精编国家开放大学20XX 开放英语测试题

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精编国家开放大学20XX 开放英语测试题

国家开放大学20XX 开放英语测试题 国家开放大学20XX 开放英语测试题 国家开放大学20XX 开放英语测试题 国家开放大学20XX 开放英语测试题 国家开放大学20XX 开放英语测试题 国家开放大学20XX 开放英语测试题 国家开放大学20XX 开放英语测试题 国家开放大学20XX 开放英语测试题 国家开放大学20XX 开放英语测试题 国家开放大学20XX 开放英语测试题 国家开放大学20XX 开放英语测试题 国家开放大学20XX 开放英语测试题 国家开放大学20XX 开放英语测试题 国家开放大学20XX 开放英语测试题 国家开放大学20XX 开放英语测试题 国家开放大学20XX 开放英语测试题 国家开放大学20XX 开放英语测试题 国家开放大学20XX 开放英语测试题 国家开放大学20XX 开放英语测试题 国家开放大学20XX 开放英语测试题 国家开放大学20XX 开放英语测试题 ‎ 开放英语1 Unit1 Talking About People 人物介绍 填空:Manager(经理) Detail(细节) Secretary(秘书) Company(公司)Mobile(可移动的) British(英国的) America(美洲、美国)Flight(航班) Local(当地的) Parent(父亲)选择:His father is     a    high school teacher. Mary   is not    Chinese. She    is    American. I’m     a    university student. Polly works    wish    David    in     the same IT company. He    lives    in New York City. His parents   live     in Dallas. Peter    likes watching   TV in his free time.  “   Are you    from America?” “   What    is his job?” “Is Mary’s landlord British?” No, he isn’t. Maria often has a walk with    her    parents in the morning. 阅读:Helena is    Greek    . Carla works    for the Government    . Yuri likes     playing football     in his spare time. Eric is from    Germany   . Eric and Barbara have got a flat in    Frankfurt    . Eric is a    doctor   . 听力:I’m 34 years old. My room number is 302 His telephon number is 2170569 Her flight number is  CA 2408 Unit2 Meeting and Greeting 相识与问候 填空:pleased(高兴的) shame(憾事) enjoy(喜爱,欣赏) start(开始)colleague(同事) sandwich(三明治) reservation(预订)single(单人间,单个的) canteen(食堂) usually(通常)选择:A: Pleased to meet you.     How are you     ? B: Fine.     And youc    ? I     like    watching TV, but Peter    doesn’t     .  He     sometimes watches      a    /    film on TV. A: When’s breakfast?  B: It’s    at    a quarter past seven. They always drink coffee    in    the evening. A:    Does    Diana have a new car? B:      Yes, she does    . She has one. It’s    half past     two. Let’s begin our class. Mary usually takes a nap    from    1.00    to   1.45 in the afternoon. A:    Could you    bring some sandwiches to me, please? B:     Certainly      . A:      Would you like         to play ping-pong with me? B: Yes,     please   . 阅读:Where does Mr Armstrong have a reservation? Where does Mr Armstrong have a reservation? Mr Armstrong reserves(预定)   two    double rooms and   one     single room. The receptionist asks Mr Armstrong to   sign     the register. Mr Armstrong wants    a morning call     because they must do morning exercise. The guests would not like to make a reservation for     their first evening dinner     . 听力:Peter usually gets up at    6:30    from Monday to Friday. He is     a deputy IT manager     in a big company. He    often    has lunch in the canteen. Peter    often     finishes early on Friday. Unit3 What Do You Do? 谈论工作 匹配:个人电脑 – personal computer, 接待处,招待点 – reception, 复印机 – photocopier, 行李 – luggage, 植物 – plant, 工商企业;营业;业务 – business, 角落 – corner, 口信 – message, 首都 – capital, 加班 – work late 选择:David:       What would you like      , Peter? Peter: I’d like a cup of tea, thank you. David: Peter,     this is      Mary,    my    girlfriend. Peter: Hello. A: Would you like some crisps?  B:            Yes, please, thank you                . A: I don’t have time to get any foreign currency. B:    I’ll go to the bank       for you. The Business Banking Department is on       the second       floor. The Foreign Department is on the top floor. That’s       the twentieth        floor. He works in    the    Finance Department (财务处) of      a     large company.      