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Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball 第六课时 Section B (3a3b)—单元同步作文指导 本单元以“和同学、朋友一起去娱乐”为话题,内容主要包括介绍自己 有什么,询问别人有什么;谈论自己喜欢哪些运动、不喜欢哪些运动并说 明原因;建议去做什么及其回答方式等。 教材中出现的常用句型: ①I have/don't have... ②He has/doesn't have... ③Do you have...? ④Does she have...? ⑤Let's... ⑥OK./Great./That sounds.../It's+adj.(+for me). 拓展常用句型: ①He can play basketball well.他能打篮球打得很好。 ②They like different sports.他们喜欢不同的运动。 【点评】文章条理清晰,尽量少要使用重复句型,如①处用的OK来回答, ④处在写作时最好不要也用OK来回答。这是一段对话,文章中加入了适 当的语气助词,使对话更真实生动,如②处加入well,③处加入Hmm... 等。 One possible version: I have three friends.They are Anna,John and Bill.They like different sports. Anna likes pingpong.She thinks pingpong is interesting.But she dislikes basketball.She thinks it's boring.John likes soccer.He thinks it's relaxing.He dislikes baseball.He says baseball is difficult.Bill likes basketball and dislikes tennis.He thinks basketball is easy but tennis is boring. 单元常见错误诊断 病号1:—Let's play the basketball. —That sounds boring. 【处方】play后接球类运动时,球类名词前不加任何冠词,如play tennis/pingpong/volleyball。故原句中的the应去掉。 病号2:My father always play sports. 【处方】在一般现在时态的陈述句中,当主句为第三人称单数时 ,谓语动词也应用第三人称单数形式。句中My father是第三人称 单数,相 当于He。故原句中的play应改为plays。 病号3:Does your friend Tom has a soccer ball? 【处方】在一般现在时态的否定句和疑问句中,don't/doesn't或 do/does后面的动词要用原形。故原句中的has应改为have。 病号4:My cousin Lucy and I are in same class. 【处方】在英语中,same一定要与the连用。故原句中的same前应 加定冠词the。

