备战2021 中考英语 人教版教材复习 第18课时 九年级 Unit 7~8 课件

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备战2021 中考英语 人教版教材复习 第18课时 九年级 Unit 7~8 课件

第18课时 九年级 Unit 7~8 词汇拓展 1.safety→(安全的)safe→(危险的)dangerous→(危险)danger 2.badly→(反义词:好地)well→(形容词:差的)bad→(比较级:更差 的)worse→(最高级:最差的)worst 3.poem→(诗人)poet 4.educate→(名词:教育)education→(形容词:有教育意义的)educational 5.social→(名词:社会)society 6.entrance→(动词:进来;进去)enter 7.choose→(名词:选择;挑选)choice 8.who→(谁的)whose 9.value→(形容词:贵重的;宝贵的)valuable 10.somebody→(任何人)anybody 11.policeman→(复数)policemen→(女警察)policewoman 12.easy→(反义词:担心的;不安的)uneasy 13.outdoors→(在室内)indoors 14.sleep→(形容词:困倦的;瞌睡的)sleepy 15.receive→(近义词:接受)accept 16.lead→(名词:领导;领袖)leader 重点短语 1.回嘴;顶嘴talk back 2.避免接近;远离keep...away from 3.自己做决定make one's own decision 4.拍照;照相 take photos 5.确保make sure 6.挡……路;妨碍get in the way of 7.同时;一起at the same time 8.回忆起;回想起 think back to 9.举起;激励 lift up 10.追逐;追赶 run after 11.不但……而且……not only...but also... 12.属于belong to 重点句型 1.Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes. 应该允许青少年选择他们自己的衣服。 2.I don't think sixteenyearolds should be allowed to drive. 我认为不应该允许十六岁的青少年驾车。 3.Teenagers are too young to make their own decisions. 青少年太年轻不能够自己做决定。 4.It could be Mei's hair band. 它可能是梅的发带。 5.I'm really excited about seeing the famous paintings by Picasso. 去看毕加索著名的油画我真的感到兴奋。 6.I regret talking back,not listening to Mom. 我懊悔顶嘴,而不听妈妈的话。 7.We have nothing against running! 我们不反对跑步! 8.Only then will I have a chance to achieve my dream. 只有那样,我才会有机会实现我的梦想。 9.Do you think we may be allowed to take photos if we don‘t use a flash? 你认为如果我们不使用闪光灯的话,会允许我们拍照吗? 10.Or it might belong to Linda. 或者它有可能属于琳达。 11.I'm not sure,but it can't be a dog. 我不确定,但是它不可能是一只狗。 12.He might be running to catch a bus to work. 他一定是在跑着赶公交车上班。 13.Do you have anything valuable in your schoolbag? 在你书包里有一些贵重的东西吗? 14.I think somebody must have picked it up. 我想有人一定捡到它了。 15.There must be something visiting the homes in our neighborhood... 一定是什么东西闯入了小区住户的家里…… 16.They think the stones can prevent illness and keep people healthy. 他们认为巨石阵可以预防疾病和让人们身体健康。 核心语法 1.含有情态动词的被动语态 2.情态动词表推测的用法(must,can't,might,could) 考点一:He should stop wearing that silly earring.他应该停止戴那只愚蠢的 耳环。 stop的用法 stop用作动词,意为“停止;阻止”。 1.stop doing sth. 停止做某事。如: Our teacher is coming.Please stop talking.我们的老师来了。请不要讲话了。 2.stop to do sth. 停下来去做某事。如: What's happening?Let's stop to have a look.发生了什么事?我们停下来去 看看吧。 3.stop sb. from doing sth.阻止某人做某事,相当于prevent/keep sb. from doing sth. 。如: We must stop the kids from swimming here.我们必须阻止小孩在这里游泳。 【考点抢测】 1.Please stop ______ and go out for a walk.Remember ________ warm clothes. A.to study;wearing B.studying;to wear C.to study;to wear D.studying;wearing 2.The child is crying.Please do something to make him______. A.stop to cry B.stop crying C.to stop crying D.to shop to cry B B 考点二:I regret talking back,not listening to Mom.我后悔跟妈妈顶嘴,没 有听妈妈的话 regret的用法 1.regret作动词,常用结构有: ①regret+n./pron. 意为“后悔……” ②regret+that+wh从句 意为“后悔;遗憾……” ③regret+to do sth. 意为“对做某事感到遗憾”(事情还未做) ④regret+doing sth. 意为“后悔做了某事”(事情已做) eg:If you don't do it now,you'll regret it.如果你现在不做,以后一定会后 悔的。 I have deeply regretted what I said.我非常后悔说了那些话。 2.regret作名词,意为“痛惜;懊悔;遗憾;失望”。 【考点抢测】 3.We regret ______ you that 11:00 flight to Beijing has been cancelled because of the bad weather. A.to tell B.tell C.telling D.tells 4.—Did you talk back to your mother when you were a child? —Yes.But now I realize I was wrong.I really regret ______ that silly thing to my mom. A.do B.to do C.doing D.did A C 考点三: manage/try 【考点抢测】 5.—I'm tired out. I have stayed up late the whole week. —You'd better ______ your time better and have things organized.(2020·扬 州) A.make B.have C.take D.manage 6.Nobody answers the front door. Let's _______ the back door. A.manage knocking B.try knocking C.manage to knock D.try to knock D B 考点四:It must be Mary's.它一定是玛丽的。 情态动词表推测 情态动词表推测主要有以下几种情况: 1.