 登门拜访 call on sb ‎ ‎41. 真相大白 the truth is out ‎ ‎42. 伸手去够某物 reach out for sth ‎ ‎43. 紧紧抓住某人的手/衣领/胳膊 seize sb by the hand/collar/arm ‎ ‎44. 询问究竟是怎么回事 inquire about how it come about ‎ ‎45. 经过公园/邮局/市场 pass by a park/post office/market ‎ ‎46. 查阅字典 consult the dictionary ‎ ‎47. 查阅电话号码/住址/网址 refer to a telephone number/address/website ‎ ‎48. 热情接待某人 reiceive sb with enthusiasm ‎49. 认真对待某事 take sth seriously ‎ ‎50. 小心提防某事 be on guard against ‎51. 严格要求某人 be strict with sb ‎ ‎52. 严格对待某事 be strict in sth ‎ ‎53. 在火车站/飞机场接人 meet sb at the railway station/airport ‎ ‎54. 顺道接人 pick sb up on the way ‎55. 直着往前走 go forward straightly ‎ ‎56. 突然转弯 take a sharp turn ‎ ‎57. 请某人吃饭/喝茶 treat sb to dinner/tea ‎58. 从口袋里掏某物 feel sth in the pocket/pull sth out of the pocket ‎ ‎59. 腾空抽屉/口袋 empty the drawer/pocket ‎ ‎60. 苦思冥想 think long and hard ‎61. 做大扫除 do a sweepup ‎ ‎62. 往后/四周/上下看 look back/around/up and down ‎63. 点灯/蜡烛 light the lamp/candle ‎64. 生火 make a fire ‎ ‎65. 开灯/电视/收音机 turn on the light/TV/radio ‎66. 关灯/关煤气/水龙头 turn off the light/gas/tap ‎ ‎67. 与某人握手 shake hands with sb ‎ ‎68. 帮某人一把 do sb a favor ‎ ‎69. 昂着头 hold one’s head high ‎ ‎70. 过马路/桥/河 cross the road/bridge/river ‎ ‎71. 收拾房间/桌子 clear up the room/table ‎ ‎72. 系鞋带 / 扣扣子 do up the shoelace/button ‎ ‎73. 擦汗 wipe the sweat ‎ ‎74. 接到某人的电话 receive a call from ‎ ‎75. 在河中挣扎 struggle in the river ‎76. 到达现场 arrive at the spot ‎ ‎77. 不辞而行 take French leave ‎ ‎78. 收割小麦/水稻/庄稼 take in the wheat/rice/crop ‎ ‎79. 把…放归自然 let…free back to the nature ‎ ‎80. 摘棉花/苹果/桃/草莓/西瓜/梨 pick flowers/apples/peaches/strawberries/watermelons ‎ ‎81. 告诉某人真像 tell ab about the truth ‎ ‎82. 打工 do manual work ‎ ‎83. 往瓶子/壶/杯子/脸盘里倒水 fill the bottle/kettle/cup/basin with water ‎ ‎84. 分成4组 be divided into 4 groups ‎ ‎85. 切断电源 cut off the power supply ‎86. 与某人争吵某事 quarrel with sb about sth ‎ ‎87. 为某事责备某人 blame sb for sth ‎88. 向某人挥手致意 wave sb’s greetings to ‎ ‎89. 往前走‎100米 go forward for 100 meters ‎ ‎90. 送某人到门口 see sb to the door ‎91. 在操场站队 line up on the playground ‎92. 坐在第一排 be seated in the first row ‎ ‎93. 记下某人的名字/电话号码/家庭住址 take down one’s name/tel.number/address ‎94. 动身前往… leave for ‎ ‎95. 熬夜 stay up ‎ ‎96. 把…钉/贴在门上 nail/stick….on the door ‎ ‎97. 向某人保密 keep sth a secret from sb ‎ ‎98. 一脚踩空 miss one’s step ‎ ‎99. 把某物收捡起来 pick up sth ‎ ‎100. 绊了一跤 trip over and fall to the ground ‎101. 摔了好几跤 have trips and falls in a row ‎ ‎102. 打中了某人的头 hit sb on the head ‎ ‎103. 占太大空间 occupy too much room ‎ ‎104. 扑灭火灾 put out the fire ‎ ‎105. 苏醒过来 come to oneself ‎ ‎106. 闲逛 idle about ‎107. 看门 guard the entrance ‎ ‎108. 看病 go to see a doctor ‎ ‎109. 看日出/落 see the sunrise/sunset ‎110. 误拿了某物 take sth by mistake ‎ ‎111. 搜查 search some place ‎ ‎112. 嚎啕大哭 cry loudly ‎ ‎113. 自带午餐 take self-prepared lunch ‎114. 合着音乐唱歌/跳舞 dance/sing to the music ‎115. 在红绿灯处转弯 take a turn at the traffic light ‎116. 把某事留给某人 entrust/leave sth to sb ‎117. 感到寂寞 feel lonely ‎ ‎118. 走100里路 cover 100 miles ‎ ‎119. 编造谎言 make up a lie ‎ ‎120. 使劲敲打 gather one’s strength to beat sth ‎ ‎121. 敲门 knock at the door ‎ ‎122. 撞倒某人 run down sb ‎123. 赢了一个球/一分 win by one goal/point ‎124. 紧紧地拉着某人的手 hold one’s hand tightly ‎ ‎125. 弯腰 bend over ‎ ‎126. 坐/站直 sit/stand straight ‎ ‎127. 驱散人群 disperse the crowd ‎ ‎128. 把…绑在…上 tie….to…. ‎ ‎129. 铺开一张纸 spread out a piece of paper ‎130. 传开 get around ‎ ‎131. 热泪盈眶 one’s eyes are brimmed with tears ‎ ‎132. 通知某人某事 inform sb of sth ‎ ‎133. 提醒某人某事 remind sb of sth ‎ ‎134. 