These      are my pencils.      These       are yours.          There are        two chairs in the room. A: Are there computers in the classroom? B:          No, there aren’t             . 阅读:Michael is Jane’s      boyfriend       . Michael would like    a beer       . Jane would like some  crisps and peanuts The hostess asks Michael about his      job    . Michael is    an accountant      in a company. Michael lives in      London Road      . Jane shows the hostess some photos of the    office party      . The hostess thinks that      the photo       are very good. 听力:Xiaoyan is now in       London       . David’s office is on        the 2nd       floor. Xiaoyan’s London office is on     the 4th       floor. There are       two desks         in her office. There is a coffee machine         near the door         . Unit4 Families and Occupations家庭与职业 填空:Company(公司) retired(退休) holiday(假期) lawyer(律师)immediately(立即) important(重要的) customer(消费者,顾客)interview(面试) train(培训) concert(音乐会)选择:___Have___ you got any family? My sister-in-law is ___in___ computers. What ___does___your younger brother ___do___? My father works for__an____ information technology company . He is ___a___manager. A: Where          do your parents live              ? B: They live in London. A: Have you got a car? B. No,____ I haven’t.__ ___Is__ Mark working today?  ___Where___ is he ___having_____ lunch? Mark____does____ responsible ____for___ the international market. Our teacher is currently  ____ writing___ a coursebook. She __ is having___ lunch right now. She usually ___has__ lunch at 12. 阅读:How many people does Xiaoyan work with in her office? Three a: What does Xiaoyan do? b: She is a/an__ IT expert___.  a: What is Lee doing right now ?   b: He is___ visiting the New York office__.  a: What is Liu responsible for?  b: He is responsible for__ advertising__ What is Jung’s job? A secretary 听力:things, I'm, helpful, Have,got, parents, any, cousins, Do, have Unit5 Flat Hunting 寻找住处 匹配:separate独立的,各自的;(使)分开 hunt打猎 understand懂,了解,理解 repair修理,修补 look for寻找 ring up打电话 convenientv便利的 problem问题、难题 nervous神经紧张的,不安的 attractive有吸引力的 填空 A: Does “am”       afternoon?B: No, it        morning. 正确答案是:mean, means A: Has the flat        a pretty garden?B: No, it hasn’t. 正确答案是:gotc If (如果)you don’t like the flat in Chelsea,        going to see the one in Peckham? 正确答案是:how about A: How much        soup and roll cost?B:        £2.40. 正确答案是:does, It costs A: I don’t feel very well today.B:        see a doctor? 正确答案是:Why don’t you The area is convenient        transport. 正确答案是:for The house is        excellent condition and you can move in any time. 正确答案是:in The kitchen        quite modern and it        a new fridge and a microwave. 正确答案是:is, has got Sorry, the showers        at the moment. 正确答案是:aren’t working A: It’s raining outside. I can’t get home by bike.B: Don’t worry.        you a raincoat(雨衣). 正确答案是:I’ll get 阅读:The man wants to ask about (询问)        the flat. 正确答案是:the information about Which floor is the flat on? 正确答案是:The 5th floor The flat has got a        living room. 正确答案是:small but comfortable How many bedrooms has the flat got? 正确答案是:1 The man        the flat. 正确答案是:wants to see 听力:Xiaoyan wants       about the flat in the newspaper 正确答案是:Polly to phone Xiaoyan is       the phone when she doesn’t understand things very well. 正确答案是:nervous on An estate agent has got flats to      . 正确答案是:sell Polly hopes that Xiaoyan talks to an estate agent      . 正确答案是:face to face Xiaoyan is       to an estate agent. 