牛津上海版(深圳)五下《The giant’s garden》练习题1

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牛津上海版(深圳)五下《The giant’s garden》练习题1

Module 4 Unit 12 The giant’s garden 同步练习(A) Ⅰ.看图,把单词补充完整。 Ⅱ.写出下列单词的复数形式。 1.flower 2.bird 3.child 4.sound 5.hole 6.hill 7.door 8.window 9.thing 10.family 11.tooth l2.beach Ⅲ.写出下列单词的第三人称单数形式. 1.live 2.have 3.find 4.build 5.come 6.bring 7.do 8.feel 9.hear 10.knock 11.go 12.cry Ⅳ.读句子,把相应句子的序号写在图片下方。 A.Some children are coming through a hole. B.Miss Spring does not bring any flowers or birds to the garden. C.The giant finds the children in his garden.He is very angry. D.Children like to play in the giant’s garden. V.看图,选择恰当的语句,把序号写在横线上。 Ⅵ.看标识,搭配相应的句子,连线即可。 1.A.Welcome you! B.What’s wrong with you? C.Get out! Get out ! 2.A.It’s hot here.1 want an ice cream. B.It’s cold here.Where’s Miss Spring? C.What a mess ! 3.A.I don’t like the giant. B.We should invent a machine. C.I’d like to drink some coffee. 4.A.Hooray! Miss Spring is here! B.Let me have a look. C.I’m afraid of the flowers. 5.A.Miss Spring,have a good rest. B.Don’t wait until tomorrow. C.Children,you can play in my garden any time. 参考答案 ·A.No fireworks. ·B.Don’t eat or drink. ·C.Keep quiet. ·D.No swimming. ·E.No entry! Ⅰ.l.giant 2.wall 3.garden 4.hole Ⅱ.l.flowers 2.birds 3.children 4.sounds 5.holes 6.hills 7.doors 8.windows 9.things 10.families 11.teeth l2.Beaches Ⅲ.l.lives 2.has 3.finds 4.Builds 5.comes 6.brings 7.does 8.feels 9.hears 10.knocks 11.goes 12.cries Ⅳ.l.D 2.C 3.B 4.A V.1.C 2.B 3.A 4.A 5.C Ⅵ.l.--E 2.--A 3.--B 4.--C 5.--D

