2021届高三英语外研版一轮总复习教师用书:必修4 Module 5

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2021届高三英语外研版一轮总复习教师用书:必修4 Module 5

www.ks5u.com ‎        Module ‎5 ‎A Trip Along the Three Gorges ‎ (主题语境——人与社会之旅游与交通:旅游)‎ ‎1.journey n. (长途)旅行,行程 ‎2.tour n. 参观,观光,旅行 ‎3.trip n. (短途)旅行,旅程 ‎4.voyage n. 航行,旅行 ‎5.outing n. 郊游,远足 ‎6.selfdriving travel 自驾游 ‎7.destination n. 目的地,终点 ‎8.scenery n. 风景,景色,风光 ‎9.castle n. 城堡 ‎10.museum n. 博物馆,博物院 ‎11.palace n. 宫,宫殿 ‎12.pyramid n. 金字塔 ‎13.aquarium n. 水族馆 ‎14.fountain n. 喷泉 ‎15.monument n. 纪念碑,纪念塔 ‎16.accommodation n. 住宿;膳宿 ‎17.arrangement n. 安排;布置 ‎ ‎18.agency n. 代理机构 ‎19.baggage n. 行李 ‎20.luggage n. (总称)行李 ‎21.brochure n. 资料(或广告)手册 ‎22.reception n. 接待;招待会 ‎23.fantastic adj. 美妙的 ‎24.historical adj. 历史的 ‎25.application n. 申请 ‎26.passport n. 护照 ‎1.go on a trip 去旅行 ‎2.check in 报到;登记 ‎ ‎3.check out 查明;结账 ‎4.book a room 预定房间 ‎5.a summer resort 避暑胜地 ‎6.a mustsee place 必游之地 ‎7.a dream trip 梦想之旅 ‎8.come up with 想出 ‎9.be surrounded by 被……环绕 ‎10.take a picture 拍照 ‎1.With the development of China's economy, more people can afford to travel abroad. ‎ 随着中国经济的发展,更多的人有足够的钱去境外旅游。‎ ‎2.We will try some famous local snacks and experience the local history and culture as well as their customs. ‎ 我们将去吃一些地方特色小吃,体验当地历史文化,还有他们的风俗习惯。‎ ‎3.Standing on the top of the mountain, the temple has witnessed many changes in this area. ‎ 坐落在山顶的庙见证了这个地区的许多变化。‎ ‎4.As is known to us all, Mount‎ ‎Huashan is famous for its breathtaking cliffs and its unique characteristics. ‎ 正如大家所知道的, 华山以它惊人的悬崖和它独一无二的特征而出名。‎ ‎5.Located on Yangtze River, this beautiful old city has become popular tourist attraction now. ‎ 坐落在长江之畔, 这座美丽的古城现在成了一个受欢迎的旅游胜地。‎ ‎            ‎ ‎ 单词巧练 写准并记牢 Ⅰ.识记单词 ‎(一)会其形 ‎1.wood n. (常作复数)树林    2.flat adj. 平坦的 ‎3.colleague n. 同事 4.goods n. 货物 ‎5.trade vi. 做生意 6.narrow vi. 变狭窄;缩小 ‎7.remote adj. 遥远的 8.steep adj. 陡峭的;险峻的 ‎9.spot n. 地点;场所 10.view n. 景色;风景 ‎(二)知其意 ‎1.cave n. 洞;山洞 2.peak n. 山顶;山峰 ‎3.plain n. 平原 4.plateau n. 高原 ‎5.shore n. (海、湖、河等的)岸 6.slope n. 斜坡 ‎7.valley n. 山谷 ‎8.downstream adv. 向下游;随波而下 ‎9.temple n. 寺庙 10.dock n. 码头 vi. 驶入码头 ‎11.raft n. 木筏 12.detour n. 迂路;绕行之路 ‎13.legend n. 传奇;传说故事 14.immense adj. 极大的 ‎15.deck n. 甲板 16.exploit vt. 开发 ‎17.cruise n. (乘游轮的)漫游;巡航 18.cabin n. 船舱;机舱 ‎19.lounge n. 休息室;休息厅 20.fertile adj. 肥沃的 Ⅱ.拓展单词 ‎1.surround vt. 围绕;环绕→surrounding adj. 周围的→surroundings n. 环境;周围的事物 ‎2.distant adj. 遥远的;冷淡的;疏远的→distance n. 距离;远方 ‎3.forbid vt. 禁止→forbidden adj. 被禁止的;不准的 ‎4.mountainous adj. 多山的→mountain n. 山;山脉 ‎5.varied adj. 多变化的→vary vi. 变化;变更→various adj. 各种各样的→variety n. 种类;多样性 ‎6.naturally adv. 自然地→natural adj. 自然的→nature n. 自然;天性 高考与教材 ‎1.(2019·全国卷Ⅰ)Recently, people have begun studying the connection between the natural (nature) world and healing.‎ ‎2.(2019·北京卷)Regardless of the weather or the distance (distant), Paul Wilson will make sure lowincome students in his neighbourhood arrive at their college classes on time.‎ ‎3.(2019·江苏卷)Believing in such a world, many governments have put an end to some of the very necessary regulations on crossborder flows of capital, labour and goods (货物), with poor results.‎ ‎4.(2019·北京卷)Climate change will fuel the growth of phytoplankton in some areas, while reducing it in other spots (地点), leading to changes in the ocean's appearance.‎ ‎5.(2019·天津卷)Most of us, in fact, progressively narrow (缩小) the variety of our lives.‎ ‎6.(2018·全国卷Ⅲ)No one had seen them for hours, and my colleagues (同事) and I were worried.‎ ‎7.(2018·天津卷)Using them without a trainer present is forbidden (forbid).‎ ‎8.(2017·江苏卷)Determining where we are in relation to our surroundings (surround) remains an essential skill for our survival.‎ ‎9.(2017·江苏卷)Chewang Norphel lives in a mountainous (mountain) region in India, where he is known as the Ice Man.‎ ‎1.“岸边”名词荟萃 ‎①shore (海、湖、河等的)岸 ‎②beach 海滩 ‎③coast 海岸 ‎④bank 岸 ‎⑤seashore 海岸;海滨 ‎2.一“山”更比一“山”高 ‎①valley 山谷 ‎②peak 山顶;山峰 ‎③mountain 山;山脉 ‎④hill 小山 ‎⑤range 山脉 ‎3.强大的“朋友圈”‎ ‎①colleague 同事 ‎②partner 伙伴;同伴 ‎③netpal 网友 ‎④roommate 室友,舍友 ‎⑤companion 同伴;同事;伴侣 ‎ 短语巧练 写准并记牢 ‎1.at_the_edge_of 在……的边缘 ‎2.have_four_weeks_off 休四周假 ‎3.at_least 至少 ‎4.go_through 通过;经历;仔细检查 ‎5.be_heavy_with 有大量的……;充满 ‎6.take_advantage_of 利用 ‎7.in_the_distance 远处的 ‎8.rip_off 敲竹杠;敲诈 ‎9.get_a_kick_out_of (俚语)从……中得到乐趣 ‎10.all_the_way 一路;一直;自始至终 高考与教材 ‎1.(2018·浙江卷)One study found that a cotton bag must be used at_least 131 times to be better for the planet than plastic.‎ ‎2.(2016·江苏卷)Parents should actively urge their children to take_advantage_of the opportunity to join sports teams.‎ ‎3.(2015·浙江卷)Farther in_the_distance,_I could not enjoy the view of snowy mountains.‎ ‎4.(2015·湖南卷)As you go_through this book, you will find that each of the millions of people who lived through World War Ⅱ had a different experience.‎ ‎1.“at the+n.+of”短语一览 ‎①at the edge of 在……的边缘 ‎②at the top of 在……的顶部 ‎③at the bottom of 在……的底部 ‎④at the back of 在……的后面 ‎⑤at the beginning of 在……的开始 ‎2.“充满……”短语荟萃 ‎①be heavy with 充满 ‎②be filled with 被……充满 ‎③be full of 充满 ‎④be crowded with 充满 ‎⑤be loaded with 装满 ‎3.kick短语全扫描 ‎①get a kick out of (俚语)从……中得到乐趣 ‎ ‎②for kicks为了追求刺激 ‎③kick off (足球)开赛/球;脱掉;甩 ‎④kick out 撵走;开除 ‎⑤kick the habit of 克服……的习惯 ‎ 句式仿写 写准并记牢 ‎1.“see+宾语+宾补”结构 We could see the sun setting behind the white pagoda.‎ 我们可以目睹太阳正在白塔后面落下。‎ ‎2.be to do sth.表示“按照计划或安排将要做某事”。‎ He and a colleague were to spend two years there teaching English at a teacher training college.‎ 他和一位同事将在那里的一所教师进修学院教两年英语。‎ ‎3.only if 引导条件状语从句 I'm allowed to stick one in only if I've been in a place for more than 24 hours.‎ 只有当我待在一个地方超过24小时,我才允许自己扎一个别针在地图上。‎ 高考与教材 ‎1.(2019·浙江卷)尽管这段视频看起来像是一项新的广告活动的一部分,但是布里奇斯说这次活动唯一的目标是表现出慷慨和同情。‎ While the clip might look like part of a new ad campaign, Bridges said the only goal was_to_show generosity and sympathy.‎ ‎2.(2018·天津卷)只有经过训练才使用灭火器。‎ Use a fire extinguisher only_if_you_have_been_trained to do so.‎ ‎3.(2017·浙江卷)当他们看到两个骑自行车的人在路边修理自行车时,他们没有多想。‎ They didn't think much of it when they saw two cyclists repairing_their_bike on the side of the road.‎ ‎            ‎ 高频词汇精讲 ‎1.trade vt.‎& vi.做生意;用……进行交换n.贸易;交易 They are mainly for goods and people trading along the river.‎ 它们主要是用来运货的,乘客多是沿江做生意的人。‎ ‎(1)trade...with sb. 与某人做……生意/交易 trade in... 做某方面的生意 trade sth. for sth. 用某物换取某物 ‎(2)trader n. 商人,经商者,买卖人 介词填空 ‎①We have been trading with that company for many years in clothing.