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高二英语教案:第12讲 U4 重点词汇句型复习
辅导教案 学员姓名: 学科教师: 年 级: 高二 辅导科目:英语 授课日期 ××年××月××日 时 间 A / B / C / D / E / F段 主 题 U4 重点词汇句型复习 教学内容 (本次课的重点、难点以及达到怎样的情感目标) 1.掌握本单元重点词汇短语; 2.能在具体语境中灵活运用这些词汇短语。 教学建议: 1. 此部分主要让学生了解当今热门的综艺节目的主要内容及主要人物的基本状况; 2. 建议学案上删除红色字体的翻译部分,先让学生猜测英文所表达的意思,老师对重点句子进行重点讲解; 3. 让学生自己发表对该人物的看法及观点。 4. 注意相关拓展词汇的学习。 One mighty angel In recent box office hit Love on the Cloud, Hong Kong star Angelababy goes on a blind date with someone she meets through WeChat. Though the man decides he’ll run away if the woman doesn’t look as expected, he’s shocked to discover she’s prettier than he could ever imagine. 在最近的卖座电影《微爱之渐入佳境》中,香港女星Angelababy饰演了一位通过微信随意约会的姑娘。而片中与她约会的男人(陈赫 饰)本打算如果对方长得不如意就逃跑,不想出现在他 面前的姑娘直接美出了他的想象力。 Obviously, the key to this story is an abnormally pretty face, and few actresses can compete in that department with Angelababy, who has long been described as a beautiful goddess. 显然,美出天际的颜值正是此片的重要卖点,而久负“女神”之名的Angelababy来扮演女主角再合适不过。 Angelababy started her career at age 14 as a model before going on to star in about 20 movies. For a while, all the public knew about the star was that she was beautiful and was dating Huang Xiaoming. However, the 25-year-old has surprised audiences with her “anti-baby” toughness in popular TV show Running Man. 14岁,Angelababy就开始了模特生涯;随后,她又出演了约20部电影。小伙伴们对她的认识一度仅限于美貌、以及黄晓明的女友。而自从参加了人气爆棚的电视真人秀节目《奔跑吧,兄弟》之后,这个25岁姑娘“女汉子”的新形象让观众们刮目相看。 As the only regular female on the show, the nymph-like Angelababy competes in difficult tasks against male competitors. In one game she’s required to wrestle with men, and in another she must crawl through a pit of mud. She goes all out to complete the missions and score a win, paying little attention to how she appears on the screen. She appears in the show without any makeup on several occasions. Her exaggerated facial expressions and gestures, despite not being becoming of a goddess, endear audiences. 作为节目中唯一的常驻女嘉宾, Angelababy却没有像我们预想的一样以花瓶角色出现,而是和男嘉宾一起挑战各种艰难的任务。节目中,她曾与男嘉宾角力,曾在泥坑中匍匐。为了完成任务、赢得比赛,她拼尽全力,毫不顾忌自己在荧幕上的形象。甚至好几次,她都素颜出镜。不做女神的她,面部表情夸张、肢体语言丰富,却赢得了观众们的喜爱。 “Angelababy was a surprise choice for our cast. She may have been a sweet cover girl and sexy heroine before, but now she is a superwoman with guts and responsibility,” Running Man’s chief producer Yu Hangying told Sina. “Angelababy是嘉宾阵容中的惊喜之选。之前很多人认为她只是长相甜美、身材性感的女星,但现在看来,她还是个有勇气有担当的女超人。”《跑男》的总制片人俞杭英如是说。 As reality shows have been popular for China now for a decade, perhaps audiences are more willing to warm up to stars that aren’t otherworldly but instead exhibit genuine character and a down-to-earth personality. Whether she’s simply catering to her audience or being true to herself, one thing is for sure — Angelababy’s tough-girl schtick is being well-received by fans. 自从十年前真人秀节目在中国走红以来,观众们越来越青睐那些不做作、接地气的明星们。不管Angelababy(现在的表现)只是为了迎合观众,还是坚持本色,有一点是毋庸置疑的,那就是她这种女汉子的性格深得粉丝们的心。 教学建议: 1. 此部分是课本同步中重点词汇短语解析,旨在帮助学生牢固掌握核心词汇用法并能在具体语境中灵活运用; 2. 对于词汇拼写可以采取先提问、默写的形式进行检测;对于词汇短语的用法课采取造句等形式,了解学生的掌握情况再进行讲解; 3. 老师在讲解的过程中注意词汇及词组辨析。 1.review n. 评论 a magazine or newspaper article giving judgments on a new book,play,television show, etc, e.g.book review书评 film review影评 review v. (1)回顾,检查 —to consider and judge (an event or state of affairs),go over again in the mind e.g.The government is reviewing its education policy. 政府正在检查教育政策。 (2)复习,温习 一go over,to study again(1essons already learned) 2.deserve v. 值得,应该受到 to be right that a person should have(something),because of the way they behave or what they are 常用搭配:deserve to do值得做某事; deserve sth.应该得到某物 deserve to be done=deserve doing应该被…… e.g.You deserve a rest/to have a rest. 你应该可以休息一下了。 He deserves to be punished/punishing. 他应该受到惩罚。 3.reputation n. 名声 the opinion that people have about what sb./sth.is like,based on what has happened in the past. e.g.to earn/establish/build a reputation 赢得一个名声 to have a good/bad reputation名声良好/很坏 He has the reputation of being a pianist. 他作为一个钢琴家而享有盛名。 reputable adj.有声望的,名誉好的 一respectable,well spoken of e.g.It is a reputable firm of builders. 这是一家名誉好的建筑公司。 4.gallery n. a room,hall,or building where works of art are shown and sometimes offered for.sale e.g.Have you ever been to some art galleries? 