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Section B (2a-2e) ‎ ‎1.重点单词:invitation,reply,forward,delete,print,sad,goodbye,glad,preparation,glue,without,surprised,housewarming ‎2.重点短语:accept an invitation,make an invitation,turn down an invitation,take a trip,at the end of,help out,look forward to,hear from ‎3.重点句式:What a great idea!‎ She helped me to improve my English so much.‎ The party is the best way to say “Thank you and goodbye”.‎ I already have a great idea about how to do that.‎ My family is taking a trip to Wuhan at the end of this month to visit my aunt and my uncle.‎ Let me know if you need my help.‎ To show how much we're going to miss her,let's have a surprise party for her next Friday the 28th.‎ Bring Ms.Steen to the party without telling her so that she can be surprised.‎ I look forward to hearing from you all.‎ ‎1.重点短语和句型 ‎2.会向他人发出邀请,并且会接受和拒绝对方的邀请 ‎1.重点短语和句型 ‎2.会向他人发出邀请,并且会接受和拒绝对方的邀请 一、预习课本P69-70新单词并背诵,完成下面的汉译英。‎ ‎1.邀请____________   2.回复____________‎ ‎3.发送____________ 4.删除____________‎ ‎5.打印____________ 6.悲伤____________‎ ‎7.再见____________ 8.高兴____________‎ ‎9.准备____________ 10.胶水____________‎ ‎11.没有____________ 12.惊奇的____________‎ ‎13.乔迁聚会____________‎ 二、认真预习2a-2e的内容,找出下列短语和句型。‎ ‎1.接受邀请____________________‎ ‎2.发出邀请____________________‎ ‎3.拒绝邀请____________________‎ ‎4.去旅行____________________‎ ‎5.在……的末尾____________________‎ ‎6.帮助____________________‎ ‎7.盼望____________________‎ ‎8.收到来信____________________‎ ‎9.真是一个好主意!____________________‎ 4‎ ‎10.她帮助我很大地提高了我的英语水平。‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎11.这个聚会是最好的道谢和送别的方式了。‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎12.我已经有了一个怎么去做它的很好的想法了。‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎13.我的一家人要在这个月底去武汉旅行并看望我的叔叔和婶婶。‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎14.让我知道你是否需要我的帮助。‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎15.为了表明我们是多么的想念她,让我们在28号下周五举行一个惊喜派对。‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎16.在没有告诉Ms.Steen的情况下把她带去参加聚会,以便使她感到意外。‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎17.我期待收到你们所有人的来信。‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ Step 1 情景导入 Teacher:We have learned how to make a conversation about making,accepting and turning down an invitation.But do you know how to write something about the invitation?Today we will learn it.‎ 环节说明:由对话发出、接受和拒绝邀请过渡到文字写作发出、接受和拒绝邀请,开门见山,直奔主题。‎ Step 2 完成教材2a—2c的任务 ‎1.小组内互相交流聚会的种类,然后在2a的横线上写下来。(3分钟)‎ ‎2.快速阅读2a短文,了解短文大意,把人们写文章的原因与每篇短文匹配。(3分钟)‎ ‎3.认真阅读2a的短文,回答2c中的五个问题,完成后请学生说出答案,教师点拨答案。 (5分钟)‎ ‎4.再次细心阅读短文,理解每一句话的意思,小组合作解决遇到的疑难问题。(5分钟)‎ ‎5.教师点拨短文中出现的重点和难点。(5分钟)‎ ‎6.熟读短文,识记背诵知识要点。(5分钟)‎ ‎7.小结训练。(5分钟)‎ ‎(C)1.________ beautiful girl she is!‎ A.What  B.How  C.What a D.How a ‎(C)2.Reading English aloud is a good way ________ English.‎ A.learn B.learning C.to learn D.learned ‎(C)3.Did you ________ his invitation yesterday?‎ A.turn on B.turn up C.turn down D.turn off ‎(A)4.I don't know ________ next?‎ A.what to do B.what to do it C.how to do D.where to do ‎(B)5.Turn right and you will see the hospital ________ of the road.‎ A.in the end B.at the end 4‎ C.by the end D.to the end ‎(B)6.He got up late yesterday morning,so he went to school ________ breakfast.‎ A.with B.without C.for D.of ‎(C)7.I'm looking forword to ________ to Paris with you.‎ A.go B.to go C.going D.went 环节说明:本环节的学习不仅锻炼了学生的阅读能力,而且小结训练让学生对重要知识点进行了巩固练习。‎ Step 3 完成教材2d—2e的任务 ‎1.认真阅读69页的信息,用信息中的单词和短语来补全2d的邀请,完成后集体核对答案,并大声朗读短文。(5分钟)‎ ‎2.两人一组互相提问2e中的问题,然后根据问题的答案将其整理成一篇为老师送行的派对计划。完成后小组内互相交流短文。(5分钟)‎ 环节说明:2d环节让学生对邀请函的写法有了更深刻的理解;2e环节锻炼了学生的口语表达能力和书面表达能力。‎ Step 4 问题探究 ‎( )1.We will have an exam ________ this month.‎ A.in the end B.at the end of C.by the end of D.to the end of 答案选择B,at the end of意思是“在……尽头(末端)”,后面可接地点或时间名词,通常与一般过去时或一般将来时连用;by the end of意思是“到……为止”,仅指时间,指某一动作在某时间点以前或到某一时间段为止就已发生或完成,多用于过去完成时。若后面接的是将来时间,句子要用将来时态;in the end意为“最终、最后”,与at last 或者finally同义。‎ ‎( )2.The best way ________ is to work hard.‎ A.to succeed B.succeed C.succeeding D.succeeded 答案选择A,the best way to do sth.意为“做某事的最好的方法”,其中动词不定式to do作后置定语。‎ ‎( )3.We will go to the beach tomorrow.But do you know ________?‎ A.when will we start B.when we start C.when to start 答案选择C,本句是含有宾语从句的复合句,A选项语序不对,B选项时态不对,D选项是“疑问词+动词不定式”在句子中充当宾语成分。‎ ‎( )4.The boy was very angry,he went out ________ saying anything.‎ A.with B.without C.at D.for 答案选择B,根据句意“这个男孩很生气,他什么都没有说就出去了”可知应该表示否定意思,故选择without,without意为“没有”,是介词,其后要跟动名词。‎ ‎( )5.I haven't seen him for a long time.I look forward to ________ him soon.‎ A.see B.seeing C.to see D.saw 答案选择B,look forward to doing sth.期待做某事。‎ ‎( )6.I often write to my friend and I also ________ him.‎ A.hear of B.hear about C.hear from 4‎ 答案选择C,根据句意“我经常给我的朋友写信,我也收到他的来信”可知应该选择hear from,意为“收到某人的来信”,hear from的宾语是人。‎ 请学生们做前面课时训练部分。‎ 4‎

