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‎2019届二轮复习语法专题定语从句 ‎【考点解读】‎ 定语从句是英语学习的一个重要语法项目,也是历年高考在具体的语境中考查考生灵活运用知识能力的一个重点。为了帮助同学们更好地掌握这一语法项目,本文结合近几年的高考试题,分析、探究定语性从句的考查,对其考查归纳为以下七个考点。‎ 考点一 考查关系代词引导的定语从句 ‎1. A person ________ e-mail account is full won’t be able to send or receive any e-mails. (天津卷)‎ A. who B. whom C. whose D. whoever ‎【答案】C。‎ ‎【解析】在所给的四个关系代词中,只有whose能用于名词用作定语,故选C。又如:A bookseller is a person whose job is selling books. 书商就是其职业是卖书的人。‎ ‎2. Many children, ________ parents are away working in big cities, are taken good care of in the village. (安徽卷)‎ A. their B. whose C. of them D. with whom ‎【答案】B。‎ ‎【解析】their是物主代词,不是关系代词,不能引导定语从句,所以不能选;在其余三个选 项中,只有whose能用于名词用作定语,故选B。句意为:许多孩子的父母外出到大城市打工去了,他们在 家乡被照顾得很好。‎ ‎3. My friend showed me round the town, ________ was very kind of him. (全国Ⅱ)‎ A. which B. that C. where D. it ‎【答案】A。‎ ‎【解析】由于两个句子之间没有并列连词,所以不能选B或D;而where是关系副词,不能用作 ‎ 主语;which在此引导非限制性定语从句,并在从句中用作主语。又如:Peter drove too fast, which was dangerous. 彼得开车很快,这是很危险的。‎ ‎4. Whenever I met her, ________ was fairly often, she greeted me with a sweet smile. (山东卷)‎ A. who B. which C. when D. that ‎【答案】B。‎ ‎【解析】that不能用于引导非限制性定语从句,故可排除;when是关系副词,不用作主语,故 也可排除;who用于指人,但这里的定语从句不是修饰her,而是修饰whenever I met her,故不能用who, 此处应用which。又如:He said that he had never seen her before, which was not true. 他说他从 没见到过她,这是不真实的。‎ 考点二 查关系副词引导的定语从句 ‎1. Mozart’s birthplace and the house ________ he composed “The Magic Flute” are both museums now. (上海卷)‎ A. where B. when C. there D. which ‎【答案】A。‎ ‎【解析】由于定语从句he composed “The Magic Flute”的主语和宾语是完整的 ,所以不能选D;when指时间,不用于修饰表地点的先行词the house,故也不能选;而there不是关系词, 不能引导定语从句。‎ ‎2. It’s helpful to put children in a situation ________ they can see themselves differently. (福建卷)‎ A. that B. when C. which D. where ‎【答案】D。‎ ‎【解析】由于定语从句they can see themselves differently的主语和宾语是完整的,所以不能选A和C;when指时间,不用于修饰表地点的先行词a situation,故也不能选。‎ ‎3. Life is like a long race ________ we compete with others to go beyond ourselves. (重庆卷)‎ A. why B. what C. that D. where ‎【答案】D。‎ ‎【解析】由于定语从句we compete with others to go beyond ourselves的句子结构是完整 的,不缺主语或宾语,所以不能选C; why引导定语从句,其先行词只能是the reason,而不用于其他场合 ,故不能选;what不是关系词,不能用于引导定语从句,故也可排除;where在此引导定语从句,修饰名词 race,相当于in which。句意为:人生就像一场长途赛跑,在赛跑中我们为了超越自我而与别人竞争。‎ ‎4. She’ll never forget her stay there, ________ she found her son who had gone missing two years before. (四川卷)‎ A. that B. which C. where D. when ‎【答案】D。‎ ‎【解析】that不用于引导非限制性定语从句,故被排除;which引导定语从句必须在定语从句 中充当主语或宾语,与本题的句子结构不符,故也被排除;where引导定语从句时,其前先行词只能是表示 地点的名词,而本题的先行词her stay there(她待在那儿期间)不是表地点,而是表时间,故C也可排除; 关系副词when在此引导非限制性定语从句,修饰先行词her stay。句意为:她永远不会忘记她待在那儿的 那段时间,在此其间她找到了她两年前失踪的孩子。