新人教英语选修10共同成长(Unit 5 Enjoying novels)

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新人教英语选修10共同成长(Unit 5 Enjoying novels)

共同成长 见仁见智 Having finished her homework,Ma Li wants some music for relaxation.As usual,she starts her computer and goes to Baiducom to download music files.But this time she is surprised when an announcement about protecting songs’ copyright bursts onto the screen. The age of free music and movie downloads may have come to an end as web companies like Baidu are accused of infringing(侵犯 )copyright.This month lawsuits(诉讼)have been filed against four websites offering free downloads. [来源:.Com] In September,a Beijing court ordered Baidu to pay recording company Shanghai Push for their losses.B aidu was also told to block the links to the pirated music on the website.This caused a heated discussion on Internet file sharing. [来源:学*科*网][来源:] “Baidu’s defeat in the lawsuit shows it is not right to get copyrighted songs without paying.Downloaders may face lawsuits or fines,” said an official from the Guangdong Provincial Press and Publication Administration. Like many teens,Huang Ruoru,an 18-year-old girl from Puning in Guangdong Province,doesn’t think that getting music from websites is wrong.She always shares her favorite songs downloaded from Baidu with her friends.When told about the lawsuit,she began to feel a little sorry about getting others’ work without paying. But she said that the wish of file sharing is too convenient to pass up.“Buying CDs is too expensive for students,” she said,“I don’t know what I will do now.It’s really terrible if my only choices are radio and television.” However,other teenagers have different ideas.Wang Yafei,a Senior 2 girl from Jinan,Shandong Province pointed out that file sharing is a good way to promote pop singers. “If I download a song and really like it,I will buy the CD,” she said,“So what the recording companies really should do is improving their music,rather than fighting against file-sharers.”[来 源:学*科*网] 【问题导入】 网络的广泛使用使信息传播的速度大大加快,尤其是网络下载极大地方 便了人们的工作和生活。但是,保护知识产权的呼声却越来越高,有关部门的执法力度也越 来越大。网站对网络下载也增加了许多限制。你对网络下载与知识产权保护有何看法? What’s your opinion about protecting copyright and downloading from websites? A university student:I’m against protecting copyright of songs and other cultural resource.They should be shared by everyone.Modern civilization owes a lot to the free cultural resource before copyright was introduced. A singer:I’m against free downloading.If th ere were no copyright,how could we make a living? A clerk:I think it proper to give files limited copyright.The period shouldn’t be long. A senior teacher:Most countries are protecting copyright.We should follow the international rules in order to protect the copyright of our own. [来源:学§科§网] My view:____________________________________________________________________ _____ _________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ ________________________ ______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _________[来源:] 读书做人 【话题链接】 全球经济迅速发展,人类的生活水平日益提高;人类在享受经济繁荣的同 时,也不得不面临众多问题,能源问题即是其中之一。 Biomass energy(生物能),often forgotten as a promising alternative to oil,received its day in the sun with the gathering of th e Bio-energy World Congress and Exp osition in Atlanta,Georgia,late in April,1990.Nearly 1700 scientists,businessmen,and policy-makers,one-quarter from th e foreign nations,gathered for a week to discuss various means of squeezing usable energy out of trees,crops,manure,seaweed,algae,and urban w aste.Biomass in the United States contributes 2.5 percent of the total supply,but this amount can be doubl ed by 2000 and then doubled again by the year 2010. [来源:.Com][来源:] Eight percent of Sweden’s energy supply,for example,is presently coming from wood bark and pulp remainings.Sweden intends to raise this percentage by more intensive harvesting of waste food lying around in forests,a nd through the planting of so-called energy forests of fast-growing trees such as willow and birch. Brazil is frequently p ointed to as a nation with a major successful investment in energy coming from grains:it presently runs 330 000 automobiles on a water and alcohol mixture,replacing 10 percent of its previous oil supply.Brazilian representatives at the conference said they wish to double this in five years,with a final goal of to tal replacement.Most of the cars are built at the factory to use the mixture,while older models are changed through low-cost government programs.[来源:Z.xx.k.Com] 【问题导入】 国际石油市场价格不断波动,但总的趋势是逐步走高。人们的生活深受 影响。能源问题逐渐成为影响经济发展和国家安全的一个重要因素。 【想一想】 What do you think we should do to reduce the pressure of energy according to China’s present situation? [来源:学|科|网] _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _______________________________ __ _________ _____________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _____ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ ______________

