八年级下英语课件《Why don't you talk to your parents 》 (10)

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八年级下英语课件《Why don't you talk to your parents 》 (10)

A: What’s wrong? B: I had a fight with my best friend. What should I do? A: You should say you are sorry. B: But I don’t know how to say sorry? You should write a letter to say sorry. You should call him up to say sorry. You should send him an-email to say sorry. You should say sorry when you are playing a ball game. You should go to his house to say sorry. You should send him a gift to say sorry. could and should Could 表示 “应该”。 表示建议时,语 气不是那么肯定。 You could at least have met me at the station. 你至少应该到车站来接我。 Should 表示 “必须,应该”。表示建议时, 表示的建议是最好的,语气非常肯定。 Children should obey their parents. 儿童应该服从他们的父母。 用should, shouldn’t, could, couldn’t完成句子: 1. If you want friends, you _______ be friendlier. 2. You _____ argue with your father any more. 3.– I want to surprise my parents. -- You ______ buy them a CD. 4. If you want better grades, you ______ watch so much TV. 5. His son was not very clever. He _______ talk until he was three years old. should shouldn’t could shouldn’t couldn’t Dave: You look sad. What’s wrong? Kim: I…. What should I do? Kim is talking about his problem. Dave is giving some advice to him. Kim 2d Read the conversation: Q: What’s wrong with Kim? His sister took some of his new magazines and CDs without asking. He is angry with her. Q: What advice did Dave give Kim? Read and answer: He told Kim that he could tell his sister to say sorry and he could forget about it. 2dDave:You look sad,Kim.What’s wrong? Kim:Well,I found my sister looking through my things yesterday. She took some of my new magazines and CDs. Dave:Hmm...that’s not very nice.Did she give them back to you? Kim:Yes,but I’m still angry with her.What should I do? Dave:Well,I guess you could tell her to say sorry.But why don’t you forget about it so that you can be friends again?Athough she’s wrong,it’s not a big deal. Kim:You’re right.Thanks for your advice. Dave:No problem.Hope things work out. 2d What’s wrong? look through something give sth. back to sb. be angry with sb. not a big deal. so that a big deal Thanks for your advice. No problem. work out Hope things work out. You look sad, Kim .What’s wrong? Well, I found my sister looking through my things yesterday. She took some of my new magazines and CDs. Role-play the conversation.2d Hmm… that’s not very nice. Did she give them back to you? Yes, but I’m still angry with her. What should I do? Well, I guess you could tell her to say sorry. But why don’t you forget about it so that you can be friends again? Although she’s wrong, it’s not a big deal. You’re right. Thanks for your advice. No problem. Hope things work out. Key points 1 look through 粗略地翻阅;细审 eg. He looks through several newspaper before breakfast. 他早饭 前通常浏览几份报纸。 You should look through your notes before the exam. 考试前你应该复习一 下笔记。 look at look for look around 四处张望 look up 查找 look into 调查 look after 照顾;照看 look like look over look the same look oldtiredyoungunhappy • find notice sb do • find notice sb doing • find notice sth.+adj • find notice it +adj+to do 结果状语从句 2 so that 以便;结果,以致 eg. I’ll give you all the facts so that you can judge for yourself. 我会给 你所有的事实以便你可以自己判断。 Everyone lent a hand, so that the work was finished in a few minutes. 每个人都帮了忙,所以工作在几分钟 内就完成了。 3. Although she's wrong, it’s not a big deal. big deal是英语中的一个固定搭配,表 示 “重要的事情或状况”,多用于非正式 交流。作否定用法时,常说It’s not a big deal或It’s no big deal.表示说话人并不认 为某事有什么了不起。 e.g. There's a soccer game on TV this evening but I don’t have to watch it. It’s no big deal. 今天晚上电视上有一场足球 赛,但我不一定要看。没什么大不了的。 It’s a big deal, David, bigger than you know. 这事挺重要的,戴维,比你所知道的要重 要。 What's the big deal? It’s only a birthday, not the end of the world. 有什么了不起的?这不过是个生日,又不 是世界某日。 4 Although she’s wrong, it’s not a big deal. 虽然说她有错,但是这并不是什么 了不起的事。 although conj. 尽管,虽然;但是,然而 eg. Although my car is very old, it still runs very well. 我的汽车虽然很旧,但仍 然跑得很好。 Although quite young, he knows a lot. 虽 然很年轻,但是他知道的东西却很多。 让步状语从句 5. Hope things work out. 希望事情会好起来。 这是一种常见的表达法,表示某些不 如人意的事情会随时间的推移逐渐有所 改观。 6 work out 解决(问题);算出 e.g. Mike worked out the difficult problem by himself. 迈克自己算出了那道难题。 Is it possible to work out the problem? 有可能解决这个问题吗? 1. — I don’t have a partner to play table tennis with. — Why _____a sports club to practice a lot? A. don’t join B. not joining C. not to join D. don’t you join 2. There is something wrong with my computer. ____ should I do? A. What B. How C. Where D. When 3. —Would you like to watch the movie with me tonight? — ______, but I have too much homework to do. A. I’d love to B. That’s all right C. It doesn’t matter D. Not at all 4. — Susan, what are the advantages of MP5 players? — Mom, they are smaller and lighter,    ___ they can be carried very easily. A. unless B. if C. until D. so that 5. 单词拼写: The naughty boy is always _______ (fight) with others. fighting 6. — Look! It’s raining heavily. ____ take a raincoat with you? —Well, I’ll take one right now. A. Why not B. Why don’t C. Would you mind D. Would you like 7. Shall we go for a visit to the World Expo in Shanghai during summer vacation? (写出同义句) _____ ______ go for a visit to the World Expo in Shanghai during summer vacation? Why not 8. — We don’t have much homework this weekend. Shall we go out together? — OK. What about _____ a movie? A. to see B. seeing C. see D. sees 9. — It’s very hot outside. — Why ______ you stay at home? A. not B. not to C. don’t Write three conversations about your problems and your friends’ suggestions. A: I have too many after-school classes. What could I do? B: You could …