‎ ‎5. Because of the financial crisis, days are gone ________ local 5-star hotels charged 6,000 yuan for one night. (江苏卷)‎ A. if B. when C. which D. since ‎【答案】B。‎ ‎【解析】when在此用于引导定语从句,修饰名词days。此题的难点是先行词days与关系副词 when之间被are gone,容易误解句子结构。句意为:由于金融危机,当地五星级宾馆每晚收费6,000元的 日子已经过去了。‎ 考点三 考查“介词+关系代词”结构 当关系代词作介词宾语,且该介词不是和从句的谓语动词构成固定短语时,介词可以提前,这样就出现"介词+关系代词"。先行词指物,用"介词+which", ‎ 指人则用"介词+whom", 且两个关系代词均不能省略,介词的选择要遵循两个原则:  ‎ ‎1.根据定语从句中谓语动词与先行词的搭配内容而定。 ‎ ‎2.根据先行词特殊用法而定。‎ The house I grew up ________ has been taken down and replaced by an office building. (江西卷)‎ A. in it B. in C. in that D. in which ‎【答案】B。‎ ‎【解析】这道题的本质是考查定语从句的用法,但其命题的角度比较特别,它既不考查先行词,也不考查关系代词或关系副词,而是结合介词的搭配考查关系代词的省略。句中定语从句I grew up 用于修饰名词the house,由于其前没有“引导词”,所以可认为被省略了。而根据英语语法 ,可以省略的定语从句“引导词”只可能是用作宾语的关系代词that或which,这样一来,就 必须要求空格处填一个能带宾语的词,显然只有介词in。‎ 考点四 考查that引导的定语从句 ‎ 正确区分关系代词that引出的定语从句功能强,除不能作定语(用whose)外,其它几个功能都可用that。但命题角度主要以that与which指物时的区别为重点进行命制。‎ 考点五 考查是关系代词关系副词的选择 ‎ 正确区分关系代词(that或which)与关系副词when(表时间)、where(表地点)、why(表原因)。‎ 解题时要注意题干的内容和句子的结构,(进行必要的语法分析,弄清句子结构。)再行答题。‎ 重点根据定语从句中所缺成分,即关系词在定语从句中作状语时,使用关系副词when (on which); where(in which); why(for which); 在定语从句中作作主语、宾语或表语时,使用that或which。)来确定是用关系代词还是关系副词,绝不能因先行词是时间名词就用when,是地点名词就用where ‎,是reason就用why来确定。 因此,认准先行词只是选择关系词的一个方面,更重要的是看其在后面定语从句中充当什么句子成分。‎ 考点六 考查as,which引导的定语从句 ‎ 关系代词as引导限制性定语从句时既可指人又可指物。它只能替代由such,the same等修饰的先行词; ‎ as引导非限制性定语从句时,可放于句首,句中或置于句尾,而which则只能置于主句之后。 但如果定语从句为否定句或表示否定意义,使用which。 As引导的定性定语从句有"正如"之意,而which引导的没有。‎ 考点七 考查不重复先行词 ‎ 定语从句中不能再重复与先行词有关的代词或副词。必须牢记定语从句中关系词已经替代先行词并且在定语从句中已经充当其成分,故不能再用相关的代词或副词。‎ 小结: ‎ ‎1. 定语从句可从形式上,内容上和语法上来出题。 ‎ 形式上:比如As is reported之类的识记则可,在做题过程中,积累。 ‎ 内容上:则要理解大意,翻译成中文意思则会做。 ‎ 语法上:主要在关系代词和关系副词的判断上。 ‎ ‎2. 关系代词(that或which) ,关系副词when(表时间)、where(表地点)、why(表原因) 区别:作主语、宾语或表语时,用关系代词 作状语则用关系副词。‎ ‎【真题分析】‎ 一、单项选择 ‎1. (2018•江苏卷) Self-driving is an area _______ China and the rest of the world are on the same starting line. ‎ A. that B. where C. which D. when ‎【答案】B ‎ ‎2. (2018•北京卷) She and her family bicycle to work, _________ helps them keep fit. ‎ A. which B. who C. as D. that ‎【答案】A ‎ ‎【解析】关系代词引导定语从句的用法,非限制性定语从句。句意:她和家人骑车去上班,这帮助他们保持健康。这是一个非限制性定语从句,空格处指代前面整个句子,所以用which引导非限制性定语从句,而且which在从句中作主语。who指人;that不引导定语从句;as通常翻译成“正如;就像”,所以此处可以排除,故答案为A。‎ ‎3. (2018•天津卷) Kae, _________sister I shared a room with when we were at college, has gone to work in Australia. ‎ A. whom B. that C. whose D. her ‎【答案】C ‎ ‎【解析】非限制性定语从句。句意:凯特已经去澳大利亚工作了。我们在大学的时候,我和她的姐姐共住一室。分析句子,句中先行词为Kate,在非限定性定语从句中作名词sister的定语,故用关系代词whose。故选C。‎ ‎4. (2017·北京卷) The little problems ______ we meet in our daily lives may be inspirations for great inventions.‎ A. that B. as C. where D. when ‎ ‎【答案】A ‎【解析】考查定语从句。