抢劫某人某物 rob sb of sth ‎ ‎135. 安排某人做某事 arrange for sb to do sth ‎ ‎136. 由…组成 consist of ‎ ‎137. 请三天假 ask for 3 day’s leave ‎ ‎138. 放鞭炮 set off the firecrackers ‎139. 踩刹车 take a brake ‎ ‎140. 量体温 take sb’s temperature ‎ ‎141. 追尾 a rear end accident ‎142. 一天喝3次药 take medicine 3 times a day ‎ ‎143. 对某人鞠躬 bow to sb ‎144. 头/腿/肚子疼 have a headache/legache/stomachache ‎ ‎145. 保暖 keep sb/sth warm ‎146. 做自我介绍 make a self-introduction ‎147. 站不住 can’t stand steady ‎ ‎148. 重重地摔在地上 fall to the ground with sudden force ‎ ‎149. 摇下车窗 wind down ‎ ‎150. 想出好主意 a good idea flash across one’s mind ‎151. 挡住某人的去路 block one’s way ‎ ‎152. 以高价卖出 be sold at a high price ‎153. 畅销 be in great demand ‎ ‎154. 下班回家 get off work for home ‎ ‎155. 向某人求教/助 turn to sb for advice/help ‎ ‎156. 把…撞倒/翻/掉 knock….down/over/off ‎ ‎157. 交叉双腿/手 cross one’s legs/hands ‎ ‎158. 乘坐汽车去… go by bus ‎ ‎159. 为…提供优质服务 provide sb with services of high quality ‎160. 过得愉快 have a pleasant time ‎161. 监视某人 keep watch on sb ‎ ‎162. 正在吃饭/工作 be at table/work ‎163. 从…要回某物 get sth back from ‎ ‎164. 调查某事 look into sth ‎ ‎165. 罚款 impose a fine on sb ‎166. 撕/切/推开 tear/cut/push away ‎ ‎167. 张开双臂拥抱某人 stretch out one’s arms to embrace sb ‎168. 一把抓过来 seize ….at one go ‎169. 追赶某人 run after sb ‎170. 加/减速 speed up/slow down ‎ ‎171. 泡茶/咖啡 make a cup of coffee/tea ‎172. 端饭 serve the dishes ‎173. 摔成碎片 crash into pieces ‎174. 去营救某人 come to one’s rescue ‎175. 被诊断为… be diagnosed as ‎176. 远道而来 come afar ‎177. 为…作好准备 prepare for ‎ ‎178. 栽树 plant trees ‎179. 浇花 water the flowers ‎180. 支帐篷 put up a tent ‎181. 摆桌子 set the table ‎182. 乱扔垃圾 litter rubbish ‎183. 呼救 cry for help ‎184. 做饭 cook the meals ‎185. 感谢某人做了某事 express one’s gratitude to sb for doing sth ‎186. 原谅某人做了某事 forgive sb for doing sth ‎187. 挤满了人 be crowded with people ‎188. 用完… use up ‎189. (身体)垮了 break down ‎190. 讲礼貌 lay emphasis on good manners ‎191. 遭遇交通堵塞 meet cross a traffic jam ‎192. 出差 on business ‎193. 节食/长胖 on a diet/gain weight ‎194. 现场直播 a live broadcast ‎195. 着手做… set about doing sth ‎196. 偶然遇到 come across ‎197. 在人群中挤来挤去 push around through the crowd ‎198. 拍某人肩膀 pat sb on the shoulder ‎199. 打/复印文件 have the paper typed/copied ‎200. 握住/抓住某物 hold/seize sth ‎201. 汽车进站 (出站) pull in /out ‎202. 牵手 hold sb by the hand 书面表达中的常用过渡词语 一. 文章及段落起始过渡词语 ‎ 1. To begin with, … ‎ ‎2. Generally speaking, …‎ ‎3. First of all, … ‎ ‎4. In the first place, …‎ ‎ ‎ 二. 文章及结尾常用的过渡词语 ‎1. Therefore, … ‎ ‎2. Thus, …‎ ‎3. This way, … ‎ ‎4. In conclusion, …‎ ‎5. To sum up, … ‎ ‎6. In a word, …‎ ‎7. In brief, … ‎ ‎8. As a matter of fact, … / In fact , …‎ ‎ ‎ 三. 常见的表示先后顺序的过渡词语 ‎1. First,… Second, … Next, … Finally, …‎ ‎2. Afterwards, … ‎ ‎3. Meanwhile, …‎ ‎4. Then, … ‎ ‎5. Firstly,… Secondly, … Eventually, …‎ ‎6. At last, … ‎ ‎7. Suddenly / All of a sudden, … ‎ ‎8. Soon, …‎ ‎9. Shortly after …‎ ‎10. Several days before …‎ 四. 常见的对称关系的过渡词语 ‎1. For one thing … for another thing … ‎ ‎2. On one hand … on the other hand …‎ ‎3. … not only … but also …‎ ‎4. … either … or …‎ ‎5. … neither … nor …‎ ‎6. … both … and …‎ 五. 常见的表示因果关系的过渡词语 ‎1. For this reason, … ‎ ‎2. As a result, … ‎ ‎3. because of …‎ ‎4. due to … ‎ ‎5. Thanks to … ‎ ‎6. Thus, …‎ ‎7. In this way, … ‎ ‎8. Therefore, …‎ 六. 常见的表示递进关系的词语 ‎1. What’s more, … ‎ ‎2. To make the matter worse, …‎ ‎3. As a matter of fact, / In fact, … ‎ ‎4. What’s worse, …‎ ‎5. Apart from these, … ‎ ‎6. Moreover, …‎ ‎7. In particular, … ‎ ‎8. Furthermore, … ‎ ‎9. Most importantly , …‎ ‎10. Besides, …‎ ‎11. Apart from the above, … / Besides the above, …‎ ‎12. In addition, …‎ ‎13. … , especially …‎ 七. 