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一年级第二学期B2英语期中练习题 班级:____________ 姓名:____________‎ 一、 小朋友们,请在大写字母后面写出它们相应的小写字母。‎ ‎1、M ____________ 2、Q____________‎ ‎3、W ____________ 4、J____________‎ ‎5、L ____________ 6、A____________‎ ‎7、E ____________ 8、G____________‎ ‎9、R ____________ 10、T____________‎ 二、 小朋友们,读一读,找出下面单词中不同种类的单词。‎ ‎1、A.boy B. girl C. frog ( )‎ ‎2、A. five B. seven C. look ( )‎ ‎3、A. student B. board C. Young Pioneer ( )‎ ‎4、A. Tim B. Koko C. hello ( )‎ ‎5、A. class B. grade C. name ( )‎ 三、朋友们,Koko 在抄写句子时粗心了。你能帮Koko改正一下吗?注意大小写和标点符号哦!‎ look at the panda It’s fat it’s black and white this is an elephant It is grey it’s big and fat 四、小朋友们,你能写出下面要回答什么吗?根据问句,把下面的答句补充完整。‎ ‎1、Are you Jojo? 6、Can you read?‎ ‎ Yes,I _________ . Yes, I ___________.‎ ‎2、Are you Fafa? 7、Can you dance?‎ No,I __________. No, I ___________.‎ ‎3、Are you tall? 8、 Can you draw?‎ ‎ Yes, I __________. Yes, I ___________.‎ ‎4、Are you fat? 9、 Can you write?‎ ‎ No, I ___________. No, I ___________. ‎ 五、小朋友们,请你们根据情景,选择正确答案。‎ ‎( ) 1、你问妈妈那是什么?应该说:‎ ‎ A、Mum, what’s that? B、Mum, what’s this?‎ ‎( ) 2、老师问你会不会跳,你不会跳,会跑。你应该回答:‎ ‎ A、Yes, I can jump. B、Sorry, I can’t jump, I can run.‎ ‎( ) 3、你告诉你的同学,这头大象是灰色的。应该说:‎ ‎ A、This elephant is grey. B、This elephant is black.‎ ‎( ) 4、你想知道Kate会不会跳舞,应该问:‎ ‎ A、Can you sing, Kate? B、Can you dance, Kate?‎ ‎( ) 5、Kate告诉你那只长颈鹿又高又瘦。他应该说:‎ ‎ A、That giraffe is tall and thin. B、That giraffe is tall and ‎ fat.‎ 六、小朋友们,你们能把下面的单词补充完整吗?‎ ‎1、s m__ __ l ‎2、__ __ o r t ‎3、e l e __ __ a n t ‎4、__ __ a w ‎5、g i r a __ __ e 七、在括号内圈出正确的词,使句子完整。‎ ‎1、I’m Pat. I’m six. I’m a (girlboy).‎ ‎2、The balloon is (bigbag).‎ ‎3、That’s an(pandaelephant). It’s grey.‎ ‎4、That’s a baby. She isn’t a student. She can’t (redread).‎ ‎5、You are (tall ball). Are you Mike? Yes, (I amI can).‎ 八、读一读,判断哪幅图与句子的内容相符在括号内打勾。‎ ‎1. I can’t jump. A.( ) B.( )‎ ‎2. I’m in Class Three,Grade Two. A.( ) B.( )‎ 九、小朋友们,读一读,将左右两边相关的句子用线连接起来。‎ ‎1、Can you draw? It’s a lion.‎ ‎2、What’s that at the zoo? Fine, thank you.‎ ‎3、What class are you in? Yes, I can.‎ ‎4、How are you? I am in Class 4, Grade One.‎ ‎5、What’s your name? I am Kitty.‎ 十、小朋友们,你们能找出句子所对应的图片并给图片填充颜色吗?‎ ‎( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )‎ 1、 That’s a lion. It’s red.‎ 2、 That’s a monkey. It’s black and yellow.‎ 3、 That’s an elephant. It’s big and fat. It’s grey.‎ 4、 That’s a giraffe. It’s tall and thin. It’s brown and white.‎ 5、 That’s a panda. It’s big. It’s black and white.‎ 十一、小朋友们再给下列的图片配话,看图,认真读一读句子,把句子的编号填在相应的括号里。‎ A: Look at the panda .It’s black and white. It’s small.‎ B: What’s this? This is a lion. It’s yellow. It’s fat. ‎ C: It’s a giraffe. It’s tall and thin. ‎ D: This is an elephant. It’s big .It’s grey. It has a long nose.(有长长的鼻子)‎ E: This is a dog. It’s brown and white. It’s thin.‎ ‎1. ( ) 2. ( ) 3. ( )‎ ‎ ‎ ‎4. ( ) 5. ( ) ‎ ‎ ‎