A. that那个,B. as因为,C. where哪里, D. when什么时候。句意:我们在日常生活中遇到的小问题可能就是伟大发明的灵感。此句是定语从句,从句缺少宾语,先行词是problems,用that。‎ ‎5. (2017·江苏卷)In 1963 the UN set up the World Food Programme, one of ‎ _______ purposes is to relieve worldwide starvation.‎ A. which B. it’s C. whose D. whom ‎ ‎【答案】C ‎6. (2017·天津卷) My eldest son, _______ work takes him all over the world, is in New York at the moment.‎ A. that B. whose C. his D. who ‎【答案】B ‎【解析】考查定语从句。句意:我的最大儿子目前在纽约,他的工作让他周游全世界。本句是一个非限制性定语从句,先行词是 my eldest son,根据句意和空后名词,确定引导词倣定语,在定语从句中只有引导词 whose修饰名词做定语,意为“……的”。故选B。‎ ‎7. (2016·北京卷) I live next door to a couple ________ children often make a lot of noise.‎ A. whose B. why C. where D. which ‎【答案】A ‎【解析】考查定语从句。a couple是先行词,这对夫妻的孩子很吵,children和couple是所属关系,故用whose作定语,whose children相当于the children of whom,故选A。‎ ‎8. (2016·江苏卷) Many young people, most ______were well-educated, headed for remote regions to chase their dreams.‎ A. of which B. of them C. of whom D. of those ‎【答案】C ‎【解析】考查定语从句。本题定语从句的先行词是 Many young people,关系代词whom指代先行词,在定语从句中作为介词of的宾语。句意:很多年轻人都前往偏远地区追求他们的梦想,其中大部分人都是受过良好教育。故C正确。‎ ‎9. (2016·浙江卷) Scientists have advanced many theories about why human ‎ beings cry tears , none of ______ has been proved.‎ A. whom B. which C. what D. that ‎【答案】B ‎【解析】考查定语从句。句意:关于人类为什么哭的时候会流泪,科学家已经提出了很多理论,没有一个 被证明了。使用定语从句,先行词是 theories,指物,定语从句中用代词+介词+关系代词 which引导。故选B ‎10. (2016·天津卷) We will put off the picnic in the park until next week, ____ the weather may be better.‎ ‎ A. that B. where C. which D. when ‎【答案】D 二、单句填空 ‎1. (2018·新课标I卷) Two of the authors of the review also made a study published in 2014 ________showed a mere five to 10 minutes a day of running reduced the risk of heart disease and early deaths from all causes.‎ ‎【答案】that/which ‎【解析】考查定语从句。 空处为关系代词作定语从句的主语,先行词为a study, published in 2014是过去分词短语作a study的定语,定语从句没有紧跟在先行词后,属于定语从句的隔离现象。故答案为that/which。‎ ‎2. (2018·新课标II卷) The Chinese Ministry of Agriculture finds that between 2005-when the government started a soil-testing program ________ gives specific fertilizer recommendations to farmers ‎【答案】that/which ‎【解析】考查定语从句关系词的选择。此处指代先行词a soil-testing program,并且在从句中作主语,故答案为that或which。‎ ‎3. (2018·浙江卷) Many westerners ________ come to China cook much less than in their own countries once they realize how cheap it can be to eat ‎ out.‎ ‎【答案】who/that ‎【解析】此处考查定语从句,先行词westerners指人,关系代词在从句中做主语,用who或者that,故答案为who/that。‎ ‎4. (2017·新课标I卷) Like anything, it is possible to have too much of both, 70 is not good for the health.‎ ‎【答案】which ‎【解析】考查关系代词。分析句子结构可知,此处为非限制性定语从句,空处指代前句的内容,且在从句中作主语,故填关系代词which。