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国家开放大学电大本科《英语教学理论与实践》2024-2025 期末试题及答案(试卷号:1366) Met ion I t ihwlc rbeorics and Principles M poinli QueMhm,1 —20 arc based on this (met IHmtkms Cboote the best amwrr Cmtn A. B or C for each qucMiotv Write your aiuwcr oa th* Answer Sheet L Which ol the following belongs to behavionBm* A. Ux of native languasr in learning. R Prabktn solving tasks> ( Pattern drtlliu Z Which of ihr lollowmH methods doe> not tolerate errors9 A. The AudtohnfuAi MrthcxL K Thr ComtnunioiBve Approach* C. The Direct McthocL 3. Which of the (dllowtnx *hould mo>t concern u» when designing a sylhbus? A. Needs of the lejimers* K Inclu o( the IrarnerB- C. Wants of lhe Irarnerik <.Whit »ylbbun doc, thr following prr^etH” Unit I To be Unit 2 There br— Unit 3 Simple present teriAr Unit I Third j>er>un nmgular Unit 5 Present conlinuous Unit 6 To have A. Structural AylUbuw. K Topic sylhbu*. Ce Functionjii ^ylUbusL 5, Whai Approach trenu thr student* a» • whole pernon. with feelings nnd rmetions^ A. The NftturaJ App 心 ch ・ K I hr ( nmmunientive Approach. C. The Humnni>fic /ppronrh< G. Which uf the following activities is coinmunicativc? A. JiRMw listeninK* Ik Scntrncr mMkitig. C< cxcrriMnu 7. In which t>( the following f ivitirw duen ihr irH< hrr tnainly play thr rnlr ol n pnoniptrr? A. ( )rg/mixe ihv ^tudrnl* to do nctivnirs by xiv”w inAtructionx. B. Chnng<- the pnee of the uln、 by viinoii^ rnrnn5. (• Elivit idenh from utudcntn- H. Which n( the following belongs to the communicative opproach? A. Focun cm AcrurAcy. B< Foeuon {lurncy< C Focud on MtrulcKics. 9. Which of thr following «<:ivitir> involve role-plny? A. Use the piciurcn in I hr ”曲 hook, bin cut them 叫.pnntc them on mrd* nnd givr rm h studrnl n diderrni pictum I hrn nnk thr %tuilcntH to nik r.tch otht r whm H in ihrir p)ctiirr« Il The tva< her preparo two ol Mupprd CIIAIOK^^ end hhk* the ntudniK tu work in pnir> tu rnch othrf to complete their ilinli)Kur. ( (>ivc two studentw n curd rr5pccf»vcl> and them to conduct A ilinlogur accordniK to thr inntruction in thr cftrdn< Inwtrurhon^ It Skimmiw C Inlrrrmg. 1 I Whlrh ol the (cillowtng arllviticrt can lie yd M rhe whMgd 哄 mg A. Prrdic ling the •ifory / /Ar EHS enntrnt 口/F,trrt M A. Pre reftdin«. K While C • ISi reading* When A rendct iricu lo the tncnnihK of u new w“rd hsvcil «rh> C ・ Iritrrnrtivc Appronrlh I I hf Inllowing 15 Ir/tin7 Teudiff i " A//rr hsunin^ • a/t /Ar rtlulion^hip between g 9 ?. Whut atf /hr clUUU 心* u/ I hr ^prakrri t(iwar InfcrririK LKtrnmg Inr(lctAil>- 15. To drvrlop ihr 'kill al liateninx (or spcctlic information• the tearher fi»kn student* to (ill tn the bhnkfi with thr thforrnAtion they hear on the tape* Which Btagc of hiitcning cla5> is it at now? A. Pre Ii»teninR< B. Whilr li5trninK> Ifi. Whot whould the trocher iry to avoid when »clcctiiiu liRtrnifig rnntcnnlM? A. 1 hr trxtn scripted #ind rrcorclcd in the nttidia K I hr fextJi with irnplirAicfl concepts hryond the comprchen»ion o( studrntM< ( Thr texu delivered ihrou|(h the ncccnvei other than RP or Sinndnrd Amcncan Pronunciation. 11. Which ol thr following CeAturcsi npoken English? A> It context indrprndrnt. It h 冷 produced with hulc redundancy. C It i> proclurrd with good urgAniX4iti<)n> 1R, What convrrR/iiionnl technique does the 间 lowing convrnntiiori prrsciil? "Jack i SUE . w/iui are yun of it is thr confident« lovely and witty Hnibno> Its nnme means Htreasurr of thehlur color represents th<* wnrrn Its hnir i: like a wnve in the It w 眼 c hello io ihow rhv wnrni wrlcurnr io friends all over the world. I he shape of the Shanghai Expo emblrm(会 敏)was inspired by the Chinvst? chnracter ftt " which nienns M worldM . The emblrm AIAO looks like three people holding hnndx together* symbolizing 《象征)lhc big ol huirunkind Exercisei jutlge wheihrr The Inlluwing iiau-nirnT is trur or fahc According tn the rending nintertal (I) Thr US han host rd the World Exp(i more thftn 10 times« <2> Ihr :4)10 Shnnghni Fxpo will Ja^r「monrhh. (3) I be theme of the London