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英语学科德育渗透案例 尚志小学 魏树森 一.思考问题:如何在英语教学中渗透德育教育, 体现英语学科 的育人价值。 二.案例片段描述:我在教学 Grade 8 Book 2 Unite 8 Why don’t you get her a scarf? 时设计了这样一个片段: T:When is your birthday? What do your parents or friends get you for your birthday? What do you think of these gifts? What’s the best present you have ever received? Can you describe it to us? 学生对这些问题很感兴趣,愿与同学们分享他们当时喜悦的心情. 其中有一个学生这样说到:The best present I have ever received is a computer. My mother gave it to me on my fifteenth birthday. I like it very much because it is very useful for my study. At weekends, I can also search the Internet and chat with my friends on the line. 大部分学生所谈到的他们最喜欢的礼物都来自于父母和家人,但 他们在谈及这些礼物时并没有表达对父母和家人的感激之情。那他们 会不会以行动来表达自己对家人的关爱呢?所以我又顺势问学生: T:Do you know when your mother’s/father’s birthday is? What do you usually do for your mother’s/father’s birthday? Have you ever got your parent a present? 学生沉默片刻,我转化话题 What can we do for parents’ birthday? 沉闷的气氛一下子打破了。学生们踊跃发表自己的见解: get her some flowers, help parents with the housework, buy a birthday cake for them, say “ Happy birthday to you”, try to get good grades , wash her feet and so on. 在布置作业时我设计了一个开放性的任务,回家询问并记住父母 的生日,设想一下在父母的下一个生日你会买什么送给他们,或是为 他们做些什么,并说说你的理由。 三.教学反思:关于父母的生日,大部分学生都不知道。之前也 很少在父母生日那天表达子女的孝心。设计“What can we do for parents’ birthday?” 及设计这样的作业都是通过有效的引导,对 学生进行尊敬长辈,关心长辈的教育。教育学生心中要有他人,学会 关心他人,营造一种爱的氛围。在英语教学中渗透德育教育,体现英 语学科的育人价值。

