上海市浦东新区2020届高三三模考试英语试题 Word版含解析

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上海市浦东新区2020届高三三模考试英语试题 Word版含解析

- 1 - 浦东新区 2019 学年度第二学期后续教学质量检测高三英语试卷 说明:(1)本场考试时间为 120 分钟,总分 140 分; (2)请认真答卷,并用规范文字书写。 I. Listening Comprehension(满分 25 分) Section A(共 10 题,每小题 1 分,满分 10 分) Directions:In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard. 1. A. A teacher. B. A salesman. C. A hotel manager. D. A policeman. 【答案】D 【解析】 【原文】M: Could you still remember the exact time when the theft happened? W: Yes, of course. Q: What is probably the man? 2. A. July 10. B. July 27. C. July 13. D. July 30. 【答案】B 【解析】 【原文】W: We had planned to set out for New York on July 13 but the weatherman said there would be a heavy rain on that day. M: Well, let’s delay the trip to July 30. But we have to book the air ticket three days in advance. Q: When does man propose to book the air ticket? 3. - 2 - A. He does not want any mixed grill. B. There is no more mixed grill left. C. Mixed grill is his favorite food. D. He orders the mixed grill for the woman. 【答案】A 【解析】 【原文】W: Are you going to try some of the mixed grill? M: Well, to be honest, I have never been a big fan of meat. Q: What does the man imply? 4. A. To appreciate famous sculptures. B. To learn skills of paintings. C. To look after her sister. D. To visit the modern art exhibition. 【答案】C 【解析】 【原文】M: News comes that a modern art exhibition is being held and a variety of famous paintings and sculptures is on display. Would you like to go with me tomorrow? W: I’d love to, but I have to take care of my sister who is ill. Q: What is woman probably going to do tomorrow? 5. A. The man should get up early in the morning. B. The man can find the time if he makes up his mind. C. It is a bad habit to learn English late in the evening. D. It really takes time to have a good command of English. 【答案】B 【解析】 【原文】M: I want to practise my oral English but never seem to have the time. W: Why don’t you do it the first thing in the morning? - 3 - Q: What does the woman mean? 6. A. Asking Simon and Sally for help. B. Decorating the house. C. Preparing for a party. D. Purchasing the food. 【答案】C 【解析】 【原文】M: Have you got fully prepared for the party to celebrate your parents’ 20th wedding anniversary? W: Not yet. But everything is going on smoothly. Simon offers to help me with the decoration and Sally will care for the purchase of food. Q: What are the speakers talking about? 7. A. 10. B. 11. C. 12. D. 13. 【答案】B 【解析】 【原文】W: We had expected a dozen of guests to attend the lecture but Johnson called just now that he and his wife could not make it. M: All right. I’m just going to tell you I have invited Franklin. Q: How many guests are going to attend the lecture? 8. A. She refuses to give free admission to the man. B. She asks the man to bring her some coins. C. She hesitates to give the man free admission. D. She thinks working in a bank has great benefits. 【答案】A 【解析】 【详解】W: Now that you’ve got a job in the Disney Resort, can’t you bring me a - 4 - free admission now and then? M: Certainly, if you bring me a few coins now and then from the bank where you work! Q: What does the man mean? 9. A. The woman broke her arm while doing the project. B. The man expect the woman to go on with the project. C. It takes the doctor a month to cure the woman’s broken leg. D. The woman can now come back to do her unfinished project . 【答案】B 【解析】 【原文】W: What bad news! The doctor says my broken leg has to be secured with bandage for another month. M: I am sorry to hear that. How I wish you could recover soon and continue the project with us. Q: What can you learn from the conversion? 10. A. He has totally no idea of how to play games. B. He thinks the team has already been eliminated. C. He finds it hard to believe the team will enter the national game. D. He does not know whether the team enter the national game or not. 【答案】D 【解析】 【原文】W: Did you hear if our school football team is going on to the national game or did they get eliminated halfway? M: To tell the truth, I haven’t been following their progress for years. Q: What does the man imply? Section B(共 10 题,每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分) Directions: In Section B, you will hear two short passages and a longer conversation, - 5 - and you will be asked some questions on the passages and the conversation. The passages and the conversation will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard. Questions are based on the following passage. 11. A. 8:30. B. 9:00. C. 8:45. D. 9:15. 12. A. When the interview begins, you should shake hands with the interviewer first. B. If you don’t understand a question, you should answer it as quickly as possible. C. Your answer should contain all the skills you have to convince the interviewer. D. A good response can help you sell the interviewer on yourself as the best candidate. 13. A. Ask the next step in the hiring process. B. Offer to shake hands with the interviewer again. C. Ask more questions about the position and the salary. D. Take the opportunity to catch your breath and stay calm. 【答案】11. C 12. D 13. A 【解析】 【原文】As an HR manager who has been engaged in recruitment for 30 years, I would like to give you some tips on how to perform better in a job interview. First and foremost, arrive 15 minutes early prior to your interview. An interview is even more stressful than normal if you’re rushing to get there on time. Second, send a positive message through your body language. Shake hands firmly, but only if a hand is offered to you first. Always maintain eye contact and listen carefully. If you do not understand a question, ask the interviewer to either repeat or clarify the questions for you. Give honest, direct answers. However, be sure that your responses are focused on the questions and highlight the skills related to the job. Keep in mind that your responses are your sales pitch. You’re selling the interviewer on yourself as the best candidate for a second interview and for the job, so be sure you focus on your - 6 - relevancy. Last but not least, towards the end of the interview, let the hiring manager know that you think the job is an excellent fit and that you are very interested in the job. It’s appropriate to ask what the next step in the hiring process will be and when you might expect to hear. Questions: If you have an interview at 9:00, when should you arrive according to the speaker’s advice? Which one of the following is TRUE according to the speaker’s advice? If you are the interviewee, what should you do towards the end of the interview according to the speaker’s advice? Questions are based on the following passage. 