新人教英语选修10高中Unit 1《Nothing ventured, nothing gained》学案

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新人教英语选修10高中Unit 1《Nothing ventured, nothing gained》学案

Unit 1 Nothing ventured, nothing gained 课文长句难句剖析 1. The smell is, as usual, almost unbearable, being a mixture of sweat, seal oil fat, and dirty underwear. 剖析:being a mixture of sweat, seal oil fat, and dirty underwear 是现在分词短语,作表语 unbearable 的补语,进一步解释 unbearable 的原因。 译文:气味像平时一样几乎让人无法忍受,有汗味、海豹油味,还有肮脏内衣的气味。 2. I try to think of happier things: warm and dry clothes, a cosy bedroom, sunny days, my mother’ s face and the celebration we will get when we return, for I am part of a failed expedition that tried to cross the continent of Antarctica, something that had never been done before.[来源:学&科&网 Z&X&X&K] 剖析:try to 的意思是:努力去做。。。。。。/试图想要。。。。。。(但往往没有做成 功) 比如:Jack tried to stand up on the head but (he) failed.杰克想用头着地倒立,可是没 有立起来。 think of 是“想起、想到、认为”等意思。比如:She felt afraid when she thought of the story his boy friend told her the other day.她一想起男朋友那天给她讲的故事就感到害怕。 3. … for I am part of a failed expedition that tried to cross the continent of Antarctica, something that had never been done before.[来源:.Com] for 引导的“顺便表示原因的”状语从句。比如:Tom didn’t come today for he is ill.汤姆今 天没来,因为他生病了。Because 是用来回答 why 提出的问题的,语气最强;since 引导原 因状语从句时,含有“前提条件、前提原因”的意思。比如:——Why didn’t you come to my birthday party last weekend? 你为什么不来参加我上一个周末的生日聚会? ——Because I was away on business in Shanghai. 因为我出差在上海呢。Since this method doesn’t work, let’ s try another.既然这个方法不行,我们试用另一种吧。在这个状语从句里包含两个 that 引导 的定语从句,分别修饰 expedition 和 something,something 指 to cross the continent of Antarctica 这一件事。 注意:“。。。中的一员”英语要说成:… be part of … 。part 前面不能有冠词 a,比 如:Our class is a big family and everyone here is part of this big family.我们班级是个大家庭, 在座的每一个人都是这个家庭中的一员。 Something 意思是“重要的~、了不起的、含糊的概念”等。比如:At least we didn’t lose any money. That’s something. 至少我们没有丢钱。这才是最重要的。 译文:我竭力地想着更加高兴的事情:温暖干燥的衣服、一张舒适的床、阳光灿烂的日子、 妈妈的面庞和我们回到家时我们将要得到的庆祝,因为我是试图横穿南极大陆这个失败的探 险队里的一员,这也是史无前例壮举。 真题:Playing tricks on others is _____ we should never do. A. anything B. something C. everything D. nothing 解析:something 指不明确、含糊的事情。故 选 B。[来源:Z_xx_k.Com] 4. So it was with great excitement one morning in July 1914 that I read this advertisement:… 这是强调结构的句子,with great excitement one morning in July 1914 是“被强调部分”。这 种强调结构可以被用来对句子的主语、宾语、状语等进行强调。比如: I met your parents in the street yesterday.我昨天在街上遇见你爸爸妈妈了。 It was I that/who met your parents in the street yesterday.(强调“我”遇见 ~,不是“其他的 人”) It was in the street that I met your parents yesterday.(强调“在街上”不是别的地方) It was yesterday that I met your parents in the street.(强调“昨天”不是其他的时间) 要注意从句里的主谓一致。比如: Tom has done this . It was Tom that/who has done this. 对句子的谓语动词强调用 do 的适当形式。比如: When rescue did come, we felt such relief and joy that many of us could not hide our tears. Tom did break the cup this morning. She does know the good news. We do want to help you with your maths. 5. He made me a steward to help cook twenty-eight meals three times a day. 剖析:to help cook twenty-eight meals three times a day 是结果状语,不是 made 的宾语补语。 