‎ ‎5. (2017·新课标II卷) But Sarah, 64 has taken part in shows along with top models wants to prove that she has brains as well as beauty ‎【答案】who ‎ ‎6. (2017·浙江卷) Pahlsson and her husband now think the ring probably got swept into a pile of kitchen rubbish and was spread over the garden, 64 it remained until the carrot’s leafy top accidentally sprouted (生长) through it.‎ ‎【答案】where ‎【解析】考查定语从句。分析句子结构可知,空处在句中引导非限制性定语从句,修饰先行词the garden,在从句中充当地点状语,故填where。‎ ‎7. (2016·新课标I卷) But my connection with pandas goes back to my days on a TV show in the mid-1980s, 65 I was the first Western TV reporter permitted to film a special unit caring for pandas rescued from starvation in the wild.‎ ‎【答案】when ‎ ‎【解析】考查定语从句。分析句子结构可知,空处在此引导定语从句,且在从句中作时间状语,故填关系副词when。‎ ‎8. (2016·新课标III卷) Some people think that the great Chinese scholar ‎ Confucius, 67 lived from roughly 551 to 479 B.C., influenced the development of chopsticks.‎ ‎【答案】who ‎ ‎【解析】考查定语从句。分析句子结构可知,空处在此引导非限制性定语从句,先行词为Confucius,且关系词在从句中作主语,故填who。‎ ‎9. (2015·新课标I卷) I’d skipped nearby Guilin, a dream place for tourists seeking the limestone mountain tops and dark waters of the Li River 64 are pictured by artists in so many Chinese paintings.‎ ‎【答案】that/which ‎【解析】考查定语从句。空处引导定语从句修饰先行词“ the limestone mountain tops and dark waters of the Li River”,且在从句中作主语,因此本空填关系代词that/which。‎ ‎10. (2015·) When harvest came around, he was already selling herbs, vegetables and cotton in the market 24 people from the town met regularly.‎ ‎【答案】where ‎【解析】考查定语从句。先行词为market,关系词在从句中充当地点状语,故用where。‎ 三、单句改错 ‎1. (2018·新课标I卷) They also had a small pond which they raised fish.‎ ‎【答案】which前面加in或者将which改为where ‎【解析】考查定语从句,先行词为地点名词,从句中差状语,故答案为which改为where /in which。‎ ‎2. (2017·新课标II卷) In their spare time, they are interested in planting vegetables in their garden, that is on the rooftop of their house.‎ ‎【答案】that改为which。‎ ‎3. (2017·新课标III卷) Around me in the picture are the things they were very important in my life at that time: car magazines and musical instruments.‎ ‎【答案】they改为that或which ‎【解析】考查定语从句。things是个名词, 后面接了一个定语从句, 修饰先行词things, 既可以用that也可以用which作关系代词。‎ ‎4. (2016·四川卷) The dishes what I cooked were Mom's favourite.‎ ‎【答案】what→that/which或去掉what ‎【解析】根据句子结构可知, 此处为定语从句, 先行词为The dishes, 关系词在从句中作动词cooked的宾语, 所以用关系代词that/which引导, 关系代词在从句中作宾语时也可以省略。‎ ‎5. (2013·新课标II卷) Having tea in the late afternoon provides a bridge between lunch and dinner, that might not be served until 8 o’clock at night.‎ ‎【答案】that改为which ‎【解析】考查非限制性定语从句。根据前面逗号可知为非限制性定语从句, 不能用that引导。‎ ‎6. (2013·新课标II卷) The book I’m reading of talks about afternoon tea in Britain.‎ ‎【答案】去掉of ‎【解析】第一行的I’m reading是定语从句修饰the book, read为及物动词, 故去掉of。‎ ‎【对点测试】‎ 一、单项选择 ‎1. (2018·北京市西城区) The old bank, _____ appearance is not a pretty sight, is extremely beautiful on the inside.