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2019-2020 学年度人教版八年级下册 Unit 2 知识点 1. put off doing sth. 推迟最某事 put put put 2. alone 独自一人 lonely 孤独的 3. come up with a plan 想出一个计划 come came come 4. used to do 过去常常做(现在不做了) 否定句:主语+usedn’t to do...=主语+didn’t use to do... 疑问句:Used+主语+to do...?=Did+主语+use to...? 5. at the age of 5 在五岁的时候=when+主语+was five years old 6. make a difference to...对......起作用/产生影响 make made made 7. try out for 参加......选拔 try tried tried 8. change one’s mind 改变主意 9. I can do what I love to do. “what”引导宾语从句,在从句中做“宾语”。 10. Cheer them up!使他们振奋起来! Cheers!干杯! 11. You helped me to make it possible for me to have Lucky. “it”是形式宾语,真正的宾语是动 词不定式“to have Lucy”,翻译时把真正的宾语放到“it”的位置翻译。think/find it+adj. 12. 自愿做某事 volunteer to do sth. volunteer for sth 13. so+adj+a/an+可数名词单数+that... : 如此......以至于...... so many/much/little/few+名词 如此多/多/少/少+名词 14. to one’s satisfaction 使某人满意的是 satisfy 满意(v.) satisfying 令人满意(修饰物) satisfied 感到满意(修饰人) Interesting 令人感兴趣的(修饰物) interested 感兴趣 (修饰人) 15. try to do 尽力做 try doing 尝试做 tried tried 16. A dream come true. 梦想成真。Come true 不及物动词词组 17. 想象 imagine+n./pron./ving/从句 imagine doing 想象做某事 18. open 打开(开合)turn on 打开(水、电) 19. be able to do 能够做某事(可用于多种时态) 20. bring 带来 take 拿走 carry 搬、扛 get 去拿来 21. This group was set up to help disabled people like me.这个组织是为了帮助像我这样的残 疾人而设立的。was set up 是被动语态,“被设立”。被动语态构成:主语+be+过去分词(p.p.) 22. understand understood understood 明白,理解 set set set 建,放 23. 人+run out of 用完 run ran run 24. write a letter to sb. 给某人写信 write wrote written 25. to do 动词不定式: 1)作主语(谓语单三) 2)作宾语(want to do) 3.)作宾补(tell sb. to do) 4)作表语(My duty is to keep the classroom clean.) 5)做定语(We have too much work to do.) 6)作状语(表目的)I went to the station to meet him. 7)特殊疑问词+to do(where to go) 8)不带 to 的不定式(make me laugh) 26. 动词短语 1)动词+副词结构:如果是及物词组需要接宾语 give them away (宾语是代词放中间) put up the picture=put the picture up(宾语是名词可前可后) 如果是不及物动词短语不能接宾语:get up 2)动词+介词:都是及物动词短语,必须接宾语 care for me/the old man 代词或名词放后面 27. homeless 无家可归的 less 构成形容词否定后缀 28. should 应该(情态动词),shall 的过去式 29. give out=hand out 分发 give gave given 30. Neither can I. 我也不能。 Neither I can. 我确实不能。 So do I. 我也是。 So I do. 我确实是。 31. do what he could to do 做他能做的 32. from time to time 时不时 33. be supposed to do 应该做某事 34. 将来时被动语态:主语+be +过去分词 35. the+adj 表示一类人 the old 老人 36. had better (not) do 最后(不)做某事 37. make sb. do 的被动语态 be made to do 38. the fact that he was rich that 引导同位语从句,that 无词义,不作成分。从句是前面 名词的内容。事实是他富有 39. 过去完成时构成:主语+had+过去分词 40. show off 炫耀 41. run out of=use up 用光 42. set sb. a good example 给某人树立好榜样 43. not only…but also 不但……而且….. 44. What they did worked out fine. What they did 是 what 引导的主语从句, what 在从句中 做主语。 worked out fine 效果很好 45. be in danger 处于饥饿中 fix it up=repair it 修理它 46. take after=look like 像 47. keep sth. +adj. 保持某种状态 keep the window open 使窗户开着

