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国家开放大学电大专科《综合英语(2)》2026-2027 期末试题及答案(试卷号:2159) I Olrcttlons: I Vocnbufar) & Siructurr) Bclicalh etch of the following senUritcete thcrr an? hinr rbolccs murkrd A. Ik C and I). ClMMc Ibc one lhat best coinpivltm the Kcntcncr. Murk y«ur ufKwcr The homeless couple ________ IM*1 in finding n lint to rent# A. mnniiged H did C. linuhcd D ・ succeeded The Bentencv ihould reade *The homcks> couple succeeded at hz irt hndifiK A flni to rent. * I hrrrlare. you nbould choose I h I. Thr box wn» eo heavy that kt wan diffieult for the did lady to Hr A ・ rite H* Hh C touch IX reach ,• T hr knife you nrc cuitinx the bread with t* jUiurds,Hi er I A. mndr by H- mftdc from G made o( D ・ mnric in 3. I Ir ptoMCfited her n bunrh much lc»si H. Home mure C fnr mnre [k lur 1ca« 10. He wurk^ ( coniplcic rwch convrcMiUon > i^lny the Kcntcnce* HCIOM. Murk your answer on the ANSWER SHEET. (20pointji) Exitrnplt4! Ohtlrxik. Joni Mitrhrll i» in tnwi^ Whit? Shr #n one of the yrcMtrnt folk sn-v* hi the world| A> Whu thttH 11 vr never hvurd of hrr. Ik SunsTm in tok. Join Mitchell I,in town, Who 'A that7 / nrvet hfard uptrr. Whm thut? Shd cine of tin grc get her HUfricihinK ihnt shr *II like It lki yem know if 血 i* emninx i<> I hr party tonight? WrlLinkr yowr time. lxx>k around and rnnybt? yt>ufll Re! Innpirr4f 12. Lauf niitht I vw iiwnkrnrci by a loud rrn、h in the kitchen. A. Thm、vxttrily what it WAJU IL Yau tnuRt hnvr been Nc/irc. C- Til go tu visit him now< 14. - WhalS thtr manerwLt?c9 You look kind of drprMMed. A. Wdl.it might rnm tomorrow. K Oh« I nlwayw frr! n little down during the holidoyF< C ・ l)(d you go io srrr the docior.then? 15. I*vr been trying to cull you since Sunday night JHH there was TMJ answer. A< My phone was out of order- I didrt * t reelin it until this rnorninR. FA. f)ito tell you the 1ruth< tk Coma OTU Do you think this kind of story really surpnsv me? C- h wna (un.bnt hr vt ly nnd the y arc nvil vnluc Inr thr monry. IV Ynuad hr tier not count on tnr for the pArty. 「Thz g heniitiful. It 100 prrvciH WIM)L 2U ・ l)o you kniAw if there m M vending mucbtnr in thir building^ A* < >hnnc» there urc four choices m>nktMl At Ih ( Mild IK ChntiM? the IK^I onr mid murk your mister nn I he ANSWER SHEET. (20p<>ln<«l Mtss Ehm kept the little hnkrry on th entnen Two or three times n wrek• who hnd n cuMotnrr in _21,h,・ IM^AH to tnkr AH inicrcMt. Hr wm n tnuldlr nged niAn 22 ijirt t.urlr-^ nnil .t brown brdnl Hr wjxik^ I with a ( irrnmn oerrnt. clnthi wr” worn atul wrinklrdt Bui hi lookvil nviit A nd Z3 very goud fihinnrrHa Kr nlwny* iwr> hvivt of nalr hrvacL Hr never zlud for myihiriR _ 21 _ id 小 b 心 djit <《E n lot IrMM thnn [心 h hrrnd. Oner Mim Eheri _____25 a red nnd brown »uin on hit flngm She »ure ih«i he waj* un .iriist 4ml very poor No dauht he !ivr<| in an nlliri where hr puinird pie!uro ind ate ,,山, bn .id nnd ihinight of the good thttiRM 26 eal in the bakery. ()ftcn when Mt” Fhrrt 网 1 down to her evening menl .