在肯定句中可用must,could,may,might对现在的情况进行推测,其 中must表示完全肯定,could,may,might所表示的可能性依次递减。must be意为“一定是”,could/may/might be意为“可能是”。 2.can用来表示对现在情况的推测或判断时,只能用于疑问句或否定句, can't be意为“一定不是”。 【考点抢测】 7.—In China, many students feel stressed because of too much homework. —Don't worry. Our government has realized this problem. I'm sure there ______ be good news for them soon.(2020·泰州) A.can B.must C.should D.need 8.—Is this blue schoolbag Lucy's? —No. It ______ be hers. Her schoolbag is pink.(2020·黄冈) A.must B.mustn't C.can't D.may 9.You ______ smoke here! Look at the sign. It says “No smoking”.(2020·淮安) A.needn't B.mustn't C.can D.may B C B 考点五:sleep/sleepy/asleep/sleeping   【考点抢测】 10.Bob stayed up late last night and now he feels ___________(sleep). 11.Be quiet! The patients ______________(sleep). 12.She fell _______(sleep) fast after some tiring work. sleepy are sleeping asleep 考点六:Every year it receives more than 750,000 visitors.每年这里接待75 万多名游客。 receive/accept 1.receive动词,意为“接收;收到”,强调客观收到某物这一动作,不包 含主观上是否愿意接受。 2.accept动词,意为“接受”,强调经过考虑,主观上愿意接受。 【考点抢测】 13.Dan _______ an iPad as a birthday gift from his cousin, but he didn't ________ it because it was too expensive. A.received;accept B.accepted;receive C.received;receive D.accepted;accept 14.—Why didn't you _______ my help just now? —I could do it all by myself. A.receive B.accept C.check D.break A B 一、根据句意用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。 1.I was so angry because my son played so _________(bad). 2.Tony provided some _____________(value) information about the accident. 3.We're in bad need of ___________(medicine) workers, especially surgeons (外科医生). 4.I'm too ____________(sleep) to stay up late watching the end of the show. 5.—What are you going to do? —I'm going to have my bike __________(repair). badly valuable medical sleepy repaired 二、根据汉语意思完成下列句子。 6.艾米从来不允许任何事情阻碍她的梦想。 Amy never allows anything to ___ ___ ___ ___ ___her dream. 7.和你的父母顶嘴是很不礼貌的。 It was impolite of you to ____ _____to your parents. 8.米莉十八岁了,但她不被允许自己做决定。 Millie is eighteen years old, but she isn't allowed to____ ____ _____ ________ get in the way of talk back make her own decision(s). 9.当我看向窗外时,我看见一只狗正在追赶一只野兔。 When I looked out of the window, I saw a dog _______ ________a rabbit. 10.我买了一台电脑,它可以帮我工作,同时也可以帮我学习新事物。 I bought a computer that can help me work and learn new things__ __ __ _____ running after at the same time. 三、还原型阅读。(2020·天门) I failed a test. I felt terrible. It hurt me both inside and out. I was embarrassed. Just think about it. 11.____ I cried. I could not sleep. “I was supposed to be at the top! How will I face my friends at school?” I thought. I would never be happy again. Never! 12.____ She said, “So, you failed a test. But do you know about another test that is even more important?” “What is it?” I looked at my mother, puzzled. “It is whether or not you can learn from your mistake,” my mom continued. “ 13.____ To me, that is more important than what you scored on a test.” E B D 14.____ After a few days of struggling,I finally understood what my mom had said.She was right. 15.____ I will walk away from this a better person. A.What my mom said really made me think. B.My mom found out about my problem. C.I should not pity myself because of this one bad test. D.Learning from your mistakes will make you strong. E.A smart girl did not pass the test! A C 一、单项选择。                1.Children, follow your heart and never let ____ steal your dreams.(2020·牡 丹江) A.someone    B.anyone      C.everyone 2.Watching The Legend of Luo Xiaohei is a good ____ to relax when you're tired.(2020·盐城) A.rule B.choice C.question D.skill 3.—Song of Autumn by Liu Yuxi describes autumn in a different way. —I agree. Most poets (诗人) describe this season to ____ a feeling of sadness, but in Liu's eyes autumn is full of life and hope.(2020·泰州) A.excuse B.express C.expect D.explain B B B 4.Uncle Liang has a great collection of ____ watches.