你去过美术馆吗? 5.fame n. 名声 the state of being known and talked about by many people 用法:与reputation相似,但通常表示好名声。 e.g.She hoped to find fame as a poet. 她希望以写诗成名。 6.dealer n.交易商,贸易商 a person whose business is buying and selling a particular product e.g.He is a second—hand car dealer. 他是一个二手-g商人。 deal with sth.v.与……交易 一to do business,esp.trade with e.g.I’ve dealt with this store for many years. 我和这个店做生意很多年了。 deal n. 协议,交易,an arrangement,esp.in business.to the advantage of both sides 常用搭配:a deal with sb.与某人的交易 e·g.the company has made a deal with a Japanese firm,which is so-called win-win. 这个公司和一个日本公司做了笔交易.它是那种被称作双赢的交易。 7.purpose n 目标,目的 the intention,aim or function of sth.,the thing that stb.is supposed to achieve 常用搭配:for the purpose of…/for…purpose处于……目的 on purpose故意地 e.g.He came to Shanghai not for the purpose of business(=for business purpose) but of seeing his girl friend.他来上海不是为了公事而是来看他的女朋友。 It was not art accident.He did it on purpose. 这不是一个意外,他是故意这么干的。 purposeful adj.有目的的 一directed towards a special purpose e.g.It was a purposeful visit to him。which means a possible promotion.这是一次有目的的拜访,有可能他要升职了。 purposely adv. 故意地 一on purpose e.g.1 purposely didn’t come yesterday because I didn’t want to see him.我昨天故意不来的,因为我不想看到他。 8.superior n. (1)级别(或地位,职位)更高的人,上级 a person of higher rank,status,or position e.g.I have to ask my superior about that. 那事我得问我上司一下。 (2)adj.地位高的,品质优良的…of higher rank or class,of higher quality 常用搭配:be superior to… 比……地位高的,品质优的 e.g·He is superior to his wife though they work in the same company. 虽然他和他妻子在同一个公司工作,但是他职位高。 I’11 report you to your superior officer. 我要向你的上级告你。 inferior ant.级别(或地位,职位)更低的人,下级 一a person of lower rank,status of position adj.地位低的,品质差的 一of lower rank or class,of poorer quality 常用搭配:be inferior to.. 比……地位低的,品质差的 e.g· His wife is inferior to him though they work in the same company. 虽然他和他妻子在同一个公司工作,但是他妻子职位低。 9.abandon v. 放弃,遗弃--to leave completely and forever,desert/一to give up,esp.without finishing,stop 常用搭配:abandon sb./sth.(to sth.)遗弃某人/丢弃某物到某地,放弃某事 e.g.The baby was abandoned by its mother to the orphanage。 这个婴儿被母亲遗弃扔到了孤儿院。 When night came,the search had to be abandoned. 夜晚到来时,人们只好放弃搜索。 abandoned adj.被抛弃的一一deserted e.g.an abandoned baby/ship一个弃婴/弃船 10.financial adj. 财政的,财务的.经济的 connected with money e.g.financial center/adviser金融中心,财务顾问 finance n.财政,财务:提供的经费 the control of(esp.public)money;money,esp.provided by a bank or similar organization,to help run a business or buy something. e.g.Unless we get more finance,we’11 have to close the hotel. 如果我们得不到更多的资金,我们就得把酒店关闭了。 finance v.提供资金,经费一to provide money for e.g.the repairs to the school will be financed by the local government. 校舍的维修经费将由当地政府提供。 11.mental adj. (1)(治疗)精神病的一connected with the treatment of illness of the mind(通常作定语) e.g.mental health/a mental disorder/illness/hospital心理健康/精神疾病/精神病医院 (2)精神的,智力的,脑力做的一done only in or with mind esp.without the help of writing(通常作定语) e.g.mental arithmetic心算 mental powers 智力 mentality n. 脑力,智力;心理状态一the abilities and powers of the mind,character,habits of thought e.g.I don’t think he is of week mentality,so I can’t understand the mentality of his doing such a terrible thing like that.我认为他不笨,因此我不能理解他竟然做出那样可怕的事情是怎么样的心理状态。 12.possess n. 拥有 to have or own something;to have a particular quality or feature e.g.The gallery possesses a number of the artist’s early works. 这个美术馆藏有这个艺术家大量的早期作品。 I’m afraid he doesn’t possess a sense of humor. 恐怕他没有什么幽默感。 possession n 拥有;财产,占有物--ownership:a piece of personal property 常用搭配:sb.be in/take possession of sth.某人占领/拥有某物 sth.be in the possession of sb.某物被某人占有 e.g.She was found in possession of dangerous drugs. 发现她拥有危险药品。 13.tremendously adv. 非常地 —very greatly e.g.The movie is tremendously exciting. 这个电影非常刺激。 tremendous adj.极大的,极好的 一very great in size,amount or degree;wonderful e.g.at a tremendous speed以惊人的速度 a tremendous explosion/party 巨大的爆炸/极好的聚会 14.realistic adj. (1)写实的;逼真的一representing things as they are in real life;(of art or literature)life—like e g-a realistic:drawing of a horse adj. 一幅栩栩如生的关于马的画 We try to make these.training courses as realistic as possible.