‎ A. whose B. where C. when D. which ‎【答案】A ‎2. (2018·滨海7校联考) Creating a n atmosphere ______ employees feel part of a team is a big challenge.‎ A. where B. whose C. that D. which ‎【答案】A ‎【解析】考查定语从句。句意:创造一种氛围,让员工觉得自己是团队的一员,这是一个巨大的挑战。这是一个定语从句,先行词为atmosphere,通过分析从句_______employees feel part of a team 的句子成分,得知主语(employees),宾语(part of a team)齐全,而atmosphere跟employees不是所属关系,故排除选项B.句子有主语和宾语所以此处应该是一个作状语的词,再根据 in the atmosphere“在氛围中,可知应该是地点状语,故选A。‎ ‎3. (2018·江苏7校联考) It is broadcast on TV that the 88th Academy Award Ceremony was held in Dolby Theatre     seats an audience of approximately 4000.‎ A. where B. whose C. which D. when ‎【答案】C ‎【解析】考查定语从句。A. where在那里;B. whose谁的;C. which那一个;D. when在那时。句意:在Dolby剧院举行的第88届奥斯卡颁奖典礼在电视上播出,这个剧院能容纳约4000观众。That从句是句中的真正主语,里面包含定语从句,先行词是Dolby Theatre指物,后 面是定语从句,先行词在定语从句中做主语用关系代词引导,故选C.‎ ‎4. (2018·天津市一中) Many universities share teaching resources online, creating a learning space ‎ benefits life-long learners.‎ A. how B. what C. which D. where ‎【答案】C ‎【解析】考查定语从句关系词。句意:许多大学在线共享教学资源,这创造了一个学习空间使终身学习者受益。space是先行词,指物,在后面的定语从句中作主语,故选C。‎ ‎5. (2018·南京市高淳区) It is broadcast on TV that the 88th Academy Award Ceremony was held in Dolby Theatre     seats an audience of approximately 4000.‎ A. where B. whose C. which D. when ‎【答案】C ‎6. (2018·江苏涟水中学) Could you show me the mobile phone you'd like ________?‎ A. to repair it B. repairing it ‎ C. to have repaired D. having it repaired ‎【答案】C ‎【解析】考查固定句型及定语从句。would like to do 想要做某事;have sth. done请或让某人做某事。句意:你能让我看看你想修的手机吗?此处是一个定语从句,先行词为the mobile phone,做have的宾语,所以关系词省略。故选C。‎ ‎7. (2018·江苏涟水中学) On her birthday, she received a nice present from her parents ________ a note was attached, saying "We love you so much."‎ A. that B. to which C. in which D. which ‎【答案】B ‎8. (2018·江苏丹阳中学) Many college students are willing to work in Western China after graduation _______, poor and backward as it is, more ‎ opportunities of employment are available.‎ A. where B. when C. that D. which ‎【答案】A ‎【解析】考察关系副词引导的定语从句。poor and backward as it is这是一个插入语,可以先不看。more opportunities of employment are available这是一个定语从句,先行词是in Western China,要用关系副词where来引导。句意:许多大学毕业生毕业后愿意去中国的西部工作,虽然贫穷,发展缓慢,但是有大量的就业机会。故选A。‎ ‎9. (2018·北京市朝阳区) Two blocks beyond the school is a field ______ we often played football during childhood.‎ A. who B. which C. when D. where ‎【答案】D ‎【解析】考查定语从句。句意:学校外两个街区之处是我们童年常常踢足球的场地。先行词是field,在定语从句中做地点状语,故选D。‎ ‎10. (2018·天津市12所重点中学) There is no easy way to remember prepositions, as it is one area of English____ the rules seem very irregular.‎ A. that B. where C. whose D. which ‎【答案】B ‎【解析】考查定语从句。