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‎2019届二轮复习书面表达专题如何句式表达多样化写作指导 避免句式重复的五大绝技:‎ ‎1、用物作主语 ‎2、动名词作主语 ‎3、it作主语 ‎4、陈述变倒装 ‎5、普通变强调 其实一共就两种方法,你懂的......‎ 第一大绝技:用物做主语 ‎【例1】‎ ‎•         I like English.‎ ‎•         English is liked by me.‎ ‎•         English is my favourite subject.‎ ‎•         English attracts me.‎ ‎•         English interests me.‎ ‎•         English fascinates me.‎ ‎•         English appeals to me.‎ ‎【例2】‎ ‎•         I thought of an idea.‎ ‎•         I came up with an idea.‎ ‎•         An idea occured to me.‎ ‎【例3】‎ ‎•         I have used the cell phone for a year.‎ ‎•         The cell phone has been used for a year.‎ ‎•         The cell phone has accompanied me for a year.‎ ‎•         The cell phone has served me for a year.‎ ‎•         The cell phone has worked for me for a year.‎ ‎•         It has been a year since I bought the cell phone.‎ 第二大绝技:动名词做主语 You should chat more with your classmates.‎ ‎•Chatting more with your classmates...‎ ‎•... is beneficial for you.‎ ‎•... can help (to) make some close friends.‎ ‎•... can help (to) discover more common interests.‎ ‎•... can help you know others well.‎ 第三大绝技:it作主语 神秘的形式主语——it 下面这些句子怎么翻译?‎ ‎1、学英语很重要。‎ ‎2、种了这么多树很辛苦。‎ ‎3、经常读书对我们意义重大。‎ 注意:英语中“动词原形”不可以做主语!!!‎ 请思考,这三个句子有什么共同特点?‎ ‎•特点:都是先讲一件事情,再用一个形容词对这件事情进行评价。‎ 汉语中“事情+形容词”结构等于英语中的…‎ It is +形容词 (+ for sb) + to do sth.‎ ‎1、It is of great importance to learn English.‎ ‎2、It is painstaking to plant so many trees.‎ ‎3、It is meaningful for us to read regularly.‎ 常见用法:‎ ‎•It is beneficial for sb to do sth.‎ ‎•It is harmful for sb to do sth.‎ ‎•It is useful for sb to do sth.‎ ‎•It is necessary for sb to do sth......‎ 第四大绝技:陈述变倒装 宇宙间最常见的三种(部分)倒装——‎ ‎•1、强调否定词;‎ ‎•2、强调形容词或副词;‎ ‎•3、“Only+状语”开头时的倒装;‎ ‎1、强调否定词 否定词+助/系/情+主+谓+句子剩余部分 步骤1:否定词置于句首;‎ 步骤2:助、系、情置于主语之前;‎ ‎【例1】I don't love you.‎ Never do I love you.‎ By no means do I love you.‎ ‎【例2】I will never agree.‎ Never will I agree.‎ ‎【例3】I have never seen him before.‎ Never have I seen him before.‎ ‎【例4】I know few teachers in NOS.‎ Few teachers do I know in NOS.‎ 常常用来引导倒装句的否定词:Not only, not until, never, hardly, scarcely, seldom, neither, in no case, on no account, by no means ‎ ‎ ‎2、强调形容词或副词 So + adj/adv+ 助、系、情+ 主+谓+that....‎ 步骤1:adj/adv置于句首;‎ 步骤2:助、系、情置于主语之前;‎ 步骤3:整个句子前面加so, 后面加that 步骤4:that后面写一个句子来描述adj/adv的程度 ‎【例1】He runs fast.‎ 第一步:fast he runs 第二步:fast does he run 第三步:So fast does he run that 第四步:So fast does he run that none of us could catch up with him.‎ ‎【例2】Yao is tall.‎ 第一步:tall Yao is 第二步:tall is Yao 第三步:So tall is Yao  that 第四步:So tall is Yao  that he can touch the ceiling.‎ ‎ ‎ ‎3、“Only+状语”置于句首时的倒装 表示:只有...才能...‎ ‎•(1) Only in this way can we do sth.‎ ‎•(2) Only then shall we do sth.‎ ‎•(3) Only when(陈述句) can we do sth.‎ ‎•(4) Only if(陈述句) can we do sth.‎ 两个万能结尾句 ‎•Only in this way can our society /family /life /school/ campus/class be flooded with endless harmony and happiness.‎ ‎•Only then shall we have the chance of achieving our dreams.