人教版九年级英语复习课件(Unit 7-8)

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人教版九年级英语复习课件(Unit 7-8)

教材系统复习 考点精讲 人教版九年级 Units 7-8 license safety smoke tiny cry field lift awful poem community chance educate society support whose truck picnic rabbit attend valuable pink anybody laboratory coat sleepy land suit circle Britain receive medical purpose prevent energy position victory period noisy policemen wolves enemies medical lead choose chose chosen hugged hugging regretted expression manager sleepy asleep entrance valuable talk back keep…away from think back make one ' s own decision get in the way of make a choice run after pick up have a parttime job manage to do go away care about take photos attend a concert have a chance to… be serious about at the same time opportunity terrible success stop support get into talk back excited seeing made sure kept from hurt myself hug lifted me up regret talking it is not common think about end up as have nothing against hobbies as much as will I must be visiting prevent illness keep healthy having   fun Can I go to the shopping center with John ? too young to Whose volleyball is this ? C D D B A A regretted C A D B A D A B B D asleep slept D B C C A C prevented A D C A D B C A A D C B C A A safety valuable enemies educated medical more     than belongs     to too     young prevents from must knocking 考点精练十八 九年级Units 7-8 C B B B A A D B B B A C B A D D D B C D C D B C A circles had a cold Safety choice sleepy How does too to don ' t should It will be if/whether will C E F A D

