新人教英语选修10Unit4 《Learning Efficiently》测试

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新人教英语选修10Unit4 《Learning Efficiently》测试

Unit 4 单元测试 Class: Name: Marks: 满分(120) 一、单项填空(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分) 1. Have you ___ the manager about taking a day off next week? A. balanced B. recognized C. approached D. bothered 2. Just like spoken language, body language varies ___ culture to culture. A. with B. between C. from D. about 3. The latest publication of the Oxford English Dictionary includes 62 new words___ the changes in our culture communication. A. having represented B. to represent C. represented D. representing 4. ___, chasing pop stars is thought to be what young people like while mi ddle-aged people keep a cool head about this. A. In other words B. In this way C. In general D. In return 5. After the doctor’s visit, the patient felt more ___. A. at ease B. at hand C. at first D. at once 6. In such an important situation, men must wear a shirt and tie. In a ___ way, women must wear a skirt or dress, not trousers. A. co mmon B. ordinary C. similar D. same 7. Cooper wrote to the journal, ___. A. defending himself B. defending him C. defended himself D. defended him 8. I knew ___ certain John Brown, but not ___ famous one. A. 不填;a B. a;the C. 不填;the D. the;a 9. He is pleased with the way ___ you organized the party. A. in that B. which C. why D. in which 10. It is highly ___ that, in many schools, they are going to spend less time in the classroom than they used to. A. possibly B. probably C. likely D. lovely 11. I came back again, ___ sure I had locked my door. A. making B. to make C. made D. makes 12. —Excuse me, can you show me the way to Baiyun Middle School? —Sorry, I don’t know. I’m a stranger here. —___. A. Thank you all the same B. It doesn’t matter C. Never mind D. No problem 13. No ___ the children are excited—this is the first time they’ve been abroad. A. trouble B. problem C. doubt D. wonder[来源:] 14. Up to now, doctors ___ able to do very little to treat this disease. A. are B. will be C. have been D. were 15. As soon as I entered Evan’s company I saw a board ___, “___ to Evans”. A. reads; Welcomed B. written; to Welcome C. reading; Welcome D. printed; Welcome 二、完形填空 (共 20 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 20 分) Since my family were not going to be helpful, I decided I would look for one all by myself and not tell them about it till I’d got one. I had seen an agency (中介) 16 in a local newspaper. I rushed out of the house in search of it. I was wildly 17 , and nervous as if I were going on the stage. 18 the place quite easily, I ran breathlessly through a door which 19 “Enter without knocking, if you please.” The simple atmosphere of the office 20 me. The woman looked carefully at me for a while through her glasses, and then 21 me in a low voice. I answered softly. 22 , I started to feel rather hopeless. She wondered 23 I was looking for this sort of job. I felt even more 24 when she told me that it would be 25 to get a job without experience. I 26 whether I ought to leave, when the 27 on her desk rang. I heard her say, “As a matter of fact, I’ve got someone in the office at this very moment who might 28 .” She wrote down a 29 , and held it out to me, saying , “Ring up this lady. She wants a cook immediately. In fact, you would have to start tomorrow by 30 a dinner for ten people.” “Oh yes,” I said. I have never cooked for more than four people in my life. I 31 her again and again, and rushed out to the 32 telephone-box. I collected my thoughts, took a deep 33 , and rang the number. I said 34 that I was just what she was looking for. All things are difficult before they are 35 , so I spent the next few hours reading cook books. 16. A. advertised B. appeared C. reported D. published 17. A. encouraged B. disappointed C. excited D. surprised 18. A. Searching B. Finding C. Seeing D. Learning 19. A. said B. answered C. spoke D. wrote 20. A. astonished B. worried C. calmed D. pleased 21. A. informed B. questioned C. answered D. read 22. A. All of a sudden B. In fact C. Sooner or later D. In no time 23. A. how B. why C. when D. where 24. A. hopeless B. worried C. fearless D. frightened 25. A. impossible B. difficult C. important D. necessary 26. A. asked B. wondered C. questioned D. thought 27. A. bell B. clock C. radio D. telephone 28. A. go B. like C. suit D. determine 29. A. name B. address C. number D. note 30. A. serving B. cooking C. offering D. buying 31. A. saw B. phoned C. thanked D. wrote[来源:][来源:Z,xx,k.Com] 32. A. home B. office C. nearest D. faraway 33. A. sight B. glance C. rest D. breath 34 A. nervously B. confidently C. hurriedly D. anxiously 35. A. light B. visible C. easy D. certain 三、阅读理解(共 20 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 40 分) A Once my friend Peterson bought a pack of chicken, the brand of which was very famous at that time. But when he got home he found that the chicken had gone bad. He took the chicken back to the shop and he was paid twice of the price. We may say now he should have been satisfied but my friend would not like to stop. He decided to write a letter to Frank, president of the company, who was also the founder of the chicken brand. About a week later he received a letter written by the president himself. In the letter he apologized to my friend for the company whole-heartedly. There was also a card in the envelope, with which my friend could get another pack of chicken in any of the shops. In the end my friend was asked to answer some questions. 