常见的表示举例的过渡词语 ‎1. for example ‎ ‎2. namely = that is ‎3. such as ‎ ‎4. for instance ‎ ‎5. take… for example 八. 常见的转折关系的过渡词语 ‎1. however 2. while 3. though 4. otherwise 5. or else 九. 常见的表示条件的过渡词语 ‎1. on condition that … ‎ ‎2. as long as / so long as … ‎ 十. 常见的表示让步关系的过渡词语 ‎1. even if / even though … ‎ ‎2. though / although … ‎ ‎3. whether … or … ‎ ‎4. whoever / whatever / whenever / whichever / wherever …‎ ‎5. no matter where / who / what / when …‎ ‎ 6. While …, …‎ 十一. 常见的比较和对比的过渡词语 ‎1. … in contrast with … ‎ ‎2. on the contrary ‎ ‎3. … compared with …, …‎ 十二. 常见的插人语过渡词语 ‎1. I think ‎ ‎2. I suppose ‎ ‎3. I’m afraid ‎ ‎4. I guess ‎5. I say ‎ 6. I believe 十三. 常见的关于并列关系的过渡词语 ‎1. or 2. and … as well 3. as well as ‎ ‎4. either 5. too 6. also ‎ 十四. 常用于描写图表的过渡词语 ‎1. From the above table / chart / form ‎ ‎2. During this period ‎ ‎3. The table shows that … ‎ ‎4. It has been illustrated that … ‎ 十五. 常用于发表个人观点的过渡词语 ‎ 1. in my opinion / view, …‎ ‎ 2. As far as my knowledge is concerned, … ‎ ‎ 3. I am convinced that …‎ ‎ 4. Personally, …‎ 十六. 常用于总结归纳的过渡词语 ‎ 1. in a word 2. generally speaking 3. to sum up ‎ ‎ 4. generally 5. to be brief 6. on the whole 第二部分 词汇升级 关注与忽略 ‎ Lay emphasis on ‎ Highlight Place priority on Place a high value on Attach importance to Attach significance to Put….ahead of ….‎ Center around Focus on Cherish/treasure Take…seriously Bring…to one’s attention Overlook Leave sth out of account Disregard Blind sb to Go unnoticed 参与与活动 Participate Conduct Perform Undertake implement Get down to Be engaged in Get involved in Interact with Be exposed to 愿望与寻求 Have a desire for Long for Have a thirst for Have a …appetite for Expect…of….‎ Resort to Count on Be based on Lay a …foundation for Be content with Meet the demand of Fulfill the need of Serve the need of Sth appeal to sb Adapt to Adjust to Demand sth of sb Call for ‎ Require In search of Seek Explore Pursue In pursuit of Set one’s mind to Be absorbed in Bury oneself in Be concerned about 问题与对策 Settle Overcome Handle Approach Deal with Cope with Meet with Be troubled with Stand up to Run away with Survive setback 斗争与成功 Resist temptation Strive for Battle against Struggle against Conduct/carry on/undertake/launch/initiate a campaign Take measure Adopt/assume/hold a determined attitude toward Impose pressure on Place mental/psychological strain on Yield to pressure Bear the pressure Live with Compromise over sth with sb Observe the law Pay a price for At the cost of 认识与思维 Be aware of Be conscious of Awaken sb to the fact Warn sb of Make sense of Have a full appreciation of Give sb a clear picture of the situation Acquire a good grasp of Drive home a point to sb Bring sth home to sb Keep sb informed of Give consideration to Reflect on sth Take sth into account Ponder on Recall A state of mind Be rooted in Take root in Bear…in mind ‎ 得失与成效 With the reach/grasp of Gain success to Acquire Achieve/accomplish Profit from Earn sb sth Be entitled to Cost sb sth Deprive sb of sth Identify Reach a solution to Come up with Advance/put forward/raise Set target/priority Live up to Fall short of fulfill 变化与影响 There is a …shift in…from…to…‎ Remain unchanged Transform/turn…into…‎ Be reduced to Undergo…‎ Gain entry to Enter a new period of Open up a new era Exert a …influence