国家开放大学电大专科《英语阅读(3)》2028-2029 期末试题及答案(试卷号:2157)
Part I
Read Passage 1 and decide I he meaning of the following wordi with the help of the context. The paragraph in
which the word appears is indicated In brackets. Write A t B e or C on your answer sheet. (30 points. 3 points
Passage 1
The (Jcod Life
1 ImuRine something unhealthy dangerous< and expensive# and you will notice it is often enjoyable«
tooe The French call『hi 冬"thu good lik^ and say lhai life should be enjoyed eencrnusly t not protected carefully>
Eating« drinking* smoking • driving fast for I he French• these are lih',pleasures. Take them nwaye and youTrc
left with a poor, colorless existence Safe and healthy* perhaps. But safe and healthy is not wthe good hfeM in
2 Take fate (or example. While much of the world# and the United States in particular•
hm gone on An campaign* this is absolutely not the case in Hrancc. I hcjir days in
American supermirkefs one can scr rows and rows o( M)ite food"* — cookies• snacks« chrenet milk which hftve
been made estpecially with reduced fat. The Americans aay this is healthy. The French say this is stupid! They
load up their shopping cuf with fois gras (w(atty gooxe liv butter-soaked cakes and pastnes.
And what are the rrAults? Amazingly« ihr French auffer from obesity than the Americansk Heart attacks are
about twice A,likely to strike Americans< though the French eat three timesi more cheese# And four times nn
much butter! Hedonism, thai is. believing that pleasure the purpose of life sccmji to bring health* not illness.
3 As (or drinking, these? rhys young professionnl Americans are becoming more cautious aboui their
alcohol intake> raying that it is saferi healthier to drink less wine and more orange juices Yet thr French
continue to enjoy their famoues wines• with gusto. In fact • recent research has shown thnt moderate daily wine
intnke is good for 眼.Big IL S. driiR companies are working on A pill that will reproduce the healthful chemical
don11 *hnw
«ny tingzr while driving no rni”d v much (atty chce*c. liuitcrt red rnc«tt drinking too much wtn< ♦ sfnukir)K too ninny cigarettes Jt it» by
rewcntinie life and Retting upnet with dsily chuon.
A. poverty K Utne»s
traffic jam
Mttikc (paraxrsph 2)
A- please 氏 hit
C chnn 好
5. CAUIIDUA (paraarapli 3)
A. careful A OUTICM
C. happy
6. modcraii: (paragroph 3>
A. a In* amount ol
IL n uttiAll amount of
C. A ncilhcr Inrgc nor mnall amotint of
7. reproduce (pnrAgrupIt 3)
A> throw «way
C get nd ol
H. ignore (pArAgniph O
A. dtnrruord
9. rrnirictinn (pcirnKrnph 4)
A. encuur®giriH
C ・ limiting
K create wimirthing Miniilnr
B. (ollnw
K Allowing
10. up^et (paragraph 5)
A- exdied 氐 lirtd
C unhappy
Part U
Raid Passage 2 and chm>se either A. B or C to complete each of the fullowini: sfntrmcnK Write At B or C on
your answer sheett (30 pointst 3 points each)
Pxssugc 2
Tmnslating Fashion
I ^even c^clock in the morning and NataSxtA Antipova• a beautiful Rtinman financial consultant < is
getting up in the Moncow apanmem where she hvw alone and asking herself3 MWhat shall I wenr todny?^ A
decade ego her chcHccM were simpler. Then, there was onr kind of mascarat one color eye Mhadow> Now.
NiHa^sinfs bathraum hhrlvt- are Mocked with Avon# Ewtce Lauder, and Nina Ricci. Her closets conlain Levis nnd
ArmantSe as well as locril brwnd nnmrii. K^r nwnrcnc!i> o( whm mnko ・ brnuniul woman han berrt vastly
surgery pfCHrdurr • A rhiimpln^ty to make her button none look more Wcaternt Phe Hut om Vhr Klolhiluiinon of
f^hhion i* one o( lhe phrnnrnrnn o( our time > A VAKt market (or tho^r rompnriicu who -lornchow hove u look th 山
trandutes world wide.
