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2021 国家开放大学电大专科《英语阅读(2)》期末试题及答案(试卷号:2156) Part 1 Questions 1—10 urv hascd on Passage L (30 points« 3 poinlx each) Passage 1 (1) Over ih. y—r when he was working our his Law§ of Motion and his theory o( gravity* Newion rnndc important contributions to other aspects of science. A major ouxeome of his study of light« for example, wns (2) dig 妇 y that white light could br brokrri up ( by passing it (3) across a prism) into the colors of the rainbow. .Anothrr achievrinrnt which has been of enormous value to later grncrations of scientists (4) were the design of a nrw type of telescope• which used H curved mirror (5)instead n lens to gather in the light. By thr age of fifty# however< bis main scientific work was finished and he had become x Member of Parliament, reprenenting (6) the Cambridge Univenuty (which, like Oxford University, was allowed at tha: time to elect its own MPs). Not long niter the (7) pubhc of * The Pnncipia '. he had a nervous breakdown• but recovered to cominuc in public service fur more than (8) thirty yean He had never married ondt in his old nge< was looked after by one of his nieces. He had always had a reputatiun (nr (9) bad-tempered and argumentative• particularly when he felt other jtrienrists wanted to claim a share in his ideas> In 1727. Newton died ( 10) on rht 皿「pf ExhLy fiv 巳 He was buried in Wcntniinstcr Abbey> Alexnndcr Pop— A well known poet• wrote of Newton; eNature and Nnture's laws lay hid in night: Gori mid e Lrt Newton be!' and nil was light.' In Passage 1 • there arc »lt<»gctlwr 1() mistakes, which arc numbered and underlined. Nuw correct the errors^ Write yourun the An^cr Sheet. 3 1 ■ 6 1 8 9 Part || QutMinns 11—20 are ba^ed un Ptt^agc 2. (30 pointst 3 points each) Pnssagc 2 ( Al CHl^NIJ)NGt 28• found a job after graduating from college:* doinx marketing for 」company in Beijing. Last September, when he saw in the China Yaufh Ns a notice rerruiling volunteers to «o co poor areas to help IOCHI people eradicate poverty• (fi suddenly ^oun«! it WJIM »om(Mhin|( hr rcrtlly wniiTcd !(i do und inimedintrly Applied* Two rnonthii latere (m hrvnnic a rnriribvr <>l ihc IIFM Rroup of volnnicrrit in ihr Poverty ! Poverty Rcliuf Rclny Program WAW l/iunchcd by ihr Chirm YIHIHK Volunircr?i ZSMUUC mtion (CYVA) in onlrr to recruit vulunterr^ (rain nil wnlkfi uf life tu work in poor rncn、nnd Mhare thrir vxprrirrivc in rduc/Hione rnedicmci Rcicncc nnd vcchnoloKy. Enrh ((roup of inluntrrr^ pntn in nnr yrnr of nervier 「、VA WK,fnunrk-d tn I9M1 • nirned ii niutivnling younw ptioplc to provide volunfary ^fvice lor the publn grxjd. AR fhr (irMt nnd liirMc-i! (HK^nixution of its kind in Chhui. it hns hra(l An cxtennlvr trnpAct on torlnl wclfnrr progntrnM in China. The Poverty Rehr! Relay Prugrnm wn< cancnved in J urn* of 1996 w when tlir TYVA InvrthMHtrd Mrvrrnl rurnl rountirn in northern (%hmo And linnlly rhom Jingle AA the firnt t«»Uri hir I hr progrunb In Srptrtnbr ft A naiicr u> recruit voluntrrfA wa» pulilnhed tn Mtveral nrw-ipiipcru. rr(|uiring pnrtinpnnK IQ hnvc an cducntinnal level highrr than juninr college mid qunliluntion> for rdur«iionnl> or mrdicaL ur technical worlu In Additione volunterri had to hflv< ihnr rnqilnyrr* 1 upprov/il fur A yrnr1 l<-av< And A tfuar/intcr of being ublr In rmunir rrnph»yinrnt rtftrr A yv/ir1 » M-rvur> lUunlly. ihrw vo|tint< cm IIAVC their %alnry AiKprmlcd iHHil thi y rrtinn. Tu dir «n?ni lurprinr of the ('YVA. I heir HCIA rrvrtvvd • henvy rrKpon wftrr rrAciiiiK lhe noliccM A. To d(i tnfirkctlfiK for the cornpnny. K To mk («)r one y need________________, • A. to be from poverty iuncken &reas B. to be university graduates C B have the approval of their parents Di to have had one yeMrft experience working tn poor an 16. Which of the following sutemefit» is TRUE according to the pAMMue? A. C«i was forced to join the Poverty Rehef ReUy ProRnm by his company. £L The Poveny Relief Relay ProgrAm was hunched by Shnoxi Province governmenv C CYVA is the second hnrest urgjinixation of ita kind that has had a greA: impact ID China* U The Poverty Relief Relay Program WAS formed in 1996 ・ ■ 17. (、VA reenuted volunteer* for the Powny Relief ReUy Program thmugh . A. radio H ・ newAfMiperN C. TV D. the Internet I8< In thrir onr year *• servirc# the volunteers will __________________. A. have to quit their own jebu l)< pmd by the locnl Kovcrnnicnt reenvr no pay from their compunicA I) br pmd by fhr cornpAnirn they work far 19.1 hr firuhnuR from the -.tirvry by thr Jucal newspaper prove- “wit ___________________ , A. tnnny young people arc fed up with the job,they are doing B. the program 慎 rclativrly unknown to the puhlic C ・ wry few people nrr interested in the program 【). mnny young peuplc nrr willirig to offer »omr help to others 20. I hr brut title far thr pasnaKc could be________________ . A- VoIuniccrA Contribute to Poverty Ralirf Ik Hintnry of ( YVA and Itn Program (L Vdluntrrr^ and I hen Contpanirh How to Find • Jub in linnlr ( ounty Puri ID True or Fahc Qncslh»nH 21 30 urc bused on 1%州好 3. (2() points > 2 polnl% ruch) 炸 3 fhe Biu Apple 山,wna working in a factory in New York(Jty< She moved there n lew yenra ngcu She h,d -Ewn up in M nmnll town with a few people. She liked hrr homrfown< h wa、quict> fhr <>f,ly noik WAN I hr wund of Ringing birdn. «nd nhe was u«rd to hearing that Hound in thr niorning. Sometime she looked up into the sky and could »er it clearly. In New Y(irk> things wrr<* diffcrrnt. The city was full of surprisea< There were mnny tdl buildmg»i 血 could not zs srr the、ky ・ The were alwayi full of AII kinds o( car»> big and smalL They often nindp Hlrwngr rHiifivs# and shr was u»unliy awrtkened by dir »aund of these enra late nt night. I« her Iwruciown# Lil knew almost everyone New York had M lot of people, bin all at fln’E wrri! HtrnngrrH- Many af them did noi seem wry (riendly* LirS hurnotowti wnn very cle/iht but thr MiredU in N1 »rcrn to enre. 