on Make the influence be felt by Shape one’s…‎ Leave a…mark on Be struck by 机遇与挑战 Gain access to Provide/open/create opportunity for Miss/seize Take advantage of Reduce the likelihood of Enhance the opportunity of Stand a …chance of Run the risk of Make it possible for…to do…‎ Challenge sb to do sth Be subject to a challenge Meet a challenge 相同与差异 Share…in common Similarly/likewise The same is true of The same applies to So it goes with Be associated/combined/connected with Integrate into sth Set sb apart from Differ/vary Be in conflict with Be in proportion to Be consistent with Be compatible with ‎.抉择与斟酌 Single out Be determined to do Be bent on doing sth Substitude sth for sth Give way to Take the place of Discard/abandon outdated belief Allow/permit/lead/ennable/cause sb to do sth Leave sb puzzled/frustrated Confuse/depress/embarrass /shock sb It remains to be seen Quite the opposite 有无与多寡 Be absent of Lack There is a shortage of Possess Be equipped/armed with Take possession of Enrich Spare…from Accumulate 评价与判断 Evaluate Make assessment of Measure…in terms of…‎ Draw up a banlance sheet of one’s merits and demerits Make a comment/remark on Form an impression/idea of Underestimate/understate Overstate/exaggerate/overestimate/overstress Courageously acknowledge Foresee/forecast/foretell/predict Threre is some truth in the argument There is little basis for the belief Disadvantages/drawbacks/shortcomings/weaknesses/defects/faults/demerits/weak points Merits/advantages/strengths/strong points ‎…witness…‎ Lend support to Assume the responsibility of…for…‎ Shoulder/fulfill duty Bear burden Make a commitment to Have an obligation to Deserve Be worth the cost It matters Be vital/essential to Serve as Serve a good purpose Play an important role 能力与培养 Be capable of doing sth Be competent in Nurture/cultivate/foster Give full play to Bring…into full play Acquire/gain/master Have a good command of Serve as a good example Open the way to Prepare sb for sth Be qualified for 观点与交流 Stick to/insist on/ Maintain/hold Be open to Take a …view of …/regard…as…/identify…as…‎ In one’s mind It seems to sb that From the standpoint/perspective/viewpoint of In view of/in the light of/according to Convey Voice one’s opinion/air one’s view about Publicize Give extensive publicity to Convince sb of sth Instill…in sb Force one’s idea upon sb Brainwash sb into believing…‎ Be compelled/obliged to do sth Be taught to believe Inherit…from…‎ 进取与落后 For the purpose of Aim at Be intended/meant/designed to For the sake/benefit of Go to great lengths to do Spare no pains to do Take great pains to do Make tremendous efforts to do Make advance in Rank high/low among Take the lead in doing sth ‎…overweigh…‎ Have a superiority over Overtake sb ‎ 利用与浪费 Contribute/commit…to…‎ Idle away one’s time Make the most of Draw on early experience Apply….to…‎ Put…into…‎ Give full play to….‎ ‎。利弊与损益 Reduce Weaken Endanger Do harm/good to Cause damage to Facilitate Be beneficial to ‎。表现与反映 Reflect a belief/deep concern Mirror Stand for Represent Be marked with Reveal Indicate Display Demonstrate Respond to React ‎。赞成与反对 Favor In favor of Advocate Approve of Share the view of Identify oneself with sb Stand up for Uphold the belief Maintain one’s ground Worship Honor Frown on Disapprove of Be apposed to Object to Blame sb for Criticize sb for Accuse sb of 起因与结果 Cause/arouse/spark/inspire/fuel interest/curiosity/debate/anxiety Lead to Give rise to Contribute to Result in Make for Bring about Invite ‎。