‎ 两个“威逼利诱”句型 ‎•1. You should understand your mom.‎ ‎•Only when(if) you understand your mom can you really grow up.‎ ‎ ‎ ‎•2.You should recite as many as 30 articles.‎ ‎•Only when(if) you have recited as many as 30 articles can you master English.‎ 第五大绝技:使用强调句 ‎(1)强调谓语动词 I do love you.‎ I did love you.‎ ‎(2)强调其它成分 It is/was + 被强调部分 + that/who +句子剩余部分.‎ 注意:在进行句式变换时只需要进行两遍“剪切+粘贴”即可。‎ ‎【练习】‎ ‎1、I love you.‎ ‎2、I read English loudly in the open air every morning.‎ So loudly do I read English in the open air every moring that many babies cry.‎ ‎3、是我们中国年轻一代肩负着祖国的未来。‎ It is we Chinese young generation that/who are undertaking the future of our motherland.‎ ‎4、Practice makes perfect.‎ It is practice that makes perfect.‎ ‎(用强调句起到“活用名言谚语”的神奇效果)‎ 东方秘技之四:使用插入语 ‎•英语中最常用10个插入语:‎ ‎•together with sb 和某人在一起 ‎•to sb’s surprise 令某人吃惊的是 ‎•that is to say 也就是说 ‎•to a certain extent 在某种程度上 ‎•to a larger degree 在很大程度上 ‎•to put it in another way换言之 ‎•directly or indirectly 直接或间接 ‎•in other words 换句话说 ‎•as a matter of fact 事实上 ‎•for one reason or another 因为某种原因 ‎•口诀:插入语也放在“助系情之后,实义动词之前”,让句子显得更客观 ‎•English is, to a large degree, important. (系后)‎ ‎•Computer, directly or indirectly, influences our life. (实前)‎ ‎•Computer can, as a matter of fact, influence our life. (助、实间)‎ 神奇的造句方法 ‎【例1】‎ It is not hard to understand that doing part-time job can, to a large extent, broaden our horizon in that we can understand more about the society by knowing a lot of people.‎ ‎【例2】‎ There is no doubt that computer, directly or indirectly, to a large degree, influences our life primarily owing to that computer can improve the efficiency of our work and study.‎ ‎(3)如何化繁为简?‎ 非谓语动词 问题1:什么是非谓语动词?‎ 答:“非谓语动词”是一种特殊的演员,除了谓语这个角色不能当,什么角色都能当。‎ 问题2:什么时候用非谓语动词?‎ 答:一个句子中用到多个动词时,保留一个作谓语动词,其他统统变成非谓语动词!‎ ‎【关于非谓语动词的三个秘密】‎ ‎•1. 主动用ing,被动用ed,要做去做用to do;‎ ‎•2. 当汉语中用“动词+的”修饰名词时,英语中用定语从句或非谓语动词;(非谓语动词做定语)‎ ‎•3. 一个人做两件事,用“分词短语”; 两个人分别做两件事,用“独立主格结构”;(非谓语动词做状语)‎ 非谓语动词作定语 ‎•一个看书的小男孩 ‎•a boy reading a book ‎•一个受伤严重的小男孩 ‎•a boy hurt badly ‎•当汉语中用“动词+的”修饰名词时,英语中用定语从句或非谓语动词 ‎•要考虑这个动词和这个名词之间的主被动关系——看主被动,先名后动。‎ 非谓语动词作状语 ‎•小龙笑着走了进来。‎ ‎•Smiling , XL walked in.‎ ‎• 小龙被打了个半死走了进来。‎ ‎•Beaten, XL walked in.‎ ‎•昊明被打了,小龙哭了。‎ ‎•HM beaten, XL cried.‎ ‎•昊明笑了,小龙也笑了。‎ ‎•HM smiling, XLsmiled.‎ 当一个句子中用到多个动词时,保留一个作谓语,其他统统变成非谓语;‎ 谓语动词的主语才是真正的主语;‎ 如果非谓语是主语干的,前面什么都不用加;‎ 如果非谓语不是主语干的,谁干的,就把谁加上;(独立主格)‎ ‎1、看见昊明被打了,小龙哭了。‎ Seeing HM beaten, XL cried.‎ ‎2、听见昊明笑了,小龙也笑了。‎ Hearing HM smiling, XL smiled.‎ ‎3、太阳当空照,花儿对我笑,我背上书包上学校。‎ The sun shining in the sky, the flowers smiling to me, carrying my school bag, I go to school.‎ ‎4、天青色等烟雨,而我在等你。‎ The dark blue sky waiting for the smoky rain, I am waiting for you.‎ ‎5、(Brick n.砖头)‎ Walking in the street, a brick fell on his head. (WRONG!)‎ XL walking in the street, a brick fell on his head.(CORRECT!)‎ ‎6、Walking in the street, I picked up a coin and gave it to a policeman. Holding the coin, he nodded to me. Feeling happy, I said to him "Bye bye, sir."