‎ ‎②The company trades in silk, tea, and other products.‎ ‎③My deskmate wanted to trade his pen for my book.‎ ‎2.forbid vt. 禁止;不准 The government has adopted many measures of forbidding smoking in all public areas across the country.‎ 政府已经在全国范围内的所有公共场所采取了许多禁止吸烟的措施。‎ ‎(1)forbid doing sth. 禁止做某事 forbid sb. to do sth.=forbid sb. from doing sth. 禁止某人做某事 ‎(2)forbidden adj. 被禁止的;禁用的 ‎[名师指津] forbid的过去式为forbad或forbade,过去分词为forbidden,现在分词为forbidding。‎ ‎(1)单句语法填空 ‎①He was forbidden to_leave (leave) the house, as a punishment.‎ ‎②It is high time that we forbade setting (set) off fireworks in urban areas.‎ ‎③He forbade me from meeting my friends online at the Internet café.‎ ‎(2)一句多译 禁止孩子们过度玩手机是他们父母的责任。‎ ‎→It is their parents' duty to forbid_the_children_to_play mobile phones excessively.‎ ‎→It is their parents' duty to forbid_the_children_from_playing mobile phones excessively.‎ ‎3.spot n.地点,场所;斑点,污点v.发现;认出;弄脏 The most beautiful spot on the river is the Three Gorges.‎ 江上最美的景点就是三峡。‎ ‎(1)spot sb. doing sth. 发现某人正在做某事 on the spot 在现场;当场;立即 ‎(2)be spotted with 满是……斑点;点缀着……‎ ‎[名师指津] spot作“地点”讲,用作定语从句的先行词时,从句如缺状语则用where引导定语从句,从句如缺主语或宾语则用that/which引导定语从句。‎ ‎(1)写出下列句中spot的含义 ‎①The floor was spotted with paint, which made him embarrassed.‎ 弄脏 ‎②Some of the spots on your trousers are hard to remove.斑点,污点 ‎③I read through the first page of the book and spotted a spelling mistake.发现 ‎④Fortunately, a man made an offer to take him around the different spots.地点,场所 ‎(2)单句语法填空 ‎①The floor was spotted with mud, which made him embarrassed.‎ ‎②I had just sat down to work when I spotted something moving (move) on the wall.‎ ‎③I wish our government could set up more free WiFi spots where we can have access to the Internet on our phones.‎ ‎(3)完成句子 In addition, there are famous artists who will perform how to cut paper on_the_spot.‎ 此外,还有著名的艺术家在现场表演如何剪纸。‎ ‎4.view n.景色,风景;观点,见解;视野vt.把……视 为……;观看,注视;考虑 He always chooses a postcard with a beautiful view, and sticks on an interesting stamp.‎ 他总是选一张有着美丽风景的明信片,并贴上一枚有趣的邮票。‎ ‎(1)come into view 映入眼帘;进入视野 in view 在视野范围内 have a good view of 清楚地看到;饱览 ‎(2)in view of 鉴于;考虑到 in one's view=from one's point of view 在某人看来 ‎(3)view...as... 把……看作……‎ ‎(1)写出下列句中view的含义 ‎①People came from all over the world to view her work.观看 ‎②If we sit near the front of the bus, we'll have a better view.视野 ‎③He climbed up to the top of the church tower to get a better view of the entire city.景色 ‎④In this lecture, I can only give you a purely personal view of how we can live life to the full.观点;见解 ‎(2)单句语法填空 ‎①When the old man opened the window, a stranger with a high hat came into view.‎ ‎②She waited until the whole island was in view and then took a photo.‎ ‎③In view of the shortage of time, each person may only speak for five minutes.‎ ‎(3)完成句子 Curiosity and imagination are_viewed_as the key to success.‎ 好奇心和想象力常常被看作是成功的关键。‎ ‎5.at least 至少;起码 ‎“Oh, well,” my friend said, “at least we have two more left.”‎ 我的朋友说:“噢,还好,至少我们还有另外两个峡谷。”‎ ‎(1)not in the least 一点也不 last but not least (提及最后的人或事物时说)最后但同样重要的是 least of all (多用于否定句)尤其 ‎(2)at most 至多 完成句子 ‎①It will take you at_least 30 minutes to get there.‎ 到那里你至少要花30分钟。