丁 hr niibwny WM diny to(x 1 h< firn! umr L>x rode the 〈 h , WIJN |ji«hirnc Liat Ntnycd in hrr room And cried OH hrr firat mghi in Nrw York. Aker “ irw wntks I.” hegAn ro ninko (ricndiit nnd nl^o begun hi ”贮 rlir uiiy in M dilfrrrni wny. She niri people from all over thr wurld< I ht y hnd conic (o Nrw York to nmk< n new li(r (or fhrrnsrlvcM. Sht nnH ninny pouplr during ihor yem nnrl tornt: o( them wrrr more intrrcshng rh«n thr people in her bonitTown. Lu iilso knew lh< rr were mnny nrw things tn l wontlcrful und useful things were ijuifr cheap in the *forvN<( H nmrNe I ix did nnt l>AVr rnouKh tnonry lo liny tuany fhtng>« bin (ull n( excitement A nd oppartunit>% Now nhc knew why people culled New York (w»ty "丁 ht Bin Apple”. Rend PBMMI 衅 3 nnti decide whether the fo)louin|{ vtutcmvnUi arc true or fuhe. Write I for I rue nnd F for Fuhe acnitist the number of each of the t and control the money # ntr firaivil wjfh rhr grcarc^t rc^pret • nnd hnvc fhr Rrcatefct chancr to ron. However, there hnvc br”i rxeepfionju In (?hinn« women of ihv Irnditionnl I Ini minority hold powrr in thr Urnily urul thr community. In fUlh ItidonrMin* wornrri «rr trrntrd with Inr grcAfer rrspcc t than in other tradninnAl iiocietirji in Anin bccAUhc of their inipartuncc in ccruin religion* duties Hnt thc« «rr only exceptions (irnernliy women werr under thr dominntiun of nirri over hjHtory. A wornun z tn dirt! RH nirtiplr pORnrAftion nnd I hr regpoiiHiljility al her father or male rchtivrw. She enn not vote nnd can noi m^kr any drti^on ol importnneet inrludintf whn to fturry, Evrn tnMO tuillrd rnudtrn conn tries >uch England nnd the United Stalest thr ^niiihn ihingi wm ・ quit<( romnion at the hrK>nnrng of the twrnticlh century. A wumnn who niurnni and nny foriunr she mighT hnvc hll into the hnndji of her himhimd. A woman could not vote nnd had little chance of attending univershy or getting any }ob of importance thnt mi-hi be held by a m ・ n If is only in the 1 心 1 100 years that there hnn been a shift for women、rolc^ People hnvc Htopprd lu conMtdrr nnd <|ursHoi)thrsr rulrnt ihinkinK Bun they niighi rhunge. NowAdnyn. women could Inku Iniger roles irt govrrnnirnt and participate niurr in higher cducAtinn. geitinu the degrees nnceriunry far thr highest paying johiu A 、 womrn pro( Instead a( 6. bridge University 7. publlCAtHHI 8< thirty years 9. being bad-trmpcred and argumcritAtivr 10. At the agr of eighty five Part || ( 30 points. 3 points cuch) IL A I2.C 13. B 1 t.C 15. B 16. r> 17. B 18. C 19. D 2(h A Pari ID I 20 piinKr 2 points esich) 2LF 22. T 23. T 24. T 25. F 26osse«ision and is the rnfiponstbility ol her father or mole rdativcse 34. 100 yvar« ago. 35. A a society• we should give women the respect anri opportunitie5 they deKrrvc. 时.可•一份鼠■作 I. 分有 10 ifle.ai 小分.箕 ttm 分.it•号誓上小・做对拇 3 NI 不■分. 3 分 18 答问■全函正不,定写,考答•哓个-骨•股达正■.氏珂及坏点 2 分 回答比虢全■.«个羽 iftflLHiK. 1 » 剧害不全■•有技*的遣故 。分 全■谀•号间■■大关系. 的于字母*时.大小号等螺保.村妙加。・ 5 分.5 谊 111(什扣分不符始过 5 分・ 2. 弟二部分有 K>i|■•例小题 B 分.兴计 30 分,修•号害*闻@・<4 小 H 做附用 3 分.* ■不用分. 3. 第三邮分有 2il 正谖胃小分.共计 20 分.技宴俺@・钳小庭版财 僧 2 分.■■不何分. n sianss.M 小略 i 分.共计小分.值耶分 H 件评分由席 得分 j iir« 4 分 同杼向 H 金 ifiiE■《不一定与,兮在关充佥一独.菱讫正■•靖 H 反环戌 祥号令 ■正・>. 3 分 2 分 ■善不•金■.有少・的(8 床・ 0!. 1 分 网移不全画.有救事的诵隹■侵. 一一 0 分 全错误.与同 48 瑟无关系. 甘亍字每拚写.大小写与精误.每疑扣。・ 5 分.5 道毯累计扣分不 5 分.