比较 In comparison to Nothing can match/be equal to Nothing is more….than….‎ Be weighed against Love nothing better than to do On the contrary ‎。强调 Without…there is no…‎ Let alone Not to mention Worse still Particularly ‎。原因 Out of Due to Owing to Thanks to Has roots in Evolve/spring/stem from ‎。转折 In spite of For all the On the surface More…than…‎ Not so much…as…‎ In place of ‎。方面 With regard to In relation to Be related to Be associated with Be concerned with In the case of In terms of In the face of There are cases where…‎ Under…circumstances ‎。方法 As a stepping stone to An access to A means of An alternative to An approach to ‎。增长与进展 Broaden/deepen/widen/heighten/strengthen/lengthen/sharpen Facilitate/improve/enhance/better/update/build up/intensify Increase/extend/enlarge/expand/advance/boost/speed up/accelerate Encourage/inspire/motivate ‎。减缓与消解 Lessen/soften/reduce/ease/relieve/release/minimize/lower/bring down/smooth Remove/eliminate/rule out Worsen/shorten/decrease Free…from…‎ Relieve…of/from…‎ Shelter…from…‎ Be on guard against Offset…by…‎ ‎。发展与抑制 There is a tendency/sign Take place/arise/spring up Carry with it Bring sth to an end Put an end to End up doing Be an obstacle/barrier to Stand in the way Be limited/restricted/confined to Deaden one’s spirit Excise…control over Regulate/check/discipline ‎。给予与回报 Provide/present/supply sb with…‎ Extend…to…‎ Make room for Deprive sb of sth Apply…to…‎ Commit…to…‎ Reward…for…‎ 第三部分 对开放作文构思有用的一些习语和句型 碍于情面 for fear of hurting sb’s feelings 居安思危 be mindful of possible danger in time of peace 安分守己 act proper to one’s status 安于现状 be content with things as they are 循序渐进 learn to walk before you run 班门弄斧 teach a dog to bark 本末倒置 put the cart before the horse 闭门造车 work on some project without reference to what the world requires 避重就轻 avoid the crucial point and take the minor 标本兼治 put things right once and for all 表里如一 one’s outer and inner selves are in harmony 冰冻三尺非一日之寒 a tree will not fall at one blow 病急乱投医 a drowning man will catch at a straw 不得要领 be beside the point 不分轻重缓急 have no sense of priority 不顾大局 be regardless of the whole situation 不顾事实 have no regard for the truth 不经灾难不知福 misfortune tells us what fortune is 不经一事不长一智 experience is the best teacher 不破不立 there is no making without breaking 不求甚解 be content with a superficial understanding 不以规矩不能成方圆 rules and regulations must be adhered to in handling affairs 操之过急 catch the ball before the bound 差之毫厘谬以千里 one false step will make a great difference 拆东墙补西墙 reinforce one place at the expense of another 成竹在胸 have well-thought-out ideas 尺有所短寸有所长 everyone has his shortcomings and merits 好出风头 like to be in the spotlight 出工不出力 lie down on the job 触类旁通 grasp a typical example and you will grasp the whole category 穿凿附会 force words into a sense 吹毛求疵 pick on sth to find fault with 聪明反被聪明误 cleverness may overreach itself 从中渔利 cash in on other people’s efforts 达观知命 take things as they are 打击别人抬高自己 raise oneself by dirtying other’s name 打破常规 break away from conventional practices 打如意算盘 indulge in wishful thinking 打肿脸充胖子 try to satisfy one’s vanity when one cannot really afford to do so 大处着眼小处着手 keep the general goal in sight while taking hold of the daily tasks 众人拾柴火焰高 there is strength in numbers 大局为重 put the interest of the whole above everything else 