1. When and where did you buy the chicken? 2. What was the real problem of the chicken? 3. What did the shop assistant say to you when you took the chicken back to the shop? 4. What do you think is the reason for the chicken to go bad? 5. What do you suggest we should do to get away from such problems? Two days later, my friend also received a telephone call from the president’s office, asking whether he had received the letter as well as the card and then some other questions. Since then, my friend has always bought chicken only of this brand whenever he wanted to. 36. What did the author’s friend get when he took the bad chicken back to the shop? A. Another pack of chicken. B. Two packs of chicken. C. Money twice of the price. D. A whole-hearted apology. 37. What did the author’s friend do when he came back from the shop after he was paid back? A. He felt satisfied with the result. B. He wrote a letter to the President of the US. C. He became very angry with the shop assistant. D. He wrote a letter to the president of the company. 38. A week later the author’s friend received ___. A. A letter of apology B. A card with which he could get another pack of chicken C. Neither the letter nor the card D. Both of the letter and the card 39. What do you think is the author’s friend’s attitude towards the chicken brand? A. He still believes in it. B. He doesn’t believe it at all. C. He will never buy it again. D. He has never been satisfied with it. 40. What can’t we infer from the passage? A. The company may still be a top brand now. B. The president of the company is a responsible person. C. The company must have closed down. D. The author may even believe in the chicken brand. B As a teacher, I always think it right to teach my students to write about their true feelings and real experiences. But once I was puzzled about this. After explaining a text one day, I asked my students to write a passage about their families. All the students wrote quite well but the best of them all was the one written by a small girl. I was deeply touched by it. The girl’s father had died years before and her mother had to work hard to support the family. Many times she had seen her mother working deep into the night but never seen tears on her face. Like her mother this girl also works hard at her lessons and she is really good at any of them. I even didn’t know anything about her unlucky family. She always appears happy every day so she is really liked by us all, both the students and teachers. In order to make her an example to the class, I read this passage to the class. When I finished reading it I found my throat choked and my students’ eyes full of tears. Some of them even wept in a low voice. After the class nearly all my other students wanted to hand in their pocket money for the daily use to help this girl. To tell you the truth, I was really proud of my students. But to my disappointment, this student of mine left the class even without telling me the next day. I don’t know the reason why, can you tell me? 41. The author asked his students to write about their families because he wanted them to ___. A. speak out open-heartedly B. tell him some stories about themselves C. make up some stories about themselves D. say something good to him 42. What do you think about the girl? She is ___. A. honest and kind B. hardworking and determined C. brave and helpful D. kind and loyal 43. The underlined word “choked” may mean ___ in Chinese. A. 疼痛 B. 激动 C. 哽咽 D. 惊奇 44. What do you think is the main reason for the girl to leave the next day? A. She got angry at what the teacher had done. B. She didn’t want the others to know her unluckiness. C. She didn’t know the teacher’s kindness to her. D. She may have found a better school. 45. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage? A. The teacher asked her students to read the little girl’s article by themselves. B. The little girl’s father died of a traffic acciden t. C. The little girl’s classmates were willing to help her. D. The little girl’s mother blamed her for her writing. C I am not just a successful architect(建筑师). I also like to play the piano. In my spare time I often turn some dry musical symbols into beautiful music. Many years ago, while I was in a university studying architecture, I worked in a workshop. During the break I found an old piano in the corner of the room. With the allowance of the boss I sat down to have a try. Following my fingers the keys danced brilliantly and at the same time beautiful music flew out and then to every part of the room. All my workmates suddenly stopped talking and made their ears ready for my music. After graduation, I began to devote myself to my profession. All my musical talent was wasted into zero. Then one evening we went to a concert at which Mr. Stevenson, one of the ordinary workers in my company, sang us some beautiful songs. His musical talents made us all surprised. We all enjoyed ourselves with his beautiful voice so much that we even thought him a professional singer. I was also reminded of my musical talent. I began to train in a training center. My teacher was strict with me. He encouraged me to train every weekend and each time he asked me to play better than the last. Now I can proudly say I am also a successful pianist because every time I played on the stage fresh flowers and warm clapping would come from my audience. So I say, my friends, don’t busy yourself with your work too much. Find some time to develop your potential talent(潜能) and your life will become more wonderful. 