14. A. Drinking a lot of alcohol. B. Going shopping in stores. C. Gathering around tables for hotpot. D. Eating fried food and barbecued meat. 15. A. Movies are available to people in Shanghai at midnight. B. People in Hangzhou attach great importance to dinner. C. A total of nine online platforms provide data for the report. D. People in Beijing are most likely to order Starbucks in the afternoon. 16. A. People’s eating habits in different regions of China. B. The impact of mobile payment on Chinese people’s lifestyle. C. The difference of nightlife among residents in Chinese cities. D. The pressure of urban life brought by the nightlife activities. 【答案】14. D 15. A 16. C 【解析】 【原文】A new report driven by what people in eight Chinese cities buy on their phones - 7 - after the night falls reveals just how different the nightlife is among Chinese urban dwellers. According to data gathered from Alibaba Group on payment services across eight platforms - including Alipay, food delivery unit Ele.me, as well as the video-streaming site Youku - Chinese people go to bed at 1 a.m. on average. Additionally, it also shows Beijingers order Starbucks after 6 p.m. the most, go to bed late and rise at the earliest times. Residents in Shanghai purchase movie tickets and pay the most hospital visits at midnight, and East China’s Nanjing city has the most bookstore visits. As for the night food orders, they start coming in at 9 p.m. with orders for fried chicken and barbecued sticks of meat ranking as people’s favorites. Down southwest in Chengdu, people spend the most on dinner, gathering around tables for hotpot. Citizens in Hangzhou City in eastern China prefer drinks over food, with its highest sales of alcohol at night. Mobile payment has been an integrated part of people’s lives in China, as consumers can place a food order, shop online and also pay utility bills on their smartphone screens-no matter what time it is. However, the active nightlife also reflects the pressure of urban life. Questions: What is the favorite nightlife activity of people in Nanjing? Which of the following can be inferred from the report? What is the report mainly about? Questions are based on the following passage. 17. A. People can drive their cars at a high speed on the PRT system. B. Each car on the PRT system can carry 300 passengers at a time. C. The cars running on the PRT system can be controlled by a wire. D. The power that sets the cars on the PRT system running comes from the sun. 18. A. The traffic jam in Masdar City. B. Building more roads with wider lanes. C. Solutions to traffic jams. D. Encouraging people to cycle more. - 8 - 19. A. Taxi drivers. B. Shop assistants. C. Teachers and students. D. The elderly and the sick. 20. A. The benefit of cycling lies in that more people can travel at the same time. B. The man thinks that building more roads with wider lanes is not a perfect solution. C. The woman disagrees with the second expert because riding is practical on rainy days. D. The woman agrees with the first expert because it is very expensive to build more roads. 【答案】17. D 18. C 19. A 20. B 【解析】 【原文】M: The Nightly News made a special program on how to deal with traffic jams in big cities. Did you watch it? W: Not yet. Would you please tell me something about it? M: Certainly. The program began with an introduction of the PRT system in Masdar City. Controlled wirelessly and powered by solar energy, 300 highspeed driverless cars each carrying three passengers were running on it. Then, three experts were invited to work out a few possible solutions. W: Really? What are those solutions? M: Well, the solution proposed by the first expert involves engineering. This means building more roads with wider lanes so that more cars can travel at the same time. W: Hmm, don’t you think more roads may actually encourage more traffic? Besides, the cost is so high. M: You hit the point. The second expert criticized that solution and proposed that the government should encourage people to cycle more because this mode of transport has obvious health benefits and helps to reduce air pollution. W: Yeah. But is it practical in every climate? What’s more, riding can prove dangerous in heavy traffic. M: I agree with you. The solution put forward by the last expert is to increase tax - 9 - on fuel so that people are more likely to think carefully about using cars. Do you think it really works? W: Not exactly. It can discourage people from driving to work to some extent. But how about people “driving for work” ? They will lose their jobs. M: All right. It seems that each of the solutions has its own advantages and disadvantages. Questions: Which one of following statements is TRUE about the PRT system in Masdar City? What did the experts in the TV program mainly discuss about ? If the government increases the tax on fuel, who will directly fall victim to it? According to the dialogue, which one of following statements is TRUE? II Grammar and Vocabulary(满分 20 分) Section A(共 10 题,每小题 1 分,满分 10 分) Directions: After reading the passages below, fill in the blanks to make the passages coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank. The rapid spread of new technology in Africa is changing the way people receive news and entertainment. Traditionally, vast numbers of Africans relied on radio to keep ___21___ (inform). So how is this medium coping ___22___the face of fast growing competition from mobile phone, Internet and television? If you want to get a sense of ___23___Africa is listening to, come with me to Kenya’s capital Nairobi. Over the past 20 years, the number of radio stations in Kenya ___24___ (grow) from 10 to more than 130. It’s a trend ___25___has been mirrored across Africa. Economic growth paired with ___26___new generation that’s more connected to the outside world and more diverse. Stations have become incredibly local producing programs in dozens of indigenous( 当地的)languages and increasingly global playing western music. Africa’s passion for radio remains insatiable(未被 满足)___27___the growth of television. As not many of them ___28___afford a TV, this - 10 - rise in TV sales or TV numbers will never compare to radio at least for the next maybe decade or two. Commercial radio stations are what most people listen to. In Nairobi, I have interviewed a lot of people about their attitude towards radio. “Yeah, I love to listen to news. I like to hear what’s happening in people’s lives.” “Radio is much ___29___(cheap). I like listening to the music station.” “It’s so convenient. You can choose as many stations ___30___you like.” “It tells us the news of what is happening all over the world.” Therefore, it seems that radio is here to stay for a while. 【答案】21. informed 22. in 23. what 24. has grown 25. that/which 26. a 27. despite 28. can 29. cheaper 30. as 【解析】 这是一篇说明文。虽然手机,电视和互联网在非洲快速发展,但是人们更愿意选择广播来获 得信息。 【21 题详解】 考查形容词。句意:传统上,大量的非洲人依赖广播来保持消息灵通。keep 在此处作系动词, 后应接形容词作表语,informed 意为“消息灵通的,有见识的”,故填 informed。 【22 题详解】 考查介词。句意:所以面对来自手机,互联网和电视的快速增长,这个媒体如何应付呢?in the face of 是固定短语,意为“面对,在……面前”,故填 in。 【23 题详解】 考查宾语从句。句意:如果你想了解非洲在听什么,跟我一起来肯尼亚的首都内罗毕。分析 句子可知,空处引导一个宾语从句,从句中缺少宾语,表示“听的东西”,指物,所以使用 what 引导,故填 what。 【24 题详解】 - 11 - 考查时态和主谓一致。句意:在过去的 20 年,肯尼亚广播站的数量从 10 增加到超过 130。 根据“Over the past 20 years”可知,本句使用现在完成时,主语 the number of radio stations 是单数,故填 has grown。 【25 题详解】 考查定语从句。句意:它是一个已经在整个非洲被反映出的趋势。分析句子可知,空处引导 一个定语从句,先行词是 a trend,关系词在从句中作主语,应用 that 或 which 引导,故填 that/which。 【26 题详解】 考查冠词。句意:经济的增长和新的一代相配合,新的一代人与外界有更多联系,更加多样 化。generation 是可数名词,此处泛指“新的一代”,故填 a。 【27 题详解】 考查介词。句意:尽管电视不断增长,非洲对广播的热情仍未被满足。分析句子可知,此处 表示“尽管”,使用介词 despite,故填 despite。 【28 题详解】 考查情态动词。句意:由于他们中没有很多人能买得起电视,电视销量或电视数量的上升在 接下来的可能十年或二十年都不能和广播相比。分析句子可知,此处表示“能”买得起,表 示能力,应使用情态动词 can,故填 can。 【29 题详解】 考查形容词比较级。句意:广播要便宜得多。分析语境并结合空前的 much 可知,此处应使用 形容词比较级,暗含广播与电视相比“更便宜”,故填 cheaper。 【30 题详解】 考查固定搭配。句意:你喜欢多少广播台,你就可以选择多少。此处是“as…as…”结构, 意为“和……一样……”。故填 as。 Section B(共 10 题,每小题 1 分,满分 10 分) Directions: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need. A. reward B. encouraging C. progression D. serving E. supplied F. native G. skin H. rate I. loaded J. shine K. remove - 12 - Pomegranate(石榴): Still Healthy at 5,000 Years Old The pomegranate is one of the oldest known fruits. Pomegranates are found in ancient writings and pictured in the ancient art of many cultures and religions. The pomegranate is also a symbol of health, fertility and long life. Experts think the pomegranate is___31___ to northern India, Pakistan, Iran and Afghanistan. Today it also grows in Southeast Asia, the western U.S., Armenia and parts of Africa, among other places. The___32___ of a pomegranate is strong. It can be red, purple or orange-yellow. The inside is filled with beautiful dark red seeds that____33____like rubies( 红 宝 石 ). It is not easy to get them out. But the___34___is great. Health benefits The pomegranate grows on trees. Parts of the pomegranate tree and fruit are used to make medicine. The pomegranate is used for many conditions. However, the U.S National Institutes of Health says there is not enough scientific evidence to_____35_____pomegranates as effective for any of them. Still, in traditional medicine, the pomegranate is used for conditions of the heart and blood vessels, including high blood pressure and “hardening of the arteries”. The jewel-like seeds of the pomegranate are____36____with many nutrients and chemicals called antioxidants( 抗 氧 化 物 ). These antioxidants___37___poisons from the body. Antioxidants slow the___38___ of age-related sickness and may slow the growth of cancer cells. Men who have prostate cancer may benefit from a daily___39___of pomegranate juice. Pomegranates are used for weight loss and used as a treatment for sore throat. Pomegranates are also high in vitamin K, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, zinc and iron. Let’s just say pomegranates are loaded with great things for the inside of your body. - 13 - Beauty benefits But let’s not forget the outside, too! Pomegranates are great for the skin. They protect the skin by___40___new skin growth, healing wounds and repairing tissue. Pomegranates protect the skin against sun damage as well. They may help skin look younger by providing moisture and elasticity. 【答案】31. F 32. G 33. J 34. A 35. H 36. I 37. K 38. C 39. D 40. B 【解析】 【分析】 这是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了石榴在健康和美容方面的好处。 【31 题详解】 考查形容词。句意:专家认为石榴原产于印度北部,巴基斯坦,伊朗和阿富汗。分析句子可 知,此处应填一个形容词作表语,再由空后列举的国家“northern India, Pakistan, Iran and Afghanistan”可知,native 符合题意,意为“本土的”。故选 F 项。 【32 题详解】 考查名词。句意:石榴的表皮很坚硬。根据空前的定冠词 The 可知,空处应填一个名词作主 语,根据下文“The inside…”可知,此处是说石榴的“表皮”,skin 符合题意,故选 G 项。 【33 题详解】 考查动词。句意:里面都是深红色的石榴籽,像红宝石一样闪耀。分析句子可知,that 引导 一个定语从句,先行词是 seeds,关系词在从句中作主语,空处是谓语动词,再由空后“like rubies”可知,动词 shine 符合题意,故选 J 项。 【34 题详解】 考查名词。句意:但是回报很大。根据空前的定冠词 the 可知,空处应填一个名词作主语, 下文讲到石榴籽的好处,所以名词 reward 符合题意。故选 A 项。 【35 题详解】 考查动词。句意:然而,美国国立卫生研究院说没有足够的科学证据把石榴籽定级为对它们 - 14 - 中的任何一种有效。to 为不定式符号,所以空处应填一个动词,结合语境可知,动词 rate 符 合题意,意为“定级,评价”,故选 H 项。 【36 题详解】 考查固定搭配。句意:石榴籽满是营养物质和被称作抗氧化物的化学物质。分析句子,并结 合句意可知,loaded 符合题意,be loaded with 是固定搭配,意为“装满”。故选 I 项。 【37 题详解】 考查动词。句意:这些抗氧化物把毒素从身体中移除。分析句子可知,空处是句子谓语,应 填一个动词,结合句意可知,动词 remove 符合题意,remove…from…意为“把……从……中 移除”,故选 K 项。 【38 题详解】 考查名词。句意:抗氧化物减缓与衰老相关疾病的进行。根据空前的定冠词 the 可知,空处 应填一个名词,结合句意可知,名词 progression 符合题意,意为“进行,进化”,故选 C 项。 【39 题详解】 考查名词。句意:患有前列腺癌症的男性每天喝一杯石榴汁有好处。根据空前的形容词 daily 可知,空处应填一个名词,结合语境可知,serving 符合题意,意为“一份”,故选 D 项。 【40 题详解】 考查动名词。句意:它们通过促进新皮肤的生长,愈合伤口,修复组织来保护皮肤。根据空 前的介词 by 可知,空处应填一个动名词,结合语境可知,encouraging 符合题意。故选 B 项。 