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第一编 专题四 第1讲 重点五 提分单句训练 Ⅰ. 单句填空 ‎❶ (2018·新余二模)As you can see,it was sharing with my friend __that__ helped me out of that dark time and brought back my confidence. ‎ 解析:考查强调句。强调sharing with my friend部分,故填that。容易误以为是定语从句,而错填who。‎ ‎❷ (2018·乌鲁木齐二模) __Pay__ (pay) the price,learn the lesson,and grow that much stronger. ‎ 解析:考查祈使句。设空与空后的learn和grow是并列的祈使句的谓语,故填Pay。‎ ‎❸ Now,just in front of the house __stands__ (stand) a tall tree with a history of 100 years. ‎ 解析:句意:现在,就在这座房子前面耸立着一棵有100年历史的大树。表示地点的介词短语置于句首,且主语是名词,后面的主语,谓语部分需用全部倒装形式;根据时间状语Now可推知设空处需用一般现在时;本句主语为单数第三人称,故填stands。‎ ‎❹ So buried __was__ (be) she in doing her homework that she didn’t notice it got dark outside. ‎ 解析:句意:她如此专心做家庭作业以至于她都没注意到外面已经黑了。so. . . that. . . 句型中,将so. . . 置于句首,后面的主谓语需部分倒装;根据题干中didn’t可知设空处需用一般过去时,故答案为was。‎ ‎❺ It wasn’t until in high school __that__ I began to trust other people again. ‎ 解析:句意:直到上了高中我才开始再次信任别人。本句考查强调句型“It is/was+被强调部分+that+其他成分”。强调not until in high school,故填that。‎ ‎❻ A child,if actively __engaged__ (engage) in classroom activities,can be taught many things. ‎ 解析:句意:如果孩子能积极参加课堂活动,他能学会许多东西。本句考查省略句。将本句补全后为:If a child is actively engaged in classroom activities,he can be taught many things. 。‎ ‎❼ (2018·天津)It was only when the car pulled up in front of our house __that__ we saw Lily in the passenger seat. ‎ 解析:考查强调句。句意:只有当汽车在我们房子前停下来我们才看到在乘客位置的莉莉。这里考查强调句,强调句型结构为:It is/ was + 被强调部分(通常是主语、宾语或状语)+ that/ who(当强调主语且主语指人)+ 其他部分。本题强调时间状语only when the car ‎ pulled up in front of our house。‎ ‎❽ (2018·北京)In any unsafe situation,simply __press__ (press) the button and a highly-trained agent will get you the help you need. ‎ 解析:考查祈使句。句意:在任何不安全的情况下,仅仅摁一下这个按钮,一个训练有素的特工就会使你得到你需要的帮助。and是连词,连接并列结构,and后面是一个句子,那么,前面也应是句子,选项中只有动词原形可以构成祈使句,其余的都是非谓语动词,无法构成句子。祈使句+and/or+陈述句是一种常见结构。当前后两部分间为承接关系时,用and;前后意思为相反关系时,用or。该句式中的陈述句部分常用一般将来时态。‎ Ⅱ. 单句改错 ‎❶ (2018·鄂尔多斯二模)Once there had a wooden pagoda(塔) in my village. __had→was__ ‎ 解析:考查固定句型。there be句型,表“有”,be动词不能用has,have或had等代替。‎ ‎❷ (2018·广西考前模拟)It was in the wallet where I found a phone number. __where→that__ ‎ 解析:考查强调句。强调句强调状语in the wallet,应用that。‎ ‎❸ (2018·鄂尔多斯二模)Now not only the villagers realize the importance of protecting the pagoda but also tourists know that they should try their best not to cause damage to it. __only后加do__ ‎ 解析:考查倒装句。not only置于句首,主谓用部分倒装形式,句中时间状语是now,故谓语用一般现在时。故only后加助动词do。‎ ‎❹ (2018·石家庄一模)Don’t afraid of making mistakes. Learn from mistakes,and success is just waiting for us. __afraid前加be__ ‎ 解析:分析句子结构可知,该句为祈使句,afraid为形容词,故应在其前加动词原形be。‎ 增分写作训练 在写作中可以打破常规,利用倒装句或强调句增添新意。请利用特殊句式升级以下句式 ‎❶ It is not only an interesting and meaningful activity but it also offers us a good chance to make new friends. (利用倒装句式升级)‎ ‎ __Not only is it an interesting and meaningful activity but it also offers us a good chance to make new friends. __ ‎ ‎❷ If you join us,you will enjoy yourself at the book fair. (利用“祈使句+and+简单句”升级)‎ ‎ __Join us and you will enjoy yourself at the book fair. __ ‎ ‎❸ What’s more,it is wonderful to exercise while you enjoy the great view. (利用省略句升级)‎ ‎ __What’s more, it is wonderful to exercise while enjoying the great view. __ ‎ ‎❹ The idea of sharing requires people’s awareness of civilization. (利用强调句式升级)‎ ‎ __It is the idea of sharing that requires people’s awareness of civilization. __ ‎