我们尽力使这些培训课程尽可能的模拟真实效果。 (2)面对现实的,实事求是的 一showing realism e。g.We have to be realistic and give up the plan to buy a car. 我们必须面对现实放弃买车的计划。 15.abstract adj.抽象的;(艺术)抽象派的--thought of as quality rather than as a11 object or fact,not real or solid;(of art)not representing people or things in a realistic way,but expressing the artist’s idea e.g.abstract knowledge/argument/principle抽象的知识/争论/原理 abstract v.提取,摘录要点一to remove by drawing out gently,separate 常用搭配:abstract sth.from…从……中摘录 e.g.Please just abstract the most important points from the long report.请从这份长篇报道中摘取最重要的内容。 abstract n.摘要;(艺术)抽象派的画,抽象艺术品 ——a shortened form of a statement,speech,etc.;(in art)a painting,drawing,etc,that does not try to present an object as it would be seen by a camera e.g.Don’t forget to write an abstract of your thesis. 不要忘记给你的论文写一个摘要。 16.masterpiece n 杰作,代表作 a work of art such as painting,film,book,etc,that is an excellent。or the best。example of the artist’s work e.g.It’s work is a masterpiece of impressionism. 他的作品是印象派的代表作。 17.depend on依靠,指望;取决于一rely on;to trust someone or something and know that they will help you or do what you want or expect them to do;to be decided by or to vary according to the stated thing 常用搭配:depend on sb./sth.(to do sth.)依靠某人/某物(做某事) It(so)depends.看情况。 e.g.We’re depending on you to finish the job. 我们指望你来完成这个工作。 We may go to the concert but it depends on my wife. 我们有可能去音乐会不过这取决于我妻子。 I . Multiple choice. ( )1. He promised to ________the film in one of the evening papers. A. review B. revise C. recover D. restore ( )2.__________ such a serious mistake deserves__________ A. Make; punishing B. Making; punishing C. Make; o punish D. Making; to punish ( )3. It is ________to collect all the ________of Van Gogh. A. a hard work, works B. a hard work, work C. hard work, works D. hard work, work ( )4. —Would you come to see me tomorrow? —It________. A. depends B. depends upon C. is depending D. is depended on ( )5. His achievements are superior _________his classmates _______arts. A. to; in B. than; in C. to; on D. than; on ( )6. The first time ___________I met her, she were in______ possession of over 1,000 volumes of books. A. when;/ B. /;/ C./;the D. when; the ( )7. He has been to many countries such as Spain, ________, __________ and some other European countries. A. the United Kingdom; the Netherlands B. the United Kingdom; the Netherland C. UK; the Netherlands D. UK; the Netherland ( )8. Our head teacher didn't believe _________hard the night before an examination and recommended ________over a long period. A. to work; studying B. working to study C. in working; to study D. in working; studying ( )9. She__________ ill for a month, but I just heard ________ it yesterday. A. has got; about B. has been; from C. has got; from D. has been; about ( )10. She is __________to refuse the offer. A. probably B. probable C. likely D. alike ( )11. Can you doubt ___________he will win? A. if B. whether C. that D. how ( )12. The fare is____________. You don't have to ________the driver any more. A. paid; pay B. paid for; pay C. paid for; pay for D. paid; pay for ( )13. As is known to all, the city is famous __________silk. A. for realistic B. as realistic C. for real D. as real ( )14. Do you know the difficulty I used to have _______________ in touch with the movie star? A. get B. to get C. got D. getting ( )15. Lacking time,__________. A. he had to give up his new travel plan B. his friend helped him finish the task C. a new schedule had to be planned D. so he changed his plan II. Complete the following sentences with the given words in their proper forms. 1. He will__________(probable) refuse the offer. 2. He cares very little for ________ (famous) and gain. 3. She has a reputation for honest ________ (deal). 4. Perhaps, Mr. Thomas, you ought to tell us something of your__________ (finance) background and prospects before Jane makes up his mind. 5.1 accepted his______________ (argue) that taxation should be increased. 6. Rain has__________ (upset) our plans for a picnic. 