【点睛】 III Reading Comprehension(满分 45 分) Section A(共 15 题,每小题 1 分,满分 15 分) Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context. If you’re going to be a straight talker, you have to believe that it’s a virtue, that it’s an attribute you want associated with yourself. If you have an opinion and you just___41___it, it allows the other person to either try to change your opinion, to agree with you, or to agree to___42___-they have an action they can take. If you are quiet, people think you agree. How can you - 15 - then___43___the conversation when you’re at different points and it’s not really exposed? Agreeing is easy. Disagreeing takes more ___44___. Several years back, when I was CEO at Autodesk(欧特克,美国电脑软件公司), there was a senior-level woman who was very smart and well spoken, but she didn’t wear___45___clothes. It was___46___ and she was not being taken seriously. I said to her manager, who was male, “You need to tell her.” He said, “Oh, no way.” So I called her in and___47___stated what I thought was happening. I told her, “You’re not getting the respect you___48___.” I said, “Go to Nordstrom’s(诺 德斯特龙,美国高档连锁百货店) and get a___49___shopper. Just say, “I’m a senior businessperson and need help dressing like one.” She came back, and honest to God, it was a different person. She said she felt really good. And her currency went way up. Early in my business career, if people asked me a question, I’d try to answer it honestly. And that was____50____. I had managers who wanted me around because I would actually tell them what was happening. I was raised by my grandma, and she was a pretty____51____ talker because she thought you could____52____ it. My advice is,____53____ your toe in. If you’re honest and truthful, what is somebody going to say, that you’re ____54____because you believe something? Being honest and ____55____is part of being a good friend, a good associate, and a good leader. It’s also why I know I could never be a politician. 41. A. explain B. exclaim C. claim D. state 42. A. favour B. approve C. disagree D. doubt 43. A. continue B. further C. change D. stop 44. A. efforts B. trouble C. time D. courage 45. A. appropriate B. smart C. formal D. uniform 46. A. ignored B. distracting C. disappointing D. disapproving 47. A. rightly B. timidly C. cautiously D. frankly - 16 - 48. A. demand B. require C. expect D. deserve 49. A. personal B. catalog C. fellow D. secret 50. A. rewarded B. awarded C. paid D. responded 51. A. direct B. straight C. reasoning D. creative 52. A. grant B. recognize C. handle D. acknowledge 53. A. cast B. drop C. remove D. dip 54. A. frank B. generous C. modest D. stupid 55. A. competent B. disciplined C. truthful D. aggressive 【答案】41. D 42. C 43. B 44. D 45. A 46. B 47. D 48. D 49. A 50. A 51. B 52. C 53. D 54. D 55. C 【解析】 这是一篇夹叙夹议文。作者认为如果你想成为一个直言不讳的人,你必须相信这是一种美德, 是你想要与自己联系起来的一种属性,并结合了自己对于女同事衣着不合适坦白提出意见的 事例。指出坦诚待人也会获得回报,别人并不会认为你愚蠢。作者认为诚实和真实是成为好 朋友、好伙伴和好领导的一部分。 【41 题详解】 考查动词词义辨析。句意:如果你有一个观点,你只是陈述出来,这就允许其他人要么试图 改变你的观点,赞同你,要么从同意到不同意——他们有他们可以采取的行动。A. explain 解释;B. exclaim 呼喊;C. claim 宣称;D. state 陈述,规定。结合上文 If you have an opinion and you just 可知此处指陈述观点应用 state。故选 D。 【42 题详解】 考查动词词义辨析。句意:如果你有一个观点,你只是陈述出来,这就允许其他人要么试图 改变你的观点,赞同你,要么从同意到不同意——他们有他们可以采取的行动。A. favour 赞 成;B. approve 批准;C. disagree 不同意;D. doubt 怀疑。根据上文 to agree to 可知是 指从同意到不同意。故选 C。 【43 题详解】 考查动词词义辨析。句意:当你们处在不同的位置,而且没有真正暴露出来的时候,你怎么 - 17 - 能进一步进行对话呢?A. continue 继续;B. further 进一步,增进;C. change 改变;D. stop 停止。结合语境可知,当双方处于不同的位置,如果不直接陈述各自的观点,对话是无法进 一步(further)深入的。故选 B。 【44 题详解】 考查名词词义辨析。句意:不同意需要更多的勇气。A. efforts 努力;B. trouble 麻烦;C. time 时间;D. courage 勇气。结合上文 Agreeing is easy.可知同意很容易,那么不同意就 需要更多的勇气才可以。故选 D。 【45 题详解】 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:有一个高层的女人,她很聪明,说话也很得体,但她穿的衣服 不合适。A. appropriate 适当的;B. smart 聪明的;C. formal 正式的;D. uniform 统一的。 根据上文 but she didn’t wear 可推知 but 表示转折,说明这个女人穿的衣服不太合适。故 选 A。 【46 题详解】 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:她的衣服让人分心,她也没有被认真对待。A. ignored 被忽视 的;B. distracting 分心的;C. disappointing 令人失望的;D. disapproving 不赞成的。 根据后文 she was not being taken seriously.可知女人因为自己的衣服而没有被认真对待, 说明她的衣服让人分心,故选 B。 【47 题详解】 考查副词词义辨析。句意:所以我把她叫了进来,坦白地告诉她我认为发生了什么。A. rightly 正确地;B. timidly 羞怯地;C. cautiously 慎重地;D. frankly 坦白地。根据后文 I’d try to answer it honestly.可知作者始终强调要诚实和真实,故可推知作者坦白地告诉了女人 这件事。故选 D。 【48 题详解】 考查动词词义辨析。句意:你没有得到应得的尊重。A. demand 要求;B. require 需要;C. expect 期待;D. deserve 值得。根据上文 she was not being taken seriously.可知女人没有得到 她应得的尊重。故选 D。 【49 题详解】 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:去 Nordstrom’s 找个私人采购员。A. personal 私人的;B. catalog 名词,目录;C. fellow 同类的;D. secret 秘密的。根据后文 Just say, “I’m a senior businessperson and need help dressing like one.”可推知作者建议女人去找私人采购员 - 18 - 帮自己买衣服。故选 A。 【50 题详解】 考查动词词义辨析。句意:这是有回报的。A. rewarded 奖赏;B. awarded 授予;C. paid 支 付;D. responded 回答。结合后文 I had managers who wanted me around because I would actually tell them what was happening.可知作者得到了经理的信任,说明诚实是有回报 的。故选 A。 【51 题详解】 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我是奶奶带大的,她说话很直爽,因为她认为你能应付得了。A. direct 直系的,直接的;B. straight 直,连续的;C. reasoning 推理的;D. creative 创 造性的。根据上文 I was raised by my grandma 可知作者是个坦白诚实的人,而作者是由奶 奶带大的,说明作者是受奶奶的影响,奶奶说话也很直接。第一段中 you’re going to be a straight talker 也有提示,straight talker 表示“说话直接的人”。故选 B。 【52 题详解】 考查动词词义辨析。句意:我是奶奶带大的,她说话很直爽,因为她认为你能应付得了。A. grant 允许;B. recognize 识别;C. handle 应付,处理;D. acknowledge 承认。结合常识说话直 接的人肯定是觉得对方可以承受和应付自己的话。故选 C。 【53 题详解】 考查动词词义辨析。句意:我的建议是,试一试。A. cast 投掷;B. drop 落下;C. remove 去掉;D. dip 浸,下降。根据后文 your toe in 可知短语 dip one’s toe in 表示“尝试”。 故选 D。 【54 题详解】 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:如果你老老实实,实事求是,别人怎么会因为你相信一些东西 而说你傻?A. frank 坦白的;B. generous 慷慨的;C. modest 谦虚的;D. stupid 愚蠢的。 此处为反问句,意思为你诚实和真实,别人并不会因为你相信一些东西而说你愚蠢。故选 D。 【55 题详解】 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:诚实和真实是成为好朋友、好伙伴和好领导的一部分。A. competent 胜任的;B. disciplined 遵守纪律的;C. truthful 真实的;D. aggressive 好斗 的。根据上一段中 If you’re honest and truthful 可知此处指诚实和真实。故选 C。 