外研 初中英语七年级上册Module Unit Weve got lots of apples教学设计

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外研 初中英语七年级上册Module Unit Weve got lots of apples教学设计

Module 4 Unit 1 We’ve got lots of apples. ‎ 教材 ‎《英语》新标准 七年级(上)‎ 课时安排 ‎1课时 教学内容 Unit 1 We’ve got a lot of apples.‎ 教材分析 中学生挑食,吃零食的现象非常普遍,相当一部分学生甚至有不吃早餐的习惯。以“健康食品”作为模块主题不仅与学生的生活实际紧密相关,还可以增进他们对健康食品的了解,培养其健康的饮食习惯。本单元以Betty帮助母亲制定购物清单作为引子,通过谈论家里有什么食物,还需要购买什么食物,很自然引出了本模块的语法项目 “have/has got…”, 同时将健康饮食的概念引入对话内容。句型的训练,也为后面的情感提升 “Have you got a happy life”作了铺垫。‎ 教学目标 ‎1、语言知识目标:(1)掌握关于食物的单词(2)能区分可数名词及不可数名词 ‎2、语言技能目标:(1)能够听懂关于食物和饮料的对话,并通过语调识别出句式(2)能够用have got /has got/haven’t got/hasn’got 表达自己或他人拥有某物。‎ ‎3、情感目标:通过描述自己拥有的美好事物,使学生能够cherish what you have got and work hard for what you haven’t got.‎ 核心内容 Key Vocabulary: ‎ postcard call lie sun line take wait walk…‎ Key structures take photos wait for…‎ Grammar: ‎ be+doing 教学准备 handout, blackboard, E-pen, multimedia 教学过程 说明 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图 Warming-up T: Good morning, boys and girls. Welcome to English class. This module, we'll talk about healthy food, and I bring lots of delicious food here. Look, (show a bag with many kinds of food and drink), do you want to eat? ‎ S: Yes. ‎ Ask the Ss to get ready for the class T: Then, you should guess what I have got in the bag. If you guess right, then you can have it. Please use “Have you got a/an/any…”(Teacher write the sentence structure on the blackboard.) for example. Have you got a banana? /Have you got an apple?/ Have you got any juice? Clear?‎ Several Student ask teacher like this:‎ Student A: Have you got a banana? ‎ T: Yes, I ‎ have. ‎ Then the teacher gave it to the student.‎ Student B: Have you got any juice?‎ T: Yes, I have. ‎ ‎……‎ T: You know, I have got an apple, a banana, some milk, some juice…(Teacher lets student show the food they have got). What about you? Have you got an apple/ Have you got any milk?, Let’s ask and answer like this. ‎ ‎(Show the example on the screen A: Have you got…‎ B:Yes, I have. /No. I haven’t. )‎ All the students have a pairwork in 3 minutes.‎ ‎7 or 8 pairs show their work.‎ Pre-listening T: All of us like delicious food and drink. Look at the boy, (Show a picture of a fat boy on the screen), He likes eating delicious food too. Do you know why he is so fat? ‎ Teacher sums up that the boy hasn’t got healthy diet.‎ S: No. ‎ Students give some reasons, like: He eats too much; he dosen;t do spors; he eats too much candy; he doesn’t eat much vegetables and fruit…‎ Read and learn the new words and phrases ,‎ getting ready for the listening materials.‎ Stimulate the students' thirst for the new knowledge. ‎ Let studnets have a brief idea about healthy diet.‎ T: What about you?Now can you choose for your cookbook? (show some kinds of food and drink in the table). First I’d like you to read the words together like some apples, some bananas, some juice, some chicken…‎ Students read the words together with “some”‎ T: Please choose for your cookbook.‎ Stuents have 2 minutes to tick the food and drink they like. ‎ ‎6 or 7 students show their work like “I have got some…, but I haven’t got any…”‎ T: Now, here is a real healthy diet. Please look and see whether you have got healthy diet.‎ ‎(Teacher show a picture of healthy diet and explain)‎ We have got fruit and vegtables in 35 percent; we have got …‎ While-listening ‎(10’)‎ T: Tony and his dad are preparing their diet, too. Let’s see whether they have got heathy diet. First, listen listen and answer what are they going to buy?