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Unit 5 Do you want to watch a game show? 第七课时 Self Check 一、根据句意 , 用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。 1 . No news ____(be) good news. 2 . I think game shows are funny , but Cindy thinks they're ____________(meaning). 3 . Gina was __________(lucky) to have a cold on the first day of her vacation. 4 . I forgot _______(have) breakfast with you this morning.I was too busy at that time. 5 . If you work hard , you are sure to be ___________(success) one day. is meaningless unlucky to have successful 二、单项选择。 ( )6. — What kind of film do you like best , Kate? —Films ________ educational stories and wonderful music. A . at     B . on     C . with     D . over ( )7. — These young stars try ________ best to do everything well. —That's why I love ________ so much. A . they ; they B . they ; them C . their ; they D . their ; them C D ( )8. — ________ can you learn from the story? —We should fight for our dreams. A . What B . Who C . When D . How ( )9. — Why did Mike do that? —I don't know , either.But I'm sure he had his ________. A . habits B . rules C . messages D . reasons A D ( )10. — Do you mind my ________ TV? —No , of course not. ( 易错题 ) A . watch B . watching C . to watch D . watched ( )11.Jim is interested in swing dance and he plans ________ dance lessons next month. A . take B . to take C . not take D . not to take B B ( )12. — My uncle bought an expensive car last week. —Really ? He is a ________ man. A . kind B . talented C . friendly D . rich ( )13.I ________ go there.But it's up to the weather. A . might B . should C . need D . can D A ( )14. — Why did you ________ like Mickey Mouse? —Because I want to make my son happy. A . put up B . make up C . dress up D . cut up ( )15. — What do you think of this TV play? —________ People in it act very well and their clothes are beautiful. ( 原创题 ) A.I can't stand it! B . It's wonderful! C . I hope not. D . That's nothing. C C 三、根据汉语意思完成下列句子。每空一词。 16 .熊猫是中国的象征。 The panda is _______________China. 17 .我认为动作片比喜剧片更刺激。 I think ________________are more exciting than comedies. 18 .作为一名足球运动员,他和梅西一样有名。 As a football player , he is _________________Messi. 19 .我喜欢看电视节目,比如说,卡通片和喜剧片。 I like watching TV shows , __________cartoons and comedies. 20 .李老师不舒服,所以刘老师代替她来给我们上课。 Miss Li doesn't feel good , so Miss Liu ______________to give us a lesson. a symbol of action movies as famous as such as takes her place 四、情景交际:从方框中选择适当的选项补全对话。 ( 有两项多余 ) A : You look happy this morning , Julie. B : I watched my favorite TV show just now. A : 21.____ B : Frank ' s Life . A : 22.____ B : It's a comedy show. A : Comedies often make people laugh and I love them.But I like travel shows better. E B B : 23.____ A : Because I can learn about different places from the shows. B : I see.24.____ A : I don't mind cooking shows , but 25.____ B : Me , too! F C D A . I can't stand cartoon mo v ies! B . What kind of sho w is it? C . What do you think of cooking sho w s? D . I al w ays feel hungry w hen I w atch them. E . What's your fa v orite TV sho w? F . Why do you like them? G . Do you like other kinds of sho w s? 五、完形填空。 When I was a kid , my parents never let me watch scary movies.At that time , one of my __ 26 __ was to watch one. I remember going to a friend's house for his birthday party , __ 27 __ in middle school.After the party was over , it was dark.We sat in the living room and talked. “ How about watching the latest __ 28 __ ? ” someone asked.And __ 29 __ said no.Great ! My dream came true.I was so excited. The movie was not as __ 30 __ as I thought.It was terrible.I didn't want to go on halfway.__ 31 __ I found others were not as scary as me. “ No , they will laugh __ 32 __ me , ” I thought.So I kept watching.I hardly __ 33 __ that night.When I went to bed , I couldn't __ 34 __ thinking about the scary things I saw in the movie.Once I __ 35 __ any noise ( 响声 ) , I thought something would break into the house and kill me. From that time on , I never watched scary movies again. ( )26.A.jokes     B . roles     C . jobs     D . dreams ( )27.A.maybe B . so C . as D . pretty ( )28.A.action movie B . cartoon C . scary movie D . comedy ( )29.A.someone B . nobody C . everyone D . anyone ( )30.A.boring B . cheap C . exciting D . bad ( )31.A.But B . Though C . Because D . If ( )32.A.for B . to C . with D . at ( )33.A.spoke B . ate C . drank D . slept ( )34.A.expect B . hope C . stop D . wait ( )35.A.saw B . heard C . listened D . touched D A C B C A D D C B 六、阅读理解。 ( )36.What kind of movies does Amy like watching? A . Action movies. B . Cartoons. C . Scary movies. D . Comedies. ( )37.Peter does NOT like scary movies because ________. A . he thinks they are meaningless B . he thinks they are boring C . they make him feel uncomfortable D . they aren't very educational D C ( )38.Jenny thinks scary movies are ________. A . exciting B . meaningless C . boring D . relaxing ( )39.Jenny goes to the movies with her ________ once a week. A . friends B . brothers C . sisters D . parents A B ( )40.From the above information , we can learn that ________. A . Amy and Peter like comedies , but Jenny doesn't B . Peter doesn't like action movies or scary movies C . Amy thinks listening to music can help her relax D . Jenny thinks it's better to watch movies on TV than in a theater C 七、短文填空:选择方框中的单词并用其适当形式填空 , 使短文完整、通顺。 ( 有两词多余 ) so , happen , w ith , before , something , reason , education , expect , enjoy , famous , w hen , such Watching TV is an important part of people's life now.I like watching TV , too.But my mom 41._______ me to spend more time on my studies and she doesn't want me to watch too much TV.However , when I watch my favorite TV program — The National Geographic Channel , she often watches it 42._____ me. expects with The National Geographic Channel is a(n) 43._______ documentary ( 纪录片 ) . It tells 44.____________ around the world , such as animals , plants , mountains , rivers and people.Every time 45._______ I turn on the TV , the world is brought before me and I can 46._______ its surprising things. I like this program because it is 47. . It is a window to the world.It helps me to learn what 48.___________________ around the world.The program is interesting , and that's also the 49._______ why I like it.I never thought that 50._____ a program could be so interesting.I just stay at home , but I get a chance ( 机会 ) to enjoy the beautiful world. famous something when enjoy educational happened/happens reason such