正确答案是:happy to go Unit 6 Review and Assessment 复习与测试 选择 The rent is 700 pounds a month. It is a good price _____ the area. 正确答案是:for Jane and Paul like good coffee, so go and get some good coffee for _____. 正确答案是:them A: Where is David?B: He is having lunch in _____ Chinese restaurant on _____ seventh floor. 正确答案是:the ,the A: Hello, Xiaoyan, How are you?  And how are  things? B: _________________. Everybody is very nice and helpful. 正确答案是:Great. I am fine A: _______?B: She is talking to Mary. 正确答案是:What is she doing right now A: _____, David?B: An orange juice 正确答案是:What would you like My husband doesn’t _____, but I like it very much. 正确答案是:like shopping _____ would you like, tea or coffee? 正确答案是:What There _____ three plants in the office. 正确答案是:are Mr Manning _____ in Paris today and tomorrow. 正确答案是:is working 阅读:自己做!!!自己做!!! 翻译:他们打电话。I’ll call them. 你的老师是美国人吗?Is your teacher from the USA? 去看看这个公寓房怎么样?What/How about seeing the flat? 你为什么不去看医生?Why don’t you go to see a doctor? 她眼下在培训一个中国同事。She is currently training a Chinese colleague. Unit7 Making Appointments 预约时间 匹配:1. 疲惫的                      tired 2. 提建议                      suggest 3. 接受                        accept 4. 往返的                      return 5. 地铁                        tube 6. 车费                        fare 7. 邀请                        invitation 8. 运气                        luck  9. 机场                        airport 10. 服务员                     waiter 选择:________ come to dinner tonight? 正确答案是:Would you like to How about _____________ a taxi? 正确答案是:taking A: How long does the bus ____________?B: It ________ about an hour. 正确答案是: take, takes I don’t like the kitchen. It’s _________ dark. 正确答案是:too How much does it cost ___________bus? 正确答案是:by A: How do I get to the airport, please?B: _____________ . 正确答案是:You can take the tube. A: The area is too dirty.B: Yes, I agree. It’s ____________. 正确答案是:not clean enough He goes to work _____ foot but comes back home_____ taxi. 正确答案是:on…by A: Okay, See you on Friday afternoon _____ 5 o'clock _____ the flat. B: Thanks very much. Goodbye. 正确答案是:at…at A: ___________ David Manning, please?B: I’m sorry. He’s not in. 正确答案是:Can I speak to A: Who is speaking, please?B: ______ Polly. 正确答案是:This is 阅读:John and Maria ___________. 正确答案是:work at the same company Maria is in London on              . 正确答案是:Wednesday afternoon Maria goes to London by         . 正确答案是:train Maria              on Tuesday morning. 正确答案是:has a meeting in the office John is not free on  ___________. 正确答案是:Tuesday afternoon 听力:The area:  too noisy(1), too dirty , too far from the tube(2)The flat:  too expensive(3)The Living Room:  too dark, not comfortable enough(4)The Kitchen:  not big enough(5), too old-fashioned The Second Bedroom:  too small Unit8 Moving In 迁入新居 填空 正确答案是:suitcase 正确答案是:calm 正确答案是:croweded 正确答案是:temperature 正确答案是:cheap 正确答案是:modern 正确答案是:financial 正确答案是:staff 正确答案是:chaotic正确答案是:neighbour 选择:________ come to dinner tonight? 正确答案是:Would you like to  How about _____________ a taxi? 正确答案是:taking A: How long does the bus ____________?B: It ________ about an hour. 正确答案是:take, takes  I don’t like the kitchen. It’s _________ dark. 正确答案是:too How much does it cost ___________bus? 正确答案是:by A: How do I get to the airport, please?B: _____________ . 正确答案是:You can take the tube A: The area is too dirty.B: Yes, I agree. It’s ____________. 正确答案是:not clean enough He goes to work _____ foot but comes back home_____ taxi. 正确答案是:on…by A: Okay, See you on Friday afternoon _____ 5 o'clock _____ the flat. B: Thanks very much. Goodbye. 正确答案是:at…at A: ___________ David Manning, please?B: I’m sorry. He’s not in. 