‎ ‎(Teacher shows the answer)‎ Listen to the dialogue between Tony and his father and answer the question. ‎ practise the Ss’ listening skills Practice their spoken English T: Let’s listen again and tick what they have got and cross what they haven’t got. ‎ Food and drink meat chocolate apples oranges coffee cola havegot (√)‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ Listen and finish the table. ‎ haven’t got (×)‎ ‎ (Check the answers)‎ T: Can you tell the table like this: Has Tony got any… in his home? Yes, he has. He has got some…/No, he hasn’t. He hasn’t got any…‎ ‎(Show the main structure on the screen)‎ Practice in pairs.‎ ‎7or 8 pairs show their work.‎ Post-listening ‎(15’)‎ T: Just now, all of you have done good job. Now let's play a game called sentence pipe. (Teacher tells the rules of the game, and gives one sentence to the first student of each line) ‎ ‎ ‎ Students in the same line have the same sentence. They will tell the sentence one by one. The last student stands up and tells what they’ve heard. ‎ By playing game, let students learn the main structure and grammar. ‎ Improve Ss’ reading ability Make sure the Ss understand the passage and can retell it.‎ Let students watch the sentences carefully and sum up the sentence structure. ‎ Read and sum up.‎ ‎1.have got, has got表示某人,某物拥有什么东西。否定形式___________, 一般疑问句把______,______ 提前。‎ ‎2. some, any ‎ 既可修饰可数名词,也可修饰不可数名词,区别在于some 用于_______, any 用于_______ 和__.‎ ‎ 2. be bad for意为_______e.g.____ 3. too much 修饰___e.g.__‎ Let students watch the dialogue and imitate. Remind them to pay attention to the pronounciation, intonation and speed Listen, watch and say.‎ T: Please read the dialogue in roles. If you have any difficulties, thet E-pen can help you.‎ Read the dialogue in role and ask the E-pen or the teacher for help.‎ ‎2 or 3 pairs read the dialogue.‎ ‎2 pairs act it out with several missing sentences.‎ 提升性任务 ‎(10’)‎ T: Have a healthy diet is the basis of happy life. And we have got many other beautiful things in our life. Have you got a happy life? Have you got a happy family, a kind mum, a nice dad, a lovely sister? Have you got happy school life, kind friends, nice teacher, beautiful school…‎ ‎(Show a picture about happy life to help the students) ‎ T:Please tell your partner what you have got. For example: ‎ I have got a happy life, I have got a nice husband and a pretty daughter. I have got healthy parents. I haven't got too much money, but I have got my favourite job. ‎ ‎(Show an example of the teacher herself on the screen)‎ T: Comment on students’ work Prepare what they have got Talk about their happy life in groups ‎ ‎4 or 5 students show their work.‎ Make sure students can use the sentence structure to describe what they have got and what they haven’t got. ‎ T: We have got so many beautiful things in our life, please cherish what you have got and work hard for what you haven’t got. ‎ 课堂小结 ‎(2’)‎ Let students sum up what they have leared in this class. ‎ Sum up what they have learned.‎ Review what they have learned in this class. ‎ 情感提升 ‎(1’)‎ Show a poem called what is life like?‎ ‎ Life is like chocolate, it is sweet. /swi:t/ ‎ Life is like coffee,it is bitter. /‘bɪtə / ‎ Life is like a lemon, it is sour. [ ‘sauə ]‎ Life is like garlic /‘ɡɑ:lɪk / ,it is hot.‎ Life is colourful, let’s enjoy it Say the poem together with the music.‎ Emotional promote ‎ 课后反思 这堂课以新的课程理念为指导,充分考虑了学生的年龄特点,在本课的教学设计和组织上注重了以下几个方面:1、实物导入,既巩固预习单词,又很好的导入了新课。2、教法直观,容易接受。在引入新词时,利用实物直观形象,而且具有生活化。3、课堂活动,趣味盎然。在活动中突破难点,在活动中发展能力。本课为了巩固have got, has got的用法,精心设计了sentence pipe游戏活动。充分调动了学生的参与热情。将热闹的形式与有效的语言实践有机结合。4. 最后,将生活与健康生活相联系,既达到学以致用的目的,又使学生情感升华。本堂课很好地贯彻了:在用中学,学中用,学用结合,学以致用的原则。同时体现了以学生为主体,教师为主导的新课程理念。‎ 不足之处:‎ 导入环节,当可适当鼓励学生大胆猜测。当学生无法猜出来时,可以给学生展示实物,然后问 “What’s this?”引到 “I have got a/an…”,而我在这一环节中,处理不够灵活,课堂启动效果不佳;‎ 本节课学生Reading time 部分不是很充分,尤其是重点句子跟读之后,可以先尝试学生模仿,背诵句子,然后过度到语篇。‎ Blackboard design Module 4 Unit1 We’ve got lots of apples 学习目标 Have you got a/an/ any…? ‎ Boys PK Girls ‎