*he would 5igh onil wish the ortKf rniKht her Inod 27 of eating hi,dry breaiL Onr day thr custntnrr mtnr in HMLIIII nnd Attkci! (or hi ・!%tolc brcAtL A ・ thr ^urldrn nui^r al the lire rngine tundr hmi hurry h> the diHjr< Mi” Kbrrt J9 th< opportunity. She cut cnch of the luavc# with ■ kmfv.insertcd jiomi- liunrr and.when thr riKtcunrr 二坦 .*hr wn* putting them intn i p«|>rr h*幻 2L A< wh who tri 1). that 22. A. in K with C. nf Ik lor 23. A. been K wa» ( ftccnicd I), had 21 . hut K while C rhe 11 from 25. Ai lUKitird Bt noted (• noticrd l>. knrw 2( A. arwl fl ta C. for IX u(f 27< A. enough B. rn«trnd ( in spite I). 1 ack 28. A. as B. Hl ( -meh IX by 2th At Mnvrcl Ik borrow rd (匚 Hcued I), plnnnrd 30. A. r.in dwny K mood up ( jumped up 11 turned round | . hirccthinAi Kuch of lhe p“zi 炉 bdu* h followed h y «ome questions For each question there arc fnur UIKWCTM niwrkcd A .H■厂 mid l>. Rcud the passages cnrrfully and choo>c the bcM answer to «ich <>f the quc^linnu Mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEE I'.(20p<»inl%) Qu 函 31~掠 are ba$fd on thffollamnK paswgr. Fhfirrcnt cnuntne* nnd iliffrn nT race> hnve diffrrrnt manners Bcfnrr enh ring n hodKr HI sonic Asian countnc*< it is of *jood mzmnrr^ t(» tnkv ofl vaur Mhoe«< hl European countries even though whers Mjmriinir% broorne wry muddy • this is noi dunr< A in “ ( hint sv house Hometitncft does not finish n drink. IIc Irav^ n little• (o whow thiit hr has had rnciugh In A M/ilny hou*caontA gnrM alwnyn Icnvcrt n httlr ford> In Englund>A H1^^! olwhyM ImiMhr* n drink to , hciw that hr enjoys H. We Nhnuld like tu (tnil thr cuntomn ol other niccikt no thnt they will no! (hnik u» ill> m not ublr< Hr in nlwnyn kind rilhrr to people(>r nnitnah. When people ar* wwifinH for n bu>< or in A po>« office lir hnrR up tu wntt lor hi* turn, hi thr huMt he given hm »CA1 to Mti ohlef per non or 小 hcly who 、侦 nd,n* h he ncridcntrtily bump» into someone• or »ct in their wayr nn older nnd he dot41* not down until thr other prrw>n m M-atrd Ur dorn not tnlk tno much nbout himself. Whm rrttingihc ilorn n _____________ . A. in Very tiAeful 11 in iinrircrusiiry ;( m ummponnnt IX docH not menn much 32. A prrum with good rnannert think of . ______________ • A. alhrtM before himnrlf II himncll l>r(orr oihem ( no <>nr hut hiniwrli Ih either* wrll g hiniMelf 33. VV/nr/i o/ th/ >1 true" A wttll niunnftfii *,,”,」uuuily A. * • when ninkniu a rmjurM It rniikc* tin npology for humpinK mio ^omennr ncrHlrnTiilly Ce Mtn where hr In whrn Rpcukihf tu A hdy l>t niAkc rkm tlu irnporiwnrr of ihr l/»w 34. I f ynw uMI nt lu be ur// munnrrfd ♦ _ ■ A. you luugh nt people when they nre in trouble 11 If S all right to npeak with your mouth full ol food ( you sbouid -.tup Honironc whs hr IR i/ilking IX you c/in only «pcnk after flomconv elnc hnn linivihrd tnlknig 35. /Is dt/ffrenl tvunlrtei htvue different munnm_________________ • A. K(KHI to learn to be well-ninnncrcd we nhuuki try tu