大是大非 right and wrong on vital questions 大树底下好乘凉 under the protection of people of power and influence one can ‎ profit 但知其一不知其二 have a one-sided view 当断不断反受其乱 he who hesitates is lost 当局者迷旁观者清 lookers-on see more than the players 当一天和尚撞一天钟 do just enough to get by 蹈规循矩 be on the straight and narrow 得不偿失 not worth the cost 颠倒是非 confuse right and wrong 独木不成林 an individual is too weak in strength to accomplish a great task 对症下药 solve problems according to objective realities 多此一举 hold a candle to the sun 尔虞我诈 double-cross each other 二人同心其利断金 union is strength 不可偏废 neither should be overemphasized at the expense of the other 凡事预则立不预则废 preparedness ensures success and unpreparedness spells failure 防患于未然 take preventive measures 放长线钓大鱼 adopt a long-term plan to secure sth big 放马后炮 do sth which no longer needs to be done 分清是非 distinguish right from wrong 覆水难收 there is no use crying spilt milk 刚柔并济 exercise a combination of inflexibility and yielding 纲举目张 when the general plan is laid out,the details are easy to arrange 高不成低不就 be unable to achieve one’s heart’s desire but unwilling to accept less 高瞻远瞩 look far ahead and aim high 隔靴搔痒 fail to strike home 工欲善其事必先利其器 better tools make good work 固守成规 stick to old rules 固步自封 be satisfied with old practices and cease to make progress 顾全大局 bear the whole situation in mind 顾小失大 suffer a big loss for a little gain 好高骛远 reach for what is beyond one’s grasp 华而不实 have all one’s goods in the window 画蛇添足 spoil things by going to extremes 换汤不换药 make a superficial change 讳疾忌医 conceal one’s fault for fear of criticism 急功近利 seek quick success and instant benefits 疾风知劲草 strength of character is tested in a crisis 己所不欲勿施于人 do as you would be done by 兼听则明偏信则暗 you will be enlightened by listening to both sides 见利忘义 disregard moral principles in pursuit of profit 骄者必败 pride goes before a fall 矫枉过正 go beyond the proper limits in righting a wrong 脚踏实地 in a down-to-earth way 身正不怕影斜 a clean conscience is a sure card 近朱者赤 keep good men company and you shall be of the number 精益求精 seek for ever greater perfection 井底之蛙 a person with a very limited outlook 九层之台起于垒土 from small beginning come great things 口是心非 consent outwardly but disagree inwardly 滥竽充数 make up a number without active work 乐极生悲 extreme joy gives rise to sorrow 两害相权取其轻 between two evils choose the lesser 临渊羡鱼不如退而结网 one should have a down-to-earth style of working to attain one’s goal 律己正人 he that would command must serve 满招损谦受益 humility often gains more than pride 没有规矩不成方圆 rules and regulations must be adhered in handling affairs 名实不符 have an undeserved reputation 宁缺毋滥 put quality before quantity 弄巧成拙 make a full of oneself in trying to be smart 盘根究底 try to get to the heart of a matter 棋错一招满盘皆输 a false step may lose the whole game 千里之堤毁于蚁穴 a small leak will sink a great ship 千里之行始于足下 step by step one goes far to Rome 轻重缓急 order of priority 求大同存小异 seek common ground on major questions while reserving minor differences 取长补短 draw on the strong points of others to make up for one’s own weak points 取其精华去其糟粕 absorb what is good and reject what is bad 权衡轻重 weigh the comparative importance 人云亦云 echo the views of others 融会贯通 gain a thorough understanding of the subject through mastery of all relevant material 舍本逐末 pay attention to trifles but neglect essentials 慎思而后行 second thoughts are best 实事求是 seek truth from facts 随大流 follow the general trend 损人利己 profit at the expense