新教材高中英语Unit5课件 人教版必修第二册

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新教材高中英语Unit5课件 人教版必修第二册

Unit 5 MUSIC Section C Discovering Useful Structures 核心词汇 ◆教材原句 Though he was affected by gradual blindness soon after the performance... 尽管演出后不久他就逐渐失明 …… ◆要点必记 ( 1 ) gradual growth 逐渐成长 a gradual change in climate 气候的逐渐变化 a gradual process 一个循序渐进的过程 a gradual increase in the birth rate 出生率逐渐增长 ( 2 ) gradually adv. 逐渐地;逐步地 have gradually changed 逐渐变化 ◆单句写作 ( 1 ) There has been                (逐步的变化) in climate. ( 2 ) Education is                (一个循序渐进的过程) . ◆单句语法填空 ( 3 ) The girl used to be shy , but is      ( gradual ) getting active in group work and is more willing to express herself. ( 4 ) [词汇复现] These exercises let your heart rate increase and reduce __________ ( gradual ), but not suddenly. a gradual change a gradual process gradually gradually 词汇二   capable adj. 有能力的;有才能的 ◆教材原句 ...Henry was still capable of writing compositions... 亨利仍然有能力作曲 …… ◆要点必记 be capable of ( doing ) sth. 有能力(做)某事 ◆单句写作 ( 1 )[词汇复现] The pianist                (能) playing various songs on the piano ; he leads a romantic life. ( 2 ) Actually , we                     (有能力阻止) the disease from spreading. is capable of are capable of preventing 词汇三   relief n . ( 1 )(焦虑、痛苦的)减轻或消除( +from/of sth. )( 2 )(不快过后的)宽慰、轻松或解脱 ◆教材原句 ...he found that creating music was a relief and cure for his illness. …… 他发现创作音乐对自己的疾病来说是一种缓解和治疗。 ◆要点必记 in relief 如释重负;松了口气 to one’s relief 令某人欣慰的是 much to one’s relief/to one’s great relief 令某人非常欣慰的是 It is a relief to see/have/know... 看到 / 拥有 / 知道 …… 是件令人宽慰的事。 What a relief! 终于放心了! ◆词语积累 relieve vt. 减轻,缓解→ relief n. ◆单句写作   ( 1 )[词汇复现] Thus she got treatment in the hospital.           ( 如释重负) she was cured of the disease . ( 2 )                (让她感到欣慰的是), her younger brother recovered quickly after operation. ◆单句语法填空 ( 3 ) She smiled       relief after she heard her son had been admitted to Tsinghua University. ( 4 ) —Don’t worry , Mum. The doctor said it was only the flu. —What     relief! I’ll tell Dad there’s nothing serious. ( 5 ) In a way it was a relief      ( know ) exactly what was happening. In relief To her relief in a to know 词汇四   cure ( 1 ) vt. 治愈;治好(疾病);解决(问题) ( 2 ) n. 药物;治疗;(解决问题、改善糟糕情况的)措施 ◆要点必记 cure sb. of sth. 治愈某人的疾病;矫正 / 改正某人的不良行为 a cure for... …… 的治疗方法 ◆误区警示 cure 强调“治愈”这一结果,而 treat 强调治疗的过程。 cure 用作动词,其后跟 sb. of sth. 或直接跟 sth. 作宾语。 ◆学法点拨 vt. + sb. + of : rob sb. of sth. 抢劫某人某物   remind sb. of sth. 提醒某人某事 inform sb. of sth. 通知某人某事 cheat sb. of sth. 欺骗某人某事 warn sb. of sth. 警告某人某事 accuse sb. of sth. 控告某人某事 ◆单句语法填空 ( 1 ) The doctor cured him      his headache. ( 2 ) [词汇复现] He found that creating music was a relief and cure      his illness. ( 3 ) The doctor      ( cure ) me of my illness at last , and I was very thankful to him. ( 4 ) Many bad habits can be especially difficult      ( cure ) because they are likely to form at a very young age. ( 5 )[ 2016· 全国 Ⅲ 卷] Confucius believed knives would remind people      killings and were too violent for use at the table. ◆辨析填空( cure/treat ) ( 6 ) The dentist      my teeth , but he didn’t      them. of for cured to cure of treated cure 词汇五   be/get absorbed in sth./sb. 被 …… 吸引住;专心致志 ◆教材原句 When he got absorbed in his world of music... 当他沉浸在他的音乐世界里时 …… ◆要点必记 absorb/attract one’s attention 吸引某人的注意力 absorb oneself in=be absorbed in 全神贯注于,专注于 ◆学法点拨 “全神贯注于 / 专心于”的表达法: be absorbed in 全神贯注于;热衷于 be lost in 陷于;为 …… 所吸引 be buried in 埋头于;专心于 be occupied in 忙于 ◆单句语法填空 ( 1 ) With the children making so much noise outside , I can’t get absorbed      my study. ( 2 ) He was so      ( absorb ) in thought that he ran against a passer-by. ( 3 )[ 2015· 天津卷]      ( absorb ) in painting , John didn’t notice evening approaching. ( 4 ) I decided to concentrate my efforts      finding a good job. ◆一句多译 昨晚约翰沉浸在科幻小说中。 ( 5 ) John was            the science fiction last night. ( 6 ) John was            the science fiction last night. ( 7 ) John was            the science fiction last night. in absorbed Absorbed lost in buried in on absorbed in 词汇六   previous adj. 先前的;以往的 ◆教材原句 ...he felt as if he could “see” the beauty of the world around him , like he had in his previous life. …… 他觉得他仿佛能“看到” 周围世界的美,就像他以往的生活一样。 ◆要点必记 previous to 在 …… 以前( to 是介词) previous adj. +-ly → previously adv. 以前, 先前 ◆学法点拨 senior to 比 …… 级别高 / 年长 junior to 比 …… 级别低 / 年龄小 superior to 比 …… 好 inferior to 比 …… 差 ◆单句写作 ( 1 ) I couldn’t believe it when I heard the news. I had only seen him        (前一天) . ( 2 ) [词汇复现]           (在 …… 之前) the conference we had discussed the issue among ourselves in order to express our ideas clearly. ◆单句语法填空 ( 3 ) Previous to      ( leave ) for France , he studied a lot about the country. ( 4 ) The building had      ( previous ) been used as a hotel. ( 5 ) Although he only joined the company last year , he is senior      me already. the previous day Previous to leaving previously to 词汇七   unemployed adj. 失业的;待业的 ◆教材原句 Dave was unemployed so he had time to consider what job he really wanted. 戴夫失业了,所以他有时间考虑他真正想要的工作。 ◆要点必记 ( 1 ) an unemployed builder 失业的建筑工人 become unemployed 失业 the unemployed 失业者(一类人) ( 2 ) employ vt. 雇用;使用 employment n. 就业;工作;使用 employ sb. as sth. 雇用某人当 …… employ sb. to do sth. 雇用某人做某事 be employed in doing sth. = employ oneself in doing sth. 从事某事,忙于做某事 out of employment=out of work 失业 full-time/part-time employment 全职 / 兼职 工作 ◆单句语法填空 ( 1 ) The government has promised to take measures to help the      ( employ ) . ( 2 ) The woman was employed      ( watch ) over the old during his absence. ( 3 ) She has been employed      a secretary in a big company in Shanghai. ( 4 ) It is a fact beyond debate that the      ( employ ) pressure of graduates is heavy. ◆单句写作 ( 5 ) A number of people                     (被雇用) deal with the backlog of work. ( 6 ) He                        (一直忙于) researching the wildlife protection in recent years. unemployed to watch as employment have been employed to has been employed in/has employed himself in 词汇八   impact ( 1 ) n. 巨大影响;强大作用;冲击力 ( 2 ) v. 影响 ◆教材原句 Well known as a successful band , the Impact members show quite a few striking qualities. 作为一个成功的乐队而闻名,这些有影响力的成员显示了相当多的惊人品质。 ◆要点必记 ( 1 ) have an impact on/upon 对 …… 有影响 impact on/upon 对 …… 有影响 ( 2 ) affect/influence sb. /sth. 对 …… 有影响 have an effect/influence on/upon 对 …… 有影响 ◆单句语法填空 ( 1 ) A study shows drinking coffee before exercise has a negative impact      heart. ( 2 )[词汇复现] Somehow she had a serious disease , which had a great impact      her previous life. ◆单句写作 ( 3 ) To tell the truth , smoking                   (对人的健康有不好的影响) . on/upon on/upon has a bad impact on/upon one’s health/impacts on/upon one’s health 词汇九   aim ( 1 ) n. 目的;目标 ( 2 ) vi. & vt. 力求达到;力争做到;瞄准 ( 3 ) vt. 目的是;旨在 ◆教材原句 Filled with team spirit , they act as a whole , always aiming for glory. 充满团队精神,他们作为一个整体,总是追求荣誉。 ◆要点必记 ( 1 ) with the aim of 带有 …… 的目标 achieve one’s aim 实现某人的目标 take aim at 瞄准 …… ;旨在 …… ( 2 ) aim at 瞄准;针对;以 …… 为目标 be aimed at 目标是,目的是,旨在;针对 aim to do 旨在 …… ,目的在于 …… ◆词语积累 aim n. & v. → aimless adj. 漫无目的的→ aimlessly adv. 无目标地 ◆单句语法填空 ( 1 ) We visited schools      the aim of getting young people interested in theatre. ( 2 )[ 2019· 北京卷] All our projects aim      ( promote ) the development of poor and remote communities. ( 3 ) She wandered in the supermarket      ( aim ), buying nothing. ( 4 ) The measures are aimed      preventing accidents during work. ◆单句写作 ( 5 ) The activity                   (旨在让老年人多运动) . aims at ( is aimed at ) having the old exercise more/aims to have the old exercise more at aimlessly to promote with 单元语法 过去分词作表语和状语 要点一 过去分词作表语 ◆要点必记 ( 1 )过去分词可放在连系动词 be , get , feel , remain , seem , look , become 等之后作表语,表示主语所处的情绪或状态。 ( 2 )过去分词作表语与被动语态的区别 “ be+ 过去分词”表示状态时,是系表结构,此时分词通常已形容词化;表示动作时,是被动语态,且绝大多数被动结构中的动作执行者由介词 by 引出。 ( 3 )英语中有很多与感觉有关的使令动词,其现在分词表示主动意义,即“令人 …… 的”,多用来修饰物;其过去分词表示被动意义,即“感到 …… 的”,多用来修饰人、人的声音或表情等。常用的这类词有: exciting 令人激动的 excited 激动的,兴奋的 astonishing 令人惊讶的 astonished 感到惊讶的 inspiring 令人鼓舞的 inspired 受鼓舞的 disappointing 令人失望的 disappointed 感到失望的 encouraging 令人鼓舞的 encouraged 受到鼓舞的 interesting 令人感兴趣的 interested 感兴趣的 frightening 令人害怕的 frightened 受惊的 moving 感人的 moved 受感动的 pleasing 令人高兴的 pleased 感到满意的 shocking 令人震惊的 shocked 感到震惊的 tiring 令人疲倦的 tired 疲倦的 worrying 令人担心的 worried 感到担心的 satisfying 令人满意的 satisfied 感到满意的 puzzling 令人迷惑的 puzzled 感到迷惑的 ◆学法点拨 有些使令动词,如 dress , seat , absorb 等, 其过去分词无论作定语还是表语,都无被动的意味。因为 dress oneself in 等于 be dressed in ; seat oneself on 等于 be seated on ; absorb oneself in 等于 be absorbed in 。 这种现象缘于反身代词的用法:主语和宾语同为一人,主语是动作的发出者,又是动作的承受者,这就出现了被动语态或过去分词不表示“被动”的语言现象 ◆单句语法填空 ( 1 ) For those with family members far away , the personal computer and the phone are important in staying      ( connect ) . ( 2 ) In April , thousands of holidaymakers remained      ( stick ) abroad due to the volcanic ash cloud. ( 3 ) Ladies and gentlemen , please remain      ( seat ) until the plane has come to a complete stop. ( 4 ) Please remain      ( seat ); the winner of the prize will be announced soon. ◆单句写作 ( 5 ) 听到那个消息他似乎很高兴。 _________________________________________ ( 6 ) 门仍然锁着。 _______________________ _________   connected stuck seated seated He seemed quite delighted at the news. The door remained locked. ◆判断下列句子是被动语态还是系表结构,并写出句意 ( 7 ) The book is well written. __________________________ ( 8 ) The book was written by his father. _____________________________ ◆选词填空 ( 9 ) His most      invitation was to perform on a TV programme called “Top of the Pops”. ( exciting/excited ) ( 10 ) I feel so      ! At this time tomorrow morning I will be flying to Shanghai. ( exciting/excited ) ( 11 ) Brian felt      when he was sitting on the sofa and watching TV. How      his lifestyle was! ( relaxing/relaxed ) 系表结构 这本书写得很好。 被动语态  这本书是他父亲写的。 exciting excited relaxed relaxing ( 12 ) He is always      me with some      stories. I have been      with it. ( boring/bored ) ( 13 ) He is       at the       news that his mother has to stay in Japan during Christmas. ( disappointing/disappointed ) ( 14 ) A sudden stop can be a very       experience , especially if you are travelling at high speed. ( frightening/frightened ) ( 15 ) Although the little girl was       , she answered in a calm voice. ( frightening/frightened ) ( 16 ) The       news made me realize what terrible problems we would face. ( shocking/shocked ) ( 17 ) The parents were      by the news that their son needed an operation on his knee. ( shocking/shocked )   boring boring bored disappointed disappointing frightening frightened shocking shocked 要点二 过去分词作状语 ◆要点必记 过去分词(短语)作状语,表示动作发生的背景或情况,其逻辑主语即是句子的主语。过去分词(短语)在句中作状语可以表示时间、条件、方式或伴随、让步、原因等。 ( 1 )表示时间 过去分词(短语)作时间状语,相当于一个时间状语从句。 ( 2 )表示条件 过去分词(短语)作条件状语,相当于一个条件状语从句。 ( 3 )表示方式或伴随 过去分词(短语)作方式状语或伴随状语, 可以转换成一个并列句。 ( 4 )表示让步 过去分词(短语)作让步状语,相当于一个让步状语从句。 ( 5 )表示原因 过去分词(短语)作原因状语,相当于一个原因状语从句。 ( 1 ) The experiment shows that proper amounts of exercise , if      ( carry ) out regularly , can improve our health. ( 2 )      ( see ) from the top of the tower , the south foot of the mountain is like a sea of trees. ( 3 ) Though      ( surprise ) to see us , the professor gave us a warm welcome. ( 4 )      ( encourage ) by the advances in technology , many farmers have set up wind farms on their lands.   ◆判断正( T )误( F )   小偷如果被抓,会受到警方的惩罚。 ( 5 ) If caught , the police will punish the thief. ( ) ( 6 ) If caught , the thief will be punished by the police. ( ) carried Seen surprised Encouraged F T

