八年级下英语课件《I'll help to clean up the city parks》 (10)_人教新课标

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八年级下英语课件《I'll help to clean up the city parks》 (10)_人教新课标

P11 3a 1.volunteer to do sth 义务做某事,自愿 做某事 eg: He volunteers to help others. She is a volunteer. 2. a strong feeling of satisfaction 一种极 强的满足感 • 3.the look of joy 快乐的表情 • 4.by myself/ himself /herself… 独自地 • 5. at the age of 在......岁时 • 6. after-school reading program 课后阅读计 划 • 7. a dream come true “梦想成真” • I got a CD as a birthday present. It was just a dream come true! • 我收到了CD作为一份生日礼物,真是梦 想成真了。 • Volunteering here is a dream come true for me. 1.she decided to try out for a volunteer after-school reading program. 2. She still works there once a week to help kids learn to read. 3. you can see in their eyes that they’re going on a different journey with each new book. 4. Volunteering here is a dream come true for me. 她决定去参加一个课后阅读计划的志愿者的选拔。 她仍旧在那里一周工作一次来帮助孩子们阅读. ……从他们的眼睛里你可以看到他们正在进行每本 不同的新书之旅。 在这里当志愿者对我来说是梦想成真。 Mario and Mary ____ ___ several hours each week __ ____ others. Mario wants __ ___ an animal doctor. He _________ at an animal hospital. He wants __ _____ more about ____ __ care for animals. Complete the sentences. how to to help give up to be to learn volunteers Can you tell something about Mario to us? Mary is a book lover. She could read by herself __ ___ ____ of four. Last year, she decided __ ___ ___ for a volunteer after- school _______ program. Mary still works there once a week __ ____ kids _____ __ read. Volunteering here is a dream come true for her. She can what she _____ ___ ___and helps others at the same time. to try out at the age loves to do reading learn to to help Can you tell something about Mary to us? 1. 我想去帮助无家可归的人。 I’d ____ __ ____ homeless people. 2. 你可以请求医院允许你探访儿童并让他 们变得更高兴。 You could ___ hospitals ___ ___ you visit the kids and cheer them up. ask to let like to help Fill in the blanks according to the text. 3. 她自愿一周去那里一次帮助孩子们 学习读书。 She _________ there once a week ___ ____ kids learn to read. volunteers to help 4. 她决定参加一个志愿者课后阅读节目 的选拔。 She _______ ___ try out for a volunteer after-school reading program. decided to 5. 马里奥相信这会帮助他获得他的梦 想工作。 Mario believes it can help him ___ ___ his future dream job. 6. 我正在制作一些告示,并将它们张 贴于学校里。 I’m making some signs __ ___ __ around the school. to get to put up 1. 做动词宾语。常见动词有would like, want, help, learn, hope, decide, volunteer. 动词不定式 用法小结 e.g. We don’t want to spent too much money. 我们不想花费太多钱。 2. 作宾语补足语。常见动词有 ask, want, tell, invite, like, hate. e.g. Mr. Li asked the students to copy the text. 李老师让学生们抄写课文。 3. 作目的状语。 e.g. Jack turned his head around to look at people. 杰克转过头看向人群。 e.g. Claire missed a great chance to make a lot of money. 克莱尔错过了一个赚大钱的机会。 4. 作后置定语。 5. 动词help及一些役使动词后面常省 略to。 e.g. My mother wouldn’t let me go to the movie. 妈妈不会让我去看电影的。 1. He made me ____ (tell) him all the things. 2. Please remember _______ (water) the plants while I’m away. 3. Let’s ______ (watch) a talk show. Ⅰ. Fill in the blanks. to water tell watch 4. What can you expect _______ (learn) from the news? 5. My parents want me _____ (be) a doctor. 6. I’d like ________ (watch) cartoons at home. to be to watch to learn 1. Who will _______________ (自愿读) these words for us? 2. The girl often _____ her mother ____ the dishes (帮妈妈洗餐具) on weekends. Ⅱ. Complete the sentences. helps do volunteer to read 3. We ______ her ________ (邀请 来) to our party. 4. The old man had ____________ (无事可做) every day. nothing to do asked to come sick adj. 生病的;有病的; e.g. He felt sick before the test. 考试前他生病了。 辨析:sick 与 ill sick 可作定语修饰名词,而ill只能做表语。 e.g. The mother cared for the sick girl day and night. 妈妈日夜照料着生病的女孩。 