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译林版三年级英语上册期中考试测试卷 一、请按顺序在下面横线上写出字母 Aa-Nn。 二、选出每组词中不同类的一项。 ( )1.A.morning B.goodbye C.afternoon ( )2.A.family B.mother C.sister ( )3.A.brother B.Mike C.Liu Tao ( )4.A.are B.am C.not ( )5.A.friend B.he C.she ( )6.A.ye s B.no C.good 三、从方框内选出正确的选项完成句子。 A.father B.mother C.brother D.sister E.grandfather F.grandmother 1. He’s my sister’s father. He’s my . 2. She’s my mother’s mother. She’s my . 3. Her mother is my grandma. She’s my . 4. He’s my father’s father. He’s my . 5. Her mother is my mother. She’s my . 6. His father is my father. He’s my . 四、单项选择。 ( )1.——Are you Su Hai? —— . A.Yes, I’m not B.No, I am C.Yes, I am. ( )2.——Good afternoon, Mike. —— . A.Goodbye B.Good afternoon C.Good morning ( )3.This is my , Mrs Green. A.brother B.mother C.father ( )4. is my friend, Helen. A.I B.He C.This [来源:学,科,网] ( )5.——Hello, I’m Liu Tao. ——Hello, A.Are you Liu Tao? B.I’m Mike. C.I’m Liu Tao. ( )6.——Goodbye, class. —— A.Goodbye B.Good afternoon C.Good evening 五、从 II 栏中选出与I 栏相对应的句子。 I II ( )1.Are you Nancy? A.Goodbye. ( )2.Good morning, Mike. B.Hello, Tim. I’m Jack. ( )3.Hi, Mike. C.Good evening. ( )4.Goodbye. D.How nice! ( )5.This is my brother, Tim. E.No. I’m Helen. ( )6.Good evening. F.Hi, Liu Tao. ( )7.Look! This is my family. G.Good morning, Ben. ( )8.Tina is my friend. H.She is my friend too. 六、连词成句。 1. you, Wang Bing, Are (?) 2. friend, is, she, my (.) [来源:Zxxk.Com] 3. Nancy, too, friend, is, my (.) 4. my, This, grandpa, is (.) 5. my, Sam, brother, is, This (.) 七、将下列句子排列成一段通顺的对话。 ( )Nice to meet you. ( 1 )Good morning, Wang Bing. ( )No, I’m not. I’m Liu Tao. ( )Hello, Liu Tao. ( )Hi, Liu Mei. ( )Hello. This is Liu Mei. She’s my sister. ( )Good morning. Are you Mike? ( )Nice to meet you too. [来源:学,科,网]