Section B (共 11 题,每小题 2 分,满分 22 分) Directions: Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several - 19 - questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read. (A) According to the ancient Greek mythology, King Midas might be one of the world’s earliest alchemist, who was granted by the god Dionysus the magic power to turn anything he touched into gold. Unfortunately, the king soon realized that this ability was more of a curse than of a gift as he had to suffer the loss of many of life’s real pleasures, including the taste of good food and the embrace of his beloved daughter. While the story of the greedy Midas is meant to warn against becoming a slave to one’s desires, it also reflects our human greed for gold. This extremely attractive metal has captivated humans over thousands of years, ever since the days of the ancient Egyptians, and has been the basis of currency for many civilizations over centuries. Today gold remains the foundation of the luxury jewellery industry and, in recent years, has become one of the most prominent materials in the production of our latest necessity --- modern electronics. Gold is used to make many of the devices we love, such as cellphones, tablets and laptops. This is due to its highly efficient electrical properties and its resistance to corrosion, which are unmatched by any other metal. But the manufacturing of just 40 mobile phones requires approximately one gram of gold, which corresponds to nearly a ton of mined ore. Given the persistent rise in electronics production, and the limited and decreasing supply of gold, how will we maintain the supply of this precious material for many years to come? One solution might be found in the recycling of electronic waste, a process often referred to as urban mining. Given that a metric tonne of recycled laptop circuit boards can have between 40 and 800 times more gold than found in a metric tonne of - 20 - ore, it seems unreasonable to redeposit the precious metal into the earth via landfills. Despite this, and the fact that urban mining is growing more cost-effective by the day, only 20 per cent of all electronic waste is currently recycled. In 2017, the Global E-Waste Monitor projected that the amount of electronic waste generated by the end of 2021 would reach 52.2 million metric tonnes. It is estimated that the value of the gold in our garbage exceeds €10 billion ($11.2 billion). On top of that, the many other precious metals in the garbage, such as silver, copper and platinum, add even more value to our waste. Therefore, given its economic and technological importance, it is time to consider whether other sources of gold, which are not yet decidedly possible to access, can also be exploited in the future. While King Midas might have appealed to the gods for an easy solution to acquire gold, modern alchemists use the latest technology to achieve ancient dreams. It is these qualities that might eventually lead to environmentally mindful and energy-efficient technologies for extracting gold from incredible places. 56. The underlined word “captivated” in paragraph two can be best replaced by . A. cultivated B. jailed C. satisfied D. tempted 57. Which of the following is NOT one of the many uses of gold in history and modern time? A. aiding the business of waste recycling industry. B. being used in manufacturing jewellery. C. constituting an essential part of electronic devices. D. forming the basis of currency. 58. According to paragraph four, what is the purpose of “urban mining”? A. To save more laptop circuit from being wasted. B. To deposit more precious gold. C. To preserve gold for future use. D. To make a profit by recycling life garbage. 59. The author uses the story of “King Midas” to . A. analyze the loss caused by electronic waste - 21 - B. illustrate the magic power of urban mining C. interest the readers with the rich history of ancient Greece D. warn the world against becoming slaves to material gains 【答案】56. D 57. A 58. C 59. B 【解析】 这是一篇说明文。黄金有很多用处,从古至今都受到人们的追捧,但是如何保证以后的黄金 供应?文章提出了一种城市采矿的解决方法,即从废品中提炼黄金。 【56 题详解】 词义猜测题。根据第二段第一句中“it also reflects our human greed for gold(它也反 映了我们人类对金子的贪婪)”及划线词所在句中“extremely attractive”可推知,划线句 “This extremely attractive metal has captivated humans over thousands of years” 意为“这种极有吸引力的金属几千年以来诱惑着人们”,所以划线词“captivated”意为 “迷惑,诱惑”,故选 D 项。 【57 题详解】 细节理解题。根据第二段最后一句中“and has been the basis of currency for many civilizations over centuries(几个世纪以来成为很多文明的货币基础)”及第三段中 Today gold remains the foundation of the luxury jewellery industry and, in recent years, has become one of the most prominent materials in the production of our latest necessity --- modern electronics.(如今黄金成为豪华珠宝工业的基础,最近几年变成制 造我们的最新必需品的最突出的材料之一——现代电子产品)”可知,黄金的用途有制作珠 宝,电子产品和货币基础,A 项“帮助废物利用行业”不是黄金的用途,故选 A 项。 【58 题详解】 推理判断题。第三段最后一句提出问题“how will we maintain the supply of this precious material for many years to come?(我们如何维持这种珍贵材料几年后的供应?)”,根据 第四段第一句“One solution might be found in the recycling of electronic waste, a process often referred to as urban mining.(一个解决办法可能在电子废物的循环利用中 发现,一个经常被称为城市采矿的过程)”可知,城市采矿的目的是保留黄金以供未来使用。 故选 C 项。 【59 题详解】 推理判断题。根据最后一段内容“尽管米达斯王向上帝请求一种获得黄金的简单办法,现代 - 22 - 的炼金家却使用最新的技术实现古代的梦想。正是这些特点最终可能会造就注意环境和节能 的技术来从难以置信的地方提炼黄金”可知,作者使用米达斯王的故事是为了证明城市采矿 的魔力。故选 B 项。 (B) Keep learning, wherever you are Stay connected Is coronavirus affecting your education or work? Explore online courses to continue studying, build professional skills, and connect with experts. Explore top online courses London School of Hygiene &Tropical Medicine COVID-19:Tackling the Novel Coronavirus University of Michigan The Future of Payment Technology CIPD-Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development HR fundamentals Browse subjects Online learning offers a new way to explore subjects you’re passionate about. Pursue your interests by exploring our subject categories: - 23 - Who will you learn with? Get access to high quality learning wherever you are, with online courses, programs and degrees created by leading universities, business schools and specialist organizations. Why FutureLearn? Learn anything Learn together Learn with experts Whether you want to develop as a professional or discover a new hobby, there’s an online course for that. You can even take your learning further with online programs and degrees. Join millions of people from around the world learning together. Online learning is as easy and natural as chatting with a group of friends. Meet educators from top universities and cultural institutions, who’ll share their experience through videos, articles, quizzes and discussions. FutureLearn’s purpose is to transform access to education. Be the first to hear about our latest courses by signing up to our mailing list. 60. FutureLearn is mainly designed for . A. students who want to learn at home B. teachers who want to improve their teaching skills - 24 - C. businessmen who want to improve their business D. people from all walks of life who want to learn something online 61. Which of the following about FutureLearn might not be found on this website? A. courses B. subjects C. partners D. fees 62. Which of the following is NOT true according to the website? A. FutureLearn provides users with the flexibility to pursue their own interests. B. Learners can access high-quality learning at FutureLearn. C. FutureLearn aims to totally change access to education. D. This website aims to recruit new users for FutureLearn. 