‎ ‎7、Walking in the wind, I feel the sunshine suddenly becoming extra tender. This tenderness between the heaven and the earth is just like you hugging me before. It doesn't matter that now you can manage your own life. And I will disturb you no more, which is my tenderness.‎ 第四讲:如何造出史上最牛逼的段落 ‎•主题句        Topic Sentence ‎•D  拓展句 Developing Sentence ‎•C  总结句 Concluing Sentence.‎ 其中,D部分可以有两种常见方式:‎ 解释句 Explanation E例子    Example 英文段落基本规则 ‎•1、段落中的所有句子都要围绕主题句思想来写,每一个句子的内容都应与主题句相关,不许写与主题句无关的句子;‎ ‎•2、段落句子的内容是对主题句思想的发展,而非简单重复。‎ 正确段落的示例:‎ People who own their cars have many expenses to pay in order to keep their cars. One of the expenses that car owners have is insurance. Besides, people who own cars also have to contend with rising gasoline prices. In addition, every time a car breaks down, there are bills for new parts and services.‎ 最基本的“过渡词”‎ ‎•For one thing,... . For another,... .‎ ‎•On (the) one hand,... . On the other hand,....‎ ‎•First,...Second,...Third,...‎ ‎•Firstly,... Secondly,...Thirdly,...‎ ‎•升级版:(专供议论文)‎ ‎•First,...—> First and foremost,...‎ ‎•Second,...—> Additionally,.../In addition,...‎ ‎•Third,...—>Last but (certainly) not least,...‎ ‎•to begin with,第一点   . Moreover,第二点  . What's more,第三点   .Finally,第四点  .‎ ‎•Furthermore,‎ ‎•Besides,‎ ‎•By the way,  用来另起一个段落 First,...Then,...After that,..Finally,...‎ ‎•Some... .Some... . Others... . Still others... .‎ ‎•Meanwhile,....‎ 如何打造史上最牛逼的段落?‎ ‎•1、完整的T-D-C结构;‎ ‎•2、主题句起到控制全段的作用;‎ ‎•3、拓展句前适当使用过渡词;‎ ‎•4、拓展句内容力求简单、句式变化多端;‎ ‎•最重要的五个技巧:(1)物作主语(2)动名词作主语(3)it作主语(4)倒装句 (5)强调句(6)非谓语动词 ‎5、拓展句的句前加黄金圣衣,句后加尾巴句型,中间加万能单词或插入语;‎ 必背段落1:‎ How to overcome test anxiety? First and foremost, there is no doubt that it is,to a large extent, vital and significant for you to make a careful preparation, consequently, some effective practice is badly needed. Additionally, no one can deny having a positive attitude is apparently of great help to you, which can make you diligent and intelligent. Last but not least, needless to say, if I were you, I would take a deep breath before writing the test paper,  considering that it will, for one reason or another, help us concentrate on our test and be more confident. If you carry out these methods, I am sure you will achieve an amazing success in your test.‎ 必背段落2:‎ ‎    Here are several suggestions for you. To begin with, there is no doubt that you'd better attend a training course, where you can learn some ‎ widely used words and expressions. Moreover, needless to say, you are supposed to read some Chinese books and magazines as well as watch some TV programs, in order that you may know more about our culture. What's more, if I were you, I would learn some native pop songs, so that the pronunciation and listening skills would be improved. Finally, no one can deny it is beneficial for you to make some local friends, considering that it needs some practice to learn a foreign language well.‎ ‎【提示:这两个段落死也要背下来!!解决作文段落层面上的结构问题!!】‎

