三年级上册英语课件-Unit5 What colour is it? Lesson 28人教精通版(共30张PPT)

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三年级上册英语课件-Unit5 What colour is it? Lesson 28人教精通版(共30张PPT)

white Just learn Colour it white. black black Colour it black. black Just learn Let’s draw a panda. 让我们画一个熊猫吧。 Colour it white and black. 把它涂成白色和黑色。 Let’s draw a bird. Guess: Colour it … Let’s draw a monkey. Guess: Colour it … Let’s draw a cat. Guess: Colour it … Let’s draw a panda. Guess: Colour it … Let’s draw a cat. Let’s draw a monkey. Let’s draw a pig. Let’s draw a bird. Colour it white. Colour it brown. Colour it black. Colour it green. Hi, Lisa. Let’s draw a panda. Great ! Colour it black and white. OK! Read in groups. (分组读) Read together. (齐读) Read in roles. (分角色读) Practice 模仿录音中的语音语调, 有感情地朗读。 可以脱离课本,适当改动 其中部分。 适当添加内容,意思完整, 有创新,表演生动。 Good Great Excellent 三人一组试着来表演,其他同学评价。 Practice Let’s draw a panda. Colour it black and white. black white Great ! Colourful (五彩缤纷的) 1.Draw an animal that you like and colour it as you like. (画你喜欢的动物并涂色) 2.Recite the words and text. (背会单词及课文)