Expo is MBetter city< better hfe". (I)I liiibaci is thv rnasccit of the Shunplwi Expo, which means M(rcAi;ure of the sea"*. [5 • I hert: > an English word *humankind0( r> the Shangliui Expn emhlenu ■ Activity 1 t Pre-reading) (JbjtetTiveh C&Smm orK^ntjraiinn Teaching aid Procctlurc n 2) 3X Tranftition ( how to relate to the lullowing activity) Activity 2 (Rrttdin^) fHijertivrn Clan*r(x>rn orRAnlxAtion I cai hiti« id Trnn^inon ( how to rclnir to thr fonnrr Activity) Pmerdure 2> 3> Transition ( how to rehtr to the Following nenvity) Activity 3 (Post-reading> Objectives Clnssroom organisation 1'cftchmg oid Transition ( how io relnte co the fonnrr activity) Procedure D 2) 3) Backup plan: (1) Predicted problem* (2) P(Msihle Aolutionn 试题答案及评分标准 (仅供参考) Srcllon | | llnsk Ihvoric^ MIKI Principles 本地为 m 选地.共 20 个小踮,总什仙分川地 2 分. LC 2. A 3. A 4. A 5.C 6. A 7.C ». n 9.C Hh A ILB 12.( 13. B 14. H I5. li Ifk B 17. IX, 1, 19 B 20. A Sctlion || ; Lmsn Plan ZL •考答案和评分标准 Acthlty I (PriMTiiding) Objnthi^: to iiciivHti1 »tuckntAv l>rtck«rnunrl knowlcdn^ 浦 tlua world (Inwroom orttankation >(iraup work TenchhiR aid t picliirti or vidrrtH Aoiimcd timet 5 minutvy PriKedurri < I )Lcnd in: iniroducr ibe topic (1 *) I hc tcruhvr prvHcrit^ photos of world expo on the »crrcn with I'PT nnd ftnk* the? ■ HNh’ni— whftt 1 hry l lwii n、k thr ^tudent^ what they knnw AIKHII it. (2) Inviii? Rtuup of students lo report their diMnwicn. Transition« (4) f: "Well, we have many students who like its exhibition^ the money it brings to the host country- and rhe opponunity to communicate with The re$t of the world. You may hnve your reasons for your choice Do you know its history? Now let's come to our text." Activity 2 (reading) Objectives: to train students' ability to get the Apecific infnrnuition from the text Classroom organization: Individual work to pair work reaching aids text-bouk Assumed time: 8 minutes Procedure: Transition (5) Assign the reading ia.sk (I,) (1 continued) MPlease read rhe text and try to find out what is true in the fuHnwing exercine.” Procedure (6) Individual reading《3') Students rra thr teacher enn give the instruction like thi»> °all right• have you finished? Now I'd like you to check your unswerx with your partner to see whether you have different ideas." (8) Feedback (20 Invirc individuBl pairs io report rheir work. Make sure to auk the students to report how they read to get the infarmntion to check whether they read every sentence in each pnragraph. For example, rhe teacher can do like ihis# "Do you have ihc same answers? Good. Can you tdl how you read to get rhe information?M M Yc»t actually we do not need to read all the text • for rxnrnplc wr can find thr information in the second parogrnph by using "US” 45 a key word " Transition! (9) Ts "NGW. we know 心 hintory. I'd like To know whether you like i! (or rhe *amr Activity 3 (Pos(-rcading) Objectives: to associate whst Irnrned from the text with one * s real life and to apply the newly learned knowledge^ and to make comments Classroom orKHni/ntiiHi i Group work reaching aid: multHmrdia Assumed time: 6miniHcs Irunsilion: (.10) Assign I he UHtk (I * > (9 contmued)MH you like it> what)< your ren^on?^ "Whm would you du if yuu bcairnr M volunteer (present the two questions on the scrccri with PPI* to facihtotr student discussion) "Now plrA5c get into groups of four and disrus ihc^e questions^ H Prwcdurcr (H) Group discussion (3') Students work into groups to discuss thr two qutfstions. The tcadirr mwy wnlk araund to iMiue help or parricipotc o hit. (12)Feedback (2f) Invite each group to rr|H)n ihrir disru5sion< Backup plan Prcdiclcd problem, (I) The Htudrnt^ may no! know what thr world expo e especially in unThc? studentmay have difficultg cxprcfi<*ing thru espcctnlly ih()tenUTiont the teacher should keep in mind thr features of your students Make sure to inciiidr those phoiox of the world cx|x> with Chinese . (2)ln that cAse# wc can include wrne information tronnfer and relormulutinn acnvitics before wc ask the Mu