(2020·海南) A.enjoyable    B.valuable      C.comfortable 5.—Look! People outside are wearing thick coats. —The weather ____ be very cold.(2020·成都) A.might    B.must      C.can't 6.The doctors and nurses managed ____ the lives of patients, though they didn't have enough medicine.(2020·苏州) A.save B.saving C.to save D.to saving B B C 7.Drugs are harmful to people's physical and mental health. We teenagers must ____ them.(2020·贵阳) A.take care of B.keep away from C.get used to 8.—What does the sign on the right tell us? —Oh, it tells us that we ____ to stop our cars here.(2020·百色) A.don't allow B.aren't allowed C.didn't allow D.weren't allowed B B 9.Every year, a number of visitors choose to go to Britain to see ____.(2020·哈尔滨) A.Chengdu Research Base B.Stonehenge C.The Hollywood Walk of Fame 10.Which sign means “No eating”?____(2020·龙东) B B 二、完形填空。(2020·绥化) Should I Be Allowed to Make My Own Decisions? Many teenagers have hobbies. But sometimes these can __11__ the way of their schoolwork, and parents might worry about their success at school. Teenagers often think they should __12__ to practice their hobbies as much as they want. Do you agree? LiuYu, a __13__ boy from Shandong,is a running star. He is __14__ his school team and has always wanted to be a professional runner when he grows up. However, his parents won't allow him to train so much.“Of course we want to see him __15__ his dreams,”says Mr. Liu. “My wife and I have supported __16__ of his races. We have nothing against __17__ ! But we think our son needs to think about other possible jobs.He's getting older now, so he needs to think about what __18__ if he doesn't end up as a professional runner.” Liu Yu doesn't __19__ agree, “Well,I think they should allow me to decide for myself,” he says. “My parents have always told me how imporant it is to work hard at school and enter university.I understand this,but I'm serious about running. It's the only thing __20__ I've ever wanted to do.” His parents believe that he needs to spend more time on his homework because it is difficult to become a professional sports star. But Liu Yu still disagrees.“I know my parents care about me. But I think I should make this choice myself. Only then will I have a chance to achieve my dream.” ( )11.A.get on    B.get in    C.get up ( )12.A.allow B.allowed C.be allowed ( )13.A.fifteenyearsold   B.fifteen years old C.fifteenyearold ( )14.A.on B.at C.for ( )15.A.achieves B.achieve C.to achieve B C C A B ( )16.A.every one B.everyone C.every ( )17.A.run B.running C.to run ( )18.A.happens B.happened C.will happen ( )19.A.really B.very C.real ( )20.A.which B./ C.who A B C A B 三、阅读理解。(2020·孝感) Dear Daniel, I feel that I've grown up and should make my own decisions, but my parents disagree. My mom still helps me choose what clothes to wear. My dad asks me to pay attention only to study. I know they do this out of love, but I feel controlled. What should I do? Amanda Dear Amanda, Your parents sound very strict. It's hard to believe that your mom chooses what you wear. Are you a Barbie doll? Try to take the first step when possible. Dress yourself before your mother has a chance to come in and choose your clothes. If she asks you to change, tell her you'll be late for school. You should also talk to her. Ask about her choices: What makes a set of clothes acceptable or unacceptable? Tell her you will follow her rules, but you want to make the choices. You are not in first grade. You are a young lady in high school. As for your father, it's difficult to argue with his mind. After all, he is not totally wrong. How strict is he? Does he lock you up with your textbooks? Are you allowed to have a hobby? Are you allowed to have a smartphone? Are you allowed to hang out with friends? Such strict parents should know the law