7. It's completely__________(sane) to fly in the fog. 8. The police did an___________(admire) job in keeping the fans calm. 9. The applause shows that the performance was a(n) __________ (doubt) success. 10. Though he was born in Italy, he is actually a__________(Belgium) . III. Choose the phrase from the word box and fill in the blanks. depend on argue with miss the chance hear of deserve all the blame believe in cut off deal with 1. The power was ___________because of the snow storms. 2. Because he didn't__________ the government in power, he chose to leave the country. 3. It is quite common for the university students in China to _______their parents though some may have part time jobs. 4. Please remember never to__________ women even if the truth is on your side. 5. To__________ the government, he tried his best to get to know many officials. 6. In my opinion, the man who should __________for what happened was the captain. 7. I would never usually choose to walk in the rain, but I could not bear to of seeing him again. 8. I usually ___________the latest news of famous singers in that magazine. Key: Multiple choice. l.A 2. B 3. C 4. A 5. 6. B 7. A 8. C 9. D 10. C 11. C 12. D 13. C 14. D 15. A Complete the following sentences with the given words in their forms. 1. probably 2. fame 3. dealing 4. financial 5. argument 6. upset 7. insane 8. admirable 9. undoubted 10. Belgian Choose the phrase from the word box and fill in the blanks. 1. cut off 2. believe in 3. depend on 4. argue with 5. deal with 6. deserve all the blame 7. miss the chance 8. hear of IV. Translation. 1.他去比利时就是为了去看你。(purpose ) ______________________________________________ 2.他尝试过很多不同的工作,现在他决定开一个画廊。(gallery) ______________________________________________________ 3.十年前他就拥有了几十套公寓。(possession) ________________________________________________________ 4.毫无疑问,由于汤姆的诚实,老板非常信任他。(honesty) ____________________________________________________ 5.他的画如此逼真,我非常钦佩他。(so…that…) ______________________________________________________ 6.因为他帮助公司解决了资金问题,他应该得到上级的表扬。(deserve) ____________________________________________________ 【参考答案】 Complete the following sentences with the given words in their forms. 1. fame 2. dealing 3. financial 4. argument 5. insane 6. admirable 7. undoubted 8. Belgian Choose the phrase from the word box and fill in the blanks. 1. cut off 2. believe in 3. depend on 4. argue with 5. deal with 6. deserve all the blame 7. miss the chance 8. hear of Translation. 1. He went to Belgium for the purpose of seeing you. 2. He has tried many different jobs, and now he made up his mind to open a gallery. 3. A decade ago, he was in possession of several scores of apartments. 7.1 wonder whether he has given up/a bandon his singing career. 4. Undoubtedly, because of Tom's honesty, his boss trusts/ believes in him very much. 5. His painting is so lifelike that I really admire him. 6. Solving the financial problem for his company, he deserved to be praised by his superior. 教学建议: 1. 规定学生必须在20分钟内完成; 2. 相互交换批改,表扬正确率最高的学生; 3. 做对的学生给做错的学生讲题; 4. 让每个学生简单总结一下错误原因及应该注意的问题。 A. After reading the passages below, fill in the blanks to make the passages coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank. When coffee was first introduced in Europe in the 1600s, there was a great deal of controversy about it. Many doctors said that coffee was a strong poison and should be forbidden. Others, however, ___1___ (insist) it was good to drink coffee. Then, “coffee houses” sprang up everywhere. Today, coffee has become a global drink and it ___2____ (consume) by one third of the world’s population. Tests show that ___3___ coffee is given in large doses to animals, it can actually act as a poison. Coffee can also produce negative or even poisonous effects on small children. ____4___ for adults who drink it moderately, it is by no means a poison. Coffee contains caffeine. Most people believed that it is the caffeine that produces all the effects ___5___ coffee has on the body. Of course, the other elements in coffee have a role to play. Here are some of the things that happen when people drink coffee. The smell of coffee ___6___ produces stimulating effects in various parts of the body. The blood