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Unit 9 Can you come to my party? 单元同步阅读能力提升 一、完形填空。 I'm Susan.I had my 14 th birthday party with my parents the day before yesterday. In the morning , my parents __ 1 __ lots of balloons ( 气球 ) in the room and then they went out to buy a birthday __ 2 __ for me.In fact I wanted to give my parents a surprise at my birthday party.I hoped to give thanks to __ 3 __ for giving me life and love.An idea came to my mind — I could make some __ 4 __ for them by myself ! So I found chicken , bread , eggs , fruits and vegetables to __ 5 __ lunch.Soon I made sandwiches , fried eggs ( 煎蛋 ) and fruit salad. When they came back and saw the dishes were ready __ 6 __ their help , my parents were too __ 7 __ to say a word.We sat at the table and put on birthday hats.I was nervous ( 紧张的 ) when my parents tasted my dishes because I had __ 8 __ cooked before.But they said the dishes were the __ 9 __ ones they had ever tasted ! I was so happy.Then we enjoyed the birthday cake together. __ 10 __ an unforgettable ( 难忘的 ) birthday! ( ) 1.A.caught B . hung C . took D . covered ( ) 2.A.party B . concert C . cake D . calendar ( ) 3.A.you B . them C . him D . her ( ) 4.A.cards B . photos C . songs D . dishes ( ) 5.A.look for B . wait for C . ask for D . prepare for ( ) 6.A.along B . between C . without D . below ( ) 7.A.surprised B . Sad C . interested D . strict ( ) 8.A.always B . usually C . often D . never ( ) 9.A.best B . worst C . better D . worse ( ) 10.A.How B . When C . What D . Which B C B D D C A D A C 二、阅读理解。 I'm Betty.Last Sunday I celebrated my 14th birthday.My parents planned a big party for me and my friends. My mother made a list of all the friends that I wanted to invite.She also helped me make invitation cards and sent them to each of my friends.The contents ( 内容 ) of each card were not the same. Then , she took me to the market and we bought balloons , masks ( 面具 ) , hats and so on to make the room beautiful.We ordered a cake and the cake was a white house with colorful chocolate. When we got home , we started to work.We hung the balloons on the walls , doors and windows.We arranged ( 把 …… 分类 ) the masks and hats.Each friend would pick his or her favorite in this way. My mother spent a lot of time in the kitchen cooking delicious food.In the evening , my _ friends _ poured _ in . After dinner , we played different kinds of games.All of us had fun. At night , my bedroom was filled with gifts.I went to bed with the joy of having the best birthday party of my life. ( )11.Where did Betty celebrate her birthday? A . In the park. B . In a hotel. C . At school. D . At home. ( )12.Which of the following is TRUE? A . The contents of each card were different. B . Betty's mom made the invitation cards by herself. C . Betty's mom didn't want her to invite her friends home. D . Betty made the list of her friends she wanted to invite with her father. D A ( )13.What didn't Betty and her mom buy in the market? A . Masks. B . Hats. C . Birthday cards. D . Balloons. ( )14.What do the underlined words mean? A . A lot of my friends came to my party. B . My friends walked slowly into the house. C . My friends became sad when they arrived. D . My friends spent much time going to my home. C A ( )15.What is the best title for this passage? A . My Best Birthday Party B . My Friends that I Invited C . How to Celebrate a Birthday D . How to Have a Party at Home A 三、任务型阅读。 ( 原创题 ) It is Sunday morning.I get up early , because today is a special day.It is my sister Joyce's 16th birthday.My father and brothers went to Paris to visit my grandparents last week.16.____ Now Joyce is still sleeping in her bed.She stayed up late last night.My mother and I decide to do some things for her today. First , we are going to prepare a special breakfast for her.17.____ She is going to cook bacon ( 培根 ) for Joyce.It's Joyce's favorite food.I think she will like it. B D 18 . ____ I'm sure Joyce will be surprised and happy when she sees the cake with the words “ Happy Birthday to Joyce ” on it. Next , we are going to the supermarket to buy a present and some flowers for her.19.____ So we will buy her a beautiful skirt. Finally , we will have a party for her tonight.20.____ It's a pity that my father and brothers are not at home , but I believe we will enjoy ourselves today. 根据材料内容,从下面五个选项中选出能填入文中空缺处的最佳选项, 使文章意思通顺、内容完整。 E C A A . We ' ll in v ite many guests to our party . B . So only my mother , my sister and I are at home . C . She likes w earing skirts . D . My mother is a great cook . E . Then , w e are going to buy a big cake . 四、短文填空:从方框中选择合适的单词并用其正确形式填空 , 使短文完整、通顺。 co v er , celebrate , w ithout , exam , prepare , surprise , though , accept , autumn , finally My name is Michael and I'm 13 years old.My birthday is in 21. __________ . Every year , my parents 22.___________ it for me.This year , I forgot it because I was very busy with a ( n ) 23. _______ . But my parents didn't.They wanted to give me a surprise , so they 24.__________ for it on their own.When I came home that day , I saw a big birthday cake on the table.I didn't know what happened at first , but 25.________ I saw the birthday card for me.I was very 26.____________ and happy.I gave my parents kisses and said “ Thank you ” to them. autumn celebrate exam prepared finally surprised Then they gave me a box.I 27._________ it and wondered what was in it.I quickly opened the 28._________ of it and saw a flute ( 长笛 ) in the box.My parents knew I really liked to play the flute , so they bought it for me 29.___________ telling me.I was very happy.It wasn't because of the gift , but my parents.30._________ my parents always asked me not to do this or that , I knew they loved me.I thought that was the best gift for me. accepted cover without Though 单元常见错误诊断 病号 1 : — Could we meet each other at 9 o'clock tomorrow morning? — Sorry , let's make it the _ other time. 【 处方 】the other 用于指定范围的两者中的另一者 , 常与 one 连用; another( 与某一个不同的 ) 另一个 , 又一个; other 另一些 , 其他的 , 在没有范围限制时修饰可数名词 ( 复数 ) 。由 sorry “ 对不起 ” 可知不同意上句的意见 , 要求另定时间。故应将原句中 the other 改为 another 。 病号 2 : I can't receive your advice because I have my own idea. 【 处方 】receive 表示客观收到 , 不表示主观上是否愿意接受; accept 表示主观上愿意 “ 接受 ” 。句意为: “ 我不能接受你的建议 , 因为我有自己的主意。 ” 故应将原句中 receive 改为 accept 。 病号 3 : We were surprising at the things on show. 【 处方 】surprising 意为 “ 令人吃惊的;使人惊奇的;出人意料的;奇怪的 ” , 通常修饰物; surprised 意为 “ 惊奇的;惊讶的;觉得奇怪的;感觉意外的 ” , 主语通常是人。 be surprised at 意为 “ 对 …… 感到惊奇 ” 。故应将原句中的 surprising 改为 surprised 。