find out the diff^rvtictn in thr cu%tum^ ("H ••huuld not bt wrung tu gu otit of onceH way to do nriythnig IX learning A btflf! Keep nd limgungc would br helpful 36 I Darr ba^fd on the fallowing paisa^e. Some |K?oplr think thnt ibry hnvc nn anstwer to the troiiblex ol outaniobilc crowding nnhundrrds of pcOpk? rule hicyrk^ to wnrk rvrry cUy. In N《w York (uy• »omc hike riders hnve rvrn fortnr because when htcyvlr ndcr^ THunt IIJIC fhr Hnme hmr^ IIB cnrs< there nn- acc itlrfits* Bike (or a Helfer I Jty led that d there mt aprrbd lanrut more people would unr hihr& But no bn yclr lanc^ hnvr bcm drnwn» Not everyone thinks it A goorl idea. 1IXI driver^ itid KUnit- bturc busiuesMiirn donft like ihr tdm ihry nay that if ihrte in ksn imffie.they will hnvci hirtin«ss< And morr pca l < , .• hiryrlrs ・ fighting tti bicydt? Innesi downtown. J6t Thr ptuph in ihr gnn/p M/ /<|le /r/r « HftUr (>7y ___________________ • A. wnhl to get thr gtivrfnrnrnt、wppuri It Aik nil lhr prtiple U)fry hike% I tlihik they hrtvr thr answer la thr fraubkn of tar ernwehng and dirty nir in Inrgr I). Iknh A and < > h M -m -WRy -rclm £ y ?dr ・ va MX- 3 W M "MTHOHK LL > = 0 一 - h < r > h o v , . 多 M 二 rA < ~ r m ~ s § _ £ Z 7 M S Y • > • Th;=v H ? ・ ; m 二二 wm> m 一二 _ e : 彳 r y = s = • T-三 . 二 v Mv.mm『三 J 二 £ £ 7 M-HM .DM 二 H-k- r = k 7 h? - h , - r rnrs M T v r 3 Mdld nW; 一 T ・ * n ・ x - r y r k £ ・ * L - mpb.」0=』 2 _ x X J ・ f , ~ ■ _____________ ■ • A ・ N r - W r w 二一 ; 『 • ± - y - > - • ■ - h - t * r i 二 m w 3 m = ・ m , 三 ri=M c d d * r n 弓 s s e - - s s S 3 s > — & « 克 » » « A r £ ? 2 . b i u. {Hl 中的大多蚊声休 81 遇过 Kfi 大脑佐小身子曜 H 象条蛭的外堡人向他们走过来 试题答案及评分标准 (仅供参考) 1 . (20%) I.B 6.A k C 7.H 3.n 8 B 1. A 9.(* 5.11 io. n 11. (20WI II. V 12. li 13. H M. B 15 ・ A Ifi.C IU. (20%) 17. B 1 札 A 19. A 2(h C 21. C 22. B 23. 1) 24.A 2§.(・ ZG ・ K IV. (2u%) 27, li 28. A 29. C 30, l> 31. A 32. A .33kC 34,1) 36. B 4G. 1) V ・⑵)%) "I) 38, A 39. A 10. B (答蜜 4 1…定 GR。所拾答案完全*符合何窟.无饵侏馆供•得 3 分业木符合句 «•无小大炯怯 w«.郴 z 分 I 不太符合句・创 mu »佚悄保.ra I 分 f 神舍句 e.句「无法 谟悼 甫。分.甘他情配• 的 WN1I 分.) 粤试岬 IS 41. 1 could ^cl hy :n “urryduy sttuntidn>> hui anything tcchniral WA< dJGcuh foi me TU undvrjit and# 12. Althau«h he knew, n was impostubk s he <.»bjcrnvt > Mr Heinlein 1 purn^t in writing thi ・ novel was to cjutninc every Tnojor belief ol Western culture. 13. There arc many ways to uchievr 山卜 wttlwti! buying cqinpmvnl or |uimag n health club. “• 些人吁愿蜂的堆坐在家里的电网抓前.人宇 45HE,切的 I 持人 边描述 待 2 展示也叫物品.(rkzHbri 45,他们中的大咨数/祢辰谊过快市大 WIVM•玲的外用 Ajfij 他们 U* 的 Iff*. Cdnim> IL itali c 生活中述呻以勉强时付,但任何松木 n 的 m 时我 t«t 很 g 州娜 r. 42. 亦衍 Heinlein X 生知讶,世皿做到客观心 f 研淀的•然曲他创 II 这邱小说的门的汪是 耍 GI 四力攵化中的主昊侑念* 一迎行围作 43, 也整倾到速一点 fl 根乡 H tt. JI! Kir WK 部做的照材•也乍 M 加 AfflNlH + ffi, 4K Sortie people wuulil ml her xit quietly dt luirnr in hotd c4 »!»• 「V rtr nntl watrh N incndly Annaunm 山 MPHK* in itrrn whilr .1 mud< I diRplH|> H. 15. Mojrr of llwm i kiini ihi rxpenrrii r> o( h< m;^ “p|WQ,「kfd l»y c siurr,with largr h<,mk un Mnnll bodies with』n、fm