正确答案是:Can I speak to A: Who is speaking, please?B: ______ Polly. 正确答案是:This is  阅读:It       rains in Britain 正确答案是:often The average temperature of Britain is 5 degrees in _________. 正确答案是: winter It is      in summer in England. 正确答案是:sometimes warm  It is often       in England. 正确答案是:cloudy Foreingers think it is always foggy in      .、 正确答案是:England 听力:正确答案是:crazy,beautiful , cheap,expensive,clean Unit9 Things and People 人与物 选择:People usually buy aspirins at __________. 正确答案是:the chemist’s A lot of Western people go to the __________ once a week to buy food and drinks. 正确答案是:supermarket He likes helping people. He is __________. 正确答案是: kind Mary likes going to parties and meeting new people. Mary is __________. 正确答案是:outgoing David enjoys talking. He never stops talking.  He is __________. 正确答案是:talkative Jane puts on weight if she doesn’t exercise. He has to  __________. 正确答案是:work it off John can always make people laugh. He is very _______ .  正确答案是:funny I’m going to the newsagent’s to buy some __________. 正确答案是:newspapers A: Where do you usually _________?B: At the gym. 正确答案是:work out Rose can’t find her bag. She is __________ it. 正确答案是:looking for 选择2:A: So, you have a boy friend. ________________?B: He is tall and he’s good-looking. 正确答案是:What does he look like? A: _______________________?B: You can take the number 56 bus. 正确答案是:How can I get there? A: _____________ get on?B: You get on at the greengrocer’s. 正确答案是:Where do I  A: _________ a newsagent near here?B: Yes, there is. It’s just over there. 正确答案是:Is there  A: _________________?B: He’s got short brown hair and short beard. 正确答案是:What does he look like? A: ________________________?B: She is very outgoing. 正确答案是:What’s Mary like? A: ___________ get off the bus?B: You get off opposite the station. 正确答案是:Where do I A: ________. I’m looking for the chemist’s.B: Yes. There’s one opposite the café    正确答案是:Excuse me A:  _____________ the bank?B. It’s between the café and the newsagent’s. 正确答案是:Where is A:  Is there a supermarket near here?B: __________. It’s just around the corner. 正确答案是:Yes, there is 阅读:Hu Ping is a gym owner. 错 Hu Ping goes to the gym by bus. 对 Hu Ping works out at the gym by himself (独自地). 错 Hu Ping and Li Lin have their lunch together. 对 Li Lin and Hu Ping are friends.   对 Li Lin and Hu Ping have their lunch at a restaurant. 错 听力:What’s Nigel’s height? 正确答案是:1 metre 55 What’s Nigel’s hair like? 正确答案是:short and dark What’s the color of Frank’s beard? 正确答案是:grey What does Frank like doing? 正确答案是:swimming Unit10 An Invitation 请客 填空:Prawn vegetable cream carrot container packet Carton mineral water cabbage chocolate 选择:________ days are there in a month? 正确答案是:How many How many ______ would you like to buy? 正确答案是:oranges What does Xiaoyan________ in the afternoon? 正确答案是:need to do I don’t need _________ coffee, thanks. 正确答案是:any A: Would you like ________ wine?    B: Yes, please. 正确答案是:some _________ cigarettes do you smoke in a day? 正确答案是:How many I’d like to buy _________ potatoes 正确答案是:a kilo of _________ you be on time today?  正确答案是:Could _________ rice do you want to buy? 正确答案是:How much I ________ buy any wine. 正确答案是:don’t need to 阅读:Who would like to have some vegetables? 正确答案是:Mary How many oranges does Xiaoyan want to buy? 正确答案是:Four Do they need any cream? 正确答案是:Yes, they do. How many prawns do they want to buy? 正确答案是:a packet Which is not included (包括)in the shopping list? 正确答案是:rice and peas 听力:Mary phones Tim. 错 Tim is hungry. 对 Tim offers to bring some wine错 Dinner starts at half past seven. 错 Xiaoyan is preparing the meal alone. 