人教(PEP)六年级上册英语单元测试试题-Unit 1 How can I get there?(含答案)

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人教(PEP)六年级上册英语单元测试试题-Unit 1 How can I get there?(含答案)

人教PEP版六年级英语上册单元测试卷 Unit 1 How can I get there ‎(时间:40分钟 满分:100分)‎ 听力部分(30分)‎ 一、Listen and choose.(听录音,选出你所听到的单词。)(10分)‎ ‎( B )1.A.interesting  B.pizza  C.sandwich ‎( B )2.A.well B.tell C.ill ‎( A )3.A.get B.let C.gave ‎( C )4.A.feature B.straight C.interesting ‎( B )5.A.ask B.turn C.far 二、Listen and choose.(听录音,选出与你所听到的内容相符的图片。)(10分)‎ ‎( B )1.‎ ‎( B )2.‎ ‎( C )3.‎ ‎( B )4.‎ ‎( A )5.‎ 三、Listen and choose.(听录音,选择所听句子的正确答语。)(10分)‎ ‎( A )1.A.It’s near the hospital.‎ B.The museum is far.‎ C.I want to go to the museum shop.‎ ‎( C )2.A.We are in front of the cinema.‎ B.There is a restaurant.‎ C.Go straight and turn left at the bookstore.‎ ‎( A )3.A.Yes,it is.‎ B.Let’s go.‎ C.It’s next to the park.‎ ‎( B )4.A.It’s near the library.‎ B.Yes,there is.‎ C.No,it is.‎ ‎( A )5.A.Sure.‎ B.I don’t know.‎ C.Excuse me.‎ 笔试部分(70分)‎ 四、Choose.(单项选择。)(10分)‎ ‎( B )1.It is    interesting film. ‎ A.a    B.an    C./‎ ‎( B )2.—   can I get to the zoo? ‎ ‎—Sorry,I’m new here.‎ A.Where B.How C.What ‎( B )3.They    buy a new bag. ‎ A.want B.want to C.wants to ‎( A )4.—Can you help me    the bookstore? ‎ ‎—Sure.‎ A.find B.finds C.finding ‎( B )5.—   .Where is the bookstore? ‎ ‎—It’s next to the cinema.‎ A.Sorry B.Excuse me C.Please 五、Look and choose.(给下列句子选择合适的答语。)(10分)‎ ‎( C )1.Where is the science museum?‎ ‎( E )2.How can we get to the hospital?‎ ‎( D )3.Is it far from here?‎ ‎( A )4.Let’s go to the zoo.‎ ‎( B )5.Hello,is your mother at home?‎ A.OK.‎ B.No,she isn’t in.‎ C.It’s next to the bookstore.‎ D.Yes,it is.‎ E.Go straight first,and then turn left.‎ 六、Look and choose.(从方框中选择合适的句子补全对话。) (10分)‎ Mike:What an interesting film!‎ John:Yes,but I’m hungry now.1. B . ‎ Mike:Yum!I like pizza.2. A . ‎ John:It’s next to the park on Dongfang Street.‎ Mike:3. E . ‎ Robin:Turn left at the bookstore.4. D . ‎ Mike:OK.5. C . ‎ A.Where is the restaurant?‎ B.I know a great Italian restaurant.‎ C.Let’s go.‎ D.Then turn right at the hospital.‎ E.How can we get there?‎ 七、Read and judge.(阅读对话,判断正“T”误“F”。)(10分)‎ Amy:Sarah,is there a fast food(速食) restaurant in this city?‎ Sarah:Yes,there is.‎ Amy:Where is it?‎ Sarah:It is near the cinema.‎ Amy:Let’s go there for lunch.‎ Sarah:Great!‎ Amy:Is it far from here?‎ Sarah:No,it isn’t.‎ Amy:How can we get there?‎ Sarah:Go straight.Turn right at the bookstore.The cinema is in front of it.‎ Amy:OK.Let’s go.I’m hungry.‎ ‎( F )1.There isn’t a fast food restaurant in this city.‎ ‎( T )2.They go there to have lunch.‎ ‎( F )3.The fast food restaurant is far from the cinema.‎ ‎( T )4.The bookstore is behind the cinema.‎ ‎( T )5.Amy is hungry.‎ 八、Read and choose.(阅读对话,选择正确的答案。)(10分)‎ John:Excuse me,sir.I want to buy a dictionary.Where is the bookstore?‎ Policeman:It’s near the post office.‎ John:How can I get to the post office?‎ Policeman:Go straight for five minutes.Then turn left.The post office is on the right and the bookstore is on the left.‎ John:OK.Thank you very much.‎ Policeman:You’re welcome.‎ ‎( B )1.John wants to go to a    . ‎ A.hospital B.bookstore C.cinema ‎( C )2.John wants to buy   . ‎ A.a comic book B.a postcard C.a dictionary ‎( A )3.The bookstore is    the post office. ‎ A.near B.in front of C.behind ‎( A )4.John can find the bookstore    . ‎ A.on the left B.on the right C.near the museum ‎( A )5.Who helps John find the way?‎ A.The policeman.‎ B.His mother.‎ C.Robin.‎ 九、Read and write.(根据图片和首字母提示补全下列单词或词组。)(10分)‎ ‎1.Drivers must slow down at a crossing.‎ ‎2.My grandpa is ill.I’m going to the hospital.‎ ‎3.If you want to send a postcard,you can go to the post office. ‎ ‎4.Excuse me,how can I get to the cinema.‎ ‎5.We can buy a new book in a bookstore.‎ 十、Write.(写作。)(10分)‎ 明天是周末,你要去书店买书,途中经过哪些路线,怎样到达目的地等,试着把它写下来。‎ The bookstore is nearmy home.(near/far from)‎ First,turn left at the hospital. ‎ Next,go straight. ‎ Then,turn right at the cinema. ‎ And you can see the bookstore on the left.(left/right)‎