46. What did the author do in his spare time? A. He played music. B. He worked here and there. C. He stayed at home practicing his lessons. D. He read for his profession. 47. After graduation, why did the author waste his music talent? A. He realized that his music talent was nothing at all. B. His workmates did not like him to play music. C. He went on with his further study. D. He was too busy with his work.[来源:Z,xx,k.Com] 48. According to the passage, the author is not only a successful architect but also a good ___. A. worker B. pianist C. singer D. basketball player 49. What is the author’s aim in writing this passage? A. He wanted to tell us that he is successful both in work and life. B. He wanted to tell us to develop our potential talent instead of busying ourselves with our work only. C. He wanted to tell us that the concert is very important to his life. D. He wanted to tell us that he was very welcome in his company. 50. Why did the author have himself trained on piano? A. Because he lost his job. B. Because his salary was too low. C. Because he wanted to became a famous artist. D. Because he was inspired by his workmate. D We Chinese people like the color of red. Our national flag is red. Girls like to wear red clothes when they get married. During the Spring Festival we hang up red lanterns(灯笼) to ma ke us more excited. We welcome important guests with red carpet(地毯). In a word, we believe red color can give us excitement and with excitement we feel happy and gay. But in Libya(利比亚), everything is different. They like green more than any other colors. Th eir national flag is all green without any design of other colors. In the streets among the dark green trees you can see the light green buildings, with green cars and green trucks running about. Their names are also green, such as the Green Square, the Green Hospital, the Green Hotel, the Green Highland, and the Green School and so on. Over the buildings there is always the large portrait of their president Gaddafi also dressed in green. In the schools children wear green clothes and their teachers are in green dresses. Girls like to wear green clothes, as they are all eager to become soldiers. It is said that this has something to do with their living environment. Most of the people in this country are Arabians. They live in the desert and of course life is really precious there for them. So they look at the color of green as their real life. They would save some water from their mouths for the trees. The first day of September is their national day. Every year on this day people from all walks of life(各行各业) will gather in the Green Square. They wear green clothes with the green flags in the lead walking in the green streets. It is really magnificent(壮观) to watch this. 51. The Libyan people like the color of green because they ___. A. live in the desert B. value life C. love their country D. want to work harder 52. How many stars are there in their national flag? A. One. B. Two. C. Three. D. None. 53. Which is NOT true according to the passage? A. Gaddafi is a president. B. The Libyan people celebrate their national day on September 1. C. Every year people from all walks of life gather in the Green Square at least once. D. In Libya people like green only. 54. We Chinese like the color of red because we think it can ___.[来源:] A. make us healthy B. make us wealthy C. make us excited and happy D. make us surprised 55. Why do the girls in Libya like to wear green clothes according to the passage? A. Because it’s the color of peace. B. Because they want to engage in the army. C. Because it’s a tradition of Libya. D. Because the color can make them relaxed. 四、写作(共两节,满分 35 分) 第一节 短文改错(共 10 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 10 分) We have just climbed out a spaceship onto the moon. 56. Behind us are the ship, half in the sunlight and half 57. in the deep shadow. A few miles ahead of a wall of 58. mountains against the black sky, even though 59. resting on the mountains, are a great ball of light, 60. beautiful colored. It is our own faraway world—the earth. 61. We take a step, but float up or down. We examine the 62. valleys with great interests and care. Not a sound can be 63. heard. There is no air carry sound, no wind. There is nothing 64. besides rock and dust, blinding sunlight and cold black shadow. 65. 第二节 写作 (满分 30 分) 由于人们生活水平的不断提高,越来越多的人拥有小汽车,这本来是件好事,却带来了 新的问题。前几天你的外籍老师上街,大街上车辆堵塞,本来乘车只要十分钟的路程却花了 一个小时。有的司机见空就钻,竟开上了人行道,还有司机乱停车,这是非常危险的。他让 写一篇英语作文反映这件事。 注意: 1. 短文要包含以上要点; 2. 可增加适当的细节使行文通顺、连贯; 3. 参考词汇:人行道 pavement; 4. 词数:120 词左右。 参考答案: 1-15 CCDCA CABDC AADCC 16-35 ACBAC BABAB BDCCB CCDBC 36-55 CDDAC ABCBC ADBBD BDDCB 56. out 后加 of 57. are→is 58. √ 59. even→as 60. are→is 61. beautiful→beautifully 62. or→and 63. interests→interest 64. air 后加 to 65. besides→but / except One possible version: As people’s living standard is improving, more and more people have their own cars,which is a good thing, but also brings new problems. There are many traffic jams in the streets. Somet imes 10 minuets’ ride takes you an hour. In order to save time, some drivers drive their cars onto pavements,which is very dangerous. More cars also cause more noise and pollution. I suggest that we walk or take a bus more often, which is good for our environment. I also hope the traffic department will strengthen the management of the streets. Cars should be parked in permitted areas. With all people’s effort, I believe, we’ll have a good environment in future.