【答案】60. D 61. D 62. C 【解析】 【分析】 这是一篇应用文。文章主要介绍了站 FutureLearn 的相关信息。 【60 题详解】 推理 判断题 。根据“Stay connected” 部分 中“Explore online courses to continue studying, build professional skills, and connect with experts.(探索网上课程,以继 续学习,发展专业技能并和专家联系)”可推知,FutureLearn 是为来自各行各业想在网上学 习的人设计的。故选 D 项。 【61 题详解】 细节理解题。根据“Explore top online courses”部分可知,表格中提到课程的信息;根 据“Browse subjects”部分可知,表格中提到科目信息;根据“Learn together”部分可知, 表格中提到了学习伙伴的信息,表格未提及 D 项“费用”相关的信息。故选 D 项。 【62 题详解】 细节理解题。根据表格中“FutureLearn’s purpose is to transform access to education.” 可知,FutureLearn 网站的目的是转变接受教育的方式,C 项“FutureLearn 网站目的是完全 改变接受教育的方式”说法错误。故选 C 项。 【点睛】 (C) Many employees must be tempted to query on a daily basis when they see their bosses headed down the wrong track. But caution, for fear of appearing insubordinate or - 25 - foolish and thus possibly at risk of losing their jobs, often leads workers to keep silent. A culture of silence can be dangerous, argues a new book, “The Fearless Organization”, by Amy Edmondson, a professor at Harvard Business School. Some of her examples are from the airline industry. One was its deadliest accident: a crash between Boeing 747s in the Canary Islands in 1977 when a co-pilot felt unable to query his captain’s decision to take off based on a misunderstanding of instructions from air-traffic control. The risks may be lower than life or death in most organizations, but companies also suffer when people keep silent, Ms Edmondson believes. Volkswagen was caught up in a scandal(丑闻) over diesel(柴油)emissions from 2015. The engines of its diesel models did not meet American emissions standards and engineers devised a system to fool the regulators. Ms Edmondson says the company’s culture had been one based on threaten and fear; Ferdinand Piëch, its longtime boss, boasted of telling engineers they had six weeks to improve the bodywork fitting on pain of dismissal. In the circumstances, engineers were understandably unwilling to mention the bad news on emissions standards and instead worked around the problem. In a corporate culture based on fear and intimidation, it may appear that targets are being achieved in the short term. But in the long run the effect is likely to be counterproductive. Studies show that fear inhibits learning. And when confronted with a problem, scared workers find ways of covering it up or getting around it with inefficient practices. The answer is to create an atmosphere of “psychological safety” whereby workers can speak their minds. In a sense, this is the equivalent of Toyota’s “lean manufacturing” process, which allows any worker who spots a problem to stop the production line. This does not mean that workers, or their ideas, are immune from criticism, or that they should complain incessantly. As mundane(平凡的)tasks are automated, and workers rely on computers for data analysis, the added value of humans will stem from their creativity. But as Ms Edmondson’s book amply demonstrates, it is hard to be either constructive or creative if you are not confident about speaking out. - 26 - 63. The underlined word “insubordinate” means . A. being inferior B. disobeying a superior C. getting aggressive D. being ignorant 64. We can conclude from Paragraph 3 that . A. Volkswagen’s engineers designed a system to meet American emissions standards B. when facing problems, scared workers resolve them directly C. Volkswagen’s engineers were at risk of losing jobs D. the culture of fear and intimidation must be counterproductive in the long term. 65. Which of the following is TRUE according to the author? A. A culture of being silent can be life-threatening. B. The risk of keeping silent is not necessarily associated with life and death. C. Volkswagen’s culture is on the basis of fear. D. The value of humans lies in originality in today’s highly-automated world. 66. What is the passage mainly about? A. An introduction to Amy Edmondson’s new book. B. The disadvantages of fear and intimidation culture. C. Companies will perform better if employees are not threatened into silence. D. People need to be confident when they are speaking out. 【答案】63. B 64. C 65. D 66. C 【解析】 这是一篇说明文。文章主要说明了许多员工每天看到自己的老板走错了路,一定会忍不住去 询问。但谨慎往往导致员工保持沉默,因为他们害怕显得不服从上级或愚蠢,从而可能面临 失去工作的风险。但哈佛商学院教授 Amy Edmondson 在其新书《无所畏惧的组织》中指出, 沉默的文化是危险的,认为当员工都保持沉默时,企业也会遭受损失。并列举了大众公司的 事例来说明这一观点和解决办法。 【63 题详解】 词义猜测题。根据上文 Many employees must be tempted to query on a daily basis when they see their bosses headed down the wrong track. But caution, for fear of appearing 可知许多员工每天看到自己的老板走错了路,一定会忍不住去询问。但谨慎往往导致员工保 持沉默,因为他们害怕显得不服从上级或愚蠢,从而可能面临失去工作的风险。由此可知, - 27 - 划线单词意思为“不服从上级”。故选 B。 【64 题详解】 推理判断题。根据第三段中 Ms Edmondson says the company’s culture had been one based on threaten and fear; Ferdinand Piëch, its longtime boss, boasted of telling engineers they had six weeks to improve the bodywork fitting on pain of dismissal.可知 Edmondson 表示,该公司的文化是建立在威胁和恐惧之上的;Ferdinand Piëch,公司长期的老板,曾夸 口说他们有六周的时间来改进车身装配,否则就会被解雇。由此可推知,大众的工程师面临 失业的危险。故选 C。 【65 题详解】 细节理解题。根据最后一段中 As mundane(平凡的)tasks are automated, and workers rely on computers for data analysis, the added value of humans will stem from their creativity.可知随着日常工作被自动化,员工依赖电脑进行数据分析,人类的附加值将来自 于他们的创造力。由此可知,D 选项“在当今高度自动化的世界里,人类的价值在于独创性” 正确。故选 D。 【66 题详解】 主旨大意题。根据第三段中 The risks may be lower than life or death in most organizations, but companies also suffer when people keep silent, Ms Edmondson believes. 可 知 Edmondson 认为,在大多数组织中,这种风险可能低于生或死,但当人们保持沉默时,企业也 会遭受损失。