错 Unit11 How Are You Setting In 安顿就绪 填空:Prefer terrible research borrow handwriting history Continue neither millionaire quiz 选择:A: I usually go to the gym in the afternoon.B: _____________________. 正确答案是:So do I A: I ________ tea in the morning.B: Neither do I 正确答案是:don’t have A: _______do you like _______ TV?B: Because it helps my English a lot. 正确答案是:Why, watching John _____________Italian food ______ Spanish food 正确答案是:prefers, to When ___________ the Quiz Show on? 正确答案是:is Can you show me _____________ get to the gym? 正确答案是:how to _______ your English course is interesting? 正确答案是:Do you think that A: ______ do you think of living in Beijing? Do you like it here?B: Like it? I ________ it. 正确答案是:What, love Xiaoyan is interested _____ English movies. 正确答案是:in I am not keen_______ sports. 正确答案是:on 阅读:Franco’s handwriting is beautiful. 错 Xiaoyan’s father is an artist.对 Xiaoyan doesn’t like using computers for personal letters.  对 Franco doesn’t like using the Internet.  错 Xiaoyan enjoys surfing the internet for information about her family history对 听力:Polly doesn’t like ___________ programmes. 正确答案是:serious Xiaoyan doesn’t like _________. 正确答案是:English comedies Both Xiaoyan and Polly like _______. 正确答案是:nature programmes Australian Nature starts at ________. 正确答案是:7.30 Australian Nature lasts (持续) _________. 正确答案是:an hour Unit 12 Review and Assessment 复习与测试 选择:Have you got _____ lychees? 正确答案是:any I just _____ at the office for most of the day, and I do no exercise. 正确答案是:sit around It often _____ in winter in the north of China. 正确答案是:snows A: The area is too noisy.B: Yes, I agree. It’s _____. 正确答案是:not quiet enough A: I am from England. B: _____. 正确答案是:So am I 填空:自己做!!!自己做!!! 阅读:What are Xiaoyan and Polly talking about? TV programmes. What programmes does Xiaoyan like? Documentaries.  What TV programmes does Polly like? Nature programmes. How long does Australian Nature last? An hour. Why does Xiaoyan want to watch London Lives? Because she can learn real English from it Ellen is older than Dorothy. Wrong. Both Ellen and Dorothy have grandchild Right. Ellen and Dorothy’s house is not very big. Wrong Sally and Jimmy live with their grandmother, Ellen. Doesn’t say. Both Ellen and Dorothy work at home . Right. 翻译:她很漂亮。She is beautiful.  要我跟他谈谈吗?Shall I talk to him? 我可以用厨房里的炊具吗?Can I use the cookers in the kitchen? 你喜欢读英文报纸吗? Do you like reading English newspapers?/Do you love reading English newspapers? 他的儿子聪明吗?Is his son intelligent / clever / smart? Unit13 Keeping Fit 健身 匹配:瑜珈功yoga 健美操aerboics 教练员trainer 地址address 机会opportunity 信用卡credit card 令人厌倦的boring 令人兴奋的exciting 选择choose 包括include 选择:Chris usually go to the gym___ the weekend. 正确答案是:at There ____ a party ______ Friday. 正确答案是:was…last John ______ worried ______ his exam. 正确答案是:isn’t…about ______ was your day yesterday? 正确答案是:How Do you want ______ come ______  Monday to Friday only? 正确答案是:to…from A: How do you feel now?B. ______ and I’d like a drink. 正确答案是:Tired A: What ________ the trainer _______?B: He was great. 正确答案是:was… like  ______ does Bob go to the gym? 正确答案是:When The month after next, I ________ two gym sessions. 正确答案是:dov _________ any yoga classes in the evenings? 正确答案是:Are there 阅读:Xiaoyan doesn’t know much about the gym.对 The trainer would like Xiaoyan to exercise on her own.错 There aren’t any classes from 8 o'clock to 10 o'clock in the morning.对 Xiaoyan doesn’t want to have the aerobics class. 错 There is a new Tai Chi class on Monday.对 听力:自己做!!!自己做!!! Unit14 A New Member of Staff 新雇员 Relaxed design development education discuss Appoint pleasant major client ‎ ‎ experience 选择:A: _______Chris do web-design?B: No, she ________. 