vessels(血管) in the brain open wider so that the flow is improved, and this removes some of the poisonous substances ___7___ the brain. Coffee increases the pulse rate(脉搏), which means it stimulates the heart, and the muscles ___8___ thus work harder. Coffee makes the stomach work more actively, which is worthwhile for healthy people, especially when drunk after a heavy meal. Coffee actually produces different effects on the body at different times of the day! The morning coffee, for instance, helps the body get rid of waste products produced during the night. Coffee after lunch helps digestion. Afternoon coffee acts on the muscles and helps us feel ___9___ (tired). And coffee taken in the evening seems to stimulate the mind and the imagination! However, there always two sides to everything. Caffeine is stimulating, so a lot of people avoid drinking coffee at night, which is the time when people want to go to bed instead of feeling stimulated. Furthermore, some people get hooked on coffee because of the caffeine, and that has always been considered negative. keys:1. insisted 2. is consumed 3. when4. But5. that6. itself 7. from8. can 9. less tired Directions: Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.(14年嘉定二模) (A) When my old dog developed major health problems, I knew that watching him fail would be painful, but I wasn’t prepared for the powerful lessons he’d offer in the last year of his life. Chance was 14 when the problems started. First, he developed a cancer that left him whistling for breath. Then came cataracts (白内障) in both eyes, arthritis (关节炎) in his legs, and a series of ministrokes (小中风) that threw off his balance. Any one of these misfortunes would have left me begging for relief, but Chance became calmer as the disabilities piled up. When leg pain left him frozen on the floor, unable to rise for a quick pat as I came home, he didn’t complain. He just lay there patiently, signaling me with his hammering tail, each movement spelling out the value of waiting for the things you want. When his cataracts made steering impossible after dark, he’d stand calmly until I could guide him inside, proving how easy it is to find happiness if you let go of your pride and insecurities and learn to lean on those who love you. When ministrokes had him walk unsteadily like a drunk, he taught the value of persistence. For days after each attack, he’d fall as he moved about. Yet again and again he’d try to walk, each day moving a few more steps until finally he was able to get outside and back by himself. There were lessons in so much of what he did, but the key one surely was the importance of obtaining all the joy possible from each experience whether it’s a day lazing under a warm sun or a few minutes appreciating a favorite meal. For most of our life together, Chance was always rushing ahead, searching out new adventures, then circling back to let me know what lay around the next bend. As an old dog, he did the same thing, using his attitude, instead of his once-fast legs, to show the way. 66. Chance suffered very much from all the diseases he had except for ______. A. having problem with breath B. walking around awkwardly C. having trouble drinking D. losing his eyesight in darkness 67. ______ is the most important lesson the author learned from Chance. A. Living in the present and enjoying what we have B. Learning to depend on those who we love and trust C. That we should expect good things to happen patiently D. That we should persevere in what we believe is worth trying 68. It is implied in the passage that ______. A. people might suffer from different diseases when they grow old B. people could face aging with courage and dignity C. pets would become calmer for lack of energy in their last days D. pets and masters should stick together helping each other in difficulty 69. Which of the following words best describes the author’s feelings to Chance? A. Bitter. B. Grateful. C. Proud. D. Sympathetic. Keys:66-69 CABB B. 翻译。 1. 他的同事不相信他能够按时完成这个项目。(believe in) His colleagues did not believe in his ability to finish the project on time. 2.由于画廊的主人缺乏管理经验,现在这家画廊正处于财务困难之中。