‎ ‎②The film is not_in_the_least interesting.‎ 这部电影一点儿意思也没有。‎ ‎③Last_but_not_least,_it's everyone's responsibility to make good use ‎ of water.‎ 最后但同样重要的是,充分利用水资源是我们每个人的责任。‎ ‎④The operation was completed in three hours at_most.‎ 手术至多在三小时内完成。‎ ‎6.go through 通过(考试、法案等);经过(某场所);经历;仔细检查;浏览,翻阅;完成;用完,耗尽 The next day we went through the big gorges on the Yangtze River.‎ 第二天,我们经过了长江的几个大峡谷。‎ go after 追求;追逐     go by 过去;流逝 go on (with) 发生;继续下去 go against 不利于;违背;反对 go up 上升;增长;升起 go over 复习;重温;仔细检查 go out 熄灭;过时;出去 ‎(1)写出下列句中go through的含义 ‎①You must go through your papers before you hand them in.仔细检查 ‎②How long will it take you to go through the task?完成 ‎③When he was a child, he went through one hardship after another.经历 ‎④Our plan on how to spend our summer holidays didn't go through.通过 ‎⑤We've gone through all those envelopes I bought last week.用完,耗尽 ‎⑥They spent several days going through all related reference materials.浏览,翻阅 ‎(2)介词、副词填空 ‎①I was reading magazines in the room when all of a sudden the light went out.‎ ‎②Being a winner doesn't mean you'll always get everything you want, ‎ but it does mean you'll go after your goals in ways that are reliable.‎ ‎③Our teacher chose many important exercises for us, and I went over the language points at the same time.‎ ‎④If you go against nature, you will be punished sooner or later.‎ 重点词汇点拨 ‎1.distant adj.遥远的;远亲的;冷漠的 写出下列句中distant的含义 ‎①The airport is about ten miles distant from the city.遥远的 ‎②She's always very distant with Ann since they broke up.冷漠的 ‎③A distant relative is not as good as a near neighbour.远亲的 ‎2.narrow v.使变窄,缩小adj.狭窄的;勉强的;狭隘的,不够全面的 写出下列句中narrow的含义 ‎①We are working even harder now to narrow the gap between the advanced team and ours.缩小 ‎②She has a very narrow view of the world.狭隘的,不够全面的 ‎③She was elected by a narrow majority.勉强的 ‎④She slowed the car and began driving up a narrow road.狭窄的 ‎3.plain n.平原 adj.清楚的,明显的;坦诚的,直率的;朴素的;简单的 adv.(用于强调)简直,绝对地 写出下列句中plain的含义 ‎①Plain and simple clothes are appropriate for school wear.朴素的 ‎②I am sure you will give me a plain and open answer.坦诚的,直率的 ‎③You shall speak to the little child in plain English.简单的 ‎④When we reached the top of the mountain, a wide plain came into view.平原 ‎⑤The food was just plain terrible.简直,绝对地 典型句式精析 ‎1.be to do sth.‎ He and a colleague were_to_spend two years there teaching English at a teacher training college.‎ 他和一位同事将在那里的一所教师进修学院教两年英语。‎ ‎(1)be to do sth.表示“按照计划或安排将要做某事”。 ‎ ‎(2)be to do sth.意为“应该/必须做某事”。长辈要求晚辈或上级要求下级做某事时常用此句型。‎ ‎(3)be to do sth.表示不可避免将要发生的事或命中注定的事。‎ ‎(4)be about to do...表示“即将发生的动作”。 ‎ ‎(5)be going to do...多用于口语,强调事先打算、计划要做某事或根据某种迹象要发生某事。‎ ‎[名师指津] be about to do...表示“即将发生的动作”,不与表示时间的副词或其他时间状语连用,常用于be about to do...when...,意为“正要做……这时……”。‎ 完成句子 ‎①You are_to_arrive at the spot before five this afternoon.‎ 你们将要在今天下午五点钟以前到达现场。‎ ‎②All the drivers are_to_follow the traffic regulations.‎ 所有的司机必须遵守交通规则。‎ ‎③The invention of the Internet is_to_change the way we communicate with each other.‎ 互联网的发明注定要改变我们相互交流的方式。‎ ‎④Colin was_about_to_get_off the camel when a child ran towards him.‎ 科林正要从骆驼上下来, 这时一个小孩向他跑来。‎ ‎2.only if“只有;只要”,引导条件状语从句 I'm allowed to stick one in only_if I've been in a place for more than 24 hours.