正确答案是:Can, can’t Frank _______ French very well, but he _________ web-design and website management. 正确答案是:can’t speak, can do Rose is _________ training 正确答案是:experienced at Rose is  ______ Frank. 正确答案是:more relaxed than Rose is a little_________ than Frank________ questions. 正确答案是:faster, at answering Are boy students ____________ maths than girl students? 正确答案是:better at Dan is ____________ in website management than Pam.  正确答案是:more interested A: __________ she coming back on Thursday?B: No. She __________ back on Wednesday. 正确答案是:Is, is coming A: ________ she doing in the afternoon?B: She is meeting software designers at 1.00 pm. 正确答案是:What’s When are you ____________ London ________ Paris? 正确答案是:leaving, for 阅读:David Manning invites Mr Jones to come  ________ a job interview.  正确答案是:for The interview is ___________. 正确答案是:on  Friday 19th September at 10 am. Mr Jones needs to ___________ in French. 正确答案是:present his ideas for a new website _________ members of the ICT Department will attend the interview and ___________ candidates are coming to the interview. 正确答案是:Three, four Mr Jones can speak to________ about salary ___________. 正确答案是:the Human Resources Director, after the interview 听力:________ can speak 3 foreign languages. 正确答案是:Ali Ali _________do web-design  ______ manage websites. 正确答案是:can’t, but she can Frank can speak _________ French. 正确答案是:a little _________ can do web-design 正确答案是:Only Frank and Ted __________ good at training. 正确答案是:Rose is Unit15 A Wedding Reception 婚宴 匹配:折扣discount 确认confirmation 有创造性的creative 棒极了的fantastic 加班do overtime 取决于depend on 照例as usuall ‎ ‎ 至少at least 发送deliver 订购order 主厨chef 核对check 选择:How_____ beer ______there in the glass? 正确答案是:much…is  I have an English class _________ a week.  正确答案是:three times Dan is ______ it _______ his girlfriend. 正确答案是:buying…for I think there will__________ 50 people at tomorrow’s party. 正确答案是:be Carlos ___________ serve the drinks and take the orders. 正确答案是:has to A: We don’t have any cooking apples.B: Don’t worry. I’ll get ____ you. 正确答案是:some for Hurry up. We do ______ have ________time.  正确答案是:not…enough I’ll give  ___________. 正确答案是:the man the book Is Chris __________ the cake ________ the party? 正确答案是:making…for A: Do you _______ plan the menu?B: Yes. I ________. 正确答案是:have to , do 阅读:Carlos is a ____________. 正确答案是:waiter Carlos loves _________ food. 正确答案是:Italian Carlos works ____________. 正确答案是:in the evenings The restaurant is usually busy __________. 正确答案是:on Friday and Saturday evenings Carlos gets ____________. 正确答案是:holiday pay 听力:Marco is from Italy. 对 Marco doesn’t have to manage the kitchen staff.  、错 Marco often works in the daytime.错 There is a staff meeting on Thurday morning.  对 Marco hates his job. 错 Unit16 At the Doctor’s 在诊所 填空:Painful backache  toothache system medicine Examine ‎ ‎ treatment dosage allergy ‎ ‎ surgery 选择:I am not feeling very well. I _________ the doctor. 正确答案是:need to see Mary ________ a terrible _______in her chest. 正确答案是:has got, pain A: ________ are you feeling?B: I am feeling really ill. 正确答案是:How You ________ go to bed and sleep. 正确答案是:should A: _______ you got a temperature?B: I think so. 正确答案是:Have A: What’s the problem, Mrs Hill?B: My chest ___________. 正确答案是:hurts A: ________________________B: I’ve got a bad cough. 正确答案是:What’s the matter with you? I think I have got _________. 正确答案是:flu He’s got _____________. 正确答案是:a bad cough You ________ go to bed and sleep. You ________ go to work for five days 正确答案是:should,  shouldn’t 阅读:Jim Field can’t sleep well对 Jim Field has got a bad cold.  