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国家开放大学电大专科《英语语法》2026-2027期末试题及答案(试卷号:2154) Information for the Examinees Part | Grammar in Rending Quention* I —10 are bused on Pnrt I . Directions: In lhe following lrxte the namtwm 1-10 in brackeU refer to the underlined parts of the text that come after thcme and to the quextionv brlom Kend the text flmt t and then answer the questions. Write your a ns wen on (he Answer Sheet Cnn you imagine living to the age of 100? (1) Growing this old is a rcalitye not a dream* in the JapAnene ialond of Okinnwa. l he i»land (2) boanta the world's highest ratio o( people over 100 yenrs old Ntnong iin |K>pulntion. There nre two rcawnn (3) why OkinHwnni keep living much longer than (he rest of g First • (4) they cat healthy food# The trnclilionfll Okinawnn diet (5) Is henvy in ncct (ish and ggmblg OktnAwann do not (6> eat red mnat« eggs And dairy products nuch an milk and cheese^ fhese are staple foods (7)〔h” many Western countrien can't resist includinK in their Okinnwin^ al»o rat amall portion nt (8) “ch menl and ivoid eatinx nnneks between meals* Srcond. they »tny uway from »tress. Okinawans enjoy (9) uktnK p«n in life f s pleiisurcHi like n ( 10) relaxing wnlk on the bencht or « quirt evening among fnmily and (riendiL L Can you replace this by "To grow1 here? 2. Can you reploce this by a boftstf here? 3. Can you use the word 'when' here? 4. WhAt docs 'they' refer to in thiM sentence? 5. Cnn you replace thia by e are1 here? 6. ( an you replace thi» by 1 have1 here? 7. Can you u»e the word e which1 here? 8. Can you replace this by 4 every1 here? 9. Can you replace this by 4to take* here? This examination consists of five parts. These are: I : Grammar in Reading II: Grammar in Reading :Cloze Part Part Part II Part IV : Error Correction Part (20 points) (20 points) (20 points) (20 points) (20 points)V : Grammar in Writing The total marks for this examination are 100 points. Time allowed for completing this examination is 90 minutes. 10. Can you replace thm by e relaxed1 here? Part |] Gnunowr in Rrading Questions 11—15 arc based on Part (I. Directions: In the following tcxlt the numbers 11*15 in brackets refer to the underlined parts of the text that come after tbemf and to the questions below. Read the text first e nnd then answer the questions. Write your answers on the Answer Sheet (H) Th- houM next ro th。wpzrmiirkF hm chungzd owner, and has been under renovation for the past few weeks* ()2) The nvw owner wanted move nunligh,2 reach the rooms. M)the workers nre tearing down Severn) wallsu (13) The noise is deafeningt so that H is impossible to shop when work at the site ia going om The supermarket manager decided to complaint to try to rescue hie shrinking income The site supervisor cxplmned that hm dcjidlinc was so tight that he could nor Mtop work at any time, except nt night> However^ he understood the manager f s problem t »o he promised that he would tipeed up thr work as much as possible. (14) He E/nngcd the work in wch a skilful way ihm the noijiy pnrt of the renovation w” finched mHw 〔hm predimd. ( 15) They pmnting walls now, and the supermarket customers don't complain About the smell of the pAinb 11. Change this sentence into negaiive form. Follow the example. Emm plj SAe likes muiic. She doexn like mu^ic. 12< Rewrite this sentence by adding an appropriate tag question. Follow the example^ Examplei She hkes music. Sh^ likes music t dxm'? she? 13. Build one question ttbout the underlined pArt in the sentence. 14. Change thin complex ncntcncc into a compound sentence^ 15. Change this sentence from active voice into passive voice. Purl IQ Cloze Questions 16—20 arc based on Pari H] > Directionn: Choo*c the best answer from At Dt C or D to fill in each blank in the text below. Write your answer* on the Answer Sheet In the Ute I960,, motorcyclists in (California• USA. ( 16) to go out in the countryside and ride their niachtnca up and down mountain tracks just for furu They made 《17〉_ noise and did a lot of damage to the countryside< Soon# thr practice was banned but the same people /imply switched to old bicycles and started to u»c those for their sport. At firstt they took the bicycles up the mountains in trucks, but then one keen cyclisttGary Fisher, put extro gears on his bike and began using if to ndc uphill (18) down. By the end of the 1970B ・ bicycle manufiicturers were beginning fo develop npcctal bike* for off road riding. And so the mountain bike (19) . Nowt mountnin bikea have wide, heavy tyres to give n good grip on rough surfaces* and straight hnndlcbArR to make the control of the steering easier. They arc built on stronger fmmg thiin other bikeit BCCAUBC they are often ridden over bumpy ground (20) would soon damage lighter bike查看更多