‎ 只有待在一个地方超过24小时,我才允许自己钉上一个图钉。‎ ‎(1)only if意为“只有;只要”,引导真实条件句,置于句首时,主句要用倒装语序;‎ ‎(2)if only意为“但愿……,要是……就好了”,常用来表示强烈的愿望或遗憾,因此主要用于虚拟语气中,用以表达强烈的愿望或非真实条件(表示与现在相反的愿望用过去时;表示与过去相反的愿望用过去完成时;表示与将来相反的愿望用“would/could/might+do”)。‎ ‎(1)句型转换 ‎①He will be able to regain control of the company only if he works hard.‎ ‎→Only if he works hard will_he_be_able_to regain control of the company.‎ ‎②A student is allowed to enter the room only if a teacher has given permission.‎ ‎→Only if a teacher has given permission is_a_student_allowed to enter the room.‎ ‎(2)完成句子 Look at the trouble I am in. If only I had_followed his advice!‎ 看看我所处的困境,要是我接受他的建议就好了!‎ ‎            ‎ Ⅰ.单词拼写 ‎1.Cheap goods (货物) are available, but not in sufficient quantities to satisfy demand.‎ ‎2.Hardly had she walked out of the woods (树林) when she heard the strange scream coming from behind a tree.‎ ‎3.My colleague (同事) told me yesterday that he would resign and work for another company.‎ ‎4.Having settled in that remote (遥远的) area for a year, the young man finally adapted to the weather.‎ ‎5.It used to be thought that the Earth was flat (平坦的).‎ ‎6.The water was quite shallow but where the reef ended, there was a steep (陡峭的) drop to the sandy ocean floor.‎ ‎7.Smoking is harmful to health.It should be forbidden (禁止).‎ ‎8.Developing foreign trade (贸易,交易) is very important for our country.‎ ‎9.We took a raft downstream (随波逐流) along the Wanquan River, enjoying the beautiful scenery on both banks.‎ ‎10.For more than 15 centuries, the legend (传说) of Santa Claus has fascinated children all over the world.‎ Ⅱ.单句语法填空 ‎1.They trade with the local villagers to make a living.‎ ‎2.When I got back home I saw a note pinned (pin) to the door.‎ ‎3.If you stand here, you'll get a better view of the river.‎ ‎4.The New Year is coming. The air is heavy with joy and smell of fireworks.‎ ‎5.It is strongly suggested that measures be taken to forbid students to_cheat (cheat) in the exams.‎ ‎6.The purpose of education is to_develop (develop) a fine personality in children.‎ ‎7.Even if you can't help him, at least you can give him encouragement.‎ ‎8.When he returned home on a rainy day, his boots were_spotted (spot) with mud.‎ ‎9.Naturally (natural) enough, she wanted her child to grow up fit and strong.‎ ‎10.The happy childhood we spent together in the countryside is a distant (distance) memory for me now.‎ Ⅲ.单句改错 ‎1.When he was trying to break into the bank, the thief was caught in the spot.in→on ‎2.Many people joined in the work, some of whom women and children.whom→them或whom后加were ‎3.Africa is actually connected with Asia at the spot which the Suez Canel was dug.which→where ‎4.Viewing from the top of the hill, the city takes the round shape with a flowing river through it.Viewing→Viewed ‎5.In the long run, the scientific research doesn't have the absolute forbidding area.forbidding→forbidden ‎6.Only in this way can we live in more comfortable and beautiful surrounding.surrounding→surroundings ‎7.I had a quarrel with my sister so she didn't speak a word to me all in the way back home.