错 Jim Field shouldn’t smoke.对 Jim Fields shouldn’t have dinner in the evening. 错 Jim Fields needs to go to see the nurse on 10th March对 Jim Field doesn’t need to make another appointment.对 听力:John has got ___________. 正确答案是:a pain in the back John _________work and _________ do some exercises for his back. 正确答案是:shouldn’t, should The woman has got _________. 正确答案是:stomachache The doctor wants ___________. 正确答案是:to examine the woman. Unit17 Celebrating 庆祝 填空:Minute housewarming  musician explain avoid Premission situation couple secret topic 选择:_____________ we go to the supermarket on Friday afternoon? 正确答案是:Shall I’m ____________a list of things to buy. 正确答案是:making Tim says he ____________ make a cake for the party. 正确答案是:is going to A: _____________?B: That’s a good idea. 正确答案是:Why don’t we write the invitations now A: So Mary, you are engaged?‎ ‎ What a surprise! B: Yes. We ___________ get married next year. I ______ you more in a minute. 正确答案是:are going to, will tell I think Guangzhou is different ____________ my hometown. 正确答案是:from ______________ prepare everything today? 正确答案是:Why don’t we A: Do you think London is just _____ busy as Shanghai? B: No, I think London is _________ busy than Shanghai. 正确答案是:as, less Why does he talk to ____________ all the time? Is he OK?  正确答案是:himself I think people in London are ____________ as people in Beijing. 正确答案是:as friendly 阅读:When you go to get a drink for yourself, you should _______. 正确答案是:offer to get drinks for other people in the group You should not talk about________ with new people.  正确答案是:personal questions about family People don’t like the smell of smoke inside, so you should _________  正确答案是:go outside to smoke _______________get drunk at a party. 正确答案是:You should never You say “It was very nice to meet you” when you ________ . 正确答案是:leave other guests 听力:Mary suggests having a  ___________  party .‎ ‎ 正确答案是:housewarming Mary and Xiaoyan decide to have the party _______. 正确答案是:on Saturday afternoon Mary and Xiaoyan decide to have a barbecue _________. 正确答案是:in the garden The barbecue starts about ________ and finishes at _________. 正确答案是:1.00 pm, 5.0 pm After the party, Mary and Xiaoyan may (可能) _________. 正确答案是:go out in the evening、 Unit 18 Review and Assessment 复习与测试 选择:I’m a nurse. I work _______ David ________the same hospital.  正确答案是:with…in --Where do ______ live? (*)-- ______ home is in London. 正确答案是:they, Their –What is your job? 正确答案是:an -- ________ like to have a coffee? (*)-- Yes, please. 正确答案是:Would you What's the weather ________ this winter?  正确答案是:like A: I have got a pain in my chest. B: You _______ see the doctor. 正确答案是:should Pam will not come to our meeting next week. She ___________ in France from Monday till Thursday.  (*) 正确答案是:is staying This watch is ________ that one.  正确答案是:as expensive as ________ people are coming for the party? 正确答案是:How many He is a ‎ good student. He never ______ late.  正确答案是:comes 阅读:自己做!!!自己做!!! 翻译: A: Are you free on Thursday? I’d like to discuss the new flat with you. B:                                 .(星期四可以。)正确答案是:Thursday is fine / Thursday is OK A. Which of these two                               (你更喜欢)? B: I prefer the green one. 正确答案是:do you prefer / do you like better A: __________________________________________ (天气怎么样)in London today? B:  It’s cold and it’s raining.  正确答案是:What’s the weather like A: Can I speak to Sally, please? B: I’m afraid _____________________(她外出了). 正确答案是:she’s not in / she’s out __________________________________ (谁负责)advertising? 正确答案是:Who is responsible for