句中先行词为area of English,在从句中作地点状语,故用关系副词where。句意:记住介词是不容易的,因为它在此英语领域中规则似乎非常不规则。故选B。‎ 二、单句填空 ‎1. (2018·江苏珠海市) The Chinese lunar calendar divides the year into 24 solar terms, one of 41 is Start of Winter ( 立冬) , the 19th solar term of the year.‎ ‎【答案】which ‎【解析】此处为非限定性定语从句,which 指的是24 solar terms。‎ ‎2. (2018·安徽巢湖一中等10校) To this day, Kevin Hart still recalls the exact moment he learned this lifelong lesson, 42 he says came about one afternoon…‎ ‎【答案】which ‎【解析】考查定语从句。此处lesson是先行词,指物,后面的非限制性定语从句缺少主语和引导词,故答案为which。‎ ‎3. (2018·安徽皖南8校) This is youth, 44 is indeed an endless cycle from familiarity to strangeness and from strangeness to familiarity.‎ ‎【答案】which ‎4. (2018·全国名校联盟) When leaders are late, it sends an irresponsible message to employees, 47 may decrease their work enthusiasm.‎ ‎【答案】which ‎【解析】考查非限制性定语从句。___47___ may decrease their work enthusiasm.作定语修饰an irresponsible message to employees,且有逗号隔开,所以___47___ may decrease their work enthusiasm.是一个非限制性定语从句,关系词在从句中作主语,指物,所以填which。‎ ‎5. (2018·重庆中学巴蜀中学) The report has also drawn criticism, with some scientists arguing that the data on ___49___it is based is not wide ‎【答案】which ‎【解析】句意:它以这些数据为基础。此处the data是先行词,后面是介词+which引导的定语从句,可知答案为which。‎ ‎6. (2018·广东深圳市) Hua Mulan, 45 story has been told by generations in China, is a fighter from the Northern Wei Dynasty(386-534).‎ ‎【答案】whose ‎【解析】考查定语从句关系词。花木兰是先行词,在定语从句中做“故事”的定语,故填whose。‎ ‎7. (2018·广西钦州市) The boy, Leon Ashworth, 46 lives in Liverpool, England with his mom, first saw his beloved ‘Panda’ at an Asda supermarket,‎ ‎【答案】who ‎【解析】考查关系代词。句中包含定语从句,先行词是The boy, Debbie Ashworth指人,在定语从句中做主语,此处是非限制性定语从句,用关系代词who引导。故填who.‎ ‎8. (2018·贵阳市清华中学) With so many nootropic products available, each of 49 has the potential to help or harm your health, your doctor can help you figure which one may be best for you.‎ ‎【答案】which ‎【解析】此处products是先行词,指物,后面是非限制性定语从句,介词后面,故答案为which。‎ ‎9. (2018·贵阳市一中) A lot of films have tried to describe the afterlife and our memories of family members 41 have passed away.‎ ‎【答案】who/that ‎10. (2018·贵州遵义四中) The renaissance was a time 43 Europe started to develop its arts and sciences again.‎ ‎【答案】when ‎【解析】___43___Europe started to develop its arts and sciences again.作定语,修饰a time,所以___43___Europe started to develop its arts and sciences again.是一个定语从句,关系词在从句中作时间状语,所以填关系副词when。‎ 三、单句改错 ‎1. (2018·江苏珠海市) Twenty is the age in where one should feel filled with strong and energy.‎ ‎【答案】去掉in ‎【解析】Twenty is the age in where one should feel filled with strong and energy.此句中age 后跟定语从句,从句缺状语,用where,in多余。‎ ‎2. (2018·安徽巢湖一中等10校) Later, my teacher, she realized my problem, had the face-to-face talk with me.