初中英语九年级全册Unit9IlikemusicthatIcandanceto单元基础知识复习小测课件 人教新目标版

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初中英语九年级全册Unit9IlikemusicthatIcandanceto单元基础知识复习小测课件 人教新目标版

Unit 9 I like music that I can dance to. Unit 9 单元基础知识复习小测 一、重点单词默写。 1.更喜欢(v.) ________              2.澳大利亚(人)的(adj.) 澳大利亚人(n.)___________ 3.电子的;电子设备的(adj.)____________ 4.推断;料想(v.)_____________ 5.悦耳的;平滑的(adj.)___________ 6.空闲的;不用的(adj.) 抽出;留出(v.)________ 7.导演;部门负责人(n.)___________ 8.情况;实情(n.)_______ prefer Australian electronic suppose smooth spare director case 9.战争;战争状态(n.)______ 10.粘贴;将……刺入(v.)_____ 11.悲哀;沮丧(adj.)________ 12.对话;对白(n.)__________ 13.大量;众多(pron.)__________ 14.关闭;关上(v.)_________ 15.感觉到;意识到(v.) 感觉;意识(n.)______ 16.悲伤;悲痛(n.)__________ 17.痛苦;疼痛;苦恼(n.)__________ 18.反映;映出(v.)_____________ war stick down dialog plenty shut sense sadness pain reflect 19.表演;执行(v.)___________ 20.遗憾;怜悯(n.) 同情;怜悯(v.)______ 21.总数;合计(n.) 总的;全体的(adj.)______ 22.大师;能手;主人(n.) 掌握(v.)___________ 23.表扬;赞扬(v.& n.)__________ 24.伤;伤口;创伤(n.) 使(身体)受伤;伤害(v.)________ 25.令人痛苦的;令人疼痛的(adj.)___________ perform pity total master praise wound painful 二、重点短语默写。 1.连同……一起________________ 2.既然那样;假使那样的话___________ 3.坚持;固守___________ 4.依靠;取决于____________ 5.及时_________ 6.准时___________ 7.大量;充足____________ 8.使振奋____________ along with in that case stick to depend on in time on time plenty of cheer up 9.偶尔地;间或_______________ 10.关闭;停止运转_____________ 11.结婚_________________ 12.总共;合计_______________ 13.用这种方法_______________ 14.到……时候为止________________ once in a while shut off get married in total in this way by the end of 三、重点句子翻译。 1.比起葡萄我更喜欢梨。 I ______pears ____grapes. 2.孩子们宁愿待在家里也不愿和你一起出去。 Children _______to stay at home ___________go out with you. 3.我喜欢能随之跳舞的音乐。 I like music that I can_____________. prefer to prefer rather than dance to 4.遗憾的是,他丢了手表。 ___________that he has lost his watch. 5.你喜欢什么类型的音乐? ______________music do you like? 6.我们应当尽我们的最大努力去解决他们的问题。 We should ____________________their problems. It's a pity What kind of try our best to solve