(financial) As the owner of the gallery lacks management experience, now the gallery is in financial difficulty. 3.完成这个棘手的项目后,每个人都该放假。(deserve) Everyone deserved a holiday after completing the difficult project. 4.虽然我不同意她的观点,但是我很赞赏她提出自己观点的勇气。(admire) Although I did not agree with her, I admired her very much for putting forward her own views. 5.宇宙中有许多肉眼看不见的星星。(visible) There are many stars that are not visible to the eyes in the universe. 6.真是遗憾,梵高在37岁的时候就结束了自己的生命。(take one’s own life) It is a pity that Van Gogh took his own life when he was only 37 years old. 7.凯莉的轿车左车身上有一块大的凹痕(dent)。她一定是出过车祸了。(must have done) Kelly’s car has got a big dent in the left side. She must have had an accident. 8.玛丽不可能忘了在这里和我们会面。我昨晚打了电话提醒她野餐的事。(cannot have done) Mary cannot have forgotten to meet us here. I called to remind her of our picnic last night. 9.杰克还没回家,他可能误了飞机。(may have done) Jack hasn’t returned home yet. He may have missed the plane. 10.这家食品公司雇佣了一些人,为他们产品的销路调查市场。(investigate) The food company hired some people to investigate the market for sales of its products 11.根据自己的经验和艺术鉴赏能力(expertise),画商断言年轻人提供的油画是一副赝品。(fake) Based on his experience and expertise, the art dealer maintained that the oil painting provided by a young man was a fake. 12. 眼镜始用于十三世纪末。(date from) The use of glasses dates from the end of the thirteenth century. 重点词汇短语及句型: 教学建议: 1. 规定学生在30分钟内完成; 2. 要求学生对不确定有疑问的题目做标记; 3.下节新课前让学生相互批改表扬正确率最高的学生; 4.让作对的学生给做错的学生讲题,老师进行补充; 5.老师对错误率较高的题目相关的知识点进行复习。 【巩固练习】 A. Multiple choice. ( )1. Where is my pen? I _________it. A. might lose B. would have lost C. should have lost D. must have lost ( )2.1 didn't hear the phone. I _________asleep. A. must be B. must have been C. should be D. should have been ( )3.1 didn't see her in the meeting room this morning. She ________at the meeting. A. mustn't have spoken B. shouldn't have spoken C. needn't have spoken D. couldn't have spoken ( )4. Peter ______come with us tonight, but he isn't very sure yet. A. must B. may C. can D. will ( )5. Susan __________written a report like this. A. can have B. mustn't have C. can't have D. ought to not have ( )6. —There were already five people in the car but they managed to take me as well. —It __________a comfortable journey. A. can't be B. shouldn't be C. mustn't have been D. couldn't have been ( )7. Jack__________ yet, otherwise he would have telephoned me. A. mustn't have arrived B. shouldn't have arrived C. can't have arrived D. need not have arrived ( )8. My sister met him at the Grand Theatre yesterday afternoon, so he_________ your lecture. A. couldn't have attended B. needn't have attended C. mustn't have attended D. shouldn't have attended ( )9. —Is John coming by train? —He should, but he__________ not. He likes driving his car. A. must B. can C. need D. may ( )10. He _________have completed his work; otherwise ,he wouldn't be enjoying himself by the seaside. A. should B. wouldn't C. must D. can't ( )11. Sorry, I'm late. I _____________have turned off the alarm clock and gone back to sleep again. A. might B. should C. can D. will ( )12.1 have lost one of my gloves. I ________it somewhere. A. must drop B. must have dropped C. must be dropping D. must have been dropped ( )13. Mr. Bush is on time for everything. How _________it be that he was late for the opening ceremony? A. can B. should C. may D. must ( )14. You might just as well tell the manufacturer that male customers ____________not like the design of the furniture. A. must B. can C. should D. need ( )15. A left-luggage office is a place where bags _________be left for a short time, especially at a railway station. A. should B. can C. must D. will ( )16. He never said that his mother must have been to Britain,___________ ? A. did he B. didn't she C. hadn't she D. has he ( )17. This kind of work requires patience. And you_____________ A. can't be too patient B. mustn't be too patient C. must be impatient D. must never be patient enough ( )18. Yesterday I ________well in time for the football match, but unfortunately on account of a terrible traffic jam, I __________the first half after all. A. was; had missed B. would be; missed C. could be; had missed D. could have been; missed ( )19. —What did you think of the food? —W ell, it ___________worse. A. couldn't have been B. couldn't be C. might not have been . D. might not be ( )20.