八年级下英语课件《Have you ever been to a museum 》 (16)_人教新课标

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八年级下英语课件《Have you ever been to a museum 》 (16)_人教新课标

Section A Period One Now 1 mins to test your spelling. 1. English-Chinese amusement, amusement park, camera 2. Chinese-English 在某处/到某处;发明/发明物 There are many fun places in Shanghai! Shanghai is a beautiful city. space museum Have you been to … ? amusement park art museum history museum water park zoo Let’s look at these pictures again. art museum a space museum an amusement park a water park history museum Which of these places would you like to visit? Rank them from 1(most) to 6 (least). 1a space museum____ history museum____ art museum ____ water park ____ zoo ____ amusement park ____ 1. Sarah: Have you ___ ____ to a history museum? Claudia: No, I haven’t. Sarah: ___________. 2. Claudia: I ___ ____ ___ the art museum many times. Sarah: _________. 3. Who would like to go to the space museum again? A. Sarah B. Claudia Listen again and choose the correct answer. Me neither. ever been ’ve been to Me too. A: Let’s go somewhere different today. B: OK. Where do you want to go? A: Have you ever been to the space museum? B: No, I haven’t. How about you? A: … Ask and answer questions about the places in 1b. (1c) Pair work Example: A: Let’s go somewhere interesting today. B: OK. Where do you want to go? A: Have you ever been to a water park? B: No, I haven’t. How about you? A:I have been there only once. B: … Look at the map in 2a and make conversations about the places. (2c) Pair work A: Have you ever been to the space museum? B: Yes, I have. How about you? A: No, I haven’t. B: Oh, it’s fantastic. Let’s go tomorrow. A: OK. How are we going to get there? B: We can take the subway. Example: A: Have you ever been to an amusement park. B: No, I haven’t. How about you? A: Yes, I have. It’s really interesting. Let’s go this weekend. B: OK. How are we going to get there? A: We can ride our bikes there. 1. 我去过北京两次。 I ______ ______ _____ Beijing twice. 2. 大声读书是一种学习英语的好方法。 Reading aloud is __ ____ ____ ____ to learn English. 3. 昨天他没有去那,我也没去。 He didn’t go there yesterday. _____ _________. have been to a good way to Me neither 4. 我了解了一些电影的知识。 I ______ ______ some information about movie. 5. 他的粗心导致了这次失败。 His carelessness ____ ___ this failure. learned about led to 选用have, has填空: 1. I _______ told him the news. 2. She ________ come back from school. 3. You ________ won the game. have has have 按要求改写下列各句: 4. They have bought a computer. (改成否 定句) ___________________________________ 5. He has lost his book. (先改成一般疑问 句,再作肯定与否定回答) ___________________________________ ___________________________________ They haven’t bought a computer. Has he lost his book? Yes, he has. No, he hasn’t. Translate and write them down. 1. - 你去过科学博物馆吗? - 我从没去过科学博物馆。 2. - 我从没去过水上公园。 - 我也没去过。 - Have you ever been to a science museum? - No, I’ve never been to a science museum. - I’ve never been to a water park. - Me neither. 根据汉语意思完成句子。每空一词。 1. 你曾经去过长城吗? ____ you _____ ______ ____ the Great Wall? 2. 我从没听到过南希说反对她的话。 I _____ ______ _______ Nancy say anything against her. 3. 他已经去过北京三次了。 He _____ ______ ____Beijing three times.has been to Have ever been to have never heard To preview the new words and expressions To preview the most interesting museums the three students have ever been to