2 fherr nothing ncw> of cour^ct About thr prorrw. of fir the ^hrrr sue nn thinks not. Shr people nnd
cultuT» theni>elvrn decidr on whm i、(nnhion thcur dny• cnftnufactiircrs and fashion
editors To clone the world into onv nnagv? Ali>an Lurie. Author of I hr !jtn«uaKc of Clothes* thinks not. She snys
people and cultures themstlves decide ot) whm K fabhion thrMr dny*.
•t ()1 far more imponnnee to fashion trend^t according to M^rc Bourgcry.nn advcrtixinn connultnnt > i« the
(|ucntiun of how a country entertmns it self. Hr give5 the vxnrnplc of Japan. a country that has M love affair with
golf and* more recently • with American situation comedies^ ^Japanese people now want to br defined aj< witty•
successful nnd affluent• nnd so thrtt style become cuol and sought after."
5Fkiurgrry • who travrk the world in order to advise client* on which images sell bent in which cournnot
thnika ihnt globnl Inishion is not about the West dictating to the Eg.
Rnfhrr• it about a new feeling of internationalism. u Armani, for examplet does not MH oui to look authentically
Italian> anymore than Chanel wantB to look specifically French observes Hour 只 ery. M Instead* their footprint
is h look which says 'l"m elegant • sophisticated* successful#f and that translates worldwide^ ”
6What it all adds up to in a world af consumer decision-makings a mix-and-match world v/htre ronsumcr>
afttfn take what iw best from their own country and combine it. Warldwidr surveys of beauty practices confirm this
point. Russian women confide that not all ol thrm nre crazy about rhe new cusmctic inqx)rts— environmcntnlly
conscious tern^ twtnty-some-things• Mare mad for the newest line of Russian «ikin cure. (ireen Mamae made
cxcluwively from herbs and fruits found in the Altai region of Sinerin. " Beauty-conMCtouM Syrians also claim
that their traditional oils and scents ore for them a treasure trove of beauty serret5. In their Damnscus
bathrooms< alongside the modern cosmeiicst arc pewter bowls which to mix Hvnrui and bay lea(» honey nnd
olive oil $oaps or vials of prrfumed oils.
7The cruel tmth about what is fashionable h that il canft be clearly defined. Todayfs concept of Fashion
draws from a far wider ethnic and national pool than ever before# nnd it growing day by day.
Questions 11—20 urc had on Passage 2.
1 L Ruslan women have _____ _____ fashion choices compared to a decade ago<
A. the Mme K more
C. fewer
12. RhinoplaMry 诂 pupuhr araonR__________ women.
A. JapaneAtf K European
C. African
13. After the Normnn invasion o( Britain* ______________ styles became popular.
A. Japanese A French
C. lintiAh
14. The difference in hfihion (exhy i ・ the__________ .
A. trend It creaica B. choke of «tylei«
C ・ AUC nnd prncirntion
I5e Levi jeans(1OCB businv^ in countries
A. 100 H. 2.800
C 45
IG. Alinon Lunr my ・ _____ ___ _ arr tnnkinK ikciniorin on fashion thrAr dnyti.
At designers and cnmpftnie^ B. people and cultures
C ・ editor* und rnAnufActurrm
17. Marc Baurmy thinka dictntrs what global In^hion —
2 the Earn B ・ the West
Q intrrnAtionnli»m
18. Arninm rnoRi probably A (n) brnnd(
A. Italian B. Erench(
C ・ Jftpiinrsc
19. Today the___________makc» fashion choirrst
A# consumer B» designer
C ・ mtcrnntionHl market
2()« FMfthion is______ today.
A. upccihc B* diver»e
C ・ exprnRlve
Part HI
Read I%MUB£T 3 und decide whether (hr following ttatcmcnls art true nr falMr. Write T for trt>c
•nd F for talwr on your answer thccl. (20 points• 2 points each)
Pa&sagc 3
I In a iunipetiiivr economy• the consumer usually hnw the choice o( «rvcrnl rldkrcnt
brands of the »«nie product. Yet undrrnruth their label*• the product* ore oltrn nearly
idcnficoL Onr mnnufacturer ' s toothjMslr tcn ndvcrtiMTmcnii*
nrny be rlnsjttficd into three typrn nccordinK tu the kind of appenh they URC.