—It's already ten,but be hasn't come. —He ___________have missed the train or he _________be stopped by someone. A. should; should B. must; must C. may; may D. can; can ( )21. "He looks very young. He ___________over twenty-five. " "He ____________because he has two grown-up children. " A. can't be; must be B. must be; can't be C. can be; mustn't be D. mustn't be; can be ( )22. Where is my pen? I __________it. A. might lose B. would have lost C. should have lost D. must have lost ( )23.1 think he must have been home yesterday, ______________? A. don't I B. do I C. hasn't he D. wasn't he ( )24. You mustn't do __________he asked you to do. He __________wrong sometimes. A. anything; maybe B. anything; may be C. everything; maybe D. everything; may be ( )25. It __________the third time that he __________late. A. can be; has been B. must be; has been C. can be; was D. must be; was KEY: Multiple choice. l. D 2. B 3. D 4. B 5. C 6. D 7. C 8. A 9. D 10. C 11. A 12. B 13. A 14. B 15. B 16. A 17. A 18. D 19. A 20. C 21. A 22. D 23. D 24. D 25. B B. Directions: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need. (14年嘉定二模) A. countless B. exhausted C. comparison D. essential E. estimates F. distinctive G. relatively H. cleared I. unfortunately J. recycled K. restricts Rain forests, found in Earth’s temperate and tropical (热带的) zones, are some of the most biologically varied ecosystems on the planet. All rain forests share certain ___41___ features, including a closed canopy, the dense vegetation of the top branches that forms a roof above the forest floor, a damp and warm climate, and ___42___ constant temperatures throughout the year. Most of the forest’s insect and animal life grows well in the canopy’s leafy and sunlit environment. The forest’s groundcover, by comparison, is small. Less than 2 percent of the sun’s light makes its way through the canopy and the darkness below. This darkness, along with the poor quality of the soils, ___43___ plant growth. Rain forests are a(n) ___44___ part of Earth’s total ecology. Huge amounts of water are absorbed into tree roots and ___45___ into the atmosphere from the tree leaves through a process called transpiration (蒸发). Tree roots also fix the soil in place and slow the runoff of rains into rivers and oceans. Through the process of photosynthesis (光合作用), rain forests absorb more carbon dioxide and give off more oxygen than any other ecosystem. The rain forests are ___46___ shrinking at a rapid rate as a result of the profitable ventures of farming, logging, and mining. When tropical rain forests are ___47___ in order to raise cattle and crops, the nutrient-poor soils are quickly ___48___. When farmers move on to new areas, heavy rains and baking sun leave the land fruitless and lifeless. Logging and mining cause similar damage to the land and destroy the territory of ___49___ millions of birds, insects and animals. By some ___50___, an area of tropical rain forest the size of the state of Delaware disappears in this way every month. Keys: 41-45 F G K D J 46-50 I H B A E C. Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context. (14年嘉定二模) Archaeologists are scientists who search for clues that help form a clearer picture of the lives people led in the past. Archaeology is a modern science, but it has been ___51___ for centuries. More than 2,400 years ago, the Greek historian Herodotus described the Egyptian pyramids and other monuments. He may have been the first writer to consider that remains and ___52___ could provide information for ___53___ generations. For more than a thousand years, however, such ___54___ were observers rather than researchers. In the 1700s, scientists and adventurers from a variety of countries traveled ___55___ to explore ancient sites. Digs that are still ___56___ began in 1709 at Herculaneum, an Italian city buried in ash during the explosion of Mount Vesuvius