e.g. Jane was ill yesterday, she didn’t go to school. 昨天简生病了,她没去上学。 raise v. 募集;征集 e.g. They sold something to raise money. 他们卖掉一些东西来募集钱。 e.g. I don’t like to go out alone at night. 我不喜欢晚上独自一人外出。 alone adv. 独自;单独 辨析:lonely 与 alone lonely 情感上的孤独,寂寞。 alone 独自一人(但不定感觉寂寞)。 e.g. Linda was alone in the house. 琳达独自一人待在房 子里。 e.g. She lives alone and often feels lonely. 她孑然一身, 常感到寂寞。 4a Fill in the blanks with the phrasal verbs in the box. put up, hand out, call up, cheer up, come up with, give out, put off 点拨:由句意“本学期我学业太忙”, 可知上文应意为“我想将去动 物医院工作的计划推迟到明年 夏季”,故空格处意为“推 迟”。 1. I want to _______ my plan to work in an animal hospital until next summer. I’m too busy with my studies this year. put off 2. She hopes to ______ at least five primary schools to ask if they need volunteers for their after-school programs. call up 点拨:由下文目的状语“to ask…”意 “来问是否他们需要志愿者帮 助做课外活动。”,可知空格 处意为“打电话给”。 点拨:由关键词idea及sick children,可 知第一空格处意为“想出”,第 二空格处意为“使… …振奋”。 3. Our class is trying to ____________ some ideas to ________ sick children because they are often sad. come up with cheer up 4. We decided to ______ signs around the school and ________ notices to tell students about the book sale. We will _______ the money from the sale to homeless people. put up hand out give out 点拨:由关键词signs (告示),notices (通知),及money (钱)可知第一 空意为“张贴”,第二空格意 为“发放”,第三空意为“捐 赠”。 help move do make visit spend 4b Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the verbs in the box. Most people today are only worried about getting good jobs 1.____ lots of money. In their free time, they think about what 2. ____ for fun. However, few people think about what they can do 3. _____ others. There are many people who are less lucky than us. Volunteering our time to help these people is a good way 4. ______ our free time. For example, we can make plans 5.________ sick children in the hospital or raise money for homeless people. Some people even stop doing their jobs for a few months to a year 6. ________ to another place, like one of the countries in Africa, and help people there. 2. to do 复合不定式做宾语。在业余时 间,他们考虑做什么事情来休闲或娱 乐。 3. to help 做目的状语。然而,没有人考 虑他们可以做些什么事情来帮助他人。 1. to make to不定式做后置定语。现在大 部分人只关心获得份好工作以挣大钱。 5. to visit 做宾语补足语。我们可以制 定计划去医院探望生病的儿童或…… 6. to move 做目的状语。一些人甚至 停止工作几个月到一年而移居到其他 地方。 4. to spend 做定语。志愿花时间帮助 这些人是打发 业余时间的一种好方 式。 help move do make visit spend Most people today are only worried about getting good jobs 1. _______ lots of money. In their free time, they think about what 2. ____ for fun. However, few people think about what they can do 3. ______ others. to make to do to help There are many people who are less lucky than us. Volunteering our time to help these people is a good way 4. _______ our free time. For example, we can make plans 5. ______ sick children in the hospital or raise money for homeless people. Some people even stop doing their jobs for a few months to a year 6. _______ to another place, like one of the countries in Africa, and help people there. to spend to visit to move 1. I’d like to volunteer ______________ _______________________________ 2. At 12: a.m., I called my friend _____ _______________________________ Complete the sentences with your own ideas. Use infinitives. to help kids with their homework. to play soccer together in the afternoon. 4c 3. I’m very busy but I could help ____ ______________________________ 4. Summer vacation is coming, and I want __________________________ 5. I want to travel alone. My parents told me (not) ___________________ take the trash out after dinner. not to do that. to go camping with my friends. put up, hand out, call up, cheer up, come up with, give out, put off Make sentences with the phrases below.