结合文章主要说明了许多员工每天看到自己的老板走错了路,一定会忍不住去 询问。但谨慎往往导致员工保持沉默,因为他们害怕显得不服从上级或愚蠢,从而可能面临 失去工作的风险。但哈佛商学院教授 Amy Edmondson 在其新书《无所畏惧的组织》中指出, 沉默的文化是危险的,认为当员工都保持沉默时,企业也会遭受损失。并列举了大众公司的 事例来说明这一观点和解决办法。由此可知,这篇文章的主要内容是如果不威胁员工保持沉 默,公司会表现得更好。故选 C。 Section C(共 4 题,每小题 2 分,满分 8 分) Directions: Choose from the sentences A-F to complete the passage. There are extra sentences which you do not need to use. Practical tips to stay fit for Spring Festival The Spring Festival is here and lots of people may not only ruin their usual diets, but also gain a few extra pounds.___67___. Excessive eating is claimed to be the main - 28 - cause for the additional weight gain, but it is also due to lack of physical activity and exercise. A lot of individuals out there tend to set aside their fitness routines during the holidays since they believe that they do not have enough time to perform their workouts. And because they feel guilty after the holiday season, most of the gyms and fitness centers are packed with fresh members. ___68___. Here are several useful tips that might help you. Eat before heading out. It is best that you eat something before heading out to visits, trips or family dinners. You will no longer be tempted to eat a lot or overindulge yourself since you have already eaten. Don’t skip meals, especially breakfast! Even though it can be tempting to skip on certain meals, believing that it will make up for the treats you consumed in the previous day, don’t do it because it will only lead to counterproductive results. ___69___. Alcohol, coke or other juices will only add more calories to the ones you already ate! Make the holidays a family affair. Plan outdoor activities where everyone is involved. Even a tour at the shopping mall will burn a lot of calories and keep the children entertained. You’d better distribute your meals evenly throughout the day, and do not eat everything at once. ___70___. Eat your dinner earlier and have a nice walk before going to bed. These tips will help you avoid gaining weight during the holiday, and will also allow you to enjoy yourself and have a great time with your loved ones. So there you go! A. Try to do exercise early in the morning while everyone else is still sleeping. B. Always bear in mind that you can enjoy the holidays and stay fit at the same time. C. Instead of having two enormous meals, have five small ones. D. Based on studies, the majority of people tend to gain additional weight during the holiday season. E. It is best to regulate your drinking. - 29 - F. Prioritize your workouts and try your best to avoid neglecting meals. 【答案】67. D 68. B 69. E 70. C 【解析】 【分析】 这是一篇议论文。本文讲述了春节期间保持健康的几条实用小建议。 【67 题详解】 根据空前 The Spring Festival is here and lots of people may not only ruin their usual diets, but also gain a few extra pounds.可知,春节来了,很多人可能不仅破坏了他们 平常的饮食,而且还增重了几磅。由此可知,空处作者将继续说春节对体重的影响;结合选 项可知,选项 D. Based on studies, the majority of people tend to gain additional weight during the holiday season.根据研究,大多数人在节日期间容易增加额外的体重,此处的 gain additional weight 在空后一句中,作者给了进一步说明,所以选项 D 承上启下,符合 题意。故选 D。 【68 题详解】 根据空前 And because they feel guilty after the holiday season, most of the gyms and fitness centers are packed with fresh members. 可知,由于假期过后他们 会有负罪感,所以大多数健身房和健身中心都挤满了新会员。由此可知,空处作者谈论了人 们对于健身和假期的看法;结合选项可知,选项 B. Always bear in mind that you can enjoy the holidays and stay fit at the same time.永远记住,你可以在享受假期的同时保持健 康,符合题意,因为空后作者给出了一些实用的建议。故选 B。 【69 题详解】 根据空后 Alcohol, coke or other juices will only add more calories to the ones you already ate!可知,酒精、可乐或其他果汁只会增加你已经吃的食物的卡路里!由此可知,空 处表示作者建议你控制你的饮料和酒;结合选项可知,选项 E. It is best to regulate your drinking. 最好控制你的饮酒,与空后描述一致。故选 E。 【70 题详解】 根据空前 You’d better distribute your meals evenly throughout the day, and do not eat everything at once. 可知,作者建议你最好一天中均匀地分配三餐,不要一次吃完所 有的东西。结合选项,可知选项 C. Instead of having two enormous meals, have five small ones.不要吃两顿大餐,要吃五顿小餐,与前一句“……不要一次吃完所有的东西。”所表达 - 30 - 的意思一致。故选 C。 【点睛】六选四题型要求考生从整体上把握文章的逻辑结构和内容上的联系,理解句子之间、 段落之间的关系,对诸如连贯性、一致性等语段特征有较强的意识和熟练的把握。所以懂得 整篇文章的基本结构或段落的语篇结构对解题很有用。 IV 71. Summary Writing(满分 15 分) 71.Directions: Write a summary of the passage in more than 60 words and the original sentences in the passage are not allowed to use. Why do some people live to be older than others? You know the standard explanations: keeping a moderate diet, engaging in regular exercise, etc. But what effect does your personality have on your longevity? Do some kinds of personalities lead to longer lives? A new study in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society looked at this question by examining the personality characteristics of 246 children of people who had lived to be at least 100. The study shows that those living the longest are more outgoing, more active and less neurotic (神经质的) than other people. Long-living women are also more likely to be sympathetic and cooperative than women with a normal life span. These findings are in agreement with what you would expect from the evolutionary theory: those who like to make friends and help others can gather enough resources to make it through tough times. Interestingly, however, other characteristics that you might consider advantageous had no impact on whether study participants were likely to live longer. Those who were more self-disciplined, for instance, were no more likely to live to be very old. Also, being open to new ideas had no relationship to long life, which might explain all those bad-tempered old people who are fixed in their ways. Whether you can successfully change your personality as an adult is the subject of a longstanding psychological debate. But the new paper suggests that if you want long life, you should strive to be as outgoing as possible. Unfortunately, another recent study shows that your mother’s personality may also help determine your longevity. That study looked at nearly 28,000 Norwegian mothers and found that those moms who were more anxious, depressed and angry were - 31 - more likely to feed their kids unhealthy diets. Patterns of childhood eating can be hard to break when we’re adults, which may mean that kids of depressed moms end up dying younger. Personality isn’t destiny, and everyone knows that individuals can learn to change. But both studies show that long life isn’t just a matter of your physical health but of your mental health. ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________ 【答案】Two recent studies have researched the relationship between personality characteristics and longevity. More outgoing, more active and less anxious people and sympathetic and cooperative females live longer, for these personalities may bring them more social resources. However, seemingly advantageous personalities like self-discipline and open-mindedness do not necessarily lead to longevity. Surprisingly, a mother’s personality may affect her children’s life span. 【解析】 【分析】 本文为一篇说明文的概要写作。文章讲述了性格和寿命之间的关系,更外向、更活跃、更不 焦虑的人以及富有同情心和合作精神的女性寿命更长,因为这些性格可能会给她们带来更多 的社会资源。然而,表面上有利的性格,如自律和开放的心态,并不一定会导致长寿。令人 惊讶的是,母亲的性格可能会影响孩子的寿命。注意词数要求和使用自己的语言。 【详解】写之前,需要认真仔细地读几遍原文材料,让理解更深刻,抓住几大要点去写题。 本篇概要写作,需从以下几个要点着手; 要点 1:该段最近有研究探讨了人性格特征与寿命的关系,主题句为 A new study in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society looked at this question by examining the personality characteristics of 246 children of people who had lived to be at least 100. 要点 2:该段主要讲述更外向、更活跃、更不焦虑的人以及富有同情心和合作精神的女性寿命 更长,因为这些性格可能会给她们带来更多的社会资源。内容可以从 Long-living women are - 32 - also more likely to be sympathetic and cooperative than women with a normal life span 中提炼。 要点 3:该段主要讲述表面上有利的性格,如自律和开放的心态,并不一定会导致长寿,内容 可以从 Those who were more self-disciplined, for instance, were no more likely to live to be very old.及后面句子中提炼。 要点 4:该段主要讲述母亲的性格可能会影响孩子的寿命,主题句为 another recent study shows that your mother’s personality may also help determine your longevity. 【点睛】审题时要认真分析每段要点,不能 遗漏要点。答题时要注意准确地使用了相应的语 法结构和词汇来改 写要点句,并有效地使用了合适的衔接词使上下文意思连贯,文章结构紧 凑清晰。 V Translation(共 4 题,72-73 题每题 3 分;74 题 4 分;75 题 5 分,满分 15 分) Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets. 72. 显然,他缺乏经验,无法胜任这份工作。 (lack) ______________________________ 73. 遍布我们城市各个角落的便利店满足了人们适应快节奏生活的需要。(adapt) ______________________________ 74. 现在越来越多的野生动物正面临着灭绝的威胁,所以是我们要采取措施保护他们时候了。 (time) ______________________________ 75. 只有队员之间加强配合并全力以赴,我校篮球队才能在决赛中战胜对手赢得冠军。(Only) ______________________________ 【答案】72. Obviously,/It is obvious that he lacks experience and isn’t/ can’t be qualified for/to do the job. 73. The convenience stores which are located everywhere in our city meet people’s needs to adapt to the fast-paced life. 74. Nowadays, more and more rare animals are threatened with extinction, so it is time for us to take action/it is time we took action to protect them. 75. Only when the team members strengthen their cooperation with each other and do their best/ spare no effort/go all out will our school basketball team be able to - 33 - beat/defeat the opponents in the final match and win the first prize/the championship. 【解析】 【72 题详解】 考查动词和固定短语。分析句子可知,句子是讲述客观情况,使用一般现在时;“显然”可 直接用副词 obviously 作状语,或使用固定句型“It’s obvious that”,“缺乏”使用及 物动词 lack,后直接加不可数名词 experience 作宾语,“胜任”使用固定短语“be qualified for/to do”表达,结合其他汉语提示,故翻译为 Obviously,/It is obvious that he lacks experience and isn’t/ can’t be qualified for/to do the job.。 【73 题详解】 考查动词短语和定语从句。分析句子可知,句子是讲述客观情况,使用一般现在时;主语是 The convenience stores,“遍布我们城市各个角落”可译作定语从句修饰主语,即 which are located everywhere in our city,主句的谓语和宾语是“满足人们需要”,可用“meet people’s needs”表达,“适应快节奏生活的”作定语修饰 needs,用动词不定式“to adapt to the fast-paced life”表达,结合其他汉语提示,故翻译为 The convenience stores which are located everywhere in our city meet people’s needs to adapt to the fast-paced life.。 【74 题详解】 考查固定句型。分析句子可知,句子使用一般现在时;nowadays 作时间状语,主语为 more and more rare animals,谓语是被动语态 are threatened with extinction,“是时候做某事” 使用固定句型“it is time for sb. to do sth.”或“it is time+虚拟语气”,结合其他 汉语提示,故翻译为 Nowadays, more and more rare animals are threatened with extinction, so it is time for us to take action/it is time we took action to protect them.。 【75 题详解】 考查倒装句。分析句子可知,only 置于句首修饰状语时,主句使用部分倒装,状语从句为 when the team members strengthen their cooperation with each other and do their best/ spare no effort/go all out,主句中将情态动词 will 提前,结合其他汉语提示,故翻译为 Only when the team members strengthen their cooperation with each other and do their best/ spare no effort/go all out will our school basketball team be able to beat/defeat the opponents in the final match and win the first prize/the championship.。 VI Guided Writing(满分 25 分) - 34 - 76.Directions: Write an English composition in 120-150 words according to the instructions given in Chinese. 假设你是明启中学高三学生 Alice,你的好朋友 Mary 进入高三以后,学习热情骤减, 成绩 下降,甚至产生厌学情绪,她写信向你倾诉,说学习压力太大,生活没有目标,家长老师不 能够理解她等等。针对她的情况,请你给她写封回信,安慰她,并向她提出合理的建议。 ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________ 【答案】Dear Mary, I’m sorry to hear that your passion for learning tends to dwindle. At this very moment, I’m writing this letter to share my real feelings in the hope that it could help change your present situation. It’s not uncommon that with the advent of competitive society students today are all more or less suffering from peer pressure which can give rise to anxiety, depression, and even insomnia. Basically, willingness to keep on moving ahead and improvement of psychological resilience might be the first step on the right way. Another approach that is worth adopting is to unburden yourself to your intimate parents and teachers by having face-to-face communications instead of immersion in a mood of incomprehension. Thanks for taking time to read my letter and I hope my suggestions would be of some help. Yours sincerely Alice 【解析】 【分析】 这是一篇提纲类写作。 【详解】第 1 步:根据提示可知,假设你是明启中学高三学生 Alice,你的好朋友 Mary 进 入高三以后,学习热情骤减, 成绩下降,甚至产生厌学情绪,她写信向你倾诉,说学习压力 太大,生活没有目标,家长老师不能够理解她等等。针对她的情况,请你给她写封回信,安 - 35 - 慰她,并向她提出合理的建议。 第 2 步:根据写作要求,确定关键词(组):in the hope (希望);situation (情况);uncommon (不寻常的);more or less (或多或少);anxiety (焦虑)等。 第 3 步:根据提示及关键词(组)进行遣词造句,注意主谓一致和时态问题。此处文章主要 应用一般现在时。 第 4 步:连句成文,注意使用恰当的连词进行句子之间的衔接与过渡,书写一定要规范清晰, 保持整洁美观的卷面是非常重要的。 【点睛】范文内容完整,语言规范,语篇连贯,词数适当。作者在范文中使用了较多高级表 达方式,如 I’m sorry to hear that your passion for learning tends to dwindle.运用 了宾语从句;It’s not uncommon that with the advent of competitive society students today are all more or less suffering from peer pressure which can give rise to anxiety, depression, and even insomnia.运用了定语从句。全文中没有中国式英语的句式,显示了 很高的驾驭英语的能力。另外文章思路清晰、层次分明,上下句转换自然,为文章增色添彩。 - 36 -