‎ ‎【答案】she→who ‎【解析】考查定语从句。后来,我的老师意识到了我的问题,和我进行了一次面对面的交谈。此处teacher是先行词,指人,在后面的非限制性定语从句中做主语,故把she改成who。‎ ‎3. (2018·重庆中学巴蜀中学) The first European explorers found Kangaroo Island uninhabited, that evidenced by the lack of campfires and tamed animals.‎ ‎【答案】that→as ‎【解析】句意:正如被营火和驯服动物缺乏的证明。此处是as引导的非限制性定语从句,故把that---as。‎ ‎4. (2018·重庆南开中学) I learned much about British culture and history in London, where was my favorite.‎ ‎【答案】where→which ‎5. (2018·贵阳市一中) Some shy students who do have great ideas and understanding, but they are not used to volunteer to speak.‎ ‎【答案】who去掉 ‎【解析】这是个并列句,前半句应该是一个简单句,而不是定语从句,故把前半句中的who去掉。‎ ‎6. (2018·广东深圳市) I arrived at the school only find, with great sadness mixed with some relief, that the school where should have been full of students was empty.‎ ‎【答案】where→which或that ‎【解析】考查关系代词。school是先行词,在定语从句中做主语。故where改为which或that。‎ ‎7. (2018·贵州遵义四中) Half a year ago, unfortunately, my father was serious injured, that made our family even worse off.‎ ‎【答案】,that →which ‎【解析】考查非限制性定语从句。which made our family even worse off.修饰整个主句内容,所以which made our family even worse off.是一个非限制性定语从句,关系词在从句中作主语,所以用which,that不能引导非限制性定语从句,that made…---- which。‎ ‎8. (2018·广西联合模拟考试) Among the four seasons in a year, summer is my favorite, that makes me free, excited and energy.‎ ‎【答案】that→which ‎【解析】考查非限制性定语从句。which makes me free作定语,修饰summer,且有逗号隔开,所以which makes me free是一个定语从句,关系词在从句中作主语,指物,用which,that不能引导非限制性定语从句,所以that改成which。‎ ‎9. (2018·重庆市一中) As a 17-year-old boy, which loves animals very much, I’ve been dreaming of being devoting to animal protection.‎ ‎【答案】which→who ‎【解析】考查定语从句。who loves animals very much是一个定语从句,修饰先行词a 17-year-old boy,关系词在从句中作主语,指人,所以which改成who。‎ ‎10. (2018·重庆市一中) I can well remember his first speech which was titled A Real Test in My Life at the age of 9!‎ ‎【答案】which→that ‎【解析】考查关系代词。句中包含定语从句,先行词是speech由序数词first修饰只能用关系代词that引导,不能用 which. 故which改为-that.‎ 四、单句翻译(定语从句)‎ ‎1.  明天我会把你要的杂志带来。‎ ‎【答案】Tomorrow I will bring here a magazine (that/which) you asked for. ‎ ‎2. 他那当医生的哥哥常鼓励他要考上大学。‎ ‎【答案】His brother who is a doctor always encourages him to go to college.‎ ‎【解析】必须用限制性定语从句,含有“他还有其他的哥哥”之意。比较:His brother, who is a doctor, always encourages him to go to college. 他的哥哥是当医生的,常鼓励他要考上大学。(他只有一个哥哥) ‎ ‎3. 他房子着火后,那辆旧车是他拥有的唯一财产了。‎ ‎【答案】After the fire in his house, the old car is the only thing that he owned.‎ ‎【解析】当先行词被the very, the only修饰时,引导定语从句的关系代词只能用that。‎ ‎4. Tom上课总是迟到,这使得老师很生气。‎ ‎【答案】Tom was always late for school, which made his teacher very angry. ‎ ‎5. 他回答这个问题的方式令人吃惊。‎ ‎【答案】The way in which/that/./he answered the question was surprising. ‎ ‎【解析】以the way为先行词的定语从句通常由in which, that引导,而且通常可以省略。‎