in A. D. 79. The Danish scholar Carsten Niebuhr visited the ruins of Persepolis in the Middle East in 1765 to study cuneiform writing (楔形文字). ___57___, archaeology didn’t become a widely recognized science and schools didn’t recognize the subject as a scholarly pursuit until the 19th century. The term itself was ___58___ in 1837. It comes from a Latin word meaning “the study of antiquities (古物).” One of the first archaeologists to use a scientific approach to the discipline was Heinrich Schliemann of Germany, who in the late 1800s ___59___ the ancient civilization of the city of Troy. Today, archaeologists uncover the past in many different ___60___, including deserts and jungles, at sites called digs. Ancient sources, folk tales, and landscape features can suggest where archaeologists should look. Surveys of the land help them choose sites ___61___ to provide artifacts, the objects that will unlock the story of a particular people — their daily lives, their beliefs, and their ties to other cultures. A site, however, does not have to be old to be interesting to an archaeologist. Some prefer to study more ___62___ settlements. One scientist, for instance, studies coal mining camps in California by examining the garbage that miners ___63___. Archaeologists may work for universities, museums or governments, and some of them are involved in educating the public about ___64___ ancient sites. Artifact hunters who are ___65___ history rob these places and sell what they find for a few dollars to immoral dealers in antiquities. 51. A. adventuring B. changing C. digging D. evolving 52. A. books B. history C. ruins D. science 53. A. lost B. later C. older D. several 54. A. inventors B. scholars C. visitors D. writers 55. A. extensively B. nationwide C. regularly D. together 56. A. in progress B. in good condition C. on display D. out of control 57. A. Besides B. However C. Instead D. Meanwhile 58. A. coined B. considered C. recognized D. used 59. A. created B. developed C. established D. investigated 60. A. countries B. fields C. locations D. ways 61. A. certain B. likely C. ready D. necessary 62. A. honorable B. peaceful C. rural D. recent 63. A. gave away B. gave off C. left behind D. left out 64. A. choosing B. examining C. studying D. protecting 65. A. aware of B. fed up with C. ignorant of D. familiar with 51-55 DCBBA 56-60 ABADC 61-65 BDCDC D .Translation. 1.这个面具太逼真了,非常可怕。(1ifelike) ___________________________________________________________ 2.这个计划看上去太简单了,我们无法去执行。(too…to…,carry out) __________________________________________________________ 3.人们通常认为人类的文明可以追溯到几百万年前。(1t is generally believed…) __________________________________________________________________ 4.尽管他们不住在一起,兄弟们仍然维持很好的友谊。(maintain) _________________________________________________________ 5.他声称他将去美国开他的个人画展。(claim) _____________________________________________________________ 6.乡下宁静的生活给他许多小说的灵感。(inspiration) _________________________________________________________ 7.这个计划是基于他的实验结果而制定的,它非常可行。(base on) _________________________________________________________________ 8.直到她大学毕业她才离开父母独自牛活。(It was not until...) _______________________________________________________________ 9.他迟到的原因是他错过了那班车。(The reason why…) ________________________________________________________ 10.据说这个业余画家以抽象画出名。(be said to) _________________________________________________________________ KEY: I. Translation. 1. He went to Belgium for the purpose of seeing you. 2. She argued that painting would not affect her study. 3. He has tried many different jobs, and now he made up his mind to open a gallery. 4. Because of carelessness, he missed the chance to win the first prize of the reading contest. 5. He may be very rude sometimes but at the same time he is very kind. 6. A decade ago, he was in possession of several scores of apartments. 7.1 wonder whether he has given up/a bandon his singing career. 8. Undoubtedly, because of Tom's honesty, his boss trusts/ believes in him very much. 9. His painting is so lifelike that I really admire him. 10. Solving the financial problem for his company, he deserved to be praised by his superior.查看更多