of others 团结就是力量 union is strength 外强中干 strong in appearance but weak inside 外柔内刚 gentle in manner but firm indeed 妄自菲薄 have an undue sense of inferiority 物极必反 no extreme will hold long 相辅相成 be inseparably interconnected 言必有信 be as good as one’s words 眼高手低 have sharp eyes in criticizing others but clumsy hands in doing things oneself 一步登天 have a sudden rise in life 一孔之见 one-sided view 一劳永逸 once and for all 一叶障目不见泰山 have one’s view of the important overshadowed by the trivial 一知半解 know only superficially 以己度人 judge others by oneself 以其人之道还治其人之身 fight fire with fire 因材施教 suit the instruction to the student’s level 因噎废食 give up doing sth necessary for fear of a slight risk 欲速则不达 more haste, less speed 纸上谈兵 indulge in empty talk 开放作文常用句型:‎ ‎◇ 描述部分:(开头句)‎ ‎ ◆As we can see in the picture, there are two people staring at a plant growing in a pot.‎ ‎ ◆In the picture, we can see a bucket made of wooden board in different length. ‎ ‎ ◆As can be seen in the picture, a man sitting at the table is ready to eat the fish in the plate. ‎ ‎ ◆In the wind stands a big tree, which is blown to one side and almost broken into two halves.‎ ‎ ◆On the surface of the big clock are two people, one of whom is an old man and the other a young boy. ‎ ‎ ◆In the middle of the picture is a man dressed in old fashioned clothes is cutting the bushes into the same shape. ‎ ‎ ◆Just as we can see in the picture, the dominoes are standing close to each other, forming a design like a semicircle. ‎ ‎ ◆In the eyes of the man on the left, the plants will grow thick and tall, while in the other’s view, the plants will be dying pretty soon. ‎ ‎◇ 议论部分:(开头句)‎ ‎ ◆ This picture sets us thinking.‎ ‎ ◆ It is obvious that the picture has a profound/hidden/irony meaning. ‎ ‎ h ◆ This picture sets us thinking and we may gain enlightenment from what the artist really means.‎ ‎ ◆ The picture arouses our interest of guessing what the artist wants to tell us and at the same time we can learn something from it. ‎ ‎ ◆ While the picture looks very funny, it really has a profound meaning for us to take into consideration. ‎ ‎ ◆ The purpose of the artist who draws the cartoon picture is clear and instructive as well. ‎ ‎ ◆ Obviously, we can learn a lot from the cartoon picture.‎ ‎ What the picture tries to tell us is that ….‎ ‎◇ 议论部分:(结尾句)‎ ‎ ◆ In my view, no matter where we are working, we ought to cooperate with our colleagues well.And only in this way can we create a harmonious working atmosphere and work more efficiently. ‎ ‎ ◆ From my perspective, weak as the grass is, it can stand strongly in the big wind when the big tree breaks in half. In other words, the grass appears weak, but it has a strong mind. The tree looks stronger, but it cannot conquer difficulties and even gives up hope in the end. So we can learn a lesson from the picture – a person’s inner strength is much powerful than physical strength.‎ ‎ ◆ We ought to hold a positive attitude towards our life. Only by this means can we live happily and healthily.‎ ‎ ◆ The picture tells us that we ought to help someone in our team to complete himself. Only by this means can our team work better and achieve success in the end.‎ ‎ ◆ Only when we see others’ advantages can we learn from them and make greater progress day by day.‎ ‎ ◆ Only by choosing the most suitable methods for our studies can we gain as much knowledge as possible in the end.‎