of diminishing returns (收益递减). A weightlifter, for example, can only lift for an hour or two each day. If she does more, her muscles will not become stronger. She will just get tired. She may even hurt herself! Our brains also have limits. Some violin teachers say you should only practice a new skill for 15 minutes each day. Our brains need to relax and understand new information. Our brains also have a basic need to socialize (社交). Ask your father: what is the meaning of so much studying if it makes you feel unhappy? Stay strong. Daniel 21.Why did Amanda write the letter?____ A.To ask for some advice. B.To fight against her parents. C.To talk about her family rules. D.To make friends with Daniel.                    22.Daniel finds it ____ that the mother decides on Amanda's clothes. A.boring B.important C.unbelievable D.funny A C 23.The underlined word “limits” means “____” in Chinese. A.猜想 B.极限 C.决断 D.潜力 24.The examples of “weightlifter” and “violin teachers” tell the parents ____. A.to give the kids more praise B.to hang out with the kids C.not to protect the kids too much D.not to push the kids so hard B D 四、任务型阅读。(2020·吉林) How do you feel about your looks? Is it important to have a beautiful face? Are there other things that can make a person special? The way you look is special. Do you know what I mean by that? We all look a little different. Some of us are tall. Some of us are fat.The point is, all of us have our own look—our own face. Sometimes,we might feel bad about looking different.We might feel like we look ugly or strange.But our differences are what make us special. I recently watched a speech by a man named Robert Hoge. He was born with a strangelooking face.His mother always worried that he would face many difficulties in life. But what Hoge did changed his mother's mind little by little.Strangers would stare at him or even make fun of him. But he didn't care at all. He decided to accept his face and feel confident(自信的) in himself. He has made a decision to live an amazing life. It's hard when you feel like you don't look “normal” or“perfect”.But the truth is,no one is perfect.The important thing to remember is that you are special, no matter what you look like. 根据短文内容,判断下列各句正(T)、误(F)。 ( )25.According to the writer, all of us look a little different. ( )26.The writer recently watched a speech by Robert Hoge's mother. ( )27.Hoge's mother used to worry that he would face many difficulties in life. ( )28.When strangers made fun of him, Hoge lost his confidence. ( )29.The writer tries to tell us that we are special no matter what we look like. T F T F T 五、书面表达。(2020·山西) 教育就是善意的干预。在我们的成长过程中时常会面对来自父母或老师的提 醒与批评,有的同学不理解,有的甚至会有过激的反应。如何客观、冷静地 对待这种问题,需要我们认真、理性地思考,并做出合理应对,这正是教育 要达到的目的。 请针对以上现象,结合生活中的经历,写一篇短文。 内容包括:●your opinion about this phenomenon (现象) ●an experience you had/heard/saw ●what you have learned from it 要求:1.词数不少于80词; 2.参考词汇仅供参考; 3.文中不得出现真实的人名、校名。 参考词汇:remind 提醒 criticize 批评 objective 客观的 calm 冷静的 reasonable 理性的  As far as I'm concerned, it is of great importance to stay calm and reasonable when our parents and teachers blame or criticize us, which is beneficial for our lifelong development. I still remember the day that I had an English class. Seeing Li Ming falling asleep, our teacher, Miss Hu, woke him up and reminded him to listen to her carefully. To my surprise, Li Ming rushed out of the classroom without permission. It was so impolite and rude to do so. Later, I talked with him and he realized that the teacher expected to help him develop a good habit and he wasn't so calm at that time. Therefore, he picked up his courage and said sorry to Miss Hu in front of the whole class. It's a good idea to keep calm and think about it for a moment whenever being blamed or criticized. Sometimes a small change of yourself may lead to a big difference to your life.