2 Otic type of advcrti»cnicnt ir 心 to appeal io thr ctm^urnrr rcaMoning rnwid. Il may
a((rr A clmm that scientific Kor examplef it rnny ny thr rcnrornnirncl 卜 ln、h
touthpdNtc^ !ri HcllitiH n prcHluct f thr truth of thr ndvcrliNintf tn/iy br ICSIM iniportunt ihnn I he oppCAranre of
3 Anothrr type of advertisement tnch to nmut^c the potentihl buyer. Products tlui nrc essential boring. Much
na innrctir idr. urr often advertised In «n amuMiig way. One wny of doing thin I、to mnke the product* appear alive.
For example# thr ndvcriHf behevr thm connurner* arr likely to remember and huy products th 玳 thr consumrrx
HWHiiiiK with (un.
1 A^BmiatinK thr product with HomethinM pleatiAni i> thr Technique of I hr third type ol uppraL In ihm elm
nrr «rh thnt auggrst fhnt thr prcxlu( l will sonic basic huniAti
dc«ire« One nuch (!c«iirr IM (hr wish to be ndmirrd by oihrr people Many rtutomobilc Advcrtincmrnt^ arc ui thi-i
category- They imply that other people will ndtnirc you mey rven be jealous — when thry sec you driving thv hot•
nrw Anrdvnrk rar> Another powrrliil desitc to which ndvrtti»er» appral in the dvairc (or love. Thin ndn (ur
bundagcM urr unlikely to emphAMicr fhc waiy thr hnn(lagr» tire mndc or their low rosi; inMend lhe ndn may A
muthrr tenderly binding up and then kissing her sniiill boyfs cut fitiger. In lhe picture there IN nn open pnekagr of
Ouch Hmchgm The advertKer hopt > llw conMirncf will mentally insert an equal sign to errote thr rqnation "Ouch
IMndfigeL love, M
5 One only nred-» to look through H rnAgatiric or wutch an hour of I V in order io cxAmplr^t of these three
diffcrenl ftdvrr(i»inK !HrAtegie^
Question% 21—30 arr Irnscd on Pnssngc 3>
21. ConHintier untKilly hM the choice of several diffrrcni produce cl thr siime brnnd in H romprtilivr
22. Thr productn are mort? or ICSM the same although they hnw rliflrrctu bih R
23. MAnuUcturrr> have to adverti«r their products in order TO .my m businrsA.
2Q ・ According to the paa»aget there arc mainly four typm of ndv«rii«^mrnfh4
25. A M ipntihc uppremeh in u—cd to prove the Uu< vnlur of the product.
Z6. In wiling A prmhjct• Appcurafirv of truth nitty br ttinrc imporinnt fhun thr(nnh of
27. Arh A9WCIAICotcntiMl buyrm4
28. Aedonling to the pA^nngc. many diitcimohik AJH try nppr/il io thr conMinucr1 rrai«oninK mind.
2 土 Thr picture of a niuthrr tenderly kissing her smull boy t« to < Nbput 5l. I" an thr CentigrAdr tr;»|e4 Trrn|)rrniurrh
ire rmtumUy cooler dunng the winter. They r«ngr bet worn 50, 4 nd 60A Fuhrrnheit
2 Unhl oil WA.H diAcovrred there in I93L Kuwait wg” hill” known country. Today ihln fimAll desert
country hA» bcrornr one uf the world 1 t lr 丽 i":oil prodm t r .;n 卜侣 n|j|)roxitnntcly 15 pctcrtit of the worlds
known petroleum rcHtrvr%
3 Since the dincovtry of oil. Kuwait fR rulers hnve tiirnccl thr roiintry into a pn^prrutn WMIMC,MIC H has
free primnry AII(I *rvumUry rdumtiuni free hvahh enw nin| 火 wml Hrrvice*i nnd the people dp not h«vc 10 p«y
nny |irrw>rujl irtcunir titx fur iho»c eicrviccK It IMM
become of the world、neheMt nmem Though Kuwmi hns (rec primary nnd ucconrUry rducattiMt (01 It* peopke
mnny of thrm mill do net know how 10 read and wnf Kuwnita