去掉in ‎8.She had narrow escape when a lorry crashed into her car.had后加a ‎9.Listen! Do you hear someone call for help?call→calling ‎10.Under the tree sit a pretty girl.sit→sits Ⅳ.语段填词 ‎1.People in mountainous regions see lots of mountains as a common sight in their life. (mountainous)‎ ‎2.The man is always distant towards his neighbors, so his neighbors often keep him at a distance. (distant)‎ ‎3.There are a variety of books in the library. Children can read various books there. (vary)‎ ‎4.It is her nature to trust whoever she meets. So naturally,_she is often taken in by others. (natural)‎ ‎5.As a famous pop star, he loves being surrounded by so many fans coming to visit him from the surrounding cities. And he also likes beautiful surroundings with green trees and flowers. (surround)‎ Ⅴ.完成句子 ‎1.我们的职责是帮助孩子们更好地成长。(be+to do结构)‎ Our duty is_to_help the young children to grow better.‎ ‎2.很多专家参加了这次会议,其中大多数来自中国。(独立主格)‎ Many experts attended the conference, most_of_them_from_China.‎ ‎3.我只有找到了工作,才有足够的钱去上学。(部分倒装)‎ Only if I get a job will_I_have_enough_money to go to school.‎ ‎4.经过操场时,我看见他正在打篮球。(see+宾语+宾补)‎ While passing by, I saw_him_playing_basketball on the playground.‎ ‎5.山顶上有一棵大树。(完全倒装)‎ On the top of the hill stands_a_tall_tree.‎ Ⅵ.微写作 假定你是李华,你的朋友Tom写信告诉你他想游览长江,请你根据以下提示给他写一封回信。‎ ‎1.得知你将要游玩长江我非常高兴。 长江是中华文明的母亲河之一;‎ ‎2.在我看来,如果你游玩了长江,你可以更好地了解中国的历史;‎ ‎3.当然,长江沿岸的景点不胜枚举,所有的景点都承载着传说;‎ ‎4.利用这次旅行你不仅能好好欣赏周围的风景而且能开拓视野;‎ ‎5.希望你这次长江之行玩得开心。‎ 注意:1.请根据以上要点写一篇100词左右的短文;‎ ‎2.尽量使用本模块的知识点;‎ ‎3.可适当增加细节。‎ Dear Tom,‎ I am more than delighted to know that you are going to visit the Yangtze River, one of the mother rivers of Chinese civilizations. In my view, only if you take the trip to the Yangtze River can you have a better understanding of the history of China. Naturally, along the river are many attractive scenic spots, all of which are heavy with legends. Take advantage of the trip and you will not only have a good view of the surrounding scenery but also broaden your horizons.‎ Hope you will get a kick out of the trip to Yangtze River.‎ Yours,‎ Li Hua Ⅶ.课文语法填空 In August 1996, Peter Hessler, a young American teacher of English, __1__ (arrive) in the town of Fuling on the Yangtze River. He and a colleague were to spend two years there __2__ (teach) English at a teacher training college. At the end of January they had four weeks __3__ for the Spring Festival. They decided to take a boat downstream.‎ They bought tickets for the Jiangyou boat. The sun was shining __4__ (bright) as they sailed downstream through a hilly region. They slept through __5__ first gorge, the Qutang Gorge. The gorge __6__ (narrow) to 350 feet as the river rushes through the twomilehigh mountains. At Wushan they made a tour up the Daning‎ ‎River. As they came out of the Xiling Gorge, they sailed into the __7__ (construct) site of the dam. All the passengers came on deck, took pictures and pointed at the site, __8__ they weren't allowed __9__ (get) off the boat. On a __10__ (distance) mountain was a sign in 20foot characters. “Build the Three Gorges Dam, Exploit the Yangtze River,” it said.‎ ‎1.arrived 2.teaching 3.off 4.brightly 5.the 6.narrows ‎7.construction 8.but 9.to_get 10.distant 学习至此,请完成课时作业23‎