译文:他让我做船上的善务员,协助做28个人的一日三餐饭菜。 真题:An awful accident _____ , however, occur the other day. A. does B. did C. has to D. had to 解析:该句意思:可是,有一天的确发生了一件严重的事故。是过去时态,只能用 did 强调 occur,故选 B。 6. Calling us calmly together, he made an urgent announcement that we must save only essential supplies before the ship sank, particularly the small boats, food, cooking equipment, candles, bedding and clothes. 剖析:现在分词短语 calling us calmly together 作状语,句子主语 he 执行该动作,但是,如 果用 having called us calmly together(现在分词的完成式)会更好,和 made 在时间的层次上 显得更加清楚;that 引导同谓语从句,解释 announcement 的内容。 译文:他镇静地把我们叫到一起,紧急宣布在船沉下去之前我们必须抢出一些基本的供给品, 尤其是小船、食物、烹饪用具、蜡烛、床上用品和衣服。 真题:_____such heavy pollution already, it may now be too late to clean up the river.(2001 全国) A. Having suffered B. Suffering C. To suffer D. Suffered 解析:“已经遭受。。。”要用现在分词完成时态表示。故选 A。 真题:_____ the programme, they have to stay there for another two weeks. A. Not completing B. Not completed C. Not having completed D. Having not completed 解析:非谓语动词的否定式,“过去没有做完,所以再逗留二周”。故选 C。[来源:Z|xx|k.Com] 7. No rescue attempt could be expected from outside as nobody knew where we were. 剖析:could be expected…是被动语态,强调事实(fact)。as nobody knew where we were 是原 因状语从句,是 as 从句中 knew 的宾语。 译文:因为无人知道我们在什么地方,所以别指望任何外部救援。 8. What Shackleton and his men must have felt doesn’t bear thinking about. 剖析:结构表示对过去的“肯定猜测”。比如:The headmaster must have gone to bed, for there’ s no light in his room.校长一定已经睡觉了,因为他的房间里没有灯光了。 译文:沙克尔顿和他的手下人肯定感觉到的东西是经不起推敲的。 真题:Sorry I’m late. I ____ have turned off the alarm clock and gone back to sleep again.(00 北 京) A. might B. should C. can D. will 解析:情态动词在该句中需要表示“推测”。故选 A。 真题:—Are you coming to Jeff’s party? —I’m not sure. I ____ go to the concert instead. A. must B. would C. should D. might 解析:情态动词在该句中需要表示“推测”。故选 D。 9. It’s no wonder that Frank Wild, the kindest of men, describes “crying like a baby” when he saw Shackleton return at last with the rescue party. 剖析:这是复杂的主从复合句。It’s no wonder 是 naturally/of course 的意思。that…是宾 语从句;when …是宾语从句中的时间状语从句,return…是动词不定式短语作 saw 的宾语 补语。 译文:怪不得,那个最善良的人弗兰克。沃尔德描述道:当他们看到沙克尔顿终于带着营救 队返回来时他们像孩子般地大哭起来了。 10. Left behind, we watched as Shackleton and the boat sailed away from Elephant Island. [来源:Z*xx*k.Com] 剖析:过去分词短语left behind 既是时间状语又是伴随状语,主句主语 we 承受 leave 的动作, 所以用过去分词(请比较“课文难句剖析6”)。 as Shackleton and the boat sailed away from Elephant Island 是时间状语。 译文:我们被留在后面,注视着沙克尔顿和他的小船驶离象鼻岛。 真题:____ in 1636, Harvard is one of the most famous universities in the United States. A. Being founded B. It was founded C. Founded D. Founding 解析:过去分词短语表示1)被动,句子主语承受该动作;2)过去已发生。故选 C。 11. The danger of what lay ahead of them, the chances of them ever returning to find us, the fear that we might never know their fate and possible delays, at first made us feel low and discouraged. 剖析:“of what lay ahead of them”、 “of them ever returning to find us” 和“that we might never know their fate and possible delays”分别作定语修饰其前面的名词:“the danger, the chance 和 the fear” 。这三个名词是并列的主语,made 是谓语。 译文:他们将面临的危险、回来寻找我们的机会、无从知晓他们的命运以及可